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Realistic or Modern Bad Boys, Good Lips ♥ {closed for the moment}


I roll my eyes at Lynx's comment about me liking to touch him, I mean its obvious nobody puts him into his place and I'm just the girl to do it but I'm not gonna tell him that. At the mention of going to the beach I smile brightly I mean I love the beach well, more like I love painting the beach."Oh my god yes I love the beach, my dad has a beach house maybe we can stay there? I don't really like motels that much." I shrug my shoulders softly before looking at the girl Mandy. i raise an eyebrow and go back to eating my food.



I honestly love how active you are and how you try to involve every one and such. This has to be the one of the best group roleplays I've been in on this site. Keep up the good work.


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I nodded and headed into the store quickly snapping a pic of Miles filling up the gas and sending it to Lola with the caption 'look who I'm ditching with ;) we still up for piercings later on??'

I quickly grab some cigs and an iced tea paying and came back out lighting a cigarette between my lips, honestly smoking wasn't my thing but it helped me calm down when I was having trouble, I opened the door to the car and hopped back in blowing smoke out the window and tossing the cig, honestly I don't wanna ruin this nice car with the smell of cigarettes.

@Stamper @Ash Boogie

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I sighed and leaned back watching the girls leave, where the fuck was my sister? I light a cig and took a deep breath in.



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Della Sloane •


I sigh, ignoring the girl who keeps yapping. How am I supposed to explain to Lola why I keep falling for Lynx, when I don't even understand it myself. I give Val a small smile for helping a little bit "I just don't know..." I tell them both.

I quickly send a text to the Red owner that I'm buying smokes. I'm pretty close with him and his family, so he used to pull smokes for me every now and then. Now he just gives me a discount. Ten dollars for five packs of smokes is fine with me.

While Lola is texting winter, I place one between my lips. I notice Val is sitting on her phone so I gently take it from her and enter my number into the contacts "you're gonna stay with us in our room during spring break, alright?" I smile a bit.

Jay Sloane •


I watch my sister, Val and Lola walk away. F*ck!! She's taking my skittles! I let out a groan and light up a cigarette since the joint is long gone. "Man, you can't flirt with Della alright? She's already fucked up enough. I'm not sure if you've seen her arms, but that's some proof. If Lynx f*cks with her head one more time I swear I'm gonna kick the shit outta him" I mumble shaking my head.

I'm so angry, my hands are shaking. I wonder what would happen if the rolls were reversed, what if I was f*cking with Lola... I'm sure he'd try to kill me. "I really can't wait till tomorrow. I promise alcohol will be he death of me" I laugh a bit and look at Axel "and maybe the girls"

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I noticed that just about all of my friends completely ditched school, how rude, I hated how much of a good girl I am. I hate missing school, even if its an emergency I still feel bad. I sat through class bored out of my mind. I did notice that Jay had left, I looked at the paper he gave me before he left, I deliberated actually texting him. Once my first class was over and I was back at my locker I took my phone out of my bag and sent him a text. "Hey its Morgan <3" she put her phone away and headed to her next class.


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I groaned I knew he was right but Della was hot "Come on man maybe her taking a break from Lynx is what she needs"

After hearing him talk about alcohol and girls being the death of him I groaned yet again. "I need to get laid holy fuck! The only guy in our group that's gotten any action is Lynx" I didn't say anything about it being with Della because I could see how much Jay was fuming and I really wasn't in the mood for a fight.




