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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

GoldenCharizard4 said:
Name:Alex Flames


Hero Name: dragoon, ryujin (2nd one translated is Dragon God)

Child Of: N/A

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):

View attachment 122298

Personality: stern, brave caring outgoing

Powers: can change his blood type to adapt to different environments (mutant)

Weapons:sword usually

Weaknesses: if he gets to mad he may hurt his friends as if they are enemies

Favorite Passtimes: working out teaching his friends the rules of the street

Favorite Song: *too many...*
Aaaand Done. =3 shall i edit him doe?
GoldenCharizard4 said:
Name:Mason Flames


Hero Name: dragoon, ryujin (2nd one translated is Dragon God)

Child Of: N/A

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):

View attachment 122298

Personality: stern, brave caring outgoing

Powers: can change his blood type to adapt to different environments (mutant)

Weapons:sword usually

Weaknesses: if he gets to mad he may hurt his friends as if they are enemies

Favorite Passtimes: working out, singing, acting

Favorite Song: *too many...*
Name: Will decide upon the human name of... Hector.

Age: 0

Gender: Male

Villain Name: Aether

Child Of Spawn Of: A Spear - his weapon - with Magneto's 'essence'...

Strange parent...

Sexuality: Indeterminate/Aesexual



Personality: Hector as he calls himself; is oblivious to anything, and everything about the world. Yet due to being partially insane, and cursed from the failed Hydra experimentation, he sees the world as 'Incorrect' and believes all current life is artificial, utterly ruthless; and fiercely determined, he will stop at nothing to ensure the natural order of chaos is restored.

However unfamiliar with the world he may be, Hector is highly intelligent. And is no mindless beast, he is willing to have discussion with enemy and ally alike, he is also knowledgeable on the many pantheons of Gods - whom he despises. Additionally, Hector has something akin to a god-complex, and sees himself as above human, as well as an almost prideful arrogance traits inherited from Magneto's essence,

Bio: Hector was born from a failed Hydra experimentation in which weaponry was imbued with mutant powers, his spear was imbued with Magneto's Electromagnetism. Yet the failure came when the cursed sword of the Silver Samurai was experimented upon in the same way,the curse spread to the other weapons, and through residual magic gave these inanimate objects form. And so, from the spear came Hector.

Since them, he has been leading a group of his fellow experimental subjects, plotting the restoration of chaos as the new world order (due to the curse) whilst awaiting the return of the group's leader. Essentially, the cursed sword, given form.



Moderate Physical Augmentation in Reaction-Time, Endurance and Durability.

Basic Electromagnetism; nothing more than control over metals. An unstable control at that.


It's Electromagnetism... Potential power is limitless, Electromagnetism mastered without limitation could essentially do absolutely anything possible. (Just throwing this in here in-case somebody stupidly leaves an Infinity Stone lying around within my grasp... And I get to kill everyone! Ahahahah AHAHAHA MUAHAHAHA!)


A Cursed, Magical Spear.


No experience in life, making him exceptionally easy to fool or distract, and even easier to find due to being new to human society. Has zero mastery over his own powers, and cannot use them effectively resulting in fast fatigue from the most basic moves, and not being able to perform more difficult feats.

Favorite Pass times:

Testing the limits of his power on public property, causing mass destruction with his power. And his favorite activity, defeating (not killing) overconfident heroes - which usually allows for some ego-feeding and monologuing, and of course gloating. Who doesn't love to gloat? That's about it. Not a lot amuses him...

Favorite Song: Music? Music is a pathetic invention of humanity. There is no beauty in sound, beauty is only found in chaos... Ahem.
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Name: Ren Giiva

Age: 16


Hero Name: Black Cat

Sexuality:Raging Bisexual. if it lives and looks nice, He'll hit on it.

Appearance(pic please!):

Personality: Black cat is a mysterious bad boy with a taste for all he can't have. Whatever trys to elude him, he will chase after, but all he had, he has no interest in. Catching his attention is easy, keeping it is hard as hell. He is sweet, charming and so mysterious its known to drive fan girls (and some boys) wild. But all this confidance is a direct invention of the mask. Without it, he is Ren. Just a tortured boy whowon't look anyone in the eye for fear of judgement. The mask grants him freedom to be as wild and free as he wishes. he adores puns and although his antics can break hearts he is a really kind boy.

