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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Name: Sage Kaplan

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Pagan

Child Of: Wiccan and Hulkling ( Like Wiccan he is magic construction)

Sexuality: Homosexual


Personality: Sage is a kind person but he is vain and very confident in his appearance as well as cheeky to a fault. He is somewhat sarcastic , he makes snarky remarks in and out of battle. He is a fanboy at heart , a trait he gained from his father , Wiccan who he looks up to greatly. He is also very sensitive at times to the point he will cry if he is offended or hurt. He is also very smart and will brag if he gets the urge to. He can be insensitive and rude but will feel bad if he realizes he has done wrong. Sage has a terrible temper and hardly anyone can stop him when he gets mad. Sage gives no sh*ts about self-preservation at times. Sage is not easily intimidated , he could stick his tongue out at a pissy wonder woman or super man. So basically he is a snarky little fanboy with superpowers like his dad.


Abnormal Strength



Energy Manipulation- He can create energy beams , balls , barriers , arcs.


Super Speed

Conjuring: Wiccan can create clothing, decor, objects and food from seemingly nothing.

Weapons: None

Weaknesses: His temper can blind his logic side in battle , he is physically weak despite his strength

Favorite Passtimes: Dancing , Fanboying over cute guys , singing and reading.

Favorite Song:

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Reaper said:
Name: Miranda Xavier
Age: 17

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Ms. X

Child Of: Lilandra Neramani and Charles Xavier

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):

Personality: much like her father she is a natural leader, but she has a more charismatic approach to dealing with people and situations

Powers: Telepathy, Mind reading, and control of other and telekinesis to a certain extent

Weapons: None

Weaknesses: She is in average shape for a 17 year old, and knows no martial arts or any combat skills in any way.

Favorite Passtimes: Reading, talking to friends

Favorite song: paradise by Coldplay
Name: Cathlene Hardy

Nickname: Cat, Cathy, and Lenna.

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Cathlene

Child Of: Felicia Hardy (Black Cat) and father is unknown but rumors say that its Eugene 'Flash" Thompson.

Sexuality: straight

Appearance(pic please!):


(Her suit):


(Any form is fine)

Personality: She has a very wild personality and is a crime fighter unlike her mother. She had years and years of training from her well known mother, Black Cat, her mother made her very stealthy and agile, and her mastery of the martial arts makes her a formidable physical opponent. She keeps to herself, she is a rather quiet person but once you get to know her she is very friendly. She is wise, a bit witty, she has trust issues when it comes to meeting new people, she is very adaptive, playful, natural-born leader, and she is thick-skinned meaning she isn't offended or hurt by other peoples choice of words towards her.


Expert Combatant



Mistress of Disguises

Animal control

wall clinger

super human speed, and durability


Her long whip that she uses often during battles


She also has a vehement dagger that she keeps in her boot



Seeing others suffer

not being able to handle failure

not being able to control her anger

She trust people too much and that had led her into the problematic situation

Favorite Pastimes:

Playing with her cats (She has two)

wandering around town

Favorite Song:

Got it by Marian Hill [media]


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sprouhtt said:
Name: Cathlene Kyle
Nickname: Cat, Cathy, and Lenna.

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Cathlene

Child Of: Selina Kyle (Catwoman) and father is unknown but rumors say that its batman due to the romantic conflict between the mother and supposidly father.

Sexuality: straight

Appearance(pic please!):


(Her suit):


(Any form is fine)

Personality: She has a very wild personality and is a crime fighter unlike her mother. She had years and years of training from her well known mother, catwoman, her mother made her very stealthy and agile as a world-class crime fighter, and her mastery of the martial arts makes her a formidable physical opponent. She keeps to herself, she is a rather quiet person but once you get to know her she is very friendly. She is wise, a bit witty, she has trust issues when it comes to meeting new people, she is very adaptive, playful, natural-born leader, and she is thick-skinned meaning she isn't offended or hurt by other peoples choice of words towards her.


Expert Combatant



Mistress of Disguises

Animal control

wall clinger

super human speed, and durability


Her long whip that she uses often during battles


She also has a vehement dagger that she keeps in her boot



Seeing others suffer

not being able to handle failure

not being able to control her anger

She trust people too much and that had led her into the problematic situation

Favorite Pastimes:

Playing with her cats (She has two)

wandering around town

Favorite Song:

Got it by Marian Hill [media]


She and Sage should totally become friends
sprouhtt said:
Haha, they should xD
Not to be a party pooper.......

But this is Marvel that were talking about.

I love DC, don't get me wrong

My boyfriend happens to be Richard Grayson as Robin

But Marvel and DC are two different universes.

I mean....


I like your character.

I do.

But can you switch it up a little? Like keep the character but tweak it to fit Marvel?
sitanomoto said:
Not to be a party pooper.......
But this is Marvel that were talking about.

I love DC, don't get me wrong

My boyfriend happens to be Richard Grayson as Robin

But Marvel and DC are two different universes.

I mean....


I like your character.

I do.

But can you switch it up a little? Like keep the character but tweak it to fit Marvel?
Sorry! I'm doing about a million things right now, I guess I lost track of this. I'll fix it now.
sitanomoto said:
Not to be a party pooper.......
But this is Marvel that were talking about.

I love DC, don't get me wrong

My boyfriend happens to be Richard Grayson as Robin

But Marvel and DC are two different universes.

I mean....


I like your character.

I do.

But can you switch it up a little? Like keep the character but tweak it to fit Marvel?
Done, Fixed it!
Name:Marcus Black

Age: (15-18)


Hero Name: Riptide

Child Of:

Sexuality: Hetero

Appearance(pic please!):


Personality: Mischievous, Caring, Charming, Intelligent, Timid, Rebellious, Rash

Powers: Water manipulation, Earthquakes, storm creation



Weaknesses:Flying, too loyal, doesn't think before jumping into battle

Favorite Pastimes: Playing in the ocean

Other: Is the son of Neptune the roman god of water, earthquakes, and storms

Favorite Song:[media]

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I'm not the GM but ehh... Neptune isn't exactly a Marvel character... >.> I think!
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Pyosimros said:
I'm not the GM but ehh... Neptune isn't exactly a Marvel character... >.> I think!
Was just about to say :P

Not trying to be mean or anything, but I don't think Marvel's ever made Neptune a character...I THINK I may be wrong
AnarchyReins said:
I know its not marvel, but it said child of so you fill in the blank. I can change if it would clarify more :)
The child of part is ussualy for Superheroes

I think actual gods might be a grey area, depends on what @sitanomoto says

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