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Realistic or Modern Bad Boys, Good Lips ♥ {closed for the moment}



"I certainly hope not." I replied. I didn't want to, she was cute, but then again I usually didn't drink this much and my head was swimming. Not to mention, I wasn't the type to want to be tied down at all... literally. "Here..." I breathed, reaching into my pocket. Come on... I had to have a damn pen. I would have just pulled out my phone but I must have lost it earlier sometime. Aha! I took her hand, palm up in mine and scribbled down my number. "Before I forget." It was a little cliche but there wasn't exactly anything else to write on.

@ShadowMoses @Of the Red

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Blue said something but given what had just happened I just ran my fingers through my hair and let out a sigh. I think she asked if that was my girlfriend. I muttered "No" as I took a slow sip of my newly filled cup while watching Lynx storm away after what felt telling me off. "I know he's overprotective, but shit, man - the fuck does he expect me to do? Headbutt his little sister to keep her at bay?" I shook my head without saying anything. My drunken self was starting to get pissed even though I knew by the morning this wouldn't mean a damn thing.

Before I knew it I felt a kiss on my cheek and turned; shit. I have such a one-track mind when I'm drunk. All I could think about was getting wasted, then flirting, and now Lynx's attitude. I had completely spaced and realized I must have looked like an idiot just standing there, staring into space thinking about what just went down. I gave her a nod as she acknowledged it was too personal; I just didn't know what to say at that point. "Whatever, it's no big deal. If I talk to him tonight, we'll prolly just end up throwing down and fuck that."

I threw my drink into the sink behind me causing the drink to splash everywhere after Blue left, her hips taunting me as she walked away to the dance floor, but my mood was killed. Fuck it, I'm starting to get low on cash and a few people were already starting to pass out. Perfect - I could use a new set of wheels and pinching a set of keys from one of these lightweights'll be a synch.

I glance around, Miles is the only homie still in the kitchen, so I walk over to him as he's writing his number on this girl's palm. I put my keys on the counter behind him loudly enough so he can hear it. "Give these to Lynx or Lola so they can get home, I got some shit to do," I said before leaving him to his sthing; time to get paid and make sure this whole night wasn't a bust.

((Sorry, busy day :( . I doubt I'll be able to post for the next scene, at least not at the beginning. Just assume Cal's still pissed. If you text him he'll tell you he's busy scrapping a car he yanked at the party.))
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.e9a24f7832afd4cee57b21529672ce2b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76906" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.e9a24f7832afd4cee57b21529672ce2b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Winter

I laughed at his fluster to get a pen and watched as he wrote his number on my palm. It tickled a little which caused a giggle to leave my mouth "Jesus Christ Winter you are supposed to be tough" I thought to myself a pink rasing to my cheeks. Once he was done I smiled "I'll be sure to call you, but for right now..." I wrapped my arms around his neck with a smirk trying to hide me nervousness even though I still had bright pink cheeks "I think we were doing something"




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"I think you know what I wanna do..." I tell Della, lifting her chin up to kiss her slowly. I push her down on the bed and peel my shirt and jeans off. I mean, we've done this a hundred times so I'm pretty sure she knows what's up by now. I give her a little smirk before I fall down on top of her. And I don't even think I need to tell you what goes down after that...



Me and the girls have been dancing, just having a good ass time, and I've finally figured out most of their names. But for some reason, I still feel weird around the Blue chick. "Hey! I saw you with Cal earlier!" I tell her loud enough so she can hear me over the music. "You know, if you're digging him, you can totally go after him. It's not like I'm his girlfriend or anything..." Even though I wish I was, but of course I'll never admit that out loud.

