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Realistic or Modern Bad Boys, Good Lips ♥ {closed for the moment}



Ugh, I'm ready to go the fuck home. Lynx just totally ruined my night, as usual, so now I'm sitting in the backyard, smoking a cigarette. I notice some pink haired chick come out the sliding glass doors, carrying a big ass backpack. Who carries a backpack to a party? She kind of reminds me on Winter, with her pink hair and all. "Whats with the book bag?" I call out. I'm still a little drunk so I'm sure it's evident in my voice. "This isn't school, you know."

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Woah. And the confidence is back. I like it. "Careful. I'll get you back," I replied with a coy smile, my eyes trailing down her body subtley. I walk over to the drinks and pour her some vodka and coke as well as myself. I walk over to her and hand her the plastic cup. "Here you go, angel," I say jokingly, giving a sarcastic bow and a smile. Picking up my own, I take a few sips before setting it back down and returning my full attention to Winter. One good side to being drunk is that it strangely calmed me down which was good for times like this.



When the girl returned, I gave her a thankful grin and brought the drink to my lips. Wow, she did her own hair? I was impressed. It was hard to find a good stylist in this town, most of them ended up fucking up your hair worse than when you arrived. "That's awesome. And nice to meetcha Carson. Call me Val." I relaxed a little in my seat, taking another few drinks from the bottle. "When we're done with these, we should go dance."​
Della Sloane •


I'm taking my third pull from the joint when Lynx approaches me and I blow the smoke up toward the roof "hey there sexy" I joke. My vision is a little blurred so I just listen. He's going on about the kiss and how it surprises him, and when he asks me when I started smoking pot I laugh "right now! He asked if he could share with me so why the hell not!" I smile taking a long drink from my cup.

I look around and shake my head "why are you talking to me anyway, I cramp your style. Plus, there's plenty of b*tches to f*ck in here. They catch you talking to me, they'll run for the hills when you approach them..." I mumble and go to walk away, but my feet trip over each other and I have to grab onto Lynx, since he's the only one standing there that I know.

Jay Sloane •


I smile at Morgan "well cutie I'm Jay." I check her out again, and notice the hungry guys doing it too. Man, her outfit is driving them crazy... it's driving me crazy too.

I stand up again and take her hand "come on, the kitchen is a little less crowded" I nod and as I lead Morgan to the kitchen I notice Della leaning against Lynx... and the smell of pot is evident. "Goddammit, okay... you go to the kitchen I'll be right back. I need to talk to my sister" I give Morgan a little smile and quickly walk over to the two "what the f*ck is going on. Has she been smoking? Did you let her smoke!" I can't help but raise my voice.

@Ash Boogie @Tsiwentiio
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I laugh and take a drink, "Angel? Well aren't you sweet?" I wink as I run my hand through my pink hair. I bring my drink back to my lips making eye contact with Miles as I took a sip feeling the alcohol loosen me up.




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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.0bd1161d4f76af3578dc7cce10a39f6d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76801" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.0bd1161d4f76af3578dc7cce10a39f6d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Blue Sevengy

I leaned forward and did as he instructed me, puffing on the cigarette . It'd be hot being this close to him expect that he just got face battled by some chick who was his girlfriend or something. Shuddering with delight as the menthol entered my body, I turned to Cal. "Was she your girlfriend ? Like, I'm cool if she is but I don't want to be "that girl who messes around with other people's boyfriends "




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Ha, this chick is kind of spunky. I like her. She hands the bag over to me and I zip it open, spotting a whole bunch of spray paint cans. "What are you, a graffiti artist or some shit?" I look up at her. "Who are you anyway? I'm sure I've never seen you around here before." This town is pretty small so if you're new you'll stick out like a sore thumb. And this girl definitely sticks out.



"Man all these bitches in here are lame anyway," I tell her, shrugging the whole situation off. I really don't wanna talk about it anymore. She goes to walk away but stumbles over her feet, falling right into me. Damn, she's fucking blazed. I can see it in her eyes. "Hey, you okay?" I ask, pushing her hair out her face.

Suddenly Jay comes storming over. "Has she been smoking? Did you let her smoke?" he asks, his voice slightly raised. Me and Jay both don't play about our sisters. That's just the way we've always been.

