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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

A golfer was about to finish his last put on the green, when a funeral percesion went by. Instead of making the put, he took off hat and waited for it all to go by. By that time, his friend, who he was golfing with, had caught up too him

"That was really respectful!" his friend praised. The golfer said in return

"Well, it was the least i could do for my wife."
(Did no-one get the Supernatural reference?)

What's Bill Gates's favorite peice of fruniture?


(Sorry that was terrible, my other ones are reaaaally long)
Newtype said:
Updated version/repost
Name: Laxus Monroe Thorson

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Sky Emperor

Child Of: Thor Odinson and Ororo Munroe

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance(pic please!): (Hero and/or casual)

(Any form is fine)


Personality: Laxus is very fast thinking and always energized. He is prone to do things that shock those who believe they know him. Though if there is one piece of him that doesn't resemble his powers is that he is never an airhead. Though all tongue should be held and ready to stand corrected when attractive women are thrown into the mix, they can be his ultimate strength or his ultimate weakness.

Bio: Laxus is the first prince of Asgard, he is the son of Thor and Ororo Munroe who had a secret romance he maintained among others. Though Laxus when he was 13 went to go train with a Mystic Monk to learn how to use Esoteric side of elements and to do he sealed all his powers except his lightning in a golden rod fashioned with mjolnir. The armor he wears he received when he returned from his training, it's a merge of Asgardian cosmic armor and Midgardian high tech vibranium armor. Though it really just helps with his powers especially his eye patch which helps him focus his sensory abilities better. Now with his father dead someone has to step up and fill his role both as a King and an Avenger.

Powers: Esoteric Weather Manipulation

Weapons: Anything he summons

Weaknesses: Women, RDJ

Favorite Passtimes: Women, Sparring, and not dying

Favorite Song: Centuries Fall Out Boy

Update #2 now that he is King of Asgard(as of the 3 month timeskip)

Name: Laxus Monroe Thorson

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Sky Emperor

Child Of: Thor Odinson and Ororo Munroe

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance(pic please!): (Hero and/or casual)

(Any form is fine)


Personality: Laxus is very fast thinking and always energized. He is prone to do things that shock those who believe they know him. Though if there is one piece of him that doesn't resemble his powers is that he is never an airhead. Though all tongue should be held and ready to stand corrected when attractive women are thrown into the mix, they can be his ultimate strength or his ultimate weakness.

Bio: Laxus is the Kifng of Asgard, he is the son of Thor and Ororo Munroe who had a secret romance he maintained among others. Though Laxus when he was 13 went to go train with a Mystic Monk to learn how to use Esoteric side of elements and to do he sealed all his powers except his lightning in a golden rod fashioned with mjolnir. The armor he wears he received when he returned from his training, it's a merge of Asgardian cosmic armor and Midgardian high tech vibranium armor. Though it really just helps with his powers especially his eye patch which helps him focus his sensory abilities better. With his father dead someone has to step up and fill his role both as a King and an Avenger.

Laxus did very well ascending to the throne, obtaining the Odinforce, and the Runes. Nowadays he wears an eyepatch soley as a facial accessory and the armor he typically wears in his definition if of no importance. He has recently brought a mini revolution of Asgard for slightly more tech- ish seeming armor and slightly more oriental seeming weaponry. Even the next generation Destroyers have been remodeled as such except for the ones based off his old set of armor which was already techish and had a japanese style weapon.

Powers: Esoteric Weather Manipulation


Odinforce(look for it here O)

Weapons: Anything he summons

Weaknesses: Women, RDJ

Favorite Passtimes: Women, Sparring, and not dying

Favorite Song: Centuries Fall Out Boy

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The RDJ update number 3 - Augustus the Celestial

Name: Augustus the Smith / Augustus Von Doom

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Rex Regum / Omega Tyrant

Child Of: Victor Von Doom

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance(pic please!):

Personality: Augustus is a warped individual who constantly changes and adapts. He loves to talk and spend time with people, but hates it when people are ignorant. He wants to teach others slowly, like in conversation but not as a teacher. He wants to make peace, prosperity, equality and opportunity, though every time he does so he tends to fail. He sees Might makes Right in the wild, and as such is power hungry to keep on advancing so that he can protect what he loves. He tries to be as efficient as possible. He may be seen as a energetic extremist on the outside, but on the inside he is just a lonely kid trying to do what he thinks is right.


