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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Name:Julia Crow

Age: 17

Gender: female

Hero Name: Nevermore

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!): Straight

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4d4bcbf5_img-thing(1).jpg.39010d56d2334cfb1036f4588e3991d8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77600" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4d4bcbf5_img-thing(1).jpg.39010d56d2334cfb1036f4588e3991d8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/tumblr_mq5eqvZZ5v1sadp9xo1_400.jpg.4e37ee7cf2c91417e0877a25380cc328.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77604" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/tumblr_mq5eqvZZ5v1sadp9xo1_400.jpg.4e37ee7cf2c91417e0877a25380cc328.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Julia is very reserved and cold most of the time, especially when in costume. She only opens up around specific people that she knows she can trust. She's intelligent and quick on her feet.

Powers: Invisibility, telepathy, quick healing, blue energy manipulation.

Weapons: Her crossbow, several daggers hidden on her person, and her cloak that can cover her and act as armor. The cloaks seems to have a personality all of its own.

Weaknesses: She can only turn invisible for thirty minutes. Her mind is weaker during this which makes her more susceptible to hypnotism and mental attacks if detected. She's afraid of getting too close to someone because of what seems to happen if she does......

Favorite Passtimes: Reading, listening to music and spending time with what few friends she has.

Favorite Song: Wake Me Up When September Ends, 21 Guns, American Idiot, (Basically anything Greenday.) And Weird Al Yankovic songs.



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Name: Jay Wagner

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Blink

Child Of: Kurt Wagner a.k.a NightCrawler

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: ?<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/4646537-tumblr_mvx875bgj31rl14rno3_1280.jpg.efa0d89370341490855d2549ba95560c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77704" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/4646537-tumblr_mvx875bgj31rl14rno3_1280.jpg.efa0d89370341490855d2549ba95560c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Flippant, hot-tempered yet can take a joke.

Powers: Teleportation also highly acrobatic and can blend into background if still for 2 seconds.

Weapons: Two handed sword<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/_20150930_020152.JPG.22c14a1fbb5f6843f1585a250c131687.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77708" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/_20150930_020152.JPG.22c14a1fbb5f6843f1585a250c131687.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weaknesses: solar beams

Favorite Passtimes: Mischief

Favorite Song: Up and Away feat June by Can't Stop Won't Stop



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Name: Nena Blaze


Gender: Female

Hero Name: Ghost Girl

Child of: Johnathon "Johnny" Blaze

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/black-dark.jpg.416a2b109968631a85792f5af8b6967c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77778" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/black-dark.jpg.416a2b109968631a85792f5af8b6967c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/female_ghost_ride.jpg.5adb77735039e0ec798f796447c912e5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77779" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/female_ghost_ride.jpg.5adb77735039e0ec798f796447c912e5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Outgoing, Playful, Little crazy

Powers:She has superhuman strength and durability, as well as the ability to project and control Hellfire, which can sear the soul as well as burn the flesh.Is also immune to any mystical attacks that are specific to beings with living souls.

Weapons:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/westwood_eldorado.jpg.862b3c392815d0cc4ef0143ea436d3c4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77780" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/westwood_eldorado.jpg.862b3c392815d0cc4ef0143ea436d3c4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weakness: She still has a probable with fighting demons and her crazy ideas get her hurt sometimes

Favorite pastimes: doing stunts on her bike like her old man

Favorite song: Light 'em up by fall out boy

Other: RDJ

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Pagani-Motorcycle-1.jpg.6a3108a475dbc8b0f6ad0646e71b2519.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77781" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Pagani-Motorcycle-1.jpg.6a3108a475dbc8b0f6ad0646e71b2519.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

( that's her motorcycle when its normal)



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Dtlee31 said:
Name: Nena Blaze

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Ghost Girl

Child of: Johnathon "Johnny" Blaze

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: View attachment 173952 View attachment 173953

Personality: Outgoing, Playful, Little crazy

Powers:She has superhuman strength and durability, as well as the ability to project and control Hellfire, which can sear the soul as well as burn the flesh.Is also immune to any mystical attacks that are specific to beings with living souls.

