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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Name: Redd Rath

Age: found and activated 17 years ago

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Flame Knight

Child Of: Howard Stark (Rathalos was a secret project that was completed, but never activated)

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):


(Flying Wyvern Form)

(Silver Wyvern form)

(Robot form, With greatsword.)

(Silver normal form.)

Personality: Valiant, Honorable, Caring, kind, and calm, along with stubborn and strong willed.

Powers: He can transform into a flying wyvern, allowing him to fly to place he could not go in his primary form, he also has a built in flamethrower in the Dragon head that allows him to breath fire. He can combine his sword and shield into a Greatsword, for the bigger enemies. He is also made out of Chromium, which allows him to be resilient to many attacks, but not all of them, and is also immune to fire.He also has Excellent vision, allowing him to see better than a normal human would at night, and see 7 ½ miles in front of him, and in his peripheral vision. he could also lift half of the Queen Mary 2 without any trouble. And also has an excellent sense of smell. But with all this, when enraged, his red paint will turn silver, and every part of him will be heavily reinforced, except for the arms and legs of both forms, exclusively in wyvern form, the tip of the tail and wings remain ‘soft’, while everything else hardens.

Weapons: Flamethrower, Sword and shield (Greatsword combined) and the claws on his hands, along with his talons, mouth and tail in wyvern form.

Weaknesses: Liquid Nitrogen, Flashes of light (From flashbangs for example) since it will scramble his visual sensors for about 5 seconds, electricity, since he could short out if excess energy flows within him for about 50 seconds, unless he lets the energy out somehow, and of course, rust, along with anything that destroy nasal sensors, since these can be disabled for 2 minutes. He is also very prone to feelings of loneliness and emptiness, since he craves a friendship with any human, but feels there is a hole that could never be filled in his core, and this can be used as a weapon against him.

Favorite Passtimes: Flying around, watching humans from a distance, scaring low life criminals, and interacting with citizens, and also showing off.

Favorite Song: [media]




[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Why is that? They will be fighting for earth.

You realizing your talking to McDoom-elburgersupreme yes?
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]A Burger that can become a piece of charcoal, yes.

Or give you a heart attack...
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]Or even both. Either way, they are going to be friends at some point.

*Gives the thumbs up*



Name: Eldkatla Lokidóttir

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Child Of: Loki and (but unknown to her) Lorelei

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: People are quick to point out her flaws: a vain and stubborn girl, more occupied satisfying her hedonism than worrying about anyone else. It doesn't worry her, if they are willing to underestimate her it is their own downfall they are orchestrating because, in truth, there is so much more. Though it's true there is nothing innocent about her: Kat is amorous and sarcastic, having a dark sense of humour. However she is intelligent and sharp, able to win favour and fight wars with words alone, Machiavellian to the core. And it's the strangest thing, those who spend any amount of time in her presence describe an almost magnetic quality to her. Despite her penchant for chaos she seems to always be composed. That is not to say she does not anger, but it is not in anger that she should be feared. When she falls silent is when you should really begin to worry.

Powers: Kat possesses physical abilities superior to humans, an increased lifespan, superhuman strength, immunity to terrestrial diseases, and resistance to conventional injury. She is also a quickly becoming a powerful sorceress with many magical abilities e.g. Magic Intuition, Illusion Manipulation, Potion Creation and Enchanted Allure.

Weapons: Kat was not made to fight on the battlefield, instead being more suited to stealth, and this is reflected in her weapons of choice. They are all beautiful and match one another, polished shining metal with intricate filigree carved into them: a set of throwing knives, a dagger, and for when she truly must fight she has a spear. But it's long been drilled into Kat that her greatest weapon is herself, and a little poison always helps.

Weaknesses: While she doesn't quite have the superiority inferiority complex to match her father (then again, who does) she was still raised by him, and that will do all kinds of damage to ones psyche. Between him and the company he kept during her childhood she felt little safety and was actively encouraged not to trust. And the gifts from her mother have left her more or less accepting a life with only desire, never love. Of course there is also the big blue elephant in the room which means a hot day is going to leave her miserable, fire will make her on edge, and being subjected to extreme heat is going to make her distressed to say the least.

