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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Name: Mako Wilson

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Cryoblizzard

Child of: unknown


Appearance : has light blue buzz cut hair, light blue eyes, and lighting dark skin. African american, Japanese race. Muscular toned and 5'10 in height. He wears a sleeveless light blue shirt light blue and black track pants and light blue sneakers as a hero suit.

Personality: brave smart, never backs down from a challenge. Shy around a girl he likes, usually trains whenever he can. Can Get Serious Pretty quickly.

Powers: cryokenesis and teleportation. Has a demon for he doesn't know how to control.

Weapons: uses martial arts


Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits.May be unable to create ice, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.Creation of ice may depend on the amount of moisture available, dry areas could make this difficult or impossible.Ice is affected by everything that normal ice would be, although the user is perfectly able to use their power to return the ice in its original shape and/or controlling it even under these forces:Melt under extreme heat (Fire Manipulation or Magma ManipulationVibrations are difficult (if not impossible) to freeze, as they cause the ice to shatter, making sound-basedabilities a perfect counter.

Momentum may be conserved when teleporting meaning a being cannot simply avoid the damage in midst of falling by just teleporting to the ground. See Also:Inertia Is a Cruel MistressTeleporting may take time, ie. the user may need to concentrate certain time before the transportation happens.If the user's power is calculation-based, low intellect and stress may hinder ability.If the time-space coordinate the user is teleporting to is already occupied, the user might get thrown to another location, or suffer some other sort of teleportation malfunction.May not be able to teleport other teleporters due to spatial contradiction.Objects teleported may lose their speed.May be required to know the area they are teleporting to in order to teleport properly.May only be able to teleport a particular amount of times per time span, and overuse of the power may lead to self-damage and even death.May only be able to teleport within a particular distance from where they are to begin with.May only be able to teleport objects within a certain mass or density.Users of Teleportation Negation can prevent user from teleporting.Users of Teleportation Diversion can redirect user's landing position.Users of Teleportation Prediction can predict where user is teleporting.Users' teleportation is limited when the Spatial Cognizance is being interfered with, such as rain, chaff or anything that emits spatial noise.Teleportation may cause spatial disturbance, allowing highly sensitive opponents to track down destination.is unable to control his demon form.

Favorite pastimes: training to become stronger, hanging out with friends, soccer.

Favorite song:skillet- monster

Other: rdj

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Paityn Greene

: 16

Gender: Female

Hero Name: (Thinking)

Child Of: Normal parents; she has the same genetic mutations as Emma Frost

Sexuality: Hetero/Straight


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.fe467527d0d3c5d33d2d039d58ef0570.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85146" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.fe467527d0d3c5d33d2d039d58ef0570.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​
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Personality: Shes kind, sweet, and innocent. She has a very gentle nature and a good heart. Always tending to others and thinking about the feelings of other people. Despite her passive attitude she can be quiet the fire cracker when provoked. Shes a fighter, even if she doesnt show that side very much. Shes strong minded, making her pretty stubborn with her beliefs and morals. Justice and fair treatment is big to her. Shes your typical southern belle, bubbly, optimistic, outspoken, and confident.

Powers: Just like Emma Frost, her body can turn into solid diamond on command, and she has telepathy. However, she isnt very good at going into other minds, but shes mastered blocking her own from others. Shes focused all her skill and strength into fortifying her mind, its almost impossible. But because she spent so much time on her own mind, she has little to no skill when it comes to tapping into the mind of another.

However, the only difference from Ms. Frost, is, that while shes in her diamond form she can change the shape of her body. For example, her arms can shift into a "battle form", something like blades of diamond for hands.

Weapons: Herself mainly. Her diamond body can change its shape and anatomy. She can even detach parts of her diamond body to use as weapons.

She could use a gun, but shes not an expert. She used her father's double barrel shot gun, and an assorment of hand guns back on her country home.

Weaknesses: High pressure and extreme heat....we're talking 1400+ degrees fahrenheit.

Favorite Passtimes: Reading, being outdoors, riding horses, playing her guitar.

Favorite Song:




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Oh wait i forgot the rule thing!

There we go :3 i fixed it
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Updated version/repost

Name: Laxus Monroe Thorson

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Sky Emperor

Child Of: Thor Odinson and Ororo Munroe

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance(pic please!): (Hero and/or casual)

(Any form is fine)


Personality: Laxus is very fast thinking and always energized. He is prone to do things that shock those who believe they know him. Though if there is one piece of him that doesn't resemble his powers is that he is never an airhead. Though all tongue should be held and ready to stand corrected when attractive women are thrown into the mix, they can be his ultimate strength or his ultimate weakness.