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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.b03a408fc57ba150e2fb09223da7e5de.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77287" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.b03a408fc57ba150e2fb09223da7e5de.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Blue Sevengy

" Aside from your beautiful body, I'd like some chicken nuggets and a Dr. Pepper". I looked around at all the people Jace seemed to know so well. Obviously, I didn't know anyone expect a tall, muscular guy I saw slipping out of the door. Was that Ash ? I wouldn't mind if it was, that guy was crazy. We didn't have sex though it came pretty close. Jolting my attention the people around me, I shied under Jace's bare arm and peered at the other. God, I look like some little, 13 year old loner right now , don't I ? Thankfully, a girl with big, brown eyes and copper colored hair saved me from my death by embarssment by waving at me . Slipping out from under Jace's arm, I'd give him a small smile, " I'm going to go talk to those girls, okay ? Don't miss me too much ,I'll pay for my food when it comes". I was tempted to give him a kiss on the cheek but it might embarssm him in front of his friends. I walked over to the group of girls, one who had some super cute pink hair, and flashed a peace sign. They all looked like fashion models but hey, maybe I could make some friends ? " Hey ! I'm Blue and thanks for saving me from certain death by testrone".

@incrusade @DemonicPrincess @anyone else



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My eyes light up at Melody. Damn this chick just keeps getting better and better. What is she, rich or something? "You have a beach house?! Damn, that's so much better than a crappy room. YO!" I yell out at all my boys in McDonalds. "We got a beach house for spring break, bitches!!" Man this shit about to be epic, I can just picture it now. Girls, liquor, drugs, a big ass house to ourselves for the whole weekend?! I immediately whip out my phone and start texting my boys who aren't around, they definitely need to know about these change of plans. I contemplate texting Cal but fuck it, that's my boy at the end of the day. I can't stay mad at him forever. I even text my annoying little sister.

And then suddenly I hear that bitch across from us, still yapping off. But all I really pay attention to is her telling me I'm cute. "Oh, so you think I'm cute huh?" I ask her with a wicked grin. Yeah I'm a flirt, sue me. I look her over. "I knew that's what really had you all hot and bothered over there. Who are you anyway?"

@sparknight @incrusade @Stamper
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I smirk slightly, tucking my hair behind my ear. "Thea. Thea Queen. What about you?" I ask him. He was cute, but he was also so damn sexy.​

Jace Adams


I looked over at the girls who seemed to be motioning Blue over to them. Was Blue like a hostage to them? Obviously Blue felt she was as well since she slipped away and went to join them. Ah, the pain of being left along in the line for food. I quickly ordered our food and leaned up against the counter with a slight pout. Fuck, I hated being alone in line. It was worse than being in line in general. Then Lynx's yell caused me to look up from my phone which I had been messing around on.
"Beach house? That sounds fun" I say and turn around when the order is suddenly up. "Thanks" I smile at the woman before picking up the tray of food and walking over to the woman who oh so rudely abandoned me. "Here's your food Blue" I place the chicken nuggets and Dr. Pepper in front of her before snagging an open seat by Lynx. "Damn, no need to get so loud. We're going to get kicked out before I can eat my food" I state and watched as the younger guy flirts with another girl. Well I knew that all these girls were basically eyeing Lynx like he was some fucking piece of meat. I couldn't handle that. Too many girls in one place meant bad news. So what did I do? I grabbed my chair and food, and made my way over to Blue. Setting the chair next to hers, I slipped in between Blue and some other girl. "Sorry, I wanted to hangout with Blues Clues" I say innocently and begin to quietly eat my Asian salad.

@Stamper [/font][/center]



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"You know, Lynx would be so jealous if you started hanging out with Axel," I tell Della once she finally gets her cigarettes. She offers me one and I light it up. I know my brother, that's how he is. He tries to act all tough but at the end of the day, I know he has feelings for Della. If he saw her with Axel he would flip the fuck out. I look down at my phone and notice that I have two unread text messages. I open the one from Winter and see that she's with Miles. Ugh, lucky bitch!! And of course, I still want my tongue ring :) Then I see read one from my brother. "Okay, change of plan guys," I say, smiling at Val and Della. "We're totally going to some beach house for Spring Break. Fuck these stupid guys, let's have some fun!!"