@Of the Red
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Blue Sevengy

Both girls were pretty short but they where around my height so I definitely couldn't judge. "Yup. It's special alright. Ooh, Val's a cool name". I starting skillfully swaying my hips and nodding along with the beat in order not to look like some sort of incredibly awkward moose while the rest of them were dancing. And then I saw the chick who kissed Cal-Lola, wasn't it ?. Shaking my head , I just said "Nah, I've just met him and I don't want to fuck anything up". I was more then a little intrigued with Cal but I didn't want to make any enemies . These chicks looked pretty cool and truthfully, I was down on friends. Not many people wanted to be friends after they found out my mom was dead and my dad was a stoner.

@Ash Boogie @Stamper



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"Oh, you're right," I reply with a grin, sticking my pen back in my pocket. I looked around for a moment, noticing the party was dying down a lot. There were people passed out all over the place and there was enough red plastic cups to contain a lake. God damn, people went all out tonight. I would have checked my phone for the time had I not lost the fucking thing. I bet someone was walking away right now with a happy grin on their face and my phone in their pocket. Not like there weren't more.​

I looked down at Winter and brought her close to me again, locking lips with her. Sure, my kisses were a little more sloppy than usual but I'd been told I was a great kisser. As for Winter, she wasn't so bad herself. I could tell she was still nervous but giving her credit, she was a lot looser than earlier.

Jay Sloane•


I sigh watching he beautiful girl run away. Well shit... lighting up a cig I give Aaron a little nod before going to find Lola. It's nearly five a.m. and I'm sure Lynx would want her home.

I don't even have to look for a long time before I hear her voice "Lola!" I smile wrapping my arm around her shoulder "come on. I think it's time to leave. It's really early and Lynx and Della have left. Get your friends numbers and I'll walk you home" I wink at her friend. The one with black and blond hair. "Make sure you get an extra from her for me"

As we're walking back I look at Lola, seeing she's stumbling a bit. "Hey hey." I put my arm around her waist to steady her. It's not in a flirty way, more like a brother protecting the sister way. "Want a smoke before Lynx freaks at you?" I smirk, lighting up the second one in twenty minutes.




After I get wasted, I danced around, drunk. A lot of people were passed out, red cups and beer bottles smashed everywhere. I spot a lot of group of people kissing, and I can't quite identify them. The party was basically dead, I don't even know where Lynx went. I quickly realize I am stranded. Lynx brought me here, and he's gone.

I go outside, sit on a curb, and chug down the rest of my voldka before throwing the plastic cup back onto the lawn. I check my phone, seeing that it is 5:00 a.m. If I don't get home, my dad is going to freak.​
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"Speaking of which... it is getting late," I said, slowing down a bit. "Exchanging numbers ain't a bad idea." Usually I'd stay out longer but it seemed like the party was long gone. Maybe there were still some other clubs I could hit up before I headed home to prepare for my hang over tomorrow. Nah, who am I kidding? I drink all the fucking time. After giving all of them my number, I leave with a quick wave before pulling out my car keys. "We totally need to meet up again some time," I say to Carson.

Pulling a cigarette from my bag, I light it up as I head out the door. Luckily no low lifers have stolen my lighter or my cigarettes. It happens more than you think. I hit the button on my key ring to find my car and I see a red head sitting on the curb and looking kind of upset. "Yo, you get the hang over tomorrow, not today," I joke. After a few more moments, I ask, "Stuck here?"​

@ShadowMoses @sparknight @Of the Red
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@Geek with Me



New scene!! Your character should be waking up for school or appearing when everybody's already at school.

Try to post your characters' picture or atleast their name in your posts. There's a lot of people and things can get confusing.

GO SLOW AND TAKE TURNS!! Seriously guys, I've had a couple problems with this. Don't skip ahead of people & try to give others a chance to respond. Also, don't rush people!!! Some are busy and cant just drop everything they're doing.

If you have a new character, give some background info. Don't just walk in out of nowhere and expect people to know who they are lol



"Get up."

I feel somebody shaking me. My mind is fuzzy as hell and I realize I'm slowly coming awake. What fucking time is it? And who the fuck is shaking me? I look up and it's Lola.

