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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Ethan Deorc

Male || Demisexual || OC || 17 || No Hero Name || No Passtimes Worth Mentioning


Ethan would be defined as the nice guy who tries to help everyone. However, he never goes to an extent where they would become successful off of him, he merely wishes to gain trust. This trust leads to him gaining info, which he takes whenever it's in front of him. However, all he wishes to do is assist. Assist others, and help the world.

Ethan isn't a person to really demand something, in fact it's pretty easy to convince him to do something. Even though he never demands anything from life, he's a pretty driven person. And would sometimes get our of character when he needs something, have outbursts of silent rage. Through this friendly mask, Ethan is a person who would get what he wants, no matter who he hurts.

(Shameless random song.)



Trust me, I'll reveal his bio when the time comes.

Capabilities and Equipment


  • Matter manipulation (limited)
  • Slightly enhanced strength


  • Disguise
  • Gadgetry
  • Engineering
  • Persuasion

Weapons: N/A

Weakness: As you can see in his power list, he's kind of a pushover. Meaning most people can take him down easily.



Don't worry, I'll still use my other characters
Name: Nathan C. Vincent

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Reaper

Child Of: N/A

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):


Personality: Reckless, Serious, Mischevious and Slightly Insane


-Invisibilty:Self Explanatory

-Fast Healing/Healing Factor:Self Explanatory

-Enhanced Attributes:Strength, Agility, Durability and Perception

-Hunter Vision:Bassically Eagle Vision but with wall hack






Weaknesses:Reckless, Careless, No Remorse and Confidence

Favorite Passtimes:Pranking heroes and villains

Favorite Songs: ACDC

Other: RDJ= Rober Downey Junior
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Name: Chocola

Age: 15 years

Gender: Female

Nickname: Tabby

Child Of: Adopted by Black Panther

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):

(Her actual Appearance)

(The armor and weapon she has equipped.)

Personality: She is brave and foolhardy. But she is kind and confident, and really tough, to compensate for her small stature. But when angry, she will be hissy and violent. She also tends to be affectionate to anyone who she cares about.

Powers: She is agile and acrobatic, as well as very keen with smell, sight, and hearing. Despite being small, she is very strong, and can lift up to 2 full wagon’s worth of weight. With all this, she is also very flexible, and also has a horn for Healing, toughening her allies, or improving their attack power (Not to the point of over kill like a Might Pill), she also has superhuman stamina, as well as durability. She can also speak in american english, and talk to animals.

Weapons: Mini Lance, Mini Hammer, Etc.

Weaknesses: tends to gather up useless items, has sensitive hearing, hates being sprayed with water.(But does not mind being bathed.) She also tends to fumble things, due to her small size.

Favorite Passtimes: Gathering, Sleeping, Fighting, and playing.

Favorite Song:Nyan Nyan song, Nyan Cat,

Extra: She hates Automated security. (Not robots, since they do not think of her as a threat as they see her face.) (RDJ!! @sitanomoto )
Name: Joseph Barton

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Precision

Child Of: Clint Barton A.K.A Hawkeye

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance(pic please!): (Hero and/or casual)


(Any form is fine)

I usually like Realistic pics. But it hardly matters, we get our own image of each others characters when RPing!

Personality: Joseph is quite the jokester, he's an easy-going, friendly guy, who loves to be around other heroes. However when it comes to doing actual heroing, he's way too overconfident. Often throwing himself into situations he can't win and paying the price after, he isn't a leader by any means, he'd much prefer receiving direction than giving it; which is ironic, considering his father was a brilliant strategist. Despite his somewhat follower nature, however. He isn't opposed to putting ideas forward, or in more extreme cases. Doing what he thinks is right, rather than what the group decides on.


None, nil, 0, nona, nada. HOWEVER! No Powers?! No Problem! See below!


-His fists, Joseph was taught to be quite the Martial-Artist by his father.

-His Bow, yes his BOW alone. He can use this baby in close-quarter combat like a sword.

-His Bow and a large variety of arrows.

+Explosive Arrow, EXPLOSIVE! The Boom Arrow! It hits something, it goes boom. Alternative: it can stick to something, then go boom.

+Net Arrow, upon contact the arrows' mechanism throws a very thin; yet incredibly strong rope out in a wrapping motion. Alternative: Grappling rope.

+The Multi-Homing Arrows, the pinnacle of his arsenal. One arrow, which becomes 5 tiny arrowheads which can then track the target. Alternative: TEMHA. Figure it out!

+Tracker Arrows, which on contact flatten into a simple tracking device.