@Stamper @Rocket
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@Geek with Me ((chill with the puppetting. I don't mind it a bit in 1x1 situations but when there are more than 2 people involved it can get confusing. Also, I don't think anyone is actually at the park right now, that's just where Calvin said he thought they might be. Everyone is either at McD's, Reds, or school unless I missed something.))


The park was only a few blocks from the garage and I didn't mind walking. Didn't take us long and by the time we got there I noticed I got a text from Lynx talking about having a house on the beach for Spring Break. Fuck yea, I don't know what it is about today, but it just keeps getting better and better. "If you got plans for Spring Break, you might wanna cancel that shit. Looks like the boys secured us a house on the fuckin beach. Boutta be crazy," I said with an air of excitement, briefly looking up from my phone.

We got to the edge of the park and at first didn't see anyone, "Those fucks might have actually gone to school," I mocked, "Hold up, lemme check." I still had my phone in my hand and decided to shoot Lynx (@Ash Boogie) a text to see what was up with the crew: *Shit thats wassup man. Where is evry1? U all still at school or what?*
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My face lit up, hearing the news about the beach house. Hell ya! Now I have a perfect excuse to excuse myself in attending with my parents to their house boat. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when the pretty blonde girl walked over to our table. She was basically a human barbie, with shorter hair, and less makeup. I chuckled at her sarcasm, and scooted myself a little over to the wall, tapping on the seat right next to me so that she could sit down. "Haha, no problem. You looked like you were suffocating over there, being in the middle of all those men." A little back to back sarcasm won't hurt right? Smirking up at her, I nearly forgot to introduce all of us to her, so I did. Pointing at both Melody and Armina, I began. "Bubblegum hair over here, is Armina, and thats Melody. I'm Mandy, yours truly." I giggled at my dorkiness, until I was softly shoved by the guy that was standing next to Blue. Her boyfriend maybe? Automatically, I had thoughts of shoving him backwards onto the ground, but I remained calm. You don't become friends with someone by shoving their boyfriends to the ground do you? Instead, I tapped on his shoulder, interrupting him mid bite with his salad. "You one of Lynx's friends? I heard you hollering at him about him"scoring". I'm Mandy. "

@Mel @Ash Boogie @kawiibunnygirl @Of the Red @DemonicPrincess
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I can't help but to flick Lynx on his nose even as more people come."What did I say about yelling in public, its not cute." I scold him with a slight glare before turning my attention to the girl that came over, Blue."Call me Mel, I literally just thought of that nickname." I giggle eating a choice nugget. Just as I was about to eat another one the guy Blue was with came over."Blues Clues? Hmm..I have a blues clues stuffie at home." Looking at Blue I smile."I shall give it to you one day." I pull out my phone and text my dad about us staying in the beach house."Umm Lynx should I hire a maid or something since I'm damn sure not gonna be clean up." I ask before sending the text message looking at him.

@McDonald's crew​
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Della Sloane •


I listen to Lola talk about Lynx being jealous. Maybe... "so uhm. Are you and Winter still going for those piercings? I didn't mean to but I read over your shoulder and just saw the text. I want a tongue ring." I state. I have money, the smokes didn't take much off of it, aND the booze I won't have to worry about much.

While I'm talking to Lola I send Axel a quick text 'maybe we should hang more during break ;) ' I smile over at Val "so I guess your coming with us to someone's beach house." I smirk a bit.

Jay Sloane •


I look at Axel, giving him a warning glare then feel my phone buzz. There's a text from Lynx and a text from... Morgan so I smirk to myself as I send her a quick text 'hey beautiful, have any plans for spring break?'

I've always been weird with girls. I f*ck them then break their hearts... But for some reason this Morgan chick has me hooked. "Man I guess we're going to a beach house" I state and look at Axel with a sly grin.


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I chuckle "sounds like a plan" a beach house sounded a lot better than some shitty motel rooms.

I check my phone and see a text from Della and with a smirk I quickly respond: "definitely ;) " I know it wasn't right and it was bad for me to do but I mean why not give it a shot?




