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Fandom Back to the past


New Member
Our story starts as Harry is brooding in the room of requirement, months after the fight for Hogwarts has ended when he wishes there had been something he could do for the Slytherins especially those whose heroic deeds had never truly been appreciated like Regulus and Severus.

After awhile, Harry realizes there are more Slytherins that could have been saved, like the Malfoy family. The more he thinks, the more Harry starts to question everything he knows about the Slytherins. He had seen them show bravery, intelligence and loyalty.

They were a bunch looking out for themselves because they were casted out by everyone else. It made him feel worse as he remembered the prejudiced views he had been given by Hagrid and Ron and he shuddered to think what would have happened if he had allowed the hat to put him in Slytherin. He knew he would have been treated badly. He just wished he could find someway to redeem the Slytherin name as he had seen the unjust treatment the house received.

It is this wish where our journey begins. Because when Harry decides to face the others and walks out of the room of requirement, he runs into Dumbledore? And that's how the two realize Harry had been sent into the past. Harry now finds himself in the past, a week before school starts.


Things to Know:

Characters needed:

Severus Snape (Taken by Phasm)

Slytherin, 6th year, age 17

Snape and Lily already have the falling out and Snape is going further down a dark path. Having always believed he was destined for greatness he wanted to establish himself as someone important among the purebloods. He just wanted to be acknowledged.

Lucius Malfoy (Taken by LilMissy)

Slytherin, 7th year, age 18

Lucius believes in the pureblood supremacy and believes Voldemort can bring them the honor they deserve and bring back the traditions which the magical community is slowly starting to abandon due to influence from the muggles. Lucius has already had a few meetings with Lord Voldemort during the summer breaks. He's gone with Bella to meet Voldemort as well, and during the school year will go visit him during trips to Hogsmeade and during school breaks.

Regulus Black (Taken by Nightingale9)

Slytherin, 5th year, Age 16

Regulus is pressured by his family and we know how he ended up but this time Harry will be there to prevent these people from choosing the wrong path. He befriends them all and subtly tries to show them the wrong in Voldemort's philosophy.

Harry Potter (Taken by Phasm)

Slytherin, 7th year, age 18

As Harry didn't finish his final year in his timeline he attends final year along with these people. Of course he confides in Dumbledore who agrees to keep his secret and give him a new identity and helps him in anyway he can.

Bellatrix Black (Taken by Nightingale9)

Slytherin, 7th year, age 17

Bellatrix has pressures from her family to marry Rodolphus but she has no feelings for him. Being a naive teen who was brought up believing muggles and muggleborns were inferior she is attracted to Voldemort who is charismatic and desires to make the wizards rule over everyone else and uphold their ancient traditions. She’s very protective and close to Narcissa and Regulus. Bellatrix has gone on a few meetings with Voldemort and adores him, she's always trying to get others to go with her on her next visit, including Narcissa and Regulus. Like Lucius, she only goes to visit Voldemort on weekends and school holidays.

Narcissa Black (Taken by SavvyCross)

Slytherin, 4th year, age 15

Narcissa is betrothed to Lucius and having known each other for awhile they both start to grow to love each other. Though she doesn't agree with killing muggles she too dislikes the muggleborns entering the wizarding world and questioning long standing traditions.

Molly Prewet (Taken by LilMissy)

Gryffindor, 7th year, Age 17

Growing up with her family, Molly wasn't taught to hate muggleborns or that killing muggles was okay. She had been taught that all people whether they be witches, wizards, or even muggleborns were just people. Pretty much she can seem a little shy sometimes, even when she likes someone but when she gets to know them she will be open. She first meets Harry on a trip to Diagon Alley, not realizing he is a Slytherin and does talk to him some. By the time school starts, Molly is confused about her feelings and everything when she finds that he is a Slytherin, because she had always been taught how evil they were, but he had been nothing like that and was actually nice.

A Muggleborn female OC (Open)

Any House, Any Year, Anything between 15-18

Make up a small bio when you ask to join.


Harry x Molly

Narcissa X Lucius

Snape X Bella

Regulus X OC


Please have good realistic pictures, post good replies, typically about 1000 characters or over please, but there wont be a limit though. Please post in a timely manner, let people know when you'll be away or busy. Let 2 or 3 people post before you do. If we can't get enough people we'll be asking people to double characters :D Other than that, have a great day and enjoy the rp!
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