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Realistic or Modern Bad Boys, Good Lips ♥ {closed for the moment}



"Sounds like a plan to me," I giggle with an evil grin. I'm drunk as hell so anything goes. I'd probably run around naked at this point, if Lynx didn't kill me first. "Sooo I say you kiss Miles, I kiss Cal, and Della kisses Lynx. Like, let's not even say shit, just walk right up and kiss them. What do you guys think?" I ask Winter and Della, giving them a sly wink.

@Rocket @Dannygirl900
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c a r s o n

n e w m a n


A girl with red hair comes and takes the seat next to me, I didn't mind, after all it was a party and the seat was empty. "Should I say something to her? Like introduce myself? Nah. Maybe I should, it would be rude if I didn't. Just sitting here is kinda boring, maybe she'll go out on the dance floor with me, it would be nice to have someone accompany me there for the first little bit." I thought to myself, fighting back and forth, trying to decide whether to say something or not. I finish my soda, realising that after all the talking going on in my head could actually be used to talk to the girl who sat down next to me. Standing up, I decide to get an actual drink, I couldn't tell how much was left in the red head's bottle, but I asked her anyways, "Hey, I'm heading to the kitchen to get a drink. Do you want another?" My voice was raised so she could hear me above the music.

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I smirked, Lola drunk was always a fun time "let's do it." She holds out her fist ready for a pound back. "Just kiss them no talking"



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@Of the Red


Blue shook her head before introducing herself as though she was reassuring herself of something before letting out a cute giggle and covering her face. She acted modest and introduced herself. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Lynx and Miles come back to the kitchen but didn't pay them much attention - I was busy.

"I'm Calvin," I said, softly nodding my head to her. "And yea you might be rambling, but," I continued, taking another large drink and starting to feel pretty tipsy, "If you ask me, I'd put you a few leaps above average," I smiled at her as I took my pack of Marlboro Reds from my pocket, grabbed one for me and offered her one, "You positive? They taste better when you start drinkin', promise."
Della Sloane •


I smiled at Winter and giggled a bit at Lolas drunkenness "alright. Sounds like a plan. Here man," I light up a smoke for Lola, but take a drag of it before I hand it to her "I need another drink anyway. Be right back." I wink and go back to the kitchen, I haven't been really drunk in three months. I think I deserve some.I notice Lynx sitting in the kitchen so I push past him and Miles to get to the cooler.

I lean down for the bottle of coke, then grab the bottle of rum before I set my cup on the counter and pour another strong drink. I have to live up to Lolas ltitle bet and step up to Lynx, seeing his eyes searching for a girl he can have a one night stand with. All i can do is shake my head with a small smirk before quickly pressing my lips to his.

Jay Sloane •


I am the champion of beer pong! I won the game with only downing three beers, f*ck yeah! Just for fun I grab on of the beers and down it before throwing the empty cup on the ground with a grin on my lips. Now, time to find an interested girl?

Scanning the room I don't find any girls who would be worthy of me, so I make my way to the dance floor and lean against the wall, waiting for a desperate girl to need me. I think while I wait I might light up another joint.
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I grin and push through the crowd to Miles and grab him by the collar hauling him down and kissing him, wrapping my arms around his neck hoping to have gotten him by suprise. I pulled my body closely into his so there was no space between us.



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Okay, so me and Miles are in the kitchen just chillin, drinking, shooting the shit, when all of a sudden fucking Winter and Della just come up and kiss both of us! What the fuck? Was that some sort of plan or some shit? Whatever it is its cramping my style. Kissing me in private is one thing but in front of the whole party?! Nah. "Woah," I say, pushing Della back. "What's
that about?" Then out the corner of my eye, I spot Lola kissing Cal and I immediately see red. What the fuck is going on?


I start stumbling over to Cal. I know he's talking to that girl and I also know Lynx is in the kitchen but at this point I really don't give a fuck. I'm drunk and I'm gonna have a good time. I see Cal and blondie in the middle of a conversation as I walk right up and kiss him full on the lips. Oops, sorry girl.


Ugh, I hear my brother's voice before I can even get into it. He immediately grabs me by my arm and snatches me away. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! What are you, some slut? You just go around kissing people now? Not to mention my fucking friends!"