Immense Knowledge/Quick Learning - Augustus was one of the smartest people on Earth at the mere age of 15, and that was before his powers granted him boosted intelligence. Now Augustus stands as a immensely knowledgeable being.

Godly Will - Augustus posses a vast amount of willpower that is near unbreakable because of his lineage. It is further enhanced when he believes he is doing the right thing, making it near impossible to change his mind.

Magic - Augustus posses a strong connection to using magic, and excels in utilizing the energy. He can only use magic spells that require the voice, otherwise his raw form, let alone the armor, prevents him from doing so.

Near Indestructible - Augustus's armor can withstand planet busting attack after planet busting attack with ease. It takes weapons highly specialized to damage/destroy a Celestial to even injure his casing. Being made of Vibranium, it will get stronger after every attack in battle.

Power Cosmic - Augustus can utilize the power of cosmic with no known upwards limit. Grants him a Cosmic Level Awareness, though it has hard for him to find useful information unless he focuses on a small point. 1 mile diameter from that point.


Vast Swarm of Nanobots

Zaffre Earth Translation Algorithm


POWER.... OVERWHELMING - Augustus is a being made of pure energy in a strange outside dimension. He can only interact with the world through vessels he has marked, which all can be destroyed sending him back to his dimension.

Celestial Level Threat - Augustus's power is immense, so much so that whenever he simply moves around his planet his power can be felt. It is near impossible for him to hide.

Blessings of the Worm Gods - Weapons that are blessed with godly blood can no matter what cause harm to Augustus's armor. Only works on physical weapons though, no blood lasers.

Moral - Augustus follows a strange way of thinking, but that thinking has reason. He does what he thinks is right, but if he is proven wrong he will try and fix the situation.

Talkative - Augustus has an opinion and loves to talk to others. This makes him wide open for a sneak attack during his speeches, but his Cosmic powers make it much harder to exploit, but it is still there.

Giant- Augustus in his normal Celestial form is immensely large. He is around the height of Olympus Mons.

Complexities - Augustus for a while, hundreds of years at most, can't use the power of cosmic effectively. It can take him 5 minutes to fully customize and create a single cell of a organism. Simple things like energy blasts can be done quickly but using the power of cosmic to it's fullest will take time.

Lonely - Augustus even though he loves everything, is very lonely. Whenever he meets up with people he never knows how to approach someone unless he is emotionally invested, like someone calling him out or asking about how his day is. He wants someone to love him back but his actions tend to throw people away from him.

Favorite Passtimes: Listening to music, Creating, Working, Training, Learning, Escape

Favorite Song: [media]

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Age: about 6 years

Gender: Female

Species: Tamamitsune

Classification: Leviathan



Temperament: She is always looking for ways to be helpful, and is often caring for others. She has a kind heart, but a rough past, since her previous owner had abused her for her first four years of life, then abandoned for an additional two. Bubbles also likes helping people wash off, (You will see why in the powers tab.)

Powers: The ability to produce a soapy fluid from her body that allows her to slip and slide all over, and the fluid also serves as soap to help with cleaning anything. She can also shoot beams of water out of her mouth, at a really high pressure(Like enough to penetrate rocks, and slice off any appendages.) She is also Extremely agile, fast, and intelligent.

Weaknesses: Fire, Thunder, lack of moisture, since water is needed to kickstart her soap-fluid production.

Diet: Omnivorous. @sitanomoto RDJ!!!!
Name: Raikou Harada

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Silver Samurai

Child Of: Silver Samurai

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance(pic please!):


(Any form is fine)

Personality: Raikou is an honest person, he is honest about what he seeks in life and tries to make those around him honest people. He had his own sense of justice which he shall not let be warped by others if he can help it. Like the weapons he wields he can be cold or hot but always sharp, he never likes to regress when it comes to his skills. One thing he feels one should never do is shy away from their power because had he done so he would have never surpassed his father. He also feels that one should never surpress their emotions or be overcome by them but channel them to reach their goals.

Bio: Raikou is the illegitimate child of Kenuichiro Harada, the original Silver Samurai. Not much is known of his origins except that he was born a mutant, but the circumstances are surrounded in rumor and mystery.

The accepted story is that his mother was a mutant working for Hydra and she was part of a plot to create Hydra's next generation of super assassins from the genes of todays assassin. He was born in a Hydra facility and orignally meant to be a Hydra super assassin until he escaped using the skills they taught him against him.