+Decoy Arrows, which explode in a haze of blinding light to slow, or stun an opponent.

Weaknesses: He's human. Very, very human. Swords? They hurt. Bullets? Those too. Otherworldly Gods with planet breaking abilities? Yes. Those too. Unlike his father, he isn't trained to be durable. A very, solid punch could remove him from a fight permanently. Another weakness is his lack of powers, whilst he is reasonably diverse in equipment he won't be able to take on villains alone if they have any-sort of physical augmentation.

Favorite Passtimes:

Honing his skills with a bow, beating on villains with his bow, his bow... Besides his bow? Well, he does enjoy casual conversation with other Heroes, he's also a sucker for daydreaming; he does it all the time, even if his face is being punched in by a villain... Okay maybe not, but he enjoys it. I'd say he enjoys making the streets a better place by locking up villains. but within a week I imagine he'll want to retire...

Favorite Song: He doesn't really have a single favorite; anything with a good or catchy tune, beat or lyrics he'll enjoy.
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Name: Slash

Age: around the time of Symbiote invasion, created from the remains of the wolverine symbiote, and uses a little of Anti-Venom remains for the immunities of illness, poisons and toxins, as well as healing others. (About 5 years)

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Badger

Child Of: Venom

Sexuality: N/A



Personality: Reclusive, Angry, and cunning. Despite being a symbiote that can survive on its own, he also has good intentions of helping others at any cost. Slash is also very kind, when one gets to know him. Beyond his monstrous exterior, he is a soft hearted alien, looking for a place on the planet he lives on, earth. He is also independent, and has a big sense of justice and right. He often tries to befriend anyone he can, even children and animals especially.

Powers: all powers of Wolverine, but increased 2x. He is able to lift 200 tons.

Also with being a symbiote, he can crawl up walls like venom, but cannot use webs, and instead uses tendrils at his disposal. He also has Animal Empathy, as well as Adamantium claws. He has superhuman speed, being faster than even Wolverine himself. He also has immunity to illness, toxins, and poisons. He also has a healing factor, which allows him to fully regenerate at a pace of Wolverine’s, but can be nullified by flames and sound. He can armor himself with spikes all around his body, though the armor can be broken, he can take massive hits. He is also 2x durable as wolverine. He also has genetic memory, allowing him to gain memories from a single touch, he can also engulf someone to use as a host, for when he needs to help out in a fight. He has the ability to detect other Symbiotes, as well as having senses 2x as strong as wolverine’s. He can stretch and deform himself, as well as camouflage and make weapons with various limbs when claws won’t cut it. He can also assimilate other symbiotes into himself to heal faster, or even regain energy lost in battle, he also often does this with dying animals, since he believes that they die for a greater cause. He can also cure others of any illness, ranging from addiction to cancer(These cases are rare, extremely rare.)

Weapons: Claws, massive bite force, Blades made from arms.

Weaknesses: High frequency sounds (Music is fine for him at a low enough volume) Fire,

Favorite Passtimes: Hunting down dying animals, killing other symbiotes that are hostile, and helping children in time of need.

Favorite Song: Megalovania-Undertale version, Pokemon ORAS wild battle theme.

RDJ!!!!! @sitanomoto
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sitanomoto said:
I like him. Sounds cool.
The wolverine symbiote is from Spiderman: Web Of Shadows, but i liked the idea of an independent non-spider symibote, so I went ahead and used the wolverine symbiote as the character in itself. And I forgot to mention, he HATES other symbiotes, except for a selected few, one of them being his daddy, Venom.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]It is just a symbiote, it currently has no host, and does not need love (Other than a sibling like bond.) But hey, I like the Ace Attorney reference.

Yeah that's what you say...


LokiofSP said:
Yeah that's what you say...

Not even. He simply binds to a host to help them. but when the event his host had won is over, he unbinds himself from the host, and then goes about his business. BOOM.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Not even. He simply binds to a host to help them. but when the event his host had won is over, he unbinds himself from the host, and then goes about his business. BOOM.


LokiofSP said:
Who is ebony anyway? Is he a part of the Canon marvelverse? and plus, Slash was already in the experimentation boat when he was created.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Who is ebony anyway? Is he a part of the Canon marvelverse? and plus, Slash was already in the experimentation boat when he was created.

It's a joke...

Ivory, Ebony...Sound kinda similar and are both materials...

I'll just leave...
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Please don't......