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(Oh! I didn't mean for Jace to shove anyone. Just move the chair a little bit >.<)

Jace Adams


Just when I was about to get a nice bite of salad, I was interrupted. Carefully I set more fork down and looked at the girl seriously.
"Lynx? Ah, yeah he's a close friend." I said simply and laughed slightly at that. Close friend my ass. More like a relative. "Jace. Nice to meet you Mandy" I continued eating and smiled at Jin who was looking at me with a disapproving stare. "Oh please carry on" I look at them all like they really didn't need to mind me. After all, I was just hanging out with Blue. Not really interested in Mel or Mandy. They however were obviously associated with Lynx which meant they were going to be his sometime in the future. I looked between the girls, Mandy was looking at me like I was some uncultured swine, Mel was texting away about a maid, and some pink haired chick was just... There? I ran my hand back through my hair then placed it on the back of Blue's chair. I continued to eat my salad like the good kid I am. I mean I may be considered a 'bad boy' but I know I should eat healthy foods. My fucking God, why was I such a child when it came to things like that. Sometimes I was considered a helpless puppy when I acted this way. It was just something I had a hard time overcoming and the guys never failed to tease me about it. Those damn ungrateful brats. They should respect me more.

@incrusade @anyone @Of the Red
Ash Boogie]Axel and Jay are at the park xD [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20383-sha/ said:
Haha guess I did miss something. So many people to keep track of




I had just made it to my next class when I felt my phone go off, and thankfully it was Jay, "Nope, hate to say it but I got a really boring life lol, why, what are you going to do ?" I quickly sent the message before the teacher would notice.

I couldn't quite understand what made me like Jay so much, he is the complete opposite of me. But maybe that's what drew me too him.


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Blue Sevengy

" Trust me , I'm pretty friggin grateful . I don't really know anyone here but -" Jace suddenly pulled up a chair while I talked to the Victoria Secert's Angel that was Mandy- "-this on because I nearly got hit by his car this morning". I liked how Mandy could just trade a little sarcasm with me, I find it a pretty useful quality in a friend. I turned to look at Jace with a slightly tilted eyebrow. I thought he was going to hang out with all the guys because they obviously seemed close. They were those wild boys that you're parents warned you about and your older sister got pregnant by but....something about their untamable attitudes were so...sexy. Even Jace had a spark of the ferocity though he seemed like a gentleman compared to all of them. The one with the blue eyes and crazy attitude-Not to mention cute as fuck face-had "deviant" written all over him and . I was the only one he hasn't spoke to yet and I'm not sure whether I liked it or not.

Anyway, Mel said something about giving me a Blues Clues stuffie and a bright smile broke out on my face. I liked these girls already. When I was younger, I loved Blues Clues but everyone started teasing my about it so I stopped.
" I'd love you for ever if you did that ! Seriously, that's awesome, Mellie". Whoops. That nickname just slipped out but I hoped the other girl didn't hate it. I started working on my nuggets, determined not to let them get cold.

@incrusade @DemonicPrincess @anyone else



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"Yeah, let's totally go get some piercings," I tell Val and Della, walking off in that direction. I send a text to Winter:
Going to the shop now, meet us there. Unless you're too busy ;) "You've been pretty quiet over there," I say, bumping Val with my hip. "Are you gonna get something pierced? And which one of the guy do you like?" I ask her, raising my eyebrows.