"Get up. you're going to school today," she orders.

"What?" I feel somebody curled up next to me and I look over and realize it's Della. I forgot she came home with me last night. Damn, I still haven't even recuperated from that party. Who's dumb ass idea was it to have a party on a school day anyway? "I'm not going to fucking school," I tell her.

"Yes, you are," she insists, reaching for the pillow underneath me and slapping it against my face. "You wanna act like you're my dad, well now I'm gonna act like I'm your mom. Get up!"

She's gotta be fucking kidding me. "Whatever," I say, moaning from the sunlight streaming in against my face. Fuck it, I'm already up now. Might as well go. That's where most of my customers are anyway, and I never turn down making some money. "Speaking of mom, where is she?" I ask, sitting up and stretching.

"She's passed out in her room, where do you think she is?"

"Yo, what was up with you at that party last night?" I ask, getting up to walk over to my dresser. I open up the top drawer and dig around for my weed stash, grabbing some rolling papers too. If I'm gonna go to school I might as well be high for this shit. That's the only way I can tolerate it.

"Oh my God, I really don't wanna talk about it anymore," Lola groans, folding her arms across her chest. "Today is a new day, drop it." She suddenly looks over at Della laying in my bed. "I see you're still leading my friend on."

"She's my friend too, and I'm not leading her on."

friend? That's what you call girls you fuck?"

"Lola, it's too early for this shit," I sigh, sparking the blunt up. I take a deep ass pull and exhale. Yeah, this is exactly what I needed...wake and bake.

Lola shakes her head. "She's a good girl, Lynx. Stop hurting her. Yeah, it was Della last night but who is it gonna be tommorrow? Some other bitch?"

"Yo, get the fuck out my room," I say, grabbing her by the arm and shoving her out in the hallway. I don't need to hear this shit right now, not first thing in the fucking morning. I slam my door shut and lock it, then make my way over to my bed and plop back down. I take another deep hit. Damn. I know Lola's right, that's the fucked up part about it. I turn around and start to softly shake Della. "Wake up, sleepyhead."


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Beep, beep. I growl and slam my alarm clock button. "Fuck.." I mumble. I pull the pillow over my head, trying to ignore the fact that I have to go to a whole new school. I finally sit up, my hair falling messily onto my shoulders. I stumble out of bed and slip on a thin strapped T-shirt and some jeans. It was my first day at this stupid school after we moved away from the town that my father died in.

I run a rush through my hair, brushing it all the way down to the tips of my hair. A knock comes to my door. "Honey, Ryan called!" My mom shouts through the door. I roll my eyes.

"Tell him to fuck off! I just wanted to fuck, we had nothing in common!" I shout back. To tell you the truth, I did feel a little bit guilty about fucking guys then ditching them, but it didn't really matter. I put on some mascara and eyeliner, then open the door to my room to head downstairs.​
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I'm dreaming of some of the best things like smashing cars into walls, cliff diving, and cute girls and suddenly... my favorite song interrupts me. Right now, I fucking hate it. It's practically screaming "Wake Up!". "Fucking no..." I grumble into my pillow. My head was pounding and this comfy pillow was treating it just right. Maybe just a few more minutes... I pick up my phone and realize I'm late. Damn it.

I fumble out of bed and rush over to my closet. Grabbing the first pair of pants and top I can find, I pull them on. I didn't really have to worry about them being mismatched since they all were kind of the same color. I grabbed my bag and car keys. Would anyone else even be there today? That party was late and I'm sure I'm not the only one feeling this way. Groaning, I started my car, backed out of my drive way, and ignored speed limits on my way to school. A typical morning for me.



Today, I woke up early. Why? Because I fucking can. What's the real reason? Because I was supposed to meet someone early and sell them my spare pills. That didn't mean I didn't have to drag myself out of bed. I also wondered if any of the guys missed me at the party last night. I would have gone but I had to work. Selling pills doesn't make as much as I'd like it to. Besides, it probably wouldn't have been good. Some asshole would have pissed me off and I would have broken their arm. I doubt they like having to pull me off people every time.

