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Realistic or Modern Bad Boys, Good Lips ♥ {closed for the moment}




I did feel bad that I couldn't remember much from last night, I checked my phone and remembered I had a long walk to History. "I'm not mad, I guess I'm sad BECAUSE nothing happened" I gave him one last glance them closed my locker and headed to class.​




"Huh. Guess she did," I say, scratching the back of my head again. Fucking psychological ticks. I stuck both of my hands in my pockets. Luckily everything I did was kind of a tick; it was hard to stop moving. "I'm sure that doesn't make you happy," I reply smoothly. I mean, I was an only child. I wouldn't really understand but I could imagine if Axel was anything like Jay or Lynx then he would be protective. Avoid shit. That was my motto. Unless of course, it was necessary. Then again, I'd never really seen a compassionate side of Axel. Another tick of mine, I searched my pockets for my phone but realized I'd lost it at the party yesterday. Damn, and I gave Winter my number. I would definitely have to go out and buy a new one later.




"You know... I wasn't planning on it but walking the hell out of school right now sounds really nice. Were you thinking about it too?" I ask Jin with a smirk. Maybe we could go find something to do instead. Truth be told, I wouldn't do it alone either. Not because I was afraid of getting in trouble but because me leaving the school by myself and doing something else for the rest of the day would have as much satisfactions as sitting around in a class and sleeping on my desk. Besides, it's a chance to make a new friend. I mean, I knew Jin but that didn't mean we knew each other all that well. The guys seemed pretty cool. He wasn't a prick so far like most of the other guys I hang out with so that's a plus.

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Della Sloane •


I watch as the girls inspect the burns. Both of them have known since I was fifteen that I've been hurting myself this way, and I didn't want to be a cliche teenager and cut myself. So I started smoking, and using the lighter to burn myself.

When Winter leaves I pull my sleeves back down and take two pills "oh, you know how I am after Lynx f*cks with my head. It just so happens this time was a lot worse" I tell Lola quietly as I take another drink of water and link my arm through hers "wanna leave today? I have Smirnoff in my purse" I used to ditch class with the boys until my grades started going down. So I deserve a day off after two years.

Jay Sloane •


I raise an eyebrow as she begins to walk away but grab her hand to stop her a minute "hey now just wait a sec" I hand her a piece of paper with my number on it then give her a quick kiss. "There. Now you're good. So don't be late"

As I'm looking for my friends. Anyone but Lynx. I find Axel and throw my arm around his shoulder "sup man, where were you last night ya loser" I feel myself roll my eyes. "I bought a bunch of weed from Lynx last night so how about we ditch and go smoke it somewhere?" I look at him and Miles with a grin. They both knew getting high was my thing. Has been since I was twelve.


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I heard Miles and my brother talking and glanced down at my hands, they were full in shaking. I quickly shoved them in my pockets after throwing my bookbag over my shoulder and walking towards the door. I felt sick right now and like I could collapse at any moment I really don't think I could stick around.

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"I mean it all really depends... If I trust the guy small maybe but the guy who did that probably just wanted some fun for the night, to just kinda toss her like trash the next morning." I answer Miles question looking over at my sister I don't notice her hand shaking and but then I see her run out. I think about running to see if she's ok but then I hear Jay and I smirk.

"Let's do it you giant stoner, I need to blow off some steam"

@Stamper @Dannygirl900



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My eyes watched as Winter fled. Damn it. I couldn't just run after her but I wanted to talk to her. I wasn't the type to simply ditch a girl after one night but I wasn't really interested in being tied down either. Still, I had to say something. When Jay walked up talking about smoking weed, I almost thanked him. Perfect. "Actually, I was supposed to meet someone this morning before school starts. I'll go do that then catch up with you guys." I strode away heading in the direction Winter was headed. Making sure we were far enough away from Axel, I reached out and grabbed her arm. "Hey, are you okay?"


Seokjin Park

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.e3a57bf3c29440f2a5d79641734fbcd7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77097" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.e3a57bf3c29440f2a5d79641734fbcd7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"I don't know, but anywhere is better than here. I seriously can't handle school today" I say and rub my temples before putting on my hood. There was some talk about maybe throwing another party later, so I seriously wanted food, coffee, and to do something fun without worrying about what the others were doing at school. Fuck, my brain was already dead. "Fuck it. Let's just decide on the way" I say and turn on my heels. I was not going to be standing in the middle of the parking lot for awhile. Plus Conner seemed pretty chill. He wasn't a total jackass. Maybe the possibility of making a friend wasn't so bad. I rubbed the back of my neck before turning around to look at Conner. "The park? Food? Anything sound good Conner?" Honestly I wanted to get food and hang out at the park without much worry. Though suddenly he noticed that slowly kids were starting to slip out as well. Ah, well that meant more kids to get caught.



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"Della, what the fuck? You have to stop letting Lynx get to you, you know he's an asshole," I say, shaking my head. I can't believe she's still hurting herself over him. I'm definitely gonna have a talk with Lynx about this. And I don't know where Winter ran off to, she gets emotional about these kinds of things.

Then Della says something about ditching. I honestly don't like skipping, I have grades to uphold, but I feel like my friend needs me right now. And what's one day gonna hurt? "Okay, let's do it," I say, giving her a small hug. "Let me go put this shit back in my locker though. I'll be right back, don't leave!"

I walk out the bathroom and head down the hallway to my locker. I open it up and throw all my shit in. Suddenly, I spot that Blue chick, walking down the hallway holding hands with Jace, another one of my brother's friends. Wasn't she just with Cal last night? Now she's with Jace? Ugh, how did she get so lucky? And what the hell is Jace doing at school? Isn't he like, older?

"Hey you," I greet her with a small wave. "And what are you doing here?" I ask Jace.

@kawiibunnygirl @Dannygirl900 @Of the Red

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Miles caught me by suprise, I jumped slightly. "I-I'm fine" I kept my back to him, no one looks good crying in my opinion. "Sh-shouldn't you be with Axel?" I pulled my shaking arm away for him and tucked my hands into my pocket still not yet turning to look at him.




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I think about it for a couple seconds before shrugging my shoulders."Yeah I'm in, it's not like I can't always catch up in my school work." It's true I was always able to catch up pretty quick seeing as if I already know the material.

"We can take my car to where ever. But I'm kinda hungry honestly." Looking at them I shrug."I'll pay let's just go to McDonald's or something."


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Della Sloane •


"I guess I'm just a bit f*cked up" I tell Lola and nod when she says she has to put a few things away. "Oh I won't be going anywhere." I hold up a cigarette and climb on the counter to open the window.

After she leaves I close my eyes tightly, lean against the wall and take a long drag from my smoke. None of the teachers bust me for doing this because I have evidence of them doing the same thing in the staff room.

Jay Sloane •


I sigh "man, just text him we'll be at the park because I really need to light up" I look at Axel with a small smirk. "Come on man" I give his arm a little tug and begin walking.

The park isn't too far so when we arrive I sit on one of the benches and look around before putting the joint between my lips and lighting up. After taking a long pull from it I hold it out to Axel.

@Ash Boogie @Rocket
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c a r s o n

n e w m a n


As I walk through the school, I figure that there isn't really anyone who wants to associate with me. The red head I spoke with last night... Val, she's nowhere to be seen, so she either goes to a different highschool or just skipped. I walk around a little more and notice a group of guys that were at the party, but they're with someone new. I don't recognise him, so he must not have been at the party, the group leaves, like a flock a birds, or a pack of wolves. Its quite interesting to watch the boys when they go places. Anyways, I saw everyone who was there, at the party, whether they were passed out drunk on the floor, or sucking faces with a chic, I saw
everyone. It helps to have such a photographic memory, you can remember what people look like, but I have such a hard time remembering names. I continue to walk when I finally just decide to ditch, I couldn't handle anything today after last night. I turn on my heel and begin to walk to my car.

(carson has such little to no action between anyone shes so awkward)

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I took the joint from Jays fingers a brought it to my lips taking a deep breath and blowing out "so how was the party last night? Meet any babes?"




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"Alright!" I say, clapping my hands together and following him out of the school. "Sounds great." When he mentioned food I had to admit it did sound like a good idea. Food was always a good idea. Yes, food, the love of my life. "How about we pick up some food and take it to the park? If you want, I'll buy," I offered. The park wasn't far and neither were places to eat. I could leave my car there and no one would be the wiser. I wouldn't doubt that we would see a lot of other people there too. I don't think I'd ever met anyone who likes school.​



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I wake up and relies im late for school. I get in my car, though i had a pounding head ache. I start it and start to drive to school. I arrive in the front and park , getting out and grabbing my books. I sigh and walk in, i wasn't necessarily great at making friends. And seems how it was my first day it wasn't going to be easy. I walk up to the front and walk in making my way to my locker.​



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c a r s o n

n e w m a n


Just as I was walking to my car, I hear a voice chime up behind me.
"Um... excuse me. Can you help me?" She said, I turn around and reveal a girl standing behind me. "Sure," I smile at her, "What do you need help with?" I was a helpful person and it was great to actually speak to a person today, since yesterday I hadn't had any human interaction, only my pets.

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(How about my character was on a drug run or something? So he and I know nothing ok?)

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I slowly wake up on a ripped mattress. My head hurts ahh fuck. I reach over to a small bedside cabinet with my phone sitting on it. I pick it up and check my messages. None. I then got to Lynx's name and send him a message: Gotta talk

I then get up and pull on dark jeans, boots, dark t-shirt and leather jacket before putting my butterfly knife in my pocket. I slip the phone in my pocket and walk out if the small dingy house down towards a diner.​



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Blue Sevengy

I tried not to notice how close me and Jace were and how he switched out hand positions so we were standing side by side and his fingers were intertwined with his, I really did. But apparently , all my efforts were in vain because a slight pink blush tinged my cheeks. Ugh-how are you doing this to me, Jace Adams ? I was heading to my first hour, AP English when I caught sight of Lola-I met her last night at the party-and slowed down. Using my unoccupied hand to flash the peace sign which is how I was taught to greet people, I smiled, " Hey yourself. Nice too see you again. A familiar face is always appreciated ". And then she spoke to Jace and I caught on to how much of a slut I looked like right now.

@kawiibunnygirl @Ash Boogie



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Seokjin Park


"Nah, let's just split the bill" I said simply as we began to walk. Conner honestly was pretty cool and I had no problem actually hanging out with him. Truthfully we both were a bit quite and it seemed we didn't have much social experience. Though it didn't seem to matter much. We were a couple odd guys to do what we did, but that's what makes us special I suppose. "Where do you want to grab some food?" I asked once we were out of the school zone. It was totally a different feeling, at least to me it was. I didn't feel like I was trapped by the rules, and I could easily live normally. I stretched my arms above my head and looked at the girls who walked past us. Parties were always fun. You met people that really would surprise you. The shy guy you see at the back of the class might end up being some fucking chick magnet. While the band nerd might be pretty damn sexy once she is in her party clothes. A lot of people smoked, but I rarely did it. Always left a sour taste in my mouth. The only time I really smoked was when I ran into the herbal hippies that always sold their natural cigarettes at the parties. Yeah, I could handle those occasionally.

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I finally find my locker and put everything in it. Including my vapor pen but I put it in my pocket not locker. I sigh as I close the locker door.
(Yes, yes I will go to the diner and you won't stop me xD )

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I walk into the diner just getting a coffee to go. I wait while my coffee is being made thinking about how much money I had earned last night. It was a shame I had missed the party but I would pick 10k over a party. I take the coffee and leave. I walk down the small steps and walk towards the park. I take a few sips and through the shit coffee away. I enter the park but wait at the gate and slip out a packet of cigarettes. Being the 6'3, 200lbs of muscle I am I scare off anyone wanting to go into the park. I smile while lighting a cigarette. I breath it in the exhale a stream of smoke sighing with relief. The tobacco gave me a good buzz.​



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I shook my head as I fumbled across the hallway, slinging my backpack from my shoulder. "The hell happened last night?" I whispered to myself as I reached my locker. "Chemistry first, and then Computer Programming..." I sighed, "Great." I wasn't a huge fan of Programming of any type, but I have to tell you, my chemistry skills were legit.
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I shuffled my feet, not sure what to do. Did something happen? "Nah, he went to go smoke weed with Jay. I don't usually do that stuff anyway." After a few more moments, I sigh. I'm not really the comforting type and it probably was very awkward to the point where it might of made her feel worse but I lightly patted her shoulder. "It's alright." I don't know what it is, but that usually makes people feel better right?

"Did you want to go chill somewhere?" I asked. Again, I searched my mind for what made people feel better.​

@ShadowMoses [/center]


"Yeah, we did," I tell Jace. "That was a pretty fun party, right?" I ask Blue. I don't really know her like that but she seems cool. And maybe her hanging with Jace is a good thing, now I can have Cal to myself. Well, If Lynx doesn't kill me first. "How did you two meet anyway?" I wonder and he's tell me how he almost hit her with his car. I just chuckle cuz that totally sounds like him. I eye Blue up and down and notice she looks nervous, just standing there. I know she's new and all but I just hopes she's careful around this group of guys. Especially Jace, he's older and definitely has a reputation. "Well I'm about to get the fuck outta here. You guys should totally swing by the park though, everybody's probably gonna meet up there." I quickly wave bye, then make my way back down to the bathroom where Della is. "You ready to ditch, bitch?" I laugh, pulling her out to the hallway.


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"Suit yourself," I say with a shrug. It didn't really matter to me either way. We didn't speak all that much but I liked it. Felt like we were cooler that way. All I needed were some shades and I'd be set. When he asked where we should go eat, I thought about it. "Any fast food place," I answered. They had cheap food and it was pretty good for being a heart attack pushed between two pieces of almost-bread. It may have sounded gross but the more fattening the food, the more I enjoyed it. "Have any preferences? There's quite the expanse of options here." Two girls passed by as I spoke that most would have considered attractive. I barely glanced in their direction. I wasn't that all into girls unless it was merely for pleasure. And it was a little harder for one to get me to like them than with most people. But, some were still hot enough for a one night stand. And no, I'm not batting for the other team despite what some people believe, I just find there's more interesting things...

Like weed and cheeseburgers.​


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I then feel my phone vibrate. Finally that gay fuckboy replied. I take out my phone and grin. I don't reply but stride through the park. As I walked I could tell people were afraid. They stepped off the patch when the see me coming, fuck this is great having people move outta the way.

I leave the park and walk towards the McDonalds. The McDonalds quickly comes in sight and I walk in. I can't spot Lynx so I wait in line. I hadn't eaten at all today so I was pretty hungry.​



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