God, I am so tired of this shit. I can't even do anything without him breathing down my back like a damn dragon. "You're not my fucking dad, Lynx!" I scream out. "He left a long time ago, remember? I can do whatever the fuck I want!" And with that I spin around and storm away. Ugh, I knew I wasn't gonna be able to have any fun at this damn party.

Sorry guys I was doing something real quick lol you can proceed

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After standing by myself for a little while I started walking around the house, trying to find some one to talk to. At this point I only had two drinks, but that was enough for me to feel relaxed, and hyper. I made my way back towards the dance floor, I started dancing with a group of people that were probably just as drunk as I was. I looked over and noticed the guy I'd seen earlier standing near the wall just watching everybody. I stayed in the little circle of people that were dancing for a few moments then decided to make my move and went over to where he was, I stood right in front of him I had to look up at him, even with my heels on he still towered over me. "
Why are you standing all by your self? I asked him.


The Angel Named Liliana


I sat there at the bar, being an awkward Russian losers. Heaps people were either fighting, smoking, drinking or having sex. Right in front of my innocent eyes. I drummed with my fingers on the wooden table as memories of home came back to me. Me being a rebel, me being an arse to my parents. I sighed then took another sip of my water "I shouldn't come.. No one needs me...' I heard someone playing beer pong? I stood up and went to the next room where there were heaps of people playing beer pong. I took a ball off some guy and smiled at him 'Spasibo" I thanked him the aimed the small white ball. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Jay leaning on the wall looking like some drunk desperate girl was going to come up to him and make out with him no the spot. I bounced the ball onto the table and watched it bounce of a few cups before it lands in a cup in the middle with the most filled with beer. I smirked then gulped the whole thing down 'Again" I said and someone handed me another ball. 'Spasibo" I thanked again then turned around and threw the ball over my head and it landed into a beer cup again. I smiled and drunk the cup with beer @Dannygirl900
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Lola comes out of nowhere and plants a kiss right on my lips. I didn't even see her coming and I knew Lynx was in the room and I was about to be in the middle of some shit I didn't wanna be in the middle of. Despite that, I can't say she didn't taste good without making myself a liar. My drink sloshed in the cup but was so close to being empty It didn't spill - I'd need to pour myself another after this.

Then, as if on cue, Lynx rolls over and starts yelling with his sister after pulling her off of me. Fuck this, talk about a downer. The kiss was nice and all, but standing in between the two yelling at each other wasn't something I particularly enjoyed. I just finish off my drink and light my cig as Lola storms off. was really starting to feel hammered now and laughed as she stormed away, "The fuck was that?" I said laughing, glancing at Blue and then back to Lynx before I clumsily grabbed a random bottle and poured the rum into my cup, "You look like you could use one too, Lynx, my man." I finished as I grabbed another solo cup and spilled rum as I poured the two drinks.
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Well, I certainly hadn't expected it. First, it was weird when a girl I'd seen around the party earlier came up to Lynx and just kissed him, no warning. We had just been hanging out and suddenly it was kind of awkward. The first thing I thought was that Lynx would not be okay with that. He always seemed the type to want to be in control.

I was about to take another swig of my drink to sort of do something other than stare when another girl came over. I raised my eye brows when she began walking over. At first, it seemed like she was going to come over and talk or at least that's what I figured. I didn't expect to get a surprise kiss of my own. What the hell? I was taken aback and couldn't come up with any response when she pulled away. Looking over to Lynx, I realized, yes, he was angry and storming toward someone else. Welp, parties could be crazier I guess.


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Blue Sevengy

I started at the cig, torn. I've smoked before but only a couple times. Besides, it gave me headaches and it smelled on my breath. "O-okay. If you say so". Taking the cigarette from Calvin's hands, I stared at it tentatively. Suprisngly , I didn't really mind the smell but my house smelled like weed all the time....I could smell the smoke on Calvin clearly with made me think about, well, kissing him.

Almost the same time I was thinking it, a girl walked up and kissed him fully. I started at the two of them before just looking down and tucking my hair behind my ear. It was probably his girlfriend. Some other incredibly hot guy came and yelled at girl but honestly, I was a bit jealous . All these hot guys and I'm just sitting here. My voice cracked and as I quietly asked Calvin,
"Um-d-do you have a lighter?".