Bio: Laxus is the first prince of Asgard, he is the son of Thor and Ororo Munroe who had a secret romance he maintained among others. Though Laxus when he was 13 went to go train with a Mystic Monk to learn how to use Esoteric side of elements and to do he sealed all his powers except his lightning in a golden rod fashioned with mjolnir. The armor he wears he received when he returned from his training, it's a merge of Asgardian cosmic armor and Midgardian high tech vibranium armor. Though it really just helps with his powers especially his eye patch which helps him focus his sensory abilities better. Now with his father dead someone has to step up and fill his role both as a King and an Avenger.

Powers: Esoteric Weather Manipulation

Weapons: Anything he summons

Weaknesses: Women, RDJ

Favorite Passtimes: Women, Sparring, and not dying

Favorite Song: Centuries Fall Out Boy


Perry Parker

Superhero rule #1: "Whatever you do, don't kill." I think I'm one of the only ones who follows that rule now.

Global Expansion


Name: Perry Parker

Age: 18

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 162

Gender: Male

Hero name: Spider-Man

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Place of Birth: U.S.A.

Child Of: Peter Parker and Cindy Moon

HQ: Parker Industries (Used to be known as the Baxter Building)

Martial Status: Estranged (Considers Himself Single)

Secret Identity Exposed

Personality: Perry's personality was kept mostly the same over the years. Though being more irritable, he tried to keep his original Parker humor intact. Sometimes it didn't work, sometimes it did. It's been a while since he relied on the Avengers, and he's worked solo for a long time now. From these many months, he grew self-reliant. Not really in need of allies coming with him anywhere, and he prefers it that way.

Bio: For anyone who hasn't followed this RP for a while, Perry was born to Peter Parker and Cindy Moon. He lived a pretty normal life until he gained his spider-powers at the age of 10. At the age of 16, he dawned an outfit similar to Spider-Man Noir's outfit and went to fight crime. However after a fight with a symbiote named Massacre, he decided he needed an upgrade. Perry went to late Tony Stark to build his new suit and used it for a few more months. After a while, Perry's mind was taken over by Alistair Smythe's child and he changed Perry's life drastically. One coming back to his body, he lived differently. First, was the management of rebooted Parker Industries. Sinking his hands deep into the income and technology, he constantly upgraded. Upgrades that led to a stealth suit which he trashed later on, a suit that he would use normally, and a suit that would drain his life though it would allow him to overcome virtually anything.

While all of the Avengers were scurrying to fight Thanos, Perry traveled to other countries, expanding his influence. Soon enough, Parker Industries became a worldwide know brand of advanced weaponry.


  • Time alone
  • Subduing enemies
  • Expanding his company
  • Time with friends
  • Creating new weapons


  • Overly-righteous people
  • Managing his company
  • Killing

Favorite Passtimes:

(See Likes)

Theme song: Like before, undecided.

Parker Tech


Abilities Given By MK V:

Following up on his father's MK IV, Perry used his father's old blueprints and enhanced them.

  • Enhanced strength
  • Enhanced speed
  • Eight minutes of breathable air
  • Night vision
  • Enhanced durability
  • Self-healing functions
  • Catapult boots
  • Neuro-pulse stinger
  • Filter
  • Heads-up display
  • infra-red vision
  • Laser resistant
  • Hologram projection
  • Built-in webware (one on his wrist at all times as well)
  • Built-in tasers
  • Built-in knockout gas
  • Glowing insignia (cosmetic)
  • Weaponized Antarctic-Vibranium

Abilities Given By Spider-Armor MK VI:

  • Extreme strength
  • Extreme durability
  • Automatic targeting system
  • Frictionless shots
  • Heads-up display
  • Catapault boots
  • Minor flight
  • Night vision
  • Infrared vision
  • Filter
  • Weaponized Antarctic-Vibranium
  • Built-in webware (one on his wrist at all times as well)


  • Enhanced strength
  • Enhanced durability
  • Healing factor
  • Disease resistant
  • Organic webbing
  • Spider-sense (enhanced through maternal line)
  • Extreme bursts of speed (enhanced through maternal line)
  • Enhanced endurance
  • Wall crawling


  • Indomitable will
  • Super-genius level intellect (taught by his father)
  • Expert inventor/engineer (taught by his father)
  • Master at hand-to-hand combat (taught by his father)
  • Skilled businessman
  • Master acrobat