"Dude, you know I wouldnt give her no weed. I walked over here and she was smoking with some fucking dude," I tell him, holding her up. "But she's pretty gone. I think I should take her home or some shit."


I'm gonna include some of the other girls in my next post.
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Della Sloane •


I giggle and shake my head "awe man, you're not gonna let me parry no more? Well sh*t." I straighten myself to stand on my own but the room is spinning. I manage to stand on my own and down the rest of my drink dropping the cup onto the floor "okay. You can take me home" I look at Jay then at Lynx. I really hope he takes me back... because I don't think I'll be getting along with Jay after what I just did.

"Lola ditched me anyway. So the party's no fun anymore" I look at Lynx, taking a smoke out of my boot and putting it between my lips "I think I lost my lighter..."

Jay Sloane •


"Well f*ck man. I should kept an eye on her... But that hot redhead girl... Morgan, from ealier came over and started flirting. Can you take Della home? I'm kinda busy and you look bored anyway." I decide I should run to the kitchen before Lynx dumps her on me, it's his fault anyways. If he hadn't f*cked with her head she wouldn't be trying to forget.

I give Lynx a little salute before jogging to the kitchen and smiling at Morgan, "Sorry beautiful. I just had to deal with family drama. So. Would you like a drink?" I smirk a bit and begin pouring the both of us drinks. I'm not sure how strong she likes it but I only put a little. "Here." I hold her cup out to her.

@Ash Boogie @Tsiwentiio

I got out of my car that I parked perfectly against a sidewalk from across the street and headed towards the door to a party that my friend had suggested earlier on. People were conversing left and right as I pranced my way in, unsure how I'd be able to mingle with this many people.
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"Man all these bitches in here are lame anyway," I tell her, shrugging the whole situation off. I really don't wanna talk about it anymore. She goes to walk away but stumbles over her feet, falling right into me. Damn, she's fucking blazed. I can see it in her eyes. "Hey, you okay?" I ask, pushing her hair out her face.

Suddenly Jay comes storming over. "Has she been smoking? Did you let her smoke?" he asks, his voice slightly raised. Me and Jay both don't play about our sisters. That's just the way we've always been.

"Dude, you know I would give her no weed. I walked over here and she was smoking with some fucking dude," I tell him, holding her up. "But she's pretty gone. I think I should take her home or some shit."


I'm gonna include some of the other girls in my next post.
I laughs "yah i am new and yes i am a graffiti artist and some shit, and you must be drunk and shit." i smile "by the way i'm Armina, But just call me bitch or what ever you want cause honestly i don't give a damn" i laugh and take the bag back from her zipping it back up and placing it back by my feet.


Ash Boogie]waiting on [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18968-mel/ said:
@Mel[/URL] ....
((So sorry i am babysitting my sisters baby and i had to feed him, then he fell asleep on me and i fell asleep for a little bit too, hehe so sorry))
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I finished off my drink and set the cup on the counter. It was probably time I stopped before I passed out before I got the chance to get to know Winter better. And maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was because her lips look really soft, but I really wanted to kiss those lips. "So... if you're okay with kissing me, let's say we do it again." I casually took a step closer and put my hand on her hip. Damn, the room was spinning a little. I didn't exactly have the tolerance Lynx or Cal had.


woops.... Sorry x-x
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I walked over to the middle and maybe try to grab someone's attention. I then approached a red headed girl who looked incredibly beautiful, one that was impossible to ignore. "Hello" the words came from my mouth. "My name's Aaron, and you are...?"<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Rami.jpg.85ed4208ceb7f078c15f0753f3f73201.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76873" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Rami.jpg.85ed4208ceb7f078c15f0753f3f73201.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I was a little nervous at first when Jay left, I wasn't sure if he was going to come back, mainly because he seemed really pissed off. I sat on the counter and checked to see if my brother sent me a text, and nope nothing, tonight was just getting better and better. I noticed Jay walk in, I put my phone in my bra, cause I knew I wouldn't lose it. I couldn't help but blush when he called me beautiful, he started pouring us a drink, I didn't bother saying anything, I took the cup from him "Thanks" I smiled at him, taking small sips, within a few seconds another guy came over to me, "Hi I'm Morgan"