Weapons:View attachment 173954

Weakness: She still has a probable with fighting demons and her crazy ideas get her hurt sometimes

Favorite pastimes: doing stunts on her bike like her old man

Favorite song: Light 'em up by fall out boy

Other: RDJ

View attachment 173955

( that's her motorcycle when its normal)
Those are some sexy motorcycles. Accepted!
Umm.... Everyone seems to be at Stark ttower so....probably there. Or you could be from an alternate timeline like Julia and know Pyrite. You could start with him or the other AVENGERS.
But I don't get to experience her childhood? That's cruel xD And I was hoping to continue the rp with braziel ( He is a country xD *is dying of laughter*) but yeah sure....punishment!!! @National
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Aleena Meredith Quill





Hero Name:

Star-Girl? No, don't think so, when this is completed, officially, it will mostly likely be something like: Blue-Iris, unless someone has any ideas based on her abilities.

Child Of:

Peter Quill and Gamora


An older brother; Maxton Quill




Aleena took her father's looks, more so than her mothers. She has his chocolate brown hair though with streaks of blonde and his striking looks, her eyes are a deep brown like her fathers, though with flecks of green towards her iris's, probably due to her mothers green skin. Aleena has tanned skin like her fathers with green tints like her mothers around her eye sockets and in an oval shape on her stomach then in teardrop shapes on the backs of her hands and feet; and her strong build comes from both her mother and father. Toned muscles, a flat stomach, and defined features all add to her physique. Her nose is only a little sharp and her lips are an elegant bow shape. Her face is an upside down tear shape and her eyes are a tiny bit larger than the average eye, even if she isn't Xandarian. She has a height of 5'8, tall, but not so tall, the average tall.

((Use The Casual Photos As A Sort Of Reference For Her Look))

((Cara Delevingne))


This --> She wears this on all missions and at all pretty much life threatening moments wherein there is an attack. As long as of course she gets it on before she has to defend herself and others. It is also just a suit for training and her different fitness and combat classes. Sometimes she even wears it and levitates in a zero gravity room for meditation.




This --> She wears this on higher risk missions//most missions, with the other peice underneath of course. This has alot of added weaponry and it lets her fly wherever whenever, good for travelling long distances fast. Just like the Iron Man suit it has its own A.I, her name is Amelia, but she prefers Amy. The suit has added weapons and lots of features. Her father and Rocket had the smallest amount of input as Rose does have the ability to create all she wants with the technology.

The helmet moves up, but it also folds in and dissapears completely into her suit so there is only the metal collar, brace looking thing round her neck. The suit has the ability to travel out in space.




Aleena definitly prefers the Tom-Boy look, but if she wants she will add a few more girly peices, or just pastels, etc


Her hair is always in a ponytail, a flowercrown, a bun or let out to show its naturally curly goodness




Aleena is very headstrong like her father and is pretty much a bad-ass bitch, when she wants to be. Her witty responses show her smarts and she manages to keep herself in control. An ego is not a problem, just don't get her mad, that's when you'll have her on your head. Here are a few words to Describe Aleena:

Rebellious Generous

Sly Kind

Arogant Happy

Theiving Funny

Misheivous Joking

Stubborn Respectful

Angry Loyal

Cunning Protective

One side very rarely takes control, even her good side. She will have fun and help out but there will always be some kind of mischeivous glint in her eyes.


Aleena was born with the ability of Technopathy. She can control some electricity and all mechanical//technological devices. E.g, She can't start an engine of a car, she can start the battery and other technogoical parts of its interface to take control of the car and use it how she pleases. She could access a computer through her mind. Create a peice of equipment using volts and maybe even eletrocute someone if she tried. The irises in her eyes become a strobe and striking light blue. They light up and match the colour of her volts. They become like this everytime she uses her powers. And it will stay like that until she stops using her powers.


+ Her Powers

+ Her suit has a multitude of defense grade weapons installed into it. they range from rocket launchers, mini missiles, powerful blasts of energy, even electricity.

+ She also likes to shoulder charge when in her suit

+ She is trained in advanced hand to hand combat thanks to her mother



+ She has a great weakness in family, if anyone threatened her brother, mother, or father, she might not see her own end.

