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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

AnnoDomini said:
*hugs you* My hero! *Enrique Iglesias Hero plays in the background*
... I'm watching you, gaijin >_>
sitanomoto said:
In my eyes, yes, but @Crono might have something to say about it.
Yeh, I said it was alright with me. Other than some specifics that might need to be worked out I don't really mind. :P
Name: Jackie Boss

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Hero Name: Fade

Child of: :3 hoohoohoo will you all love it

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: A pretty quiet and nervous kid, Jackie Boss hides it with a tougher attitude. However, this doesn't always happen. Certain things will trigger him, instantly changing his mood. He is kind and helpful, but has a certain familiarity with two others.

Powers: His powers are not full shown, but he does possess super strength and super speed.

Weapons: Later on

Weaknesses: Is emotionally fragile, is bad at making decisions.

Favorite Pass times: No one knows.

Favorite Song: There for Tomorrow- Just a Little Faster
Name: Frisk

Age: 12

Gender: ...Determined

Hero Name:

Child of: That poor bastard who apparently can't help but be cloned...and Jamie. Just for laughs

Sexuality: Determined

Appearance(pic please!):


(Any form is fine)

Personality: Loving, Caring...y,know what? Take Chara, and reverse everything

Powers: DETERMINATION, Healing Factor, Aura of niceness

Weapons: Stick

Weaknesses: Fighting

Favorite Passtimes: Flirting

Favorite Song: [media]

Name: Ryu Hanshu Foom

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Hero Name: True Dragon

Child Of: Fin Fang Foom

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance(pic please!):


(Any form is fine)

Personality: Ryu's possesses a great deal of pride and confidence in himself as a dragon, seen especially by how he named himself True Dragon. He can act out of selfishness and anger at times when he deems himself alone. That is because it takes allies and friends to bring out the good traits in a dragon as its the same with him. With friends, he can become a supportive and trust worthy ally, though of course that could just be the human in him.


Dragon Soul

Weaknesses: Dragonsbane, like Fin Fang Foom this herb forces his dragon parts to sleep meaning he looses most of his active powers and he himself will become sleepy.

Favorite Passtimes: Eating people(jk), searching for the Makluan Rings, searching for Makluans in general

Favorite Song: Alone Together by Fallout Boy
Name: Reginald Blackthorn, Regie to his friends

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Hero Name: The Thorn

Child Of: Vincent Blackthorn (OC) Mother is unknown

Sexuality: Asexual



Personality: Well mannered and always acts like a gentleman. Also has an extremely manipulative streak, able to convince people of things with ease, often using sweet talk or generous offers to get them to do what he wants. Is also loyal, short tempered, intelligent and cares quite a lot about his appearance

Powers: Fear inducement: Reginald is able to induce terrifying hallucinations onto people, usually these mirror the victim's own fears. These hallucinations can be so severe that certain victims may be caused to go insane or in very rare cases, die of fright.

Lie detection: Exactly what it says on the tin, Regie can instantly tell if someone is lying

Psychic detection: If Regie knows someone's name, he can instantly find out where they are.

Dream invasion: If Regie knows who someone is, he can also visit them in their dreams and manipulate them, sometimes inducing night terrors on his enemies.

Illusion creation: Regie can induce illusions to fool enemies, such as making illusionary copies of himself, changing his appearance or making things look bigger, smaller or further than they really are, among other things.

Weapons: A carving knife and a revolver.

Weaknesses: If someone learns to conquer their fear, fear inducement could be rendered useless.

If someone does not they aren't speaking the truth, Regie will not interprete it as a lie.

Favorite Passtimes: Card games, gambling, puzzles, mind games.

Favorite Song: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLJllk-0o6c[/media]

Other: His father is at the head of a crime organization, and he and Regie are extremely rich as a result, living in a large mansion.

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Spinoceratopsrex said:
Name: Reginald Blackthorn, Regie to his friends
Age: 18

Gender: Male

Hero Name: The Thorn

Child Of: Vincent Blackthorn (OC) Mother is unknown

Sexuality: Asexual



Personality: Well mannered and always acts like a gentleman. Also has an extremely manipulative streak, able to convince people of things with ease, often using sweet talk or generous offers to get them to do what he wants. Is also loyal, short tempered, intelligent and cares quite a lot about his appearance

Powers: Fear inducement: Reginald is able to induce terrifying hallucinations onto people, usually these mirror the victim's own fears. These hallucinations can be so severe that certain victims may be caused to go insane or in very rare cases, die of fright.