Favorite Pastimes: If raised on Midgard her interests would have definitely earned her a reputation, but as it stands people are more fixed on the 'daughter of a malevolent god' thing. She thrives on attention and is manipulative to boot so is pretty successful at getting what she wants. Sleep has never been a friend of hers so if she can stay up all night dancing then she will. Obviously things are a little different on Asgard but not as much as people would think and she's had her fair share of drunken nights, so good she'll never remember them. Of course she has to wile away the days somehow so when not stealing secrets, seducing or spying she enjoys reading (the older the texts the better), riding horses and toying with potions and poisons.

Favorite Song: At first the songs of Midgard had seemed so petty and short and she longed for the crashing songs of sagas and the sweetest scores from Asgard. But with time she is beginning to enjoy those bittersweet false promises of love and will happily sing a long if it gives her a chance to flaunt her voice.

Other: RDJ
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Lemoncakes said:



Name: Eldkatla 'Kat' Lokidóttir

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Child Of: Loki and (but unknown to her) Lorelei

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: People are quick to point out her flaws: a vain and stubborn girl, more occupied satisfying her hedonism than worrying about anyone else. It doesn't worry her, if they are willing to underestimate her it is their own downfall they are orchestrating because, in truth, there is so much more. Granted there is nothing innocent about her, Kat is amorous and sarcastic, preferring a macabre sense of humour. However she is intelligent and sharp, able to win favour and fight wars with words alone; she's truly Machiavellian. And it's the strangest thing, those who spend any amount of time in her presence describe an almost magnetic quality to her. Despite her penchant for chaos she seems to always be composed. That is not to say she does not anger, but it is not in anger that she should be feared. When she falls silent is when you should beware.

Powers: Kat possesses physical abilities superior to humans, an increased lifespan, superhuman strength, immune to terrestrial diseases, and resistant to conventional injury. She is also a quickly becoming a powerful sorceress with many magical abilities.

Weapons: Kat was not made to fight on the battlefield and this is reflected in her weapons of choice. They are all beautiful and match one another, polished shining metal with intricate filigree carved into them: a set of throwing knives, a dagger, and for when she truly must fight she has a spear. But it's long been drilled into Kat that her greatest weapon is herself, and a little poison always helps.

Weaknesses: Her arrogance, her paranoia, and extreme heat

Favorite Pastimes: Reading old books, horse riding, helping others tell all their secrets and dancing all night.

Favorite Song: Salty Sweet by MS MR

Other: RDJ


Name: Orora Munroe

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Rain

Child Of: Storm

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance(pic please!):

Casual -

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-28_13-45-28.jpeg.d3f6ce4335cbfd51dbd4563da5b46bc5.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82579" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-28_13-45-28.jpeg.d3f6ce4335cbfd51dbd4563da5b46bc5.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hero - It is the same as storm's


(Any form is fine)

Personality: She is very nice and soft despite her tough looking appearance, although when she's mad or decieted or etc, she puts the tough looking appearance to good use with a intelligent tactful mind.


- Can control the elements, not just weather like her mother

- Black belt in karate and excels in martial arts in general

Weapons: She does carry a metal staff around.


- She has a sickness where she falls asleep at random times.

Favorite Passtimes:

Favorite Song:



  • upload_2015-10-28_13-45-28.jpeg
    9.7 KB · Views: 98
[QUOTE="Anime King Kaleb][WIP]
Name: Orora Munroe

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Rain

Child Of: Storm

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance(pic please!):

Casual -

View attachment 186134

Hero - It is the same as storm's


(Any form is fine)

Personality: She is very nice and soft despite her tough looking appearance, although when she's mad or decieted or etc, she puts the tough looking appearance to good use with a intelligent tactful mind.