@Dannygirl900 @Kiclackian
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.eeb5a567b62f09625b76c2768d54b9cb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76880" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.eeb5a567b62f09625b76c2768d54b9cb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


I placed down my drink as I felt Miles hand on my side. "I say we do it" I pulled myself closer to him, my leather jackey falling off my shoulder slightly




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I smile down at her and use my other hand to push some of the hair from her face, taking my time in bringing it back down to her hip. A nice body, a cute face... Damn, I wonder how I got so lucky? Still smiling, I lean down, and press my lips to hers, holding her close to my body. After a couple small kisses, I pull back with a half smile to gauge her reaction. To be honest, I was hoping she'd be all nervous or something again. It was cute.​

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I felt my face heat up. A red blush gathering on my cheeks. Why does this guy make me so nervous? When he pulled back I saw his eyes and I instantly looked away but kept my body close to his.




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"You're a pretty cool chick," I tell Armina, chuckling to myself. I can tell we're gonna be friends already. "Fuck this, let's go dance! I throw out my cigarette and grab her hand, pulling her back inside to the party. I didn't come to here to just sit around. We walk in and I peer around the room, not seeing any sign of my brother anywhere. Maybe he left. Good, maybe now I can actually have some damn fun.

I lead Armina through the party, all the guys checking us out. We pass by the beer pong table and I spot this familiar looking red headed chick (@Geek with Me). I think she's the Russian girl in my science class? Whatever, the more pretty girls the better! "Hey, you wanna dance?" I shout to her over the music. I don't even wait for a response before I grab her hand and pull her to the dance floor too.

I already see two other girls in the middle of the floor, getting down (@Stamper @ShadowMoses). Hey, they look fun. I join them and start moving around, letting the loud music take over my body. "Let's partay!!" I scream, jumping around like a crazy person. Im still drunk and I'm sure that's apparent with my dancing and loud ass voice. I just like having a good time and I don't need anybody trying to ruin it, especially my brother.

I suddenly look over in the kitchen and see Winter and Miles all up on eachother. Well, atleast one of us is getting lucky tonight. I also notice Cal still talking to blondie (
@Of the Red) She looks bored and awkward as hell. Ugh. At the end of day Cal is Lynx's boy so maybe I should just get over my stupid crush on him. I mean, you see how Lynx flipped out earlier; he'll never let me talk to him.

I start waving my hands, motioning for her to come over. She looks lonely and I haven't seen her talking to anybody besides Cal the whole night. I mean, it's not like I'm a mean girl or something. And this is a party, right?


As I'm walking with Della out of the party, holding her waist so she doesn't fall all over the fucking place, I spot my boy Aaron walk through the door. Aaron is kind of modest and lowkey, he's not really wild like the rest of us. He's still a badass though, just not so open about it. "What's up, dude?" I greet him quickly, dapping him up and moving past him. Just as I'm bout to walk out the door, I turn my head back and see him start macking on Morgan, the same chick Jay's currently talking to. Uh oh. Whatever, let them deal with that shit on their own.

Me and Della both live right down the street so it's nothing to walk her home. "You don't need to smoke anymore," I tell her as we start approaching our rundown street. We both don't live in the best part of town but whatever, that's just the way life is. "You wanna crash at my place?" I ask her. My mom's always too spaced out to really give a fuck what I do. She basically let's me run wild so a girl spending the night is the least of her worries. And it's not like Della hasn't spent the night before... "We can kiss all you want to then," I tell her with a sneaky grin.

@Mel @Dannygirl900 @Kiclackian @Tsiwentiio

Sorry guys, I'm at work lol but you may proceed
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Della Sloane •


I smile at him and shake my head "I really need a smoke first. I gave my other one away so I could go get a drink. I forget who I gave it to...." I giggle a bit and when he mentions kissing a small smirk touches my lips "but I'm really drunk... and high. Are you are you'd wanna kiss me" I tease, setting my hands on his chest.

We both step into his house and go to his room. On our way there I see his mom through her bedroom door laying on the bed with a bottle laying beside her and all I can do is shake my head and pull Lynx away from her room faster. "So. What do you wanna do first" I ask quietly, resting my hands behind his neck, mostly to hold myself up.