  • Spider-sense disruption (by people who have spider-sense or a symbiote)
  • Technopathy
  • Not allowing himself to kill

Inventions and and Re-Inventions (I'll be using most of these gadgets a lot):

  • Webware 2.0: An improvement on his father's first Webware, Perry combined Parker Particles (I'll explain them further on) with the device. Giving his device nearly limitless power. Applying his knowledge on Stark technology, he upgraded the security, making it virtually unhackable. The Webware is used to access the internet at its basic form. Though Perry's model exclusive to him allies him to hack other devices and other such things.
  • Parker Particle Generator: An energy source tied to the expansion of the universe discovered by his father, Perry developed a formula to access this power in an easier way. 10x more powerful and cleaner than traditional methods, Perry takes advantage of this to power everything he owns.
  • Spider Armor MK V: Look up.
  • Spider Armor MK VI: Look up.
  • Spider-Tracers: Used to well, trace.


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Universal Superhero

Name: Terry Fitzgerald

Age: 16

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 113

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Child Of: No superhero/supervillain parents

Hero Name: Nova

Martial Status: Single

Intergalactic Tourist

Personality: Terry is a pretty happy and upbeat person. The only way to really get to him is to really do something bad. Hot-tempered at some moments, quick to fight back, he would say what's on his mind and Terry would make it known that he dislikes an idea. Though he's still bound by rules. The first of which is to not kill (unless it's an alien monstrosity. He bumps into those a lot) and the second is to not make enemies (unless he has to).

Bio: Sometime during the beginning of the Thanos fight, Terry left to explore the galaxy. Assisting aliens, overthrowing dictators, and making sure other planets are free.


  • Space travel


  • Killing
  • Being confined to only Earth
  • Loss of his helmet

Favorite Passtimes:

(See Likes)

Theme song: Like before, undecided.

Nova Corps Member

Powers (While Helmet Is On):

  • Flight
  • Energy manipulation
  • Extreme strength
  • Enhanced speed
  • Extreme durability
  • Xandarian Worldmind


  • Firearms (alien)
  • Aviation (alien)
  • Martial arts
  • Knowledge of most alien customs


  • Not having his helmet



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Name: Brute

Age: 20 years

Gender: Male

Size: Size of a school bus

Species: Molten Tigrex

Classification: Flying Wyvern (Is also classified as Pseudo wyvern, much like luna.)

Demeanor: Extremely violent, explosive temper, and extremely on edge overall, but when calm, he is quiet, observant, and reclusive, due to his former owner being very abusive after being released by A.I.M after successful Extremis testing. He is also extremely ruthless. and sluggish when calm.



(Not shown, Scarred left eye, some broken claws, and a scratched tail.)

Likes: Eating, flying, sleeping, and roaming, also bathing.

Dislikes: Humans (since he is convinced that they are all evil, due to his past), Robots, and crowds.

Diet: Carnivorous.

Weaknesses: Water is his main elemental weakness, but the Extremis Virus manifests his anger and takes over, shown as glowing red veins on his hind legs, wing arms, head, and tail, and his 2 levels of rage determine whether or not he will go unscathed, or be majorly wounded. Flash bangs also throw him off, and his sluggishness will often cause him to be majorly harmed.

Abilities/powers: He has the ability to produce a cloud of explosive powder that works similar to Brachydios slime, but starts off red, then pink, then white before detonation on a surface, these are made in his flint-like claws, which make the clouds when they scrape along a surface. When white, it will start to spark, indicating detonation. His skin is just as durable as Vibranium, since he was experimented on by A.I.M., he had gotten some benefits. He can also fall from a great distance (As high as the tallest building in new york.) on his face, and still be fine, walking it off like it never happened. He also has a roar loud enough to break glass, but if he takes a deep enough breath, he can push a human back as far as 20 feet. He is also immune to Fire, as well as explosions. He can also fly far and fast, but prefers to walk on the ground, which explains the wing arms.