Lie detection: Exactly what it says on the tin, Regie can instantly tell if someone is lying

Psychic detection: If Regie knows someone's name, he can instantly find out where they are.

Dream invasion: If Regie knows who someone is, he can also visit them in their dreams and manipulate them, sometimes inducing night terrors on his enemies.

Illusion creation: Regie can induce illusions to fool enemies, such as making illusionary copies of himself, changing his appearance or making things look bigger, smaller or further than they really are, among other things.

Weapons: A carving knife and a revolver.

Weaknesses: If someone learns to conquer their fear, fear inducement could be rendered useless.

If someone does not they aren't speaking the truth, Regie will not interprete it as a lie.

Favorite Passtimes: Card games, gambling, puzzles, mind games.

Favorite Song: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLJllk-0o6c[/media]

Other: His father is at the head of a crime organization, and he and Regie are extremely rich as a result, living in a large mansion.


Son of a nutcracker.....


Remind Cass not to get on his bad side. The gal has enough hallucination problems as it is.
Name: Alistair Stark

Age: 18

Gender: male

Hero Name: Iron Punisher

Child Of: Punisher through adoption, Great-Grandchild of Azazel and Cassie Stark

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):

(His armors, and the right one is his casualwear.)

( Alistair’s suit, passed down from Frank Castle himself.)

Personality: Cold, and often Short-fused, as well as aggressive. But he cares about anyone he knows, and does not like injustice in the slightest. He is honest, and is always on edge, and has Trust issues that can be overcome, since he lived in a world where the Undead ruled, and he never knew his actual parents.

Powers: non- super human, but he has excellent skills in Marksmanship, melee combat, hand to hand, piloting vehicles, and even Interrogation. He has many other skills, but is normal overall. He even knows how to make some Iron Man Suits, thanks to the blueprints of Tony stark, which were locked in a safe.

Weapons: Anything he can get his hands on, his suits he made. He also has a High Pain tolerance.

Weaknesses: He is a normal human.

Favorite Passtimes: Tinkering, maintaining his weapons/ suit, and even train.

Favorite Song: Any Hollywood Undead song, Getting Away With Murder, Long Tall Sally, etc. RDJ!!!
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Return of the Prince Update

Name: Laxus Monroe Thorson

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Sky Emperor

Child Of: Thor Odinson and Ororo Munroe

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance(pic please!): (Hero and/or casual)


Personality: Laxus is very fast thinking and always energized. He is prone to do things that shock those who believe they know him. Though if there is one piece of him that doesn't resemble his powers is that he is never an airhead. Though all tongue should be held and ready to stand corrected when attractive women are thrown into the mix, they can be his ultimate strength or his ultimate weakness. With the change up as he is once again Prince of Asgard he seems to has this returned youth to him that he lacked in his brief time as King of Asgard.

Bio: Laxus growing to dislike ruling as King at such a young age once all the new ness of the being King wore off. He sought the help of Heimdall who revealed to him a possible way to bring back Thor. Together they worked to bring back Thor at the price of Laxus's abilities of esoteric water, wind, and ability to invoke Mysticism on his own. Upon Thor's revival he had abdicated the thrown and gave it back to Thor along with the Runes and Odinforce. He is now free to do as he pleases now that he is once again. It was around this time the oriental cutural revolution regressed as even he shed all that for the olders styles once that all got boring. This means there are few on Asgard who use oriental style weapons.


Esoteric Lightning Manipulation

Weapons: He uses his new signature blade forged with Mjolnir by the Thor, it is named after the Watchmen of the Asgardians Heimdall. As such it is called Heimdir and wears an H symbol on his armor to remember the one that helped him to regain his youth so to speak. He also has Call of the Prince which was a gift from Augustus who said he needed something more tech like because all he had was magic like combat capability.