Powers: night vision, claws, inhuman reflexes, cat-like senses.

Weapons: a metal, telescopic stick


-goofing off: He is aloof and sometimes canget too cocky during battle

-heartbreaker: hitting on everyone and leading on multiple people doesn’t make you many friends.

-he’s only human and has no abilities that make him physically stronger, just faster.

powers: night vision, claws, inhuman reflexes, cat-like senses.

Favorite Passtimes: Hitting on gorgeous people, running about free as a bird, catching birds mice and doing things people usualy cant without his powers

Favorite Song: new demons:I See stars
Demonhunter said:
Name: Ren Giiva
Age: 16


Hero Name: Black Cat

Sexuality:Raging Bisexual. if it lives and looks nice, He'll hit on it.

Appearance(pic please!):

Personality: Black cat is a mysterious bad boy with a taste for all he can't have. Whatever trys to elude him, he will chase after, but all he had, he has no interest in. Catching his attention is easy, keeping it is hard as hell. He is sweet, charming and so mysterious its known to drive fan girls (and some boys) wild. But all this confidance is a direct invention of the mask. Without it, he is Ren. Just a tortured boy whowon't look anyone in the eye for fear of judgement. The mask grants him freedom to be as wild and free as he wishes. he adores puns and although his antics can break hearts he is a really kind boy.

Powers: night vision, claws, inhuman reflexes, cat-like senses.

Weapons: a metal, telescopic stick


-goofing off: He is aloof and sometimes canget too cocky during battle

-heartbreaker: hitting on everyone and leading on multiple people doesn’t make you many friends.

-he’s only human and has no abilities that make him physically stronger, just faster.

powers: night vision, claws, inhuman reflexes, cat-like senses.

Favorite Passtimes: Hitting on gorgeous people, running about free as a bird, catching birds mice and doing things people usualy cant without his powers

Favorite Song: new demons:I See stars

LokiofSP said:
What happened, why isn't new guy accepted, what did sitan do?! Am I INSANE?!
I don't know, I just did, and I did nothing.

And yes, I'm afraid you've gone terribly bonkers.

But let me tell you a little secret, Loki.

All the best people are.
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sitanomoto said:
I don't know, I just did, and I did nothing.

And yes, I'm afraid you've gone terribly bonkers.

But let me tell you a little secret, Loki.

All the best people are.
Oh thanks man, now I can finally check out of this mental hospital, go home and DROWN ALL THE GOLDFISH!
LokiofSP said:
What happened, why isn't new guy accepted, what did sitan do?! Am I INSANE?!
You missed some exceptionally great Sitan nerdy derps. We'll see if she deletes this before you get to read it.

Orlando Bloom was involved....

Fangirling was involved....

Mistaken Identity was involved...

Pure bunny embarrassment was involved...

But she deleted the posts.

But I saw...

Tha precious always sees.

No I did not just watch Lord of the Rings.

Chu Crazy.
Crono said:
You missed some exceptionally great Sitan nerdy derps. We'll see if she deletes this before you get to read it.
Orlando Bloom was involved....

Fangirling was involved....

Mistaken Identity was involved...

Pure bunny embarrassment was involved...

But she deleted the posts.

But I saw...

Tha precious always sees.

No I did not just watch Lord of the Rings.

Chu Crazy.
Good for you.

I believe a slow clap is in order, here.

Name: Nameless (Will gain a name based on his master)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Hero Name: The "Dood"

Child Of: ???

Sexuality: Straight


Personality: The prinny is up beat, happy and unlike his entire species, enjoys to work! He attempts to tell corny jokes but in all honesty he just likes to have something to do.

Powers: Magichange - The Prinny can transform into a Bow or Sword pulsating with enhanced magic to give to an ally. The prinny however gives all of it's other powers to it's host... which sometimes is a terrible terrible idea.

Explosive - The prinny can be tossed, and if he is tossed...!! He will explode like a mortar!

Reincarnation - The Prinny can never be killed, every time he does explode or die he will vanish in a flash of blue light, and come back in around 3 minutes from the hospital.

Magic - The Prinny can learn and utilize a large amount of magics, however it all depends on what his master wants him to learn. All he knows at first is how to fit anything into his pouch, and magic energy slashes.

Weapons: Dual pocket knives, Extremely big bombs, and whatever he manages to put in his satchel.