+ Electricity and Technology devoid rooms/places. If she were to be cut off from the energy for a long time, or had the energy resting within her drained from her, then she would be in serious trouble of losing consciousness, getting sick, etc

+ Her daydreaming, Aleena sufferes from 'Maladptive Daydreaming'. It is not yet consider an official medical condiition but she does have it. It implies that she has a very, very big imagination, one that she can get lost in or lured into. It makes her concentration span alot smaller than the average and affects her on some missions. Just make sure she is paying attention to the real world, and everything will be ok. Her brother isn't the only one with a little bit of insane in the membrane


Favorite Passtimes:

+ Reading, Fiction and Non-Fiction

+ Riding her skateboard

+ Ice Skating

+ Eating

+ Annoying the hell out of her brother

+ Listening to music with her modern technology, she can access any music she wants through the internet, though she adores music from the 40's and 50's

+ She can often be seen trying to make up a dance routine in her room, or just dancing because she wants to

+ The girl will sing freely, but don't panic, she has quite the voice

+ Meditating wherever she can. Using her abilities she can levitate herself, it doesn't affect her too much, though it would if she tried flying across an ocean, it's why she has the suit. Her meditation keeps her mentality in order and rests her mind after every day.

+ Creating, unmaking and fixing peices of technology and even creating devices for missions and such that help rid of her enemies

Favorite Song:



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Name: Yong Sunmi (family name comes first)

Age: (15-18) 17

Gender: Female

Hero Name: none yet... Contra?

Child Of: (optional if parent is not Cannon)

Sexuality: Asexual/straight

Appearance(pic please!): (Hero and/or casual) my character is completely OC so i don't have a pic... Pretty much this but Korean...
Height - 5'7" (always wears heels), Weight - 127 lbs,

(Any form is fine)

Personality: Kind of rude but in a joking way the more you know her, she also never sugarcoats anything and will go after someone if needed. She is very intelligent but very sassy and she doesn't like being touched. She is often very lazy, manipulating people to get things done for her.

Powers: Sound manipulation, wave control, some levitation through concentrated sound waves, siren song, pretty much any sound related ability...

Weapons: Guns... Just guns in general...

Weaknesses: Bugs... very "gross" things tend to make her very nervous and panicky. Her quick temper can make her very unpredictable.

Favorite Passtimes: Listening to music, drawing, singing, and sewing/designing.

Favorite Song: [media]

Name: Xander Odinson - Xander Blake RDJ


Age: Fifteen years of age; Nov, 23 1997


Gender - Male, if it isn't already obvious.


Super Hero Name: Surge Velocity - Surge Sometimes named Impulse.


Child of - Thor Odinson, otherwise known as Donald Blake, and Sif.


Sexuality - Heterosexual.


Appearance - Pale blonde hair, icy blue eyes. Tanned blemish-free skin, and lean, strong build. He has a tall height of 6'1'', due to his Godly Ancestors.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/024a9196d8cd33332681addc79398ac1.jpg.fc391876841f57816f784d57b1477085.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80619" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/024a9196d8cd33332681addc79398ac1.jpg.fc391876841f57816f784d57b1477085.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Personality: Xander has a strong sense of morality. He always does the right thing, and holds justice and equality above all. His determination is unmatched, and his kindness is immortal. He is quick to forgive, and hard to anger. His determination and righteousness stems from Thor, and his fairness and warrior spirit stems from his mother, Sif. Xander also has a keen sense of observation and wittiness.


Powers: Control over lightning and air. Abilities of flight and strength, with superhuman durability and speed.


Weapon: Gold and Crimson Gauntlets.


Weaknesses: Not immortal. He has a weakness to mind control, and any type of mind abilities.


Favorite Pass-time - Using his powers, and park-our and martial arts.


Favorite Song: Anything inspirational, and dub-step.



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Name: Augustus "Gus" Von Doom

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Rex Regum (Orig - Omega Tyrant

Child Of Victor Von Doom

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):
|||| Casual

His face is unknown due to him staying in the armor like his father.