Bio: Primarily a lizard found on a tower summit, Brute was a Komodo Dragon taken by Hydra, and transformed into a Tigrex, whose shell is beige with blue stripes, He was treated well, and was fed daily, and well liked among the scientists, since he had a gentle and obedient nature. But that all changed when the facility he resided in was raided, and the research on him was taken, along with Brute himself. From there they tested their own strand of Extremis, predicting that he would die like the other subjects. They were wrong, for he was simply further transformed into a Molten Tigrex. And after transformation, they caged and chained him, as well as fed monthly, and zapped when he got out of line. One day, the abuse ended when he snapped, killing his trainer on feeding day, Fatally mauling him. The whole AIM facility was on high alert, but this did not stop the beast, for he was given more power than he knew how to control, and thus, caused him to kill out of fear, rage, and revenge. Few had survived that day, and brute had managed to find a home with a follower of Kraven, but after months of refusal to kill any other natural born tigrex species, he snapped after being abused for defiance, killing his former master by literally biting his head off. He now roams the earth, wild and free. @sitanomoto RDJ!!!
(I liked what Pyo was doing, so I figured I'd make some rebooted/ new CS's until I get new internet)


Fortune Johnson

"I suppose you could say I'm FORTUNEate! AH? AH? Eh f*** you a**holes"

Age: (15-18)




Child Of:

None Canon




(Casual...Minus the helmet that is)





She's a very angry person, quick to a fight and a fire in her eyes she's the embodiment of a bad mood. Although she can be loyal and semi-friendly under the rough outward appearance, if you're a hero it's likely that's a side you'll never see, because she hates heroes (Mainly the Avengers) with a passion. Mainly because she blames them for her brothers death, which she's still not over just yet.


She can dismember and remove different parts of her body, a skill she typically uses to surprise and get the upper hand on people. She also has a spirit that protects her, nobody else can see it but her and for awhile she projected her brother unto it, but after Thanos she stripped her brother from it in an effort to become her own person without him constantly nagging her. Any damage the spirit takes she must also take.




She's pretty much a regular person so...Anything but dismemberment.

Favorite Passtimes:

  • Sleeping
  • Not working
  • Eating
  • Traveling
  • Cussing

Favorite Song:




Sarah Reilly

"You know what? I'm tired of everybody complaining, in a few months I lost my parents, pushed away my brother, got him back only to lose him, and found out my life was a lie. But guess what?! I'm STILL HERE! So suck it up and get over yourself!"

Age: (15-18)




Hero Name:

Spider-Girl (Officially took up the mantle so she could connect with her family)

"I mean, I WOULD have taken Spider-Woman but...Pretty sure it's still taken."

Child Of: (optional if parent is not Cannon)

Ben Reilly and Laura Kinney

(Last one I swear the rest are gone)









Sarah's lost a bit of hope and faith in the world at this point, she prefers to work alone and just wants to keep it that way for the most part, she feels she has nobody to turn to so she's instead turning to her families legacy and history, hoping that she might be the one that does it justice.


Typical powers of a Spider-Person but weakened significantly, she also has a very minor healing factor, it would take about two hours to heal any major but non-lethal wounds to give a basic example of how it works.



(Has these built in her costume to honer her mom)


You beat her healing factor you beat her, and it's very easy to beat her healing factor.

Favorite Song:



(One last one

;) )


Morgan Murdock

"Just your everyday street vigilante, no glass tower, no high-tech and let me tell you it's IMPOSSIBLE in this day and age."

Age: (15-18)




Hero Name:


"It's a family business, a shitty family business."

Child Of:

Matthew Murdock and Typhoid Mary






(Hero minus the blindfold)



He attempts to keep his head high, but he inherited his father's luck and his mother's DID (Dis-associative Identity disorder) so it's a bit hard sometimes, but somehow, between his environment, his line of work, and his pills he still manages to keep his chin up, mainly due to his shrink. He has this semi-naive way of looking at his line of work, never willing to give up and willing to protect anybody he see's, example below.


-Morgan on his first patrol


He has slightly enhanced senses, but nothing on the level of his father's, he relies more on his expert level acrobatics and above average strength and resolve.

"Well, I can't tell you where the ingredients for the gyro are from, but I can tell you that the guy who made this didn't wipe his hands."


Billy clubs like his father:



Old age, stabbing, getting shot, ect.

Favorite Song:


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LokiofSP said:

(One last one

;) )


Morgan Murdock

"Just your everyday street vigilante, no glass tower, no high-tech and let me tell you it's IMPOSSIBLE in this day and age."

Age: (15-18)




Hero Name:


"It's a family business, a shitty family business."

Child Of:

Matthew Murdock and Typhoid Mary






(Hero minus the blindfold)



He attempts to keep his head high, but he inherited his father's luck and his mother's DID (Dis-associative Identity disorder) so it's a bit hard sometimes, but somehow, between his environment, his line of work, and his pills he still manages to keep his chin up, mainly due to his shrink. He has this semi-naive way of looking at his line of work, never willing to give up and willing to protect anybody he see's, example below.