Weaknesses: High explosive body, Mere side character/servant, requires a master, loves working to much(?), loyal to a fault.

Favorite Passtimes: Scrubbing the Toilet, Cooking, Cleaning, talking, saying "Dood".

Favorite Song:
hudhouse said:
Name: Nameless (Will gain a name based on his master)
Age: 17

Gender: Male

Hero Name: The "Dood"

Child Of: ???

Sexuality: Straight


Personality: The prinny is up beat, happy and unlike his entire species, enjoys to work! He attempts to tell corny jokes but in all honesty he just likes to have something to do.

Powers: Magichange - The Prinny can transform into a Bow or Sword pulsating with enhanced magic to give to an ally. The prinny however gives all of it's other powers to it's host... which sometimes is a terrible terrible idea.

Explosive - The prinny can be tossed, and if he is tossed...!! He will explode like a mortar!

Reincarnation - The Prinny can never be killed, every time he does explode or die he will vanish in a flash of blue light, and come back in around 3 minutes from the hospital.

Magic - The Prinny can learn and utilize a large amount of magics, however it all depends on what his master wants him to learn. All he knows at first is how to fit anything into his pouch, and magic energy slashes.

Weapons: Dual pocket knives, Extremely big bombs, and whatever he manages to put in his satchel.

Weaknesses: High explosive body, Mere side character/servant, requires a master, loves working to much(?), loyal to a fault.

Favorite Passtimes: Scrubbing the Toilet, Cooking, Cleaning, talking, saying "Dood".

Favorite Song:
...You... You can't be serious... xD

It's like the embodiment of Annoyance to all villains.
hudhouse said:
Name: Nameless (Will gain a name based on his master)
Age: 17

Gender: Male

Hero Name: The "Dood"

Child Of: ???

Sexuality: Straight


Personality: The prinny is up beat, happy and unlike his entire species, enjoys to work! He attempts to tell corny jokes but in all honesty he just likes to have something to do.

Powers: Magichange - The Prinny can transform into a Bow or Sword pulsating with enhanced magic to give to an ally. The prinny however gives all of it's other powers to it's host... which sometimes is a terrible terrible idea.

Explosive - The prinny can be tossed, and if he is tossed...!! He will explode like a mortar!

Reincarnation - The Prinny can never be killed, every time he does explode or die he will vanish in a flash of blue light, and come back in around 3 minutes from the hospital.

Magic - The Prinny can learn and utilize a large amount of magics, however it all depends on what his master wants him to learn. All he knows at first is how to fit anything into his pouch, and magic energy slashes.

Weapons: Dual pocket knives, Extremely big bombs, and whatever he manages to put in his satchel.

Weaknesses: High explosive body, Mere side character/servant, requires a master, loves working to much(?), loyal to a fault.

Favorite Passtimes: Scrubbing the Toilet, Cooking, Cleaning, talking, saying "Dood".

Favorite Song:
I call dibs for Raikou
hudhouse said:
Name: Nameless (Will gain a name based on his master)
Age: 17

Gender: Male

Hero Name: The "Dood"

Child Of: ???

Sexuality: Straight


Personality: The prinny is up beat, happy and unlike his entire species, enjoys to work! He attempts to tell corny jokes but in all honesty he just likes to have something to do.

Powers: Magichange - The Prinny can transform into a Bow or Sword pulsating with enhanced magic to give to an ally. The prinny however gives all of it's other powers to it's host... which sometimes is a terrible terrible idea.

Explosive - The prinny can be tossed, and if he is tossed...!! He will explode like a mortar!

Reincarnation - The Prinny can never be killed, every time he does explode or die he will vanish in a flash of blue light, and come back in around 3 minutes from the hospital.

Magic - The Prinny can learn and utilize a large amount of magics, however it all depends on what his master wants him to learn. All he knows at first is how to fit anything into his pouch, and magic energy slashes.

Weapons: Dual pocket knives, Extremely big bombs, and whatever he manages to put in his satchel.

Weaknesses: High explosive body, Mere side character/servant, requires a master, loves working to much(?), loyal to a fault.

Favorite Passtimes: Scrubbing the Toilet, Cooking, Cleaning, talking, saying "Dood".

Favorite Song:
Oh my god.


it's adorable and annoying at the same time!!!
[QUOTE="Raikou Kaminari]I call dibs for Raikou

What shall you name your new prinny?! (0:51 for voice)


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