I peer around the table. All the chicks are talking and giggling like the girls they are. Jace and that Blue girl seem to be be getting pretty close, they've been flirting with eachother ever since they walked in this place. He's older so he isn't even fazed by all the other girls at the table, he just seems to have his eyes on her. Whatever, his loss. Jin and Conner are really just talking between themselves; they're much more chill than the rest of us so I guess that makes sense. Mandy isn't paying any attention to me; well fuck her too then. Armina is just sitting there, not saying shit. And Mel is flicking my nose, telling me to stop yelling in public. Damn, this chick is bossy
and she likes touching me, that shit kinda turns me on. Then she mentions something about a maid. A maid?! Damn, guess she's rich after all. And of course how can I forget the little brunette that's sitting at the table across from us. "I'm Lynx, but you can call me daddy," I wink at her. It's obvious she's flirting with me so it's not like I'm not gonna flirt back, right? Then I get a text from Cal and I text back: At Mickey D's with Jace, Jin, Connor. & these 3 hot girls. Oh, and that Blue girl you were macking on last night, too bad she's with Jace tho. Where r u?! Come through loser.

@Stamper @sparknight

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"Beach house?" I echoed, surprised by the sudden invite. A slow grin spread across my face. What better way to spend spring break? Not like everyday wasn't my break but now other people wouldn't be pressured into going to school. So long as there was fun to be had and alcohol to be drank, I was in. "Sounds wicked! Could I invite someone?" I ask, thinking about Carson. Seeing as she didn't socialize with many people, I figured it'd be a cool chance to help her make friends. And I didn't mind so much that Della had taken my phone, it was a cool gesture. Look at me, making friends instead of telling people off!

"Get something pierced...?" I was almost tempted to say one of the crazier ones but healing some of those would hurt like a bitch at the beach. "Maybe I'll get my cheeks done. And as for the guys, I haven't see one I like yet; haven't had much time to talk to any of them," I say with a shrug.

@Dannygirl900 @Ash Boogie



I thought I saw Winter taking a picture of me while I was filling my car but I didn't say anything. In the back of my head, I wondered what for? Whatever. When she got back in the car, I turned to her with a small smile. "Where too, angel?" I ask. I was fine with going just about anywhere. After all, the town was small, but there was always plenty to do when you had someone with you. I figured that out when I started hanging out with Lynx and the guys. Before that, this town couldn't have been more boring.

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I look at the girl sitting across from us, the one Lynx was flirting with and I rolled my eyes, going back to phone and texting my dad to send the maids and the cooks to the beach house, he didn't even ask me why and just replied with a yes. "Damn music producer father," I mumbled under my breath and ate my chicken nuggets stealing some of Mandy's fries all ninja like cause I'm boss like that. "I have a blues clues shirt too, I don't wear it because I haven't had the chance too but hey since your blues clues you can have it," I say to Blue with a smile, shoving my mouth full with Mandys fries.​
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Jace Adams


"Ah! You make it sound like you don't want to hang out with me." I said with fake hurt in my face as I looked at Blue quietly eating her food. Mel was all over Lynx and he was totally into. Mandy really was pretty cute and everything, but I had a feeling she did NOT like me at all. Awkward pink haired chick was sitting there silently so I kind of didn't pay attention. Once my salad was finished I got up to throw away my trash. "Fuck it, maybe I should sit with the boys. At least I'll get love and affection over there."

"No you won't you idiot" Jin snapped at me and I placed my hand over my heart.

"Fuck you too Jin!" I mutter and pouted slightly before I looked at Blue and Mandy. How the hell was I going to talk about with this one girl eyeing me like I was some fucking jerk while Blue was totally labeling me as a reckless driver. "Also you were the one who ran in front of my car" I muttered and slumped in my seat before I pulled out my phone and grabbed Blue's soda before she could have a chance to do anything about it. Taking a couple swigs of the soda, I set it back down and scrolled through my Tumblr page. Then I heard Mel speak. "Music producer father? Well damn" I said with a smile and suddenly I was looking at her. "Why is that a bad thing?" I asked her with curiosity in my voice, you see I didn't have the best parents. Actually I didn't have any parents anymore so whenever people complained about their parents, I want to know why they hate them and such. Fixing my bangs in boredom, I made sure to look at Mel and her cute dimpled smile. Too bad she was already interested in Lynx. That damn fucking flirt.

@incrusade @anyone
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