-Morgan on his first patrol


He has slightly enhanced senses, but nothing on the level of his father's, he relies more on his expert level acrobatics and above average strength and resolve.

"Well, I can't tell you where the ingredients for the gyro are from, but I can tell you that the guy who made this didn't wipe his hands."


Billy clubs like his father:



Old age, stabbing, getting shot, ect.

Favorite Song:

Frontline: Pillar


it's accepted.
Name: No names only a letter and a number, E1-E4

Age: Between 6 months to a year

Gender: Female

Villain Name: Skulls

Child Of: OC

Sexuality: Asexual

Appearance(pic please!):


Personality: They don't talk, but they still seem to be able to communicate to each other. They show no signs of any emotions even after they kill somebody. They are all quite tenacious at completing their objectives and rarely accept failure.

Powers: They are able to turn themselves invisible and move incredibly fast (Not like quicksilver fast though). They have enhanced hearing and eyesight. They can breathe through their skin and drink water through their skin. They are photosynthetic so that they can stay in one sniping position for several weeks. Fast regenerative abilities.

Weapons: They carry around sniper rifles that they can turn invisible as well. They have small pistols and a machete.


Weaknesses: When it is raining or they get hit by water in any way, they go into some sort of trance as their skin takes in the water. They are also somewhat visible when they try running really fast while invisible, as in they fade in and out. They can also die by a shot to the head and weakened by hots to the body.

Favorite Passtimes: Completing their objectives and assassinating their targets.

Favorite Song: Doesn't bother with music.
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Real Name: Sam Ford

Hero name: Mr.Mystery

age: 30


Parents:a random Married couple


looks like:(picture is on here somewhere)

Personality/Bio: quiet, doesnt like or trust anyone, his parents were both shot and killed during a home invasion, the criminal was not caught for 20 years, until Sam used his advanced hacking skills and photographic memory to catch the criminal, he then decided to take his skills to the next level, his intellect and mental abilities rival that of Tony Stark, he also carries an array of gadgets, including pellets of smokescreen, a colt revolver, and several tracking devices, as well as some small listening devices

he is a conspiracy theorist, and spends his free time researching conspiracies<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5f01c665_imagescopy2.jpg.434f036c1c9097b4092a710b28dec886.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87974" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5f01c665_imagescopy2.jpg.434f036c1c9097b4092a710b28dec886.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Cade Wilson

Age: (15-18) 18

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Mystic Slayer

Child Of: Wade Wilson aka Deadpool

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!): (Hero and/or casual)


(Any form is fine)

Personality: Just like how Deadpool like to break the fourth wall which is an outrages character trait, his trait is being out of character. This means he is prone to switching from dark and mysterious to boastful and upbeat. You'll never know what to expect.

Powers: Martial Arts Intuition

Weapons: RDJ

Weaknesses: Likes to fight alone, A little too merciful for his line of work

Favorite Passtimes: Training

Favorite Song: Flex by Rich Homie Quan

Name: Jason Storm.

Age: 14, relatively new and young to the Marvelverse.

Gender: Male, duh.

Hero name: Spitfyre.

Child of: Johhny Storm and a civilian woman, bastard born yet took up his father's name when being told who he was (by his mother).

Sexuality: Heterosexual also in English known as Straight.

Personality: Like a fire, easy to grow in both aspects of friendship and love, as well as anger and hatred. He's allegiance is with his friends, usually a lawful neutral person. Hates books and libaries, mostly because he was forced to read an encyclopedia. Read twenty pages before turning the thing to ash. Dislikes bullies, he was bullied in school at young ages for being a bastard.

Went through puberty, has a squeaky voice and just hit an awkward growth spurt. Due to his Alvin the Chipmunk voice he was kicked about during breaks in school and even after when walking home. He had kept his powers secret to the world, except for his mother since well he usually sets off the fire alarm in his apartment, so when he lashed out after finally having enough he ended up setting a boy on fire. Running home as they ran amuck in flame (the bullies) he retreated to the confines of his apartment where his mother was. Confessing the plot to her she shunned him away, thought only out of anger at his cause and when attempting to apologize he was gone.

Jason Storm had taken off to discover the real world, and to find his true path.



-Heat energy absorbing. (He can absorb heat from pretty much anything that radiates it)

-Fire flight.


-Physically going through puberty....

-Not muscular. Lean.

-Low IQ level.

To pass time:


-Currently running the hell away.

-Attempting to find any human mutates like himself.

-Attempting to find Johnny Storm.


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