I drove to school and parked in a space that was near the back and hidden behind a nice spot of bushes. Definitely made for selling drugs. He was already there, sitting on the curb. We shook each others hand or that's what it would have seemed like but he slipped me the money and I slipped him the container. Now that that is done, I have some time to kill. Maybe I'll go study for a test. Ha! Hilarious...​

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.d2a3de618fe935837030609293e3055e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76949" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.d2a3de618fe935837030609293e3055e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Winter

I woke up and felt like shit. I was sore and tired. I got up and looked in the mirror to check my apperence and saw a hickey on the side of my neck "Miles..." I mumbled touching my neck a blush approaching my cheeks, he wasn't even here and I was blushing like a mad man. I put on a natural look of makeup and tried to cover the hickey as good as possible even though it was still pretty dark. I pulled on skinny jeans with tears in them and a black v-neck. I pulled on my combat boots and clipped a necklace around my neck. While I banged on the newly freed brothers door I texted Lola quickly:

"Hey, wanna come over after school and help me pierce part of my ear??"​




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I woke up at the usual time, way too damn early, I laid in bed for a few extra minutes just staring at the ceiling, deliberating if I even wanted to go to school. My dirt bag of a brother must have just gotten home, he likes to make as much noise as he can when he gets home from a night of drinking. I finally got up and started the regular hour and a half routine, I took a semi quick shower, after I started doing my hair, the usual.

I did my make up and got dressed and headed into the kitchen, my mom was big at making a huge breakfast buffet for me and my brother. I ate some what quickly, trying to look like I was listening to my mom's story about what she did at work last night. My dad has mastered the skill of sleeping with his eyes open, so at least he can sleep during story time.

"So mom, can I take the escalade to school, because I don't think he'll need it" I pointed at my brothers room, he always got to take the escalade so now it was my turn. She laughed at me, I guess it is kinda funny to see a 5 foot tall girl driving this huge truck, it is a struggle to actually get in it, but heck I drive better than my brother does. I gave my mom a quick hug and headed to school. Once I actually got there I was in really no mood to socialize so I went right to my locker.
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America was strange. I'd been here for two months and I still thought that. Of course, most of my time was spent in one place learning the basics of English and the american culture. Still, stranger and stranger things caught my eye. They acted differently and dressed differently. It was all very fascinating. Of course, I was always one to be easily impressed...

Now, today was my first day at school. A sort of exchange program to learn even more here. I was sitting in the office while the lady behind the counter did her best to explain everything to me. I had to ask a few questions but she answered them patiently. When I thought I had all the information I needed, or at least the bare minimum, I went into the main yard. Maybe I'd make a friend or two. Still, I had to admit, I missed home quite a bit.​
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Jace Adams


The sound of constant ringing made me stir slightly in my sleep. My black messy hair peeking out from underneath the white sheets. Slowly I sat up and ran my hand back through my black and blonde highlighted hair.
"Fuck..." Groaning, I answered the phone with my heavily accented husky morning voice. "Why the hell did you call?" I asked and then put the phone on speaker before laying back down. My eyes closing before snapping open when suddenly cursing, insults, and crying sounded from the phone. Curiously I picked up the phone and looked at it, checking the caller I.D. Yeah it was definitely Callie, my most recent girl. Her sobs and curses were a bit annoying, but I just calmly listened.

"Did I not make you happy?" She asked and I could just imagine her face. Oh god, her crying wasn't something I enjoyed. It was always black tears from her makeup. I did not enjoy makeup covered girls. Too much effort in cleaning the tears. Literally.

"Sorry love, but it was a couple night thing. I never proclaimed my love to you. And don't even say I just did. I call all girls love" I stated bluntly as I stood up and scratched the back of my neck. I walked over to the window and open the curtains as Callie continued to cry. I wasn't one to go for emotionally unstable women. So why did I go for her? Ah that's right, because she's hot.

"So you don't even care? Are you with another woman?"

"Why yes I am. In fact I'm about to sleep with her so please leave us be" I snapped as I looked at my pillow with affection. Yup, the only woman I needed in my life.

"Fuck you Jace!" Callie squealed and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You already did" Then I hung up the phone. Tossing the device onto my bed, I opened the window and felt the sun on my tanned skin. I stretched and yawned before turning around and heading for my bathroom. After showering, brushing my teeth and getting dressed, I headed out. Wearing my red plaid shirt, black ripped skinny jeans, black beanie, and black vans, I was ready. I locked my apartment door behind me before heading to my car. You see, I was gone for a couple months due to some personal problems and finally I was back. Thank God I wasn't in school anymore. I was so over that shit Once in my car, I began to drive. Where? Probably school so I could see whatever friends I still had that were in high school. But first I needed coffee.


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The loud annoying sounds of my alarm clock went off waking me out of my wonderful dream, me eating a table made of chocolate. Sitting up with a loud yawn I run my fingers through my birds nest of a hair. Groaning I throw the covers off of my bed and climb out of bed. Rubbing my eyes I drag myself to the bathroom tripping over one of my stuff animal landing right on my face."God damn it Berry." I say rubbing my face grabbing the pink small elephant and throwing him across the room. Standing up I rub my sore face finally making it to the bathroom.





Finally finishing getting ready grabbing my backpack and my phone, I make my way to the kitchen to find absolutely nobody home."Oh hey mom and dad? Oh me you know I'm going to a new school today and your not home but whatever." I say to myself as I make some cereal. Taking just a couple of bites I leave it on the table and grab my car keys leaving the house and going to my car. "Starbucks here I come!" I say starting my car and driving off.
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Della Sloane •



I hear his voices first... they're talking about me being Lynx's f*ck buddy... maybe I am. Then he shakes me to wake me up. "mmm" I make a small sound before opening my eyes. I probably look like even more sh*t. I can already tell my makeup is smudged and my hair a mess. I'm also in just one of his shirts. I don't mind that...

"What time is it..." I ask him through a yawn, but see the clock on his nightstand reading 7:30... f*ck this sucks "I should uhm... get going." I stand up and pull on my under clothes. "I'm borrowing your shirt so I can wash it and stuff..." I mumble tired, my head pounding and everything's fuzzy. His shirt is long enough to just pull my fishnets on and call it a walking home outfit.

"I'll see you in class" I step up to him and give him a small kiss on the lips before backing up and walking home. When I arrive at school in fresh clothes, my hair clean and makeup nice, I stop in the school parking lot, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it up. Lynx didn't let me have one last one last night, so this feels good.

I feel hollow right now. Guilty I let Lynx have fun with me... because I know it'll just be another playtime for him when it means much more to me. I have to stop...

Jay Sloane •


The sun shines on my face, and then I'm hit with a pillow "uuugh what the hell Della?" I sit up, the pounding in my head instantly hitting me.

"We have school loser, now get ready or you're getting suspended." So, I get up and get ready. I don't even bother dressing good. Just a plain black tees hit sneakers and jeans.

I see the sadness in Della's eyes as she drives us to school. She did it again. And by the way she's pulling on her jacket sleeves and adjusting her bracelets, she was burning herself again... she's been doing it since she was fifteen, when Lynx took her virginity then broke her heart.

I sigh and shake my head. When we arrive at the school I make my way through the halls and immediately find Morgan. "hey beautiful" I tease and lean against the locker beside hers "need advil?" I raise an eyebrow. I had already gotten high to take away the headache, but I always carry advil with me in case the high wears off.