One certain fact is that Raikou studied at the first mutant run dojo in Japan where he studied the martial arts of the samurai, ninjutsu, and strategy. Afterwards he developed a reputation that far surpasses his father.


Electricity Manipulation

Weapons: He does use Kunai, but prefer to use Katana and Wakazashi. He is known to possess as many armors as iron man with different swords to go along with them. His armors and weapons tend to be crafted from ultra strong metals like vibranium, he has only one adamantium blade which is the one in the picture above with his most worn armor. The reason his equipment has been crafted out of such metals is so they can tolerate being infused with electricity.


  • Water can be used to redirect his electricity right back at him
  • Pride, Raikou will likes to show that he has surpassed his father which can lead to him letting his opponents power up or gear up before engaging them if they are known to be formidable opponents with great compatibility, such as other super swordsman as rather than simple murder or fight he'll seek a duel. Much like how Super Saiyans stupidly seek to fight their opponents at their strongest because of that saiyan warrior pride.

Favorite Passtimes: Training, Upkeeping his equipment, making new equipment, Dueling

Favorite Song: RDJ
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Electricity Manipulation[/URL]

Weapons: He does use Kunai, but prefer to use Katana and Wakazashi. He is known to possess as many armors as iron man with different swords to go along with them. His armors and weapons tend to be crafted from ultra strong metals like vibranium, he has only one adamantium blade which is the one in the picture above with his most worn armor. The reason his equipment has been crafted out of such metals is so they can tolerate being infused with electricity.


  • Water can be used to redirect his electricity right back at him
  • Pride, Raikou will likes to show that he has surpassed his father which can lead to him letting his opponents power up or gear up before engaging them if they are known to be formidable opponents with great compatibility, such as other super swordsman as rather than simple murder or fight he'll seek a duel. Much like how Super Saiyans stupidly seek to fight their opponents at their strongest because of that saiyan warrior pride.

Favorite Passtimes: Training, Upkeeping his equipment, making new equipment, Dueling

Favorite Song: RDJ
The Finishing Touch a gif #When I scrapped Lance T'Challa


@sitanomoto My blade must not remained sheathed for much longer
Hm? What?

Sorry.... Wasn't paying g attention... Just admiring the fresh scent of a new Marvel charactet being used. (o'v'o)

Oh, BtW, he's accepted •×•
( This is an idea that I've had for a long time. If this idea is too unreasonable, then I have no problem with creating another character)

Name:Thomas Jensen

Hero Name: The Conscience



Powers:The gem contains the consciousness of Thomas Jensen. Whenever another living entity puts on the amulet containing the stone, their consciousness is instantly replaced by that of Thomas's, allowing Thomas to assume control of the body. Whenever the body is killed, Thomas's spirit is returned to the gem, and will remain there until worn again. In the gem, Thomas does have the ability to communicate vaguely with other beings, such as invoking feelings of desire or revulsion, in order to manipulate others into wearing him. The gem itself still maintains other magical abilities, but Thomas hasn't discovered them yet.

History: A recent experiment by Thanos to produce his own infinity stones so he could power his infinity gauntlet without having to track down the other infinity gems. Created as the Life stone, Thanos tried to place it in the infinity gauntlet to see if it would work. The stone reacted violently, damaging itself, and proving useless, or at least to Thanos's purposes. Angry, Thanos discarded the gem into space, to be lost forever. It eventually found its way to earth, burying itself deep into the ground. Eventually, several miners came across it, and thinking that it was a simple gemstone of some kind, sold it to a gem cutter. The life stone was then cut, and sold to a jewelry company, where it was mounted on a chain. It was sold to a teenage boy named Thomas Jensen, who bought it as a gift for his mother. However, he became entranced by its beauty, and tried it on. The instant he put it on, his consciousness fused with the amulet, leaving his body brain-dead. The amulet then was picked up by one of the cops investigating the accident, who then tried it on, accidentally allowing Thomas to take over his body. Ever since, Thomas has exchanged hosts 4 times. His current host was a 16 y/o boy who inherited the amulet from his dead grandfather.