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I smirked when I pulled back and looked at the suprise on Miles face. I never really noticed how hot he was cause I've never really been this close. I felt my confidence waiver slightly staring into his eyes "h-hey, I'm winter " I quickly pulled my smirk back onto my face not wanting him to see the confidence fail. I bit my lip and looked him up and down. "Sorry to interrupt"

I heard Lola stomp out and made a note in my mind to text her later on into the night once she had a chance to cool down.




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[QUOTE="Of the Red]"Um-d-do you have a lighter?".

I was still chuckling when she timidly asked me for a lighter. I took my free hand and gently moved her hand which held the cig until it was between her lips, "Puff," I said and leaned in towards her. If we didn't have the cigs in our mouths it would have seemed like I was trying to kiss her. I touched my cig's cherry to the end of her unlit one to light it while I recklessly spilled a bit more rum as I finished pouring the two drinks.
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After a few moments, my head cleared and reality came back to me. A slow smile spread across my face. I still wasn't all that sure what to do so I probably looked like a dumbass. Her name was a bit of a surprise. Winter huh? She reminded me more of spring... Yep, definately drunk. "If you had to interupt any way, I think I like that one the most. I'm Miles." I said, feeling a little dazed. "If it's okay that I ask, why the sudden lip lock, huh?" The smile didn't leave my face. I didn't want to scare her off considering she looked halfway between a deer in headlights and overly confident. She was cute after all. I heard yelling in the living room, Lynx little sister I think, but I figured now he had it under control since that was the direction he was headed earlier. Instead, I turned my attention back to Winter, locking eyes with her.


(Probably my last post. Too sleepy to keep my eyes open and my posts are getting sloppy.)​
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((Omg I fell asleep I'm soooo sorry!!))

Della Sloane •


I smile a bit but see the his frown. "I uhm... it was kinda a test... I think you failed." And then he storms off... well f*ck me... drinking half of my drink I feel the alcohol hit me now and stumble a little bit. "You two have fun now"

I wink and walk to the living room, a guy pulls me aside unexpectedly "hey what the hell?" I look at him, he's kinda cute.

"I need someone to smoke this joint with... you in?" I see him smirk, lighting up and taking a long pull from it.

I have never done drugs... I wanted to be good on Jay. But I'm so drunk right now I don't care... "sure." I smile, taking a long drag from it. The first time makes me cough, but the second time I know what to expect and take another drag letting the drug settle in my body.

Jay Sloane •


I'm about to zero in on a girl when the cute little redhead from before standing in front of me. I never noticed how little she was before, and it's actually a but adorable. " I'm standing alone because my f*ck head friends ditched me to go get laid" I smile taking a drink of my beer.

"Earlier when we saw each other. I didn't get your name. All I've heard the other guys say was 'cute little read head' but there's a lot of redheads here. What's your name." I smile slouching to get a little closer to her height. It didn't help at all, but I sure hopes she likes it.

@Ash Boogie @Rocket
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I grinned seeing the smile across his face. I shrugged at his question but before I can answer I hear Della telling us to have fun I laughed.My arms were still around his neck. My confidence was still a bit waviering, I looked down and away because when we locked eyes I felt my confidence die a bit. Why did he have to be so hot?



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The Angel Named Liliana


I had my tenth shot now and I swear everything is spinning. All these drunk people that I don't know kept chanting my name "Lily! Lily! Lily!" I felt confident, I felt strong. I puffed my chest and grabbed another ping pong ball. I point to the furthest area on the ping pong table "Place the vodka bottle over there" I ordered and someone quickly did. "Thank you" I nodded then turned around on my heels. I closed my eyes and focused. I threw the white ball over my head, hearing it bounce a few times before it lands in the bottle's hole. I open my eyes as everyone cheers with excitetment. I sashayed over and grabbed the bottle by it's neck then chugged it down, feeling it burn as it trickled down my throat. A group of jocks lifted me up and started to take me around the house cheering my name. I saw the boy I bumped into before and waved with the bottle in my hand and a grin on my lips "Lily! Lily! Lily!" They kept chanting. I saw lots of slutty girls starring at me like I was the bimbo and not them. Being the drunk person I was, I pointed the middle finger at them and laughed. I was actually having a good time. I undid my braid and my wavy hair loose. I laughed as I drank more from the Vodka bottle