@Ash Boogie @Tsiwentiio
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Seokjin (Jin) Park


I ran my hand back through my blue and black hair as I fixed my glasses. I stretched my arms above my head before I headed towards the kitchen. My dad and his wife were out doing God knows what. So thankfully I had the house to myself. Actually I had the house to myself most of the time. You see I had just gotten back from a three month exchange program in South Korea and my dad and his wife were out trying to still be without me. Damn, they were so rude sometimes. I poured myself a bowl of cereal and went on my phone. Going through pictures from a huge party last night I smirked at some of the pictures. People tripping and landing on kissing couples. The beer pong idiots who couldn't even throw straight. Munching quietly on my breakfast, I finished it quickly and headed to the door. Wearing a grey shirt under a jean jacket, ripped washed out jeans, and red vans, I was ready for school.

Finally outside the door, I debated whether or not to lock the door. Well I didn't feel like getting in trouble already. So I locked the door and began to walk to school which was only five minutes away. Why did I have to live so close to school? Who knows, but sadly I do. Pulling out my earbuds, I began to listen to my music as I walked with my hands shoved in my pockets. I really didn't feel like going to school. After all, who did. Though I heard that Jace was back and so that was always exciting. Jace had always been a wild card to me. Such a unique guy he was.

(Crappy post, I know)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.25bb4faaea62affd4903ed0c30bf468c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76952" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.25bb4faaea62affd4903ed0c30bf468c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>"

Blue Sevengy

I groaned as my alarm started blasting Gooey by the Glass Animals. It interrupted my awesome dream. Luckily, I slept off most of the little alcohol I drank yet my head still ached faintly. "Another day in Blue-landia. Fuck yeah". Groaning softly again, I got up and stretched, shaking my unruly blond waves out of my face. Yeah, my hair is actually curly but I straighten the hell outta it cause some kids used to tease me about it. Pressing the off button on my alarm, I waltzed up to the window and yanked the curtains open to let the rejuvenating sunlight wash over my face and hopefully , wake me up.

I went into the shower and got out, combing through and making sure my hair was properly straightened . Making sure to cover up a small scratch on my cheek which was probably from me tripping up the stairs when I came home, I started doing my makeup meticulously. I didn't over do anything, I'm not one of those cake faced chicks but I still added a slight red tint to my lips. Putting on my outfit of the day, I headed downstairs.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.b08140141b862ca0b4fa51fb2da9e1e5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76971" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.b08140141b862ca0b4fa51fb2da9e1e5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Waving to my dad who was passed out on the couch, a bag of weed in the table, I would sigh,
"G'mornin dad. Yeah, I had a good night". Grabbing a granola bar and some Dr.Pepper, a super healthy breakfast, I know, I stuffed them in my purse and began the walk to school. I was nearly there when I saw the coffee shop, just a left away. "hmm..homework ? Coffee ? Homework ? Coffee". I started dashing towards the shop cause I really didn't want to be late for school but being my clumsy ass self, I starting running, not noticing the car that I was about to run in front of.




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I heard my name faintly. It felt like someone called it from above water and I was drowning in a pool. Ugh... Turning around, I saw Axel getting out of his truck. "Hey, Axel. I didn't see you at the party." I already sort of knew what had happened but I wanted to hear it from Axel's end. The guy was always up to trouble. To be honest, I respected that more than the guys who played it safe.

Glancing back at the truck, I realized I saw Winter sitting in the passenger... Winter! Shit, were they together? Or related? Either I'm fucked or really stupid... and also fucked. Damn, I should really start paying attention. I knew he mentioned having a twin sister and they did look somewhat alike... I averted my eyes and scratched the back of my head. Later I'd say something to her but I don't think Axel would be too happy knowing what I did with his sister...

"Were the rumors true?"