Personality: A smart teen who likes to make quips and train his wit just as much as muscle. He loves to strike fear into his foes, or just get a reaction from them in general. Even though he sings and makes jokes, when it comes to the wire he is a horrifically effective person in general. He can speak to people without a problem, seems to have no mercy, and is brave to near ignorance levels. He plays to win, and wont take anybody's crap about it.

Powers: Immense knowledge, Powerful Magic, RDJ, Masterful Swordsmanship, above average strength, Slightly Psychic, quick learning, and Indomitable Will

Thanos Power set - Obtained by Darkness of the Divine Conduit

Superhuman Intelligence - Augustus possess a powerful mind, one that is virtually genius in all known fields of advanced science, allowing him to create things that far exceed modern Earth Science. His mind allows him to quickly adapt to different battle strategies and situations.

Superhuman Strength (Class 100+) - Augustus can shatter small planets with his raw strength alone, and be able to fight the likes of Odin and Thor at his max without any cosmic enhancements. He is now stronger then any Doom Bot, able to punch away the Hulk with ease or defeating the Silver Surfer with just bare hands alone.

Superhuman Stamina - Augustus's muscles produce vastly less fatigue toxins, almost none at all. In all physical activities he is near superhuman in stamina.

Nigh-Invulnerable - Point blank planet busting attacks do nothing to Augustus, not even the power of cosmic from the Silver Surfer can harm him. He can take a power gem wielding blood lusting Thor rampage and come out with just a bloody nose. He can take 3 Black Bolt screams with barely any damage, and even survive in a artificial singularity. Augustus requires a immense amount of focused power to take him down, let alone stop his stride.

"Eternal" Immortality - Augustus is immune to aging, diseases, and infections.

Superhuman Agility - Augustus's agility, balance and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels beyond the finest Human athlete. Around average for Eternals.

Energy Manipulation and Control - Augustus can now generate and command energy at immense levels. He can fire pure concussive force, make magnetic energy, unleash infrared heat beams, disruption beams, and optic blasts. They are strong enough to be able to send even Galactus-level foes flying backwards.

Matter Manipulation and Control - Augustus can control matter at the atomic level, though to what extent is unknown. He can turn a living thing into complete stone.

Power Cosmic - Augustus's body has been warped by becoming a Eternal, granting him their ability to use the Power of Cosmic from his hands and eyes. Augustus's Cosmic Energy allows him to enhance his strength, and fire out cosmic energy blasts, but he has no specialization.

Telekinesis - Power to move, destroy and control entire planets via force of will

Darkforce Dimension Control - Augustus can teleport into the Darkforce and teleport out of it to any point. This also allows him to control Darkforce Energy.

Physical Alteration - Can change his appearance, size and shape.

Weapons: Vast amounts of Arcana / Magic he learned, technological weapons he invents on the fly, and his armored suits.


Glowing End - Gus' favorite weapon, the Glowing End is coated in plasma and a strange radioactive field that does horrific amounts of damage to organic beings. If the slash doesn't kill you, the cancer might as well. Can start vibrating at HF mode to destroy machinery with constant plasma EMP bursts, but then it becomes a vibrating sword to organics.

Weaknesses: Thinks he is smarter then he is, tends to get caught up within things and go way to far, extremist, very few allies if any, tends to toy with his foes, and his suits tend to be over specialized.

Favorite Passtimes: Listening to music, learning, training his skills, playing games and creating things

Favorite Song: [media]
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hudhouse said:
Name: Augustus "Gus" Von Doom
Age: 16

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Omega Tyrant

Child Of Victor Von Doom

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!): Battle Armor - Outer Casing



His face is unknown due to him staying in the armor like his father.

Personality: A smart teen who likes to make quips and train his wit just as much as muscle. He loves to strike fear into his foes, or just get a reaction from them in general. Even though he sings and makes jokes, when it comes to the wire he is a horrifically effective person in general. He can speak to people without a problem, seems to have no mercy, and is brave to near ignorance levels. He plays to win, and wont take anybody's crap about it.

Powers: Immense knowledge, Powerful Magic, RDJ, Masterful Swordsmanship, above average strