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Realistic or Modern Bad Boys, Good Lips ♥ {closed for the moment}

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I turned and nodded "ok sure" I wiped my eyes and smiled "hey, do you have a cig?" I don't usually smoke but it helps calm me down.




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I yawn in class, I was bored as fuck. I walk out without asking and leave the school taking my vapor pen out and blowing rings. Putting it back in my pocket I walk around a little. Every now and than admiring someone else's graffiti, it was every where. I sigh and keep walking, singing along to the music that I was now listening to with my ear buds. They were original songs that me and some friends wrote. I used to be in a band with two of my guy friends. We were pretty good, we just didn't know enough people for there to actually be people come and watch us. I walk past a Mc Donald's and see some people from the party. "shit" I don't like to be noticed very often. I try and walk past the window without being noticed.



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I stared at Melody, agreeing with her plan to go to McDonalds. That sounded so fucking good right about now. I made a huge fucking mistake skipping breakfast this morning. I perked up once I realized that Lynx mentioned about going to a Skate Park. Shit. A skate park. I didn't know how to fucking skate. And what does he mean by "other boys"?? Holy fuck. I slouched down into my seat a little more, and slapped my hand across my forehead. The type of boys that were at a skate park, were usually the type of boys that her father had to help clear their cases because they got involved in some type of drug use.

I looked in the rear view mirror, and eyed Lynx. He didn't seem as if he carried drugs on him. Unless He hid his shit really well. As his head lifted up a little from his phone, I quickly turned around hoping that he didn't see me staring at him. Crap. Alright Mandy, say something. "So.. Melody right? Where were you before you moved here?" I asked, hoping to change the subject before Lynx spoke up.

@DemonicPrincess @Ash Boogie
Della Sloane •


I had just put my smoke out in the sink when Lola ca me in and dragged me out. "Let's stop at the Red first so I can get a Gatorade and a snack" the Red is a small convenience store beside the park. A place where the boys usually go for snacks for their munchies. But right now my stomach feels empty, and Gatorade usually helps my hangover.

When we get to the Red I buy my snacks and drink and follow Lola to the park. I instantly find Jay and sit beside him, opening the family pack of skittles and share with him "do you two want any?" I ask Lola and Axel.

Jay Sloane •


"Yes I did, f*ck she is so hot. She was that little red head I was talking to in the hall." I point out. "She was being super flirty and oh man, she's so little you could just pick her up and-" I burst out laughing, shaking my head. God, I'm so high.

When he hands the joint back I notice my sister and Lola come up. Yes!!! She has skittles!!! "Oooh gimme some of those" I hand the joint back to Axel before taking a handful of the sweet delicious candy.

@Ash Boogie @Rocket
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.d207a8d372df1e636e58b39f0cf2e7f4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77165" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.d207a8d372df1e636e58b39f0cf2e7f4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Blue Sevengy

I nodded at Lola's question, the party was pretty cool, " Yeah, it was good to go to one before school started". I could tell that the brunette didn't totally hate me and that was always comforting. In fact, I think she liked me a bit. I was sort of relived. When Lola left, I turned to Jace and gave him a big smile. " I know you drove me all that way here but.....how about a change of plans ?". I didn't really give a fuck about English and I knew that no one would notice me if I was gone. Hopefully, it'd be like that time in 9th grade where my mom was so baked, she forget to register me for school and no one knew who the hell I was when I showed up. Now, that was fun. Walking so I stood directly in front of Jace, he towered over me as usual, I hooked my fingers in the belt loops of his pants and gave him a coy smile. " And maybe you could take me somewhere to eat first ? I didn't eat breakfast....don't worry, I'll buy you a chauffeurs hat one day".




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Smiling to myself as we drove to McDonald's, I plugged my phone up to the aux cord and played my Falling in Reverse playlist. Hearing Mandy ask me something I look back at her quickly before nodding to her to confirm my name."Oh I moved here from Texas, and before that it was some other state. I move a lot." I say shrugging my shoulders slight as we finally make it to McDonald's. Parking in the parking lot, I get out looking in my bag for my wallet. "Alright we have like 40 dollars to spend, lets pig the fuck out!" Walking inside I look to Lynx. "Oh we can get your other friends some food as well I don't mind," I say, remembering that he said he has friends waiting at the park or something like that.

| I rewrote it I hope this is okay.|​
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Seokjin Park


"Hmm... McDonald's sounds good to me" I say and stretch again before pulling out my phone and quickly scrolling through Tumblr. Fuck, it seemed like it had been forever since I was in the states. Everyone was getting into some sort of trouble. Whether it was with the cops, girls, or guys, everyone had their noses in the wrong business. I on the other hand, was perfectly fine with hooking up with a girl or two, but never anything serious. I kept my head on a bit straighter than the rest, but it was still lacking a few tight screws. Though, the people I was friends with were pretty cool, despite their anger issues and drug problems. I didn't mind since they had become like a support system in some strange way. Even though fights would occasionally go down, we were all friends at the end of the week. Weird, kind of twisted, the group really had no business being a crew. Not like we gave a damn. Living life the way we wanted to was how we rolled. Fuck with us, you just got yourself fucked. Of course I was one of the younger guys in the group, so I still had a bit more to learn compared to the others.

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"No, sorry, I don't smoke," I say with a halfhearted shrug. Not cigarettes anyway. Very rarely I might smoke weed but only because someone else is and they won't let me live it down if I pass it up. I run my fingers through my hair and dig my other hand in my hoodie pocket. "We could... leave. And go get some?" I offered, raising my eyebrows. School was probably going to start soon. If we were going to leave, we should probably do it soon before some lemon faced teacher came out and hauled us to class.




An hour later and I finally got my lazy ass out of bed. It was time to go! It didn't take me long to get dressed and when I did, I snatched up my keys and purse and headed out the door. But I wasn't going to school. I was going to find something fun to do. I hardly ever went to school. That's the only reason I failed Senior year last year. I passed all the tests but apparently going to school is more than just "strongly recommended". Let's see... where would interesting people be during a school day... That's right the park. I'd seen people from the party yesterday hanging around the park a lot. I hoped they'd be more entertaining than sitting around here.

As suspected, there were people at the park. I found myself a nice piece of bench and a pulled out my phone. Jeez, the day was going ungodly slow.

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Blue Sevengy

I widened my Amber eyes as Jace oh-so-casually suggested what the menu might be of. I slid my gaze over his long, sculpted body, lingering in one place in particular . Tilting my head up and looking forward, I'd shrug, " Too bad. I was really craving Fish Fillet. Answering your other question, McDonalds is cool". I shivered gently as he ran his rough fingertips over my shoulder, subconsciously moving closer against the side of his body. As we approached his car, Jace asked me if I had hooked up with anyone yesterday. Shaking my head, I looked down at my feet. Sure, I've hooked up before but it was back in Colorado and I knew a bit about the guy. " Nope. Don't worry Jace, you're my one and only". I did meet a guy a few days before at another party. His name was Ash and he was more then a foot taller then me, we didn't hook up but we made out . Anyway, I was starving. Getting in the passenger's seat, I placed my backpack on the floor and smiled over at Jace .





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Okay guys, you remember how I said the next scene is gonna be Spring Break, everybody's supposed to be going to the beach. Soo start trying to find out who you're gonna room with.


Me and Della are sitting in the park with Jay and Axel, just talking, bullshitting around. "I am so glad Spring Break starts tomorrow. Beach, liquor, boys. Oh my God I can't wait!" I gush. I definitely need a break from this stupid town. And not to mention school. "Me, you, and Winter should totally get a room together," I tell her. "You losers are going right?" I ask Axel and Jay. Suddenly, I spot Val, that girl I was dancing with last night, sitting on one the benches a little ways down from us. "Val!" I call, waving her over.

"Who is that?" I hear one of the guys ask.

"This girl I met last night. She's pretty cool."


"Why the hell are you so generous?" I ask Melody, smiling a little. I never had a chick buy me anything before, not even food, so I guess that's pretty cool. She's funny too. The other chick's acting all shy around me. Man, I just love girls period. I don't know if you wanna call it girl crazy or what, but I can't just have one. Any chick that likes me is just gonna have to accept that shit, especially Della. Speaking of Della, I wonder what's she doing right now. I mean, out all these bitches I guess she's the only one I have actual feelings for. But fuck that, I'm just focused on this food right now.

We get out the car and head inside. I let Melody and Mandy sit in line and I spot Ash already sitting at the booth. I dap him him up and plop down next to him. "What's up dude? You had to talk to me about something? And where the fuck were you last night, you missed an epic ass party."

Suddenly I spot some pink haired chick, walking by like she's trying to hide or something. She looks familiar, I think I saw her with my sister last night at the party. I finally catch her eye and nod her over. Hey, the more cute girls the better. Whether she decides to come over or not, that's on her...

@Dannygirl900 @Rocket @Physiicz

You guys can continue
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Jace Adams


I couldn't help but laugh at Blue. She was cute and quirky. I liked it. Heading to my side, I got in the car and looked over at her with a smile.
"McD's? Sure thing" I casually said. Of course the 'my one and only' had set off a couple yellow flags, but then I actually thought about it. She meant about hooking up and such. Well sorry that I thought she was implying something else. I'm just a person after all. Buckling up, I pulled out of the parking lot and began to drive to ever so popular McDonald's. It was actually quite popular with the kids who skipped school. I was out of school so really I couldn't get in trouble for ditching. Blue didn't seem worried about it, so it wasn't that big of a deal. Not to mention the majority of the people I knew who were still in school rarely attended it to begin with. I mean, who wants to slave away from seven hours in order to learn about some pointless algebra that doesn't help us in our normal lives. Though many would disagree, but I don't feel like getting into that anymore. "Question Blue. Do you like concerts?" I asked her once we pulled into the parking lot of the familiar fast food place. Fuck, this place was so fattening it wasn't even funny. My phone vibrated in the glove box. Unbuckling, I reached across Blue's lap after saying excuse my reach. Don't judge, my mother taught me manners, not how to smoke weed. I took my phone out and began to look at the text messages.