Jace Adams


I looked to my left and noticed a blonde girl run out in front of my car. I slammed on my brakes, my body slumping forward because of the abrupt brake. Thankfully stopped before I ran into her. Jumping out of my car I went over to her.
"The fuck?! Are you okay?" I asked with an accented voice which held conflicting words. I was angry that I almost hit someone, but I was also worried about the blonde. I looked around at the cars which were driving around my own, so I gently pulled the smaller girl out of the road. Looking the girl up and down with furrowed brows, I made sure she wasn't hurt. My brown eyes were concerned yet pissed off. I didn't know how to exactly describe my feeling at the moment. "Who the hell taught you how to cross the road? Haven't you heard of cross walks or looking both ways?" I asked her and continued to look her over, carefully looking at her arms and face. She was small and petite compared to my own tall and muscular self. How the hell was I supposed to react? This girl seemed like a clutz and since she almost got hit by me, I was worried she could actually get hit. I don't like hearing about deaths. Damn, I had totally lost my drive for coffee. Fuck, my heart was pounding from the adrenaline and my stomach was in knots.

@Of the Red
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I wake feeling like shit with someone banging on my car window, "Who the fuck's car is this?" It was dad. He didn't really care about the stolen car, but he needed an excuse to swipe some bills off me. Whatever, I put the keys in the ignition so the electricity turns on, roll down the window a bit, and pop out two 20's. He grumbled and made his way inside. I was expecting him to yell at me for more, but from the bags under his eyes he wasn't in any better shape than I was.

I pop out the keys, roll the window up, unlock the door, and step out into my garage. House was a shithole, but the garage was big enough to fit three cars and I kept that shit pristine; it's where I did my work, after all. Someone's gotta pay the fuckin bills. I stroll around the car; Mercedes, CLA250. Motherfucker was in good condition, too and I just smiled as I lit up my first cig of the day. I usually don't get ahold of shit like this, but some rich kid from out of town just made my day. For a second I wondered how he would get home, then stopped caring.

I popped the hood and started messing around, checking out the engine when my old man opened the door from the house, "You going to school or what?" He said with a beer in his hand.

"Fuck off," I replied as grease started to cover my hands, "I'll go at lunch, I'm fuckin busy paying our bills." He groaned and went back inside, even that deadbeat knew it was true. As I was lethargically tooling around under the hood I started remembering last night, "Fuck, she kissed me didn't she. Whatever maybe I'll just blow off school completely, I'm too tired to think about it right now."

The Angel Named Liliana


I woke up to the sound of my mother yelling to my father in Russian, they were yelling something about father cheating on her. Father would never on mother but I assume that mother was stressed and usually pull a stunt like this.. I got up and changed into my outfit for the day. I stood in front of the mirror with a blank face "I have a chipmunk face" I concluded and left the mirror and began to pack my bag and slipped on my studded boots with spikes on the back and my doughnut ears bud and left. I clicked on my favorite song and began to sing to myself. "I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose" I sang. I'm not going to brag but I'm a good singer, at least that's what people tell me anyway. I headed towards a nearby coffee. "One caramel frappe please" I asked politely and gave the lady my name. I moved out of the way, looking down at my phone then got my coffee. I continue to walk again and sing softly to myself. I walked past a house with that guy I bumped into last night fixing his car "Aren't you going to school?" I asked curiously then walked onto his driveway and noticed someone was out of place in his car. "Pass me a spanner" I asked and grabbed the spanner off him. I placed my school bag down then twisted a loose nut in the car and a few more "Thank you. Your car would be screwed if those nuts weren't tight enough" I smiled, releasing a small chuckle and handing him his spanner back. I wiped my face with my greasy and got a bit of grease on my cheek. I giggled and asked for a tissue @Sha
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.ff8b5e9d8437da431f0c2bf6ea076878.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76977" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.ff8b5e9d8437da431f0c2bf6ea076878.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Winter

I glanced over and saw Miles, a pink spread on my cheeks. I quickly ducked my head down getting out of the truck. I walked/ran into the school looking for Della and Lola, they were my only friends really.




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