@Stamper @Tsiwentiio @Rocket @Anyone



She was so nervous, it was kind of cute. When she looked away, I laughed a little and wrapped my arms around her hips, pulling her a little closer. "What happened to your confidence?" I mean it had to take quite a bit to walk up to a stranger in a party without a word and kiss them. I lifted one of my hands to place a finger under her chin and gently raise her head so she was looking at me again. Trying to think of something to do to break the ice a little or at least relax, I pulled back a little and raised my hand to tell her to wait. "You want a drink?" I asked, raising my eyebrows as I walked backwards to where most of the drinks were at, waiting for an answer.

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I grinned at Miles and stepped back with him. "I'd love a drink" I bit my lip lightly. I walked past him and slapped his ass lightly with a little wink.

I was still nervous but I chose to ignore it. This guy was cute and I wanted to get to know him better.




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I am walking along a street holding a backpack full of spray paint in my leather covered hand. I must say, i am quite proud of my work. I had spent a couple hours on it, taking a break every now and then to blow rings with my vapor pen and dink a beer. I hear some music and what sounds like a large group of people. I shrug "fuck... why not" I walk up to the steps and walk in through the open door. People are passed out every where and the place is full of my kinds of things, aka alcohol. I smile and take a cup of who knows what from a passed out persons hand and finish it off for them throwing it right back by them. My face had paint on it, not much but it was definitely there. The relief was that no one here knew me, I was new to town. I look around at all the drunk people, kissing people and people who are just there to make themselves look good. My hand still grasps The strap of my backpack and my eyes are full of fire.​



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c a r s o n

n e w m a n


I go to the kitchen to find a crowd of people, a girl with pink hair and a cute guy. They seemed to be speaking to each other, so I don't interrupt what they're in the middle of. I grab two drinks and bring them back out to the red head.
"My name is Carson, and I do my own hair." I giggle a little, making new friends was great, it was a new start, and a good one. Opening my drink, I take a long swig of it, "What's your name?"




I'm pissed the fuck off. I know I can get a little crazy when it comes to my sister but I can't have her out here looking like a slut. Nah, not gonna happen. Ever since my dad stopped coming around I've been the one looking after her. Nobody else, just me. I know she's old enough to take care of herself now but a part of me will always be protective of her. She's my little sis.

I grab the cup from Cal and take a big gulp. I need a drink after witnessing some shit like that. "Look, bro, I don't know what's up with you and Lola..." I finally say. The blonde chick is just standing there looking awkward but I don't care, I need to get this out. "But just stay away from my little sister." I mean, I peep the way they look at eachother. Even if that whole kiss was a bet thing or whatever, It's funny how she picked Cal over every other dude here. Everybody knows your boy's little sister is supposed to be off limits. That's just the way it goes.

I don't even wait for a response, just walk off to the living room where I suddenly spot Della smoking a joint with some dude. Wait, what? I've known Della practically my whole life and she's
never smoked weed before. I walk over to her, not even caring about the lame guy she's with. "Look, I'm sorry about the whole kiss shit, alright? I didn't mean to just push you away like that."

Della kissing me...I guess I'm not really mad about that part. Just kinda surprised. It's not like we've never kissed before, just never around people. Always behind behind closed doors, that's why it freaked me the fuck out. I care about her, I really do. But she can't expect me to be the man of her dreams or some shit. That's just not me.

"When the hell did you start smoking?" I suddenly question. She always ragging on Jay and now she's sitting here blowing without a care in the world. I guess you can say I'm a little protective over all the people I actually give a fuck about, which isn't very many. "You know you've never smoked before. I hope you're not just trying to impress this lame ass dude."

@Of the Red @Sha @Dannygirl900
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I sigh, "the fuck kind of party is this." i grab my phone from my pocket and look at all the graffiti that i had made. I did a mixture of things.

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I sigh putting my phone back and walking to the backyard where there were a whole bunch of people and a pool. I lean against the wall setting my bag on the ground and taking my gloves off and putting them in a pocket. I grab my vapor pen and blow a few rings before putting it back.



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I couldn't help but laugh a little when he tried to get down to my level, thank god he did my neck started getting really sore. "Oh, I'm Morgan." I gave him my usual smile "What's your name?"

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