I smiled and rolled my eyes before turning my phone other.
"Sorry, the lads were just sending some stupid things." I say easily and get out of the car. I then go to lay on the hood of my car and flash a dorky smile at Blue before heading over to her side of the car and open the door for her. Don't seem like a bad boy who parties, smokes, drinks, and has sex with girls randomly? That's because Blue is a girl who isn't just offering herself just yet. We of course have both implied having something later, but obviously food and having some fun was required first. Though I didn't want to be drunk off my ass if we kissed or ended up doing something. It was something I always tried not to do. Getting drunk with girls can be dangerous with someone with temper. I would know because I experienced it before.

@Of the Red
@Dannygirl900[/URL] @Rocket @Physiicz

You guys can continue
I see someone nod for me to come over. "Hell, why not," I mutter and walk over with my hands in my pockets. I reach to where he was and give a small smile. I wasn't big on smiling, mostly because i wasn't actually ever truly happy.

I order a large iced caramel mocha and pay for it myself. I walk over to a big table and sit down. I take a few sips before taking out my phone and looking up tattoo parlors around the area. I nod to myself as i scroll down. There were quite a few around here.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4cbec26a_rpnationAsh.png.9aa9760c1c7342ae7824f59c3b57d3e1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77215" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4cbec26a_rpnationAsh.png.9aa9760c1c7342ae7824f59c3b57d3e1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


I bit into my Big Mac as Lynx sits down. I see the two chicks "These two aint gonna blab to the pigs are they?" I ask him. I take another bite waiting for an answer from him​

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"I honestly don't know, maybe it's because I have all this money and nothing to do with it." Shrugging my shoulders I return Lynx smile before he walks away to some guy, that was pretty attractive like I wonder if any of his other friends are cute too. "Mandy don't be afraid to get anything okay? It's all on me." I say to her just as a pink head chick walks over to us because Lynx gave her a nod. Well I guess now I know that he loves woman. I chuckle to myself quietly as I think of the Britney Spears song Womanizer cause that's just what Lynx is. I give the pink haired chick a smile before looking at the menu. Looking at the guy eating the bigmac I raise my eyebrow. "Seeing as animals can't talk no we won't go blabbing to the pigs. Maybe you should stop smoking cause it's making you stupid." With a huff I look back at the menu.

@incrusade @Physiicz
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I look up from my phone and scan the area. I thought I heard my name.. Oh, shit, it's Lola. My lips curl into a half smile and I wave. I was right in thinking there'd be interesting people at the park. Lola is pretty damn cool. But it made me wonder where that girl Carson was. Probably at school. I'd have to text her later. I saw she was with a few other people too. Standing up, I stuff my phone in my pocket and head over casually. "Skipping school?" I say in mock surprise, clearly joking. "I didn't know you were such a bad influence! Haha." Like I wasn't doing the same thing.

@Ash Boogie



"Spectacular choice," I respond with a grin. McDonalds probably had the best food, or at least to me. As we're walking in silence, I glance around. It was kind of hot today. Good thing spring break was right around the corner, I could sit inside and soak up the AC. "So, tell me about yourself, Jin." I ask him without looking over. Maybe we can find something to talk about from that or at the very least I can get to know him better. Although he was on his phone and I wondered if maybe he didn't want to talk. It didn't take us all that long to reach McDonalds, I could see it about a block away. If I had to put a face to heaven I would say it might have a big arced M on the outside.​

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(Sorry, I had training!)

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I nod. "yea sure lets go" I begin walking past him tapping his ass lightly like the night before. "so you didn't know I was Axel's twin sister?" I said with a chuckle. I don't want to embarrass myself in front of him.


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"Gimme some," I say referencing the skittles. I take a draw from the joint. "I'll probably just share a room with the guys"

@Dannygirl900 @Ash Boogie



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I smiled at Melodys response. Following her out of the car, I grabbed my purse and took out a 20 dollar bill. "I can pay for the rest of the boys if you want? I kinda snatched both of my parents credit cards, since they took mine away last week." I suggested, to Melody as we walked up into the line together. I scanned over the menu for a moment, wondering what I should get for myself and the others.