Weakness: Women, RDJ

Mysticism - it requires a charge from a cosmic entity in a one on one confrontation to be able to Invoke Mysticism. Say Jordan goes on a rampage and he winds up facing Jordan with no back up, if Jordan were to hit him with a Phoenix god blast or something that would charge his Mysticism enough to use for that battle.

Favorite Passtimes: Women, Sparring, Adventuring, and not dying

Favorite Song: Centuries Fall Out Boy
Name: Elijah "Eli" Braddock

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Neo Ninja

Child Of: Psylocke Elizabeth Braddock

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance(pic please!): (Hero and/or casual)


Personality: Eli isn't emotionless at all which may be surprising for someone who does what does. He is able to take the psychological pressure of what he does and keep on going never letting it slow him down. In other words he is strong minded and determined. He probably copes with the mental pressure by adding an element of fun to everything he does be it cutting up an enemy or getting wounded, he makes what he does fun whenever he can and however he can. But he knows what needs doing and will do what needs to be done.

Bio: Eli is the son of Psylocke the 4th strongest telepath, but he has yet to manifest any of her powers but still holds hope of doing so. Eli due to not manifesting any mutant powers studied the many arts that lead into Ninjutsu going to as far as learning their magic to compensate for the lack of Psylocke's psychokinesis. After becoming a full fledged ninja he took the name Neo Ninja and made a name for himself as a vigilante in Japan and rose to be known as Japan's most renown vigilante. He has been noted to have close ties to the Harada Clan especially Shingen Harada II.

Powers/Weapons: Ninjutsu

Weaknesses: His hands, he needs them to use ninja magic due to he has to weave hand signs so if somehow he can't weave signs he can't use mystic arts.

Favorite Passtimes: Bringing in the full ninja awesomeness, RDJ

Favorite Song: Irresistible by Fall Out Boy because his body is so manly it is irresistible to females.JK or nah)
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Weaknesses: His hands, he needs them to use ninja magic due to he has to weave hand signs so if somehow he can't weave signs he can't use mystic arts.

Favorite Passtimes: Bringing in the full ninja awesomeness, RDJ

Favorite Song: Irresistible by Fall Out Boy because his body is so manly it is irresistible to females.JK or nah)
What about his personality?
Name: Fyodor/Theodor Vanko

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Name: Whiplash

Child Of: Anton Vanko

Sexuality: Heterosexual





Personality: Theo is a very sociable person when he is out of the suit. Nice, polite and kind, Theo might even make some people lower their defense due to his smile and rather charming voice. But, once he is set to do a mission, he does so without any remorse. Violent, disturbingly savage, and sometimes sadistical, Whiplash is nothing like Theo. Some might even say, it's a Dr. Jakyl and Mr. Hyde complex.

Bio: Theo was born to a rather weird family. His father Anton Vanko left him and his mother when he was only 5, in Sankt Petersburg, Russia. Nevertheless, he never returned, and Theo hid himself in books. In his spare time, he looked at the submarine base that was there, sneaking peeks at their design, and thus his infatuation with machinery was born. Amassing knowledge, he nonetheless was accepted into Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, and graduated very early, at 16. A prodigy, he replicated Tony Stark's famous power source. Using this, he managed to build a couple of devices that brought him fame, but also got the attention of not only the FSB, but also of a long taught dead organization. His suit was made from some blueprints found in a shed owned by his father, and so he took up jobs for the FSB, mainly surppressing revolts in Checnia.

Recently, he moved to New York, after the same men pointed him towards a target he had a grudge against. He also moved his company's office, Vanko International, to Silicon Valey, but keeping a foothold in Russia and East Europe.

Powers/Weapons: Suit/Power Armor/Intelligence. (RDJ)

Weaknesses: Without his suit, he is powerless, and he could be knocked out with only one punch.

Favorite Passtimes: Working on his suit, drinking, partying.

Favorite Song: Sektor Gaza - Dopilsya
Name: Blaze

Age: 30 years

Size: About the Size of a Monster Truck

Gender: Female


Classification: Brute Wyvern




(Red Hot Tail)

Temperament: She is very Aggressive, and short fused. But, she is very intelligent, and always thinking on the fly, she often will be seen fighting those who are bigger, or those who fly, and win. She is also very motherly, and caring if you get on her good side.