- Can control the elements, not just weather like her mother

- Black belt in karate and excels in martial arts in general

Weapons: She does carry a metal staff around.


- She has a sickness where she falls asleep at random times.

Favorite Passtimes:

Favorite Song:

Neat. Accepted.
Name: Fang Crispin


Gender: Male

Villain Name: Onyx

Child Of: Toxin

Sexuality: Heterosexual




Personality: Fang finds being a villain fun. He doesn't have to care for anyone else nor does he have to say sorry for his actions. It's all him. Just Fang. No one else. In other words, he is selfish. Killing someone is okay if he isn't the one being killed. Stealing is all good because he is getting stuff out of it. He can do anything which is deemed morally bad if it benefits him. But, if he has to do good to help himself, he will. Most people call him a villain, but because of that, a few others call him an anti-villain. Fang just calls it a hobby.

Powers: Is capable of shapeshifting abilities, including the ability to form spikes or expand its size, as well as mimic the appearance of other humanoids after it has obtained a host. Fang can additionally use its shape-shifting abilities to conceal itself by altering its coloration or by becoming completely invisible. It also contains a small "dimensional aperture," allowing its hosts to carry items without adding mass to the costume. He also exhibits telepathic abilities, primarily when it needs to communicate with its host.

The Symbiote grants all of its subsequent hosts Spider-man's powers and cannot be detected by his spider-sense. Onyx is also capable of producing webbing similar to Spider-man's own variety created from itself.

Weapons: The Symbiote itself is a weapon really. Any weaponry it touches can be mimicked. Any powers from a previous host or any abilities it's family before him had, he gets.

Weaknesses: Symbiote is vulnerable to fire and sonic waves, causing it great pain and exhaustion if it sustains enough exposure. (RDJ renders him useless too.)

Favorite Passtimes: Doing whatever he feels like on the day.

Favorite Song: [media]
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Name: Thaddeus Maximoff (uses the last name of his mother)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Dr. Maleficus

Child of: Dr. Strange and Wanda Maximoff



Personality: "This Child. I have never seen such a complex being. So much emotion coarsing through him, yet he does not even realize it. He was born with his mother's passion, but the steel, hard temper of his father. He has both of their creativity, but there is something that is original to him. What is it?" -The Living Tribunal, the day when Thaddeus was born

Thaddeus is definitely a multi functional nuke of emotions. He doesn't ever fix onto one set, and live with it. Just like his father, he thirsts fr wisdom. He wants to know everything this universe has to offer. He wants to learn more than his mother and father knew. One day,he could be careful and mysterious, silent for the day. Next day, he will be boiling in rage, attacking anything that moves, almost shouting all the time. But the one emotion that is rare is happiness. No one knows why, except Cassie and Dimitri. (All that will be revealed later in the rp.)

Powers: Being the child of two of the mist powerful sorcerers in the world, Thaddeus is definitely a powerhouse in sorcery. He can has many psychic powers like his mother, being able to read people's minds, communicate with telepathy, take over people's minds (Not characters, unless I ask for permission and you grant it to me) telikenetic blasts of energy, teleportation over decent distance (1.2 million miles is his limit), Magical summonings, blasts of magical energy, Mystical rituals, access to powerful spells, time travel (limited), Thought projection, astral projection, illusion casting, and mesmerism.

Weaknesses: He has no real physical protection, other than his magic and psychic abilities. Now, don't think "Shoots a bullet, killing Thaddeus" or "Punches him, knocking him out" is gonna work. He has tons of magical defenses. You'll have to put quite the effort to defeat him. He also gets tired like any other human being, and his curiousness is something that can cause him a fatal death.

Favorite Passtimes: Reading, Taking Pictures, skiing, Smoking.

Favorite Song: Relapse- Marc E.Bassy

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DarknessSpirit said:
Can I join? And if so, what characters are available to make for children?
Yes you can join. Characters available for Kids?



Black Widow

Silver Surfer..... That's all off of the top of my head.

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