I turned back around, and saw Lynx walk away with someone else. The other guy was rather cute, until he opened his mouth and decided to make a crappy comment. "Screw you," I replied, wanting to smack the cig out of his hands. Playfully nudging Melody, I shook my head. "I swear, I'm gonna end up smacking the shit out of one of them by the end of the day," Chuckling, I spun back to the cashier, and told him my order, and paying for the rest of the boys. I patiently stood to the side, waiting for Melody to grab her order so we can go back to the table.

@Ash Boogie @DemonicPrincess @Mel @Physiicz

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"This bitch think she funny?" I ask to no one in particular. I didn't stay angry for long though as I was pretty content with my Big Mac. "Scored 10k on a drug run last night" I told Lynx. I stretched "So which ones gonna be screaming your name tonight?" I ask Lynx with a grin.​



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Blue Sevengy

I would wheel around to give Jace and excited concerts, " Do I like concerts ? I fucking love them ! I went to my first when I was , like six, my parents took me to some hippy festival". I know it wasn't exactly "legal" but it was awesome as hell. They had these faded Polariods of six year old me with a flower crown draped over my face and a kooky smile on my lips. From there on, I started going to more and more concerts because music became more then just a outlet to me . It became home.

I got out of the car, nodding a thanks to Jace, and stretched. As I looked at Jace, just laying there in his beautiful, foreign, tall, hot, funny and not to mention, sweet glory, I couldn't stop myself from saying.
" I really wanna kiss you now, you know......but I can't focus on that because I'm too hungry". With that, I started waking towards the McDonald's, swinging my hips hypnotically . What, I can't flirt a bit ? Pushing open the door, I'd turn around and wink at Jace before entering .




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I sit holding my coffee and drinking it almost finishing it off. I hope i don't come off as shy, i really don't mean to. I just never really no what to say so all i can do is sit and be quiet until i can think of something. But by the time i finally figure out what to say no one is left to listen. Its what i do apparently, scare people off. I put my phone away and look around.



Just as I was about to respond to Mandy a soft giggle leaving my lips I hear something that made me take a double take."Bitch? I'll show you a bitch." Grabbing the jerks big mac out of his hand I throw it down on the ground and stomping on it. Grabbing me and Lynx order I look to Mandy and nudged her softly and noded my head over to the pink haired girl."Lynx get your friend under control before I go all lion king on his ass." I say walking over to the pink girl and sat at her table with her."Hey I'm Melody and this is Mandy."

@incrusade @Ash Boogie @Mel @Physiicz
DemonicPrincess said:


Just as I was about to respond to Mandy a soft giggle leaving my lips I hear something that made me take a double take."Bitch? I'll show you a bitch." Grabbing the jerks big mac out of his hand I throw it down on the ground and stomping on it. Grabbing me and Lynx order I look to Mandy and nudged her softly and noded my head over to the pink haired girl."Lynx get your friend under control before I go all lion king on his ass." I say walking over to the pink girl and sat at her table with her."Hey I'm Melody and this is Mandy."

@incrusade @Ash Boogie @Mel @Physiicz
I laugh a little "I'm Armina, i don't really care what you call me, that was awesome by the way" I say smiling looking over at the guys. I sit criss cross on my chair with my hands in the pocket of my hoodie. I grin feeling a little awkward, which was normal for me. I keep looking over at lynx i don't even know why. normally i just ignore guys but i can't seem to stop looking at him. I see him start to turn his eyes towards me and quickly look ahead of me.
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Della Sloane •


I watch my brother and Axel smoke the joint and lean over to give Axel a handful of skittles. "Here Lola" I give her a few then eat some myself "we really should. That'd be a lot of fun." I notice I'm not as cheerful about it as I usually would, so I drink some of my Gatorade and let the energy flow.

"I'll need to buy a few bikinis. My mom shrunk the other ones. I also need to get more smokes." I love having a January birthday, it meant I was old enough to buy my own instead of having people pull for me like Jay or Lola. "So do you wanna come with me?" I ask Lola and give Val a little wave. "And no Axel, you cannot come" I laugh a bit.

Jay Sloane •


I narrow my eyes as my sister throws a flirty comment at Axel and shake my head. She's already fucked up enough. So I quickly swipe the joint from him and take a long pull from it before blowing the smoke away and eating more skittles.

"I already found out the motel we're all staying at doesn't allow more than four people per room. So you guys could take one more in your room, then Axel and I could room with Ash and Lynx. It'll cost less."

Della's never been worried about money because she has a job that pays really good, and she's really good friends with the owner so he let's her have a bunch of days off. I on the other hand am always in debt to Della. Man, I wish I was friendly with authority figures.


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I chuckle "shit I really wanted to come" I wink at Della "but I mean Winnie would probably be there and I'm pretty sure she'd smack me" he glanced around "Speaking of my Cotten Candy haired sister, anyone hear from her?" He glanced at his phone, he didn't have a text or anything.


@Ash Boogie



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