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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

LucianGrey7971 said:
Well if you're not gonna tell me then I'm just gonna go back to being afk
Geez Mr. Sourpuss. :v

Er. Well Richie picked up Connor and they met up with Dimitri. Richie proceeded to tell Dimitri about all the deaths and Dimitri proceeded to blame and call out Connor. Dimitri revealed to Connor that he was planning to die by doing some secret plan and Connor and Rush convinced Dimitri to let Rush do it instead. Finn called everyone on the comms asking if they wanted Ice Cream and that's where those three are headed.

Braziel and Rayne had more date time.

Max, Pyrite, Minerva, and I think someone else fought some Dino's.

Mysterious figure tried to telepathically throw the gauntlet and drop the mic at Jordan.

The girls are doing their Skull Face base raiding and Kelai's not dead.

That about wrap it?
Jordan: There are three things I don't care about, Soccer, the Patriots and Ivory.

On a different note, how sad is it that Jordan went from the biggest shit starter in history to being the most responsible and peaceful person here...and good GOD what is with the sudden influx of characters?!
LucianGrey7971 said:
Jordan: There are three things I don't care about, Soccer, the Patriots and Ivory.
On a different note, how sad is it that Jordan went from the biggest shit starter in history to being the most responsible and peaceful person here...and good GOD what is with the sudden influx of characters?!
First off...Ow, that cut deep, he finally gets somewhat of a happy ending and you shit on it.

Second, I think Jordan being the most responsible is arguable
Oh nah, I'm not talking about the whole killing people, it was avoidable yeah, but one could argue worse things could have happened if actions wasn't taken immediately, so I don't count that.

My thing is Jordan's recent view that makes him seem like a grumpy old man. If I may, this is my Jordan impression, "Those dang Avengers are so irresponsible, is this really humanity's hope? *Grumble grumble* I could end this all by snapping my fingers and doing a little dance but it'll make humanity dependent on me or whatever bullshit I told myself this week....Still so irresponsible."

He has power but comes up with bullshit to not do anything while complaining about people not doing anything. He's a lazy narcissistic ass with a god-complex......And a judgmental prick
Crono said:
You can't make me!!


National said:
The hooded figure chuckles. "Geez Jordan. Can't even remember me through my voice?" The nodded figure takes off its hood, and the face of Marko looks at Jordan.

I now know the intense feeling of rage, happiness, sadness and confusion that @Crono seemed to show when I brought back Ivory....I am so sorry

I'm intrigued tho
I don't agree with the god complex, in fact there's a whole reason and story behind WHY he's the Pheonix Force and I said he'd be at full power in 10 years. He doesn't see the smaller things as "his problem" because he's operating on a bigger scale. The problem is that to everyone else, he seems uninterested in humanity, when in fact he's trying to guide them without actually getting involved.

Jordan: And because it REALLY pisses Ivory...which is a bonus.
LucianGrey7971 said:
I don't agree with the god complex, in fact there's a whole reason and story behind WHY he's the Pheonix Force and I said he'd be at full power in 10 years. He doesn't see the smaller things as "his problem" because he's operating on a bigger scale. The problem is that to everyone else, he seems uninterested in humanity, when in fact he's trying to guide them without actually getting involved.
Jordan: And because it REALLY pisses Ivory...which is a bonus.
Ah yes, I understand that but just because there's a reason doesn't mean that it's right or that the Phenoix's intentions are good. I mean, for the story it doesn't but you know what I mean.

Also I hope I didn't offend when I pointed some things out about Jordan, I was just pointing out flaws, which are things that make a character more enjoyable and actually pretty exciting to interact with. Everybodys characters have flaws, hell I can list all three of mines (Minus Pyrite because I dont wanna)

Ivory:A whiny bitch who couldn't get over his past and was more burden at times than help, also turned into a drug addict breifly.

Fortune: She's just a total bitch

Sarah: A tool who will blindly obey power and cant tell when she's being used

These things dont make them bad people or characters, it just gives them personality
Personally I look at what the Phoenix Force has done and everything it's done has been justified...except the whole Emma Stone thing, that was pretty fucked up
LucianGrey7971 said:
Personally I look at what the Phoenix Force has done and everything it's done has been justified...except the whole Emma Stone thing, that was pretty fucked up
I dunno man, it destroyed galixes for fun

Now if we were talking something like Galactus, MAYBE but the Pheniox Force? No way, it's been manipulative since the beginning and only got worse because of Jean Grey
It destroyed galaxies because that's its duty, to burn away the old to make way for the new.

The Phoenix Force is the Guardian of Creation, it's whole reason for existing is to protect the evolutionary process. It does that by destroying things that have no more potential in order to make way for the new things that will sprout in its place, it HELPED Jean Grey. That whole Dark Phoenix thing was Jean Grey being manipulated by mastermind.
LucianGrey7971 said:
It destroyed galaxies because that's its duty, to burn away the old to make way for the new.
The Phoenix Force is the Guardian of Creation, it's whole reason for existing is to protect the evolutionary process. It does that by destroying things that have no more potential in order to make way for the new things that will sprout in its place, it HELPED Jean Grey. That whole Dark Phoenix thing was Jean Grey being manipulated by mastermind.
Well yes, but that little piece that Mastermind manipulated STAYED with it forever.

And about the whole, "It's its duty" thing that's like saying that a person told to kill someone by a higher authority should be allowed to because it's their duty, doesn't make it any less bad,
The Emma Frost (not stone) thing happened because of Jean Grey's lingering memories and feelings. That's why it fucked with Emma. And let's not forget the Phoenix Five, a group created by a shattered and pretty pissed off Phoenix Force. Why was it pissed off? Because it was most likely coming to Earth to undo Scarlett Witch's No More Mutants spell and Tony Stark, being the arrogant and ignorant human being that he is, assumed it was coming to destroy Earth and shot the shit out of it which caused it to fracture. The Phoenix Five was a result of a pissed off being wanting to be whole again, the X-Men just couldn't handle that.

And no it didn't there is a difference between the Phoenix Force and the Phoenix
I could have sworn there was, maybe I am getting things confused, I am getting a bit tired...

Anyways, I suppose that there is truth to what you're saying, maybe I'm just to caught up in my whole thing with Jean Grey and what she did while in possession of it's power. Anyways, I'll just put it back on the neutral "Force of the universe" shelf with Galactus.

Although can I just say that the assumption Tony Stark made that it was coming to destroy Earth was completely justified? I mean, that's something it does all the time (Destroy to rebuild), and I dunno about you but if doom (Seemingly) came my way, force of the universe or not I fight
Plus Galactus is a world eater that eats worlds for the literal fuck of it. In fact, he has someone go ahead of him and tell the people "Guess what? You're fucked!" That ain't somethin' that's justifiable by any means. The Phoenix Force gets a pretty bad wrap because people don't seem to get the difference between Phoenix Force, Phoenix and Dark Phoenix. The Phoenix Force protects that what needs to be protected and burns what could possibly destroy evolution if left unchecked
LucianGrey7971 said:
Plus Galactus is a world eater that eats worlds for the literal fuck of it. In fact, he has someone go ahead of him and tell the people "Guess what? You're fucked!" That ain't somethin' that's justifiable by any means. The Phoenix Force gets a pretty bad wrap because people don't seem to get the difference between Phoenix Force, Phoenix and Dark Phoenix. The Phoenix Force protects that what needs to be protected and burns what could possibly destroy evolution if left unchecked
Alright, Galactus has helped battle forces with the heroes before but ultimately, you are right. But I suppose in my heart Galactus will always remain neutral...

In fact most cosmic entity's are.

Except the Builders

Fuck the Builders

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