Age: 16 (currently)

Gender:male (currently)

Creator: Thanos

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Based on his experiences, Thomas has developed a great appreciation of the value of human life, and will actively attempt to protect the lives of others at any moment. In normal life, Thomas is rather casual and laid back about things, and also thinks he has a great sense of humor. Thomas has no problem talking with others, but if he is particularly intimidated or attracted by someone, he suddenly becomes dysfunctional. Because of his powers, he is willing to do extremely dangerous tasks, although he struggles to control himself from becoming too reckless. In order to prevent the death of innocents, Thomas has sworn that he would never possess an innocent person (after he gained control of his current body of course), unless they have consciously decided to. However, he is not above assuming control of dangerous criminals or mentally insane people, as to him, those are "gone" already.

Weapons:Whatever weapons he's given

Weaknesses: His abilities are limited to whatever body he is inhabiting at the time. Unless he is in control of a supernatural being, he is otherwise a normal human. Whenever the amulet is removed from the current body, the body loses all higher brain functions, and cannot be revived unless the amulet is reapplied. Those who have been exposed for less than a day will regain consciousness after a while, while those who have been exposed longer will remain permanently in this state. If Thomas attempts to take over an entity with a large mental capacity, and which decides to resist, Thomas will be forcibly ejected back into the amulet, causing it to crack. If the amulet shatters, Thomas will die.

Favorite Passtimes:Playing video games, getting his adrenaline up, making others laugh


Favorite Song:Drop it like its hot - Snoop Dogg
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AyyyLmao said:
( This is an idea that I've had for a long time. If this idea is too unreasonable, then I have no problem with creating another character)
Name:Thomas Jensen

Hero Name: The Conscience



Powers:The gem contains the consciousness of Thomas Jensen. Whenever another living entity puts on the amulet containing the stone, their consciousness is instantly replaced by that of Thomas's, allowing Thomas to assume control of the body. Whenever the body is killed, Thomas's spirit is returned to the gem, and will remain there until worn again. In the gem, Thomas does have the ability to communicate vaguely with other beings, such as invoking feelings of desire or revulsion, in order to manipulate others into wearing him.

History: A recent experiment by Thanos to produce his own infinity stones so he could power his infinity gauntlet without having to track down the other infinity gems. Created as the Life stone, Thanos tried to place it in the infinity gauntlet to see if it would work. The stone reacted violently, damaging itself, and proving useless, or at least to Thanos's purposes. Angry, Thanos discarded the gem into space, to be lost forever. It eventually found its way to earth, burying itself deep into the ground. Eventually, several miners came across it, and thinking that it was a simple gemstone of some kind, sold it to a gem cutter. The life stone was then cut, and sold to a jewelry company, where it was mounted on a chain. It was sold to a teenage boy named Thomas Jensen, who bought it as a gift for his mother. However, he became entranced by its beauty, and tried it on. The instant he put it on, his consciousness fused with the amulet, leaving his body brain-dead. The amulet then was picked up by one of the cops investigating the accident, who then tried it on, accidentally allowing Thomas to take over his body. Ever since, Thomas has exchanged hosts 4 times. His current host was a 16 y/o boy who inherited the amulet from his dead grandfather.

Age: 16 (currently)

Gender:male (currently)

Creator: Thanos

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Based on his experiences, Thomas has developed a great appreciation of the value of human life, and will actively attempt to protect the lives of others at any moment. In normal life, Thomas is rather casual and laid back about things, and also thinks he has a great sense of humor. Thomas has no problem talking with others, but if he is particularly intimidated or attracted by someone, he suddenly becomes dysfunctional. Because of his powers, he is willing to do extremely dangerous tasks, although he struggles to control himself from becoming too reckless. In order to prevent the death of innocents, Thomas has sworn that he would never possess an innocent person (after he gained control of his current body of course), unless they have consciously decided to. However, he is not above assuming control of dangerous criminals or mentally insane people, as to him, those are "gone" already.

Weapons:Whatever weapons he's given

Weaknesses: His abilities are limited to whatever body he is inhabiting at the time. Unless he is in control of a supernatural being, he is otherwise a normal human. He cannot transfer hosts unless the previous body is killed, and forcibly removing the amulet results in the death of the current body. If Thomas attempts to take over an entity with a large mental capacity, and which decides to resist, Thomas will be forcibly ejected back into the amulet, causing it to crack. If the amulet shatters, Thomas will die.

Favorite Passtimes:Playing video games, getting his adrenaline up, making others laugh

Favorite Song:Drop it like its hot - Snoop Dogg

Looks cool but did you read the rules in the OOC tab?

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