Jay Sloane•


I raise an eyebrow when Aaron walks up to hit on Morgan. I narrow my eyes a bit, unable to help myself, and lean against the counter beside Morgan. What he's doing is really uncool.

"Hey Aaron" I take a sip of my drink, itching for a smoke. But I don't know if Morgan likes that stuff, so I try to restrain myself. "Drinks are in the cooler" I nod and smirk a bit at Morgan.

@Ash Boogie @Tsiwentiio @Kiclackian @Sha
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c a r s o n

n e w m a n


"Nice name, and yeah, it's kinda boring sitting here, but why not just go now." I stand up and grab Val's hand twirling around with my drink it the air. "If you spill your drink you can just get another!" I laugh and begin to walk out onto the dance floor more when a girl comes up and starts dancing too. "See this is fun." I begin to dance more, letting any and all cares go out the window.

@Stamper @Ash Boogie
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.50a9ae9cc9f4f67278b2371eccae1279.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76889" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.50a9ae9cc9f4f67278b2371eccae1279.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Blue Sevengy

I shrugged and took another drag on the cigarette. I felt like he was more preoccupied with whatever was going on. Hopping off the counter, I smiled faintly "Nevermind . It's too personal anyway. I'm just going to step out for a second, it's kind of hot in here". Giving Calvin a soft kiss on the cheek, I shoved my way out of the kitchen to the dance floor. I just needed to lose myself tonight. With the cig still in the corner of my mouth, I ran my hands through my hair and swung my hips without a care, attracting more then a few guys. I was a pretty good dancer and the alcohol didn't help my decsions so I was gyrating and swaying like the best of em.




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I couldn't believe what I was seeing, as soon as Aaron came over Jay moved closer to me, how cute. I felt my phone go off, so I checked and it was my brother, he sent me a snap chat showing that he was at the exact same party, and he was just in the other room. I froze unsure of what to do, I knew he had been drinking, and especially if he seen guys any where close to me, I don't even want to know what would happen. "I'll be right back" I said to jay, and got down off of the counter. I slowly walked out of the kitchen, I really didn't know where to go, maybe go hide in a closet somewhere. Just when I thought I was safe, one of my brother's friends noticed me. I don't think i'd ever ran so fast in a pair of heels in my life, and of course him screaming "MORGAN" was not helping at all.

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I laughed softly; her expression was priceless. Without a word, I leaned back down for a longer kiss, pulling her tighter against me. On a normal day, when I wasn't smashed, kissing in front of everyone would have been uncomfortable. Right now, I didn't really care anymore.

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I smiled into the kiss feeling his grip tight around me. I couldn't give two shits to what people thought of me, the taste of Alcohol thick on each other's breath. I pulled away slightly so our lips were almost touching. "Are you going to remember me tomorrow once the alcohols gone?"




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c a r s o n

n e w m a n


"All these girls are falling for these guys, who needs them when you have girlfriends that'll stick around." I laugh and dance more, my hips swaying with the beat and my hands in the air. Although guys would stare at me, none of them dared to actually approach me. It actually kind of saddened me, to see these girls having guys sucked onto their face and one doesn't even want to speak to me. Pushing the thoughts away, I continue to dance more, no time to be upset about silly things. "I told you it would be!" I grin at Val.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.c2e9dc43a44f661d3abe65ca10df203f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76902" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.c2e9dc43a44f661d3abe65ca10df203f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Blue Sevengy

Humming along with the beat, I ran both my hands through my hair. The cigarette was long gone by now but I didn't care. I was in the zone or whatever, completely oblivious of the people sucking face and stuff all around me. I danced to through the crowd, careful to stay away from the guys who wanted a little more then just to dance and I could feel the bass moving in my bones. Then, like usual, I tumbled and accidentally ran into some girl with awesome ass black and white hair. A vague part of my memory told me that Cruella was my favriote Disney villain. Smiling sheepishly at the girl, I laughed. "Sorry for that . I get even more clumsy when I drink". Turning to see the other chick's she was dancing with, I waved. "Sup ! I'm Blue"

@ShadowMoses @Stamper



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