To late, I'm gone forever, never coming back!/s

Name: Desimus

Hero Name: Dead Fang, Black Panther

Age: 19

Gender: Male



Child of: The Black Panther

Personality: Desimus is easily considered to be one of the most violent "heroes", a very strong opposite to his peace loving and caring father who died from mysterious causes, which lead Desimus to take to this anger filled path. He is continuously fighting the stress of his fathers advisors who now serve him, since he is the new ruler of Wakanda, and the tons of invading forces that try to take over his kingdom. However, Desimus is a powerful warrior and leader, and he has lead his kingdom successfully, the kingdom not even faltering in economy or military. He is a fair ruler, but that is because of his two advisors. They usually have to water down the vicious commands of Desimus, to make sure that his commands sound more democratic rather than Fascist.



Desimus is a highly skilled combatant with many types of martial arts under his belt, and is highly skilled in swordplay, street fighting, and underwater fighting. He is highly accurate with all ranged weapons, and can quickly understand how to use any weapon in a matter of seconds. He has high endurance, able to take several beatings from people like Thor and being able to survive. He is highly proficient in close quarters combat, however, he excels at assassinating. Being a warrior of the night, his mastery of Stealth and mastery of venoms and toxins give him the Nickname "Dead Fang." He has superhuman strength, being able to brench press three tons, and able to leg press roughly 3.1 tons. He is extremely agile and quick, having the flexibility of a proffesional gymnast and the speed that exceeds 60 mph. However, the most intriguing feature of Desimus is that he volunteered himself for the same treatment that Wolverine took. Being a much safer and more reliable experiment, the Adamantium rich kingdom coated the young boys bones unto Adamantium, making him as durable as Wolverine.

Weakness: He is still cockier than a young Tony Stark, and he is still a human being. He isn't a great swimmer, since he is weakened by the heaviness of his bones. He is also weak to fire, and has a large fear of it. (You will understand the fire part soon enough. He has a secret :3 hint: what else hates fire?


Equipment: Being the strategist he is, he always carries several weapons with him, and various gadgets.

  • Gas Bombs
  • Several Grenades
  • Flash Bangs
  • Sound Grenades
  • Several Toxins
  • Throwing Knives
  • Two customized Pistols filled with various types of ammo


  • Sticky Bombs
  • Hacking bots
  • Remotes to his combat vehicles
  • Has a Robotic suit that he bought with his resources from Tony Stark, and only uses it for the heavy hitters

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National said:
Name: Desimus
Hero Name: Dead Fang, Black Panther

Age: 19

Gender: Male



Child of: The Black Panther

Personality: Desimus is easily considered to be one of the most violent "heroes", a very strong opposite to his peace loving and caring father who died from mysterious causes, which lead Desimus to take to this anger filled path. He is continuously fighting the stress of his fathers advisors who now serve him, since he is the new ruler of Wakanda, and the tons of invading forces that try to take over his kingdom. However, Desimus is a powerful warrior and leader, and he has lead his kingdom successfully, the kingdom not even faltering in economy or military. He is a fair ruler, but that is because of his two advisors. They usually have to water down the vicious commands of Desimus, to make sure that his commands sound more democratic rather than Fascist.



Desimus is a highly skilled combatant with many types of martial arts under his belt, and is highly skilled in swordplay, street fighting, and underwater fighting. He is highly accurate with all ranged weapons, and can quickly understand how to use any weapon in a matter of seconds. He has high endurance, able to take several beatings from people like Thor and being able to survive. He is highly proficient in close quarters combat, however, he excels at assassinating. Being a warrior of the night, his mastery of Stealth and mastery of venoms and toxins give him the Nickname "Dead Fang." He has superhuman strength, being able to brench press three tons, and able to leg press roughly 3.1 tons. He is extremely agile and quick, having the flexibility of a proffesional gymnast and the speed that exceeds 60 mph. However, the most intriguing feature of Desimus is that he volunteered himself for the same treatment that Wolverine took. Being a much safer and more reliable experiment, the Adamantium rich kingdom coated the young boys bones unto Adamantium, making him as durable as Wolverine.

Equipment: Being the strategist he is, he always carries several weapons with him, and various gadgets.

  • Gas Bombs
  • Several Grenades
  • Flash Bangs
  • Sound Grenades
  • Several Toxins
  • Throwing Knives
  • Two customized Pistols filled with various types of ammo


  • Sticky Bombs
  • Hacking bots
  • Remotes to his combat vehicles
  • Has a Robotic suit that he bought with his resources from Tony Stark, and only uses it for the heavy hitters

Great... there are 3 kids of black panther now. he must have been really busy. (Besides my Chocola, since she was adopted as a kitten by black panther. )
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