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Back to the Beginning (1x1 Paint and Britt)

Tim winced every time the axe hit a branch, for no particular reason other then the sound scared him. He finally was able to get out.

She giggled and nuzzled him.
Naomi sighed and was worried about him. Getting up, she then headed back

Henry shook his head "I'll do it."
He gave her hug and said "It's alright,"

She mounted and smirkd. She stroked her horse and could see the town int eh distance. She cantered her horse toward sir.
She stopped the horse as they reached the town and said "We're here."

Tim released her for fear of her getting angry with him. He stepped away and the. Decided to get sone fish for his dinner."
She said "What should we do now?"

He broke a hole in the ice covering the nearby river and grabbed his spear that he had made. He waited and finally speared one. He then remembered that he had made a net out of some cloth. He put it in the icy water and caught about ten fish.

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