Powers/abilities: She is able to breathe fire from her mouth, and heat up her tail when “Sharpening” It. Sharpening her tail actually gives her attacks with it fiery explosions, with greater range and more power than normal tail attacks. Despite her massive size, she is very agile and fast, she can run as faster than the world’s fastest car.

Weaknesses: Water based attacks, attacks using an ancient element known as Dragon, her tail can be cut off, but only when red hot, since it is softer than when cooled off. She also tends to rely on her tail.

Diet: Carnivorous. RDJ!!
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Height: 5'7"

Weight: 123lbs

Eye Color: Black

Hair Color: Black

Build: Mesomorph

Lydia Lemire


Psh, Who needs Precision when there's me?

Brashness, arrogance, happiness, intelligence... Lydia's a mix of everything. To most, her personality reflects Kate's, only there's one difference. The fact that she doesn't approach a situation like most heroes. Stepping up the violence is an essential in her eyes, though blatant murder isn't something Lydia would do.

A very self-righteous and borderline cocky person, she doesn't require external motivation to get through the day. What Lydia thinks of herself is simple; a person who's the best at what she does. And what does she do? Being powerless vigilante obviously. Because of these traits, Lydia usually never takes "no" as an answer unless she's the one saying it. If an unlucky person would to say that simple word to a question however, Lydia would stop at nothing to get the answer she wants.

Persistence, is another reason why Lydia does what she does. Persistence, is the drive she uses to beat her enemies. Persistence... is the reason why she's an annoying brat. These annoying qualities stretch to other places as well, from normal encounters to catching criminals with others, pointing out stupid things about other people is like her superpower.

Charisma is another thing she uses throughout her daily life. Charming her way into otherwise restricted areas or even right to someone Lydia's been tracking, her perky and quirky makes most immediately take a liking to her.





  • Food
  • Candy
  • People buying things for her
  • Her bow
  • Creating new trick arrows and/or gadgets


  • Selfish people
  • People rejecting her help
  • People hiding things from her
  • Swimming

Favorite Passtimes

  • Vigilante work
  • Annoying others
  • Traveling
  • Training
  • Getting new stuff
  • Tinkering



  • Pointing out useless things (this is a joke obviously)


  • Marksmanship
  • Archery
  • Hand-to-hand combat (advanced)
  • Persuasion
  • Disguise
  • Voice alteration
  • Gadgetry
  • Pain tolerance
  • Free-running
  • Weaponry


  • Human physiology


  • Hawkeye (Kate Bishop)'s bow
  • Trick arrows
  • Utility belt


Age: 16

Alias: N/A

Gender: Female

Child Of: Kate Bishop

Sexuality: Heterosexual

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Jessica (Jess) Coulson

(fite me)





Hero Name:


Child Of:

Agent Coulson






Jess is much more friendly than you'd think, surprisingly. She makes friends with almost everyone she meets. I guess you could say she's more like Natasha than she is Coulson, but she's still Coulson's daughter. It's quite hard to tell that she is Coulson's daughter, because she lets most people find out on her own. Most, mind you...


Acrobatics - Similarly to the movement technique in DCUO under the same name, Jess can run faster than the average human and even scale buildings with very little difficulty.


She has one gun (pictured above), and two Karambit knives.



Even though she can still punch and kick, if you take her weapons away, she's not as strong as she usually is.

Favorite Passtimes:


Video Games

Listening to Music

Favorite Song:



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Nerdyy said:


Jessica (Jess) Coulson

(fite me)





Hero Name:


Child Of:

Agent Coulson






Jess is much more friendly than you'd think, surprisingly. She makes friends with almost everyone she meets. I guess you could say she's more like Natasha than she is Coulson, but she's still Coulson's daughter. It's quite hard to tell that she is Coulson's daughter, because she lets most people find out on her own. Most, mind you...


Acrobatics - Similarly to the movement technique in DCUO under the same name, Jess can run faster than the average human and even scale buildings with very little difficulty.


She has one gun (pictured above), and two Karambit knives.



Even though she can still punch and kick, if you take her weapons away, she's not as strong as she usually is.

Favorite Passtimes:


Video Games

Listening to Music

Favorite Song:




Did Natasha train her or is she Both Romanoff and Coulson's daughter?

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