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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Oooh we have power that is almost if not equal to the power of the Phoenix Force but God help us if someone tries to capture us and take our powers because apparently its about as hard as fixing a fucking car."
LucianGrey7971 said:
That's why I don't agree with you saying Jordan has a God-Complex he is doing his damn best to never be what he was before
That might be, but he still considers himself a god no? Look at this:

A god complex is an unshakable belief characterized by consistently inflated feelings of personal ability, privilege, or infallibility.

Jordan has skill. is increadbily rich and he was in a coma for years so no matter how you twist it luxury has been a main constant for all his life and he's even flat out said it multiple times!
He does NOT consider himself a God. Even with all his power, being called God is something he hates more than anything because of what he did. He wasn't bragging about those he killed, he was confessing his sins.

Jordan's ego might be big, but he is more than aware of his limitations. Notice I keep saying that it'll take him years to reach full power but Jordan is constantly saying he's already there, he's bluffing for the sake of not being uselessly challenged all the time
Did I miss anything? Has the time skip happened.

I was waiting for Robin to make the post about the orange hulk destroying the city to come in and be like "Bub..." And then some more things, but bub is the most important thing.
Look bub....


Just more arguments and tiny fights and stuff. No skip yet.

@National We're skipping to a month before Thanos right? Or have I been misleading myself. Just want to be sure so I don't mislead others. :x

We might want to probably start wrapping up shiz so we can do the skip as well in the next few days?
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...Should my do something or is this just the inevitable death of a character that is supposed to affect everyone in some way shape or form...and by everyone, I mean not my characters because MY characters don't seem to give a flying fuck about other characters
Oh right, so it turns out that Thanos has beaten the Phoenix and the Phoenix Five, but as far as the actual Phoenix Force, not at all. As it turns out, my theory behind Jordan being the Phoenix Force sort of ties in with why it may need hosts in the first place. The Phoenix Force is a being of unlimited Psionic Energy, capable of cutting and burning parts of the universe when it deems that that part has grown stagnant (most likely from the exhaustion of that part's evolutionary potential) and the entire universe itself if necessary and recreate it to keep everything progressing. This means that it cannot act on a level as small as even Thanos without completely destroying everything, thus the need for hosts to be able to channel that power, like an incredibly small hose. The problem is that it can only pour so much energy into them without killing them from the overwhelming power, thus Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet is better than the Phoenix and the Phoenix Five, but still nowhere near the level that would require the Phoenix Force to take actual steps against him. What's interesting is that because it is the source of Psionic Energy...as well as the source of life itself apparently, even with the combined strength of Scarlett Witch and Hope saying "No More Phoenix," this only made it disappear. My theory is that because it was phrased "No More Phoenix," instead of "No More Phoenix Force," it may have temporarily broken the Phoenix's ability to link itself to others, however because it is the unlimited, indestructible, and mutable force that it is, it would eventually be able to reconnect. Also a side note is that this thing is so powerful, that there is no universe A Phoenix Force and Universe B Phoenix Force, apparently this thing is the nexus of all psionic energy which has, does, or ever will exist throughout all realities of the Omniverse...Its quite literally a giant flaming chicken shaped Bret Hart.

This doesn't effect where the story is going at all as Jordan does not have its full power and will not likely have it for, let's retcon that 10 year crap and say 1,000 years, I just REALLY find stuff like this interesting. However, it would mean that the being on its way to Earth is either the Living Tribunal, or TOAA, in which case you can expect Jordan to give you a very crisp and understandable "Fuck THAT," and not be heard from until it leaves. Again, the purpose of this post was not to further strengthen my character or change where the story was going, just to correct the whole Thanos killing the Phoenix Force thing and to show that I really like the flaming chicken
@Pink Gorilla finally played MGS5 so I could understand why you based things off it, I get it now:


It's a truly beautiful game....

(I have started playing tho and I'm hooked, help, it's a drug)
LokiofSP said:
@Pink Gorilla finally played MGS5 so I could understand why you based things off it, I get it now:

It's a truly beautiful game....

(I have started playing tho and I'm hooked, help, it's a drug)
Tell me about it.

30% Total Completion. :x

It'll be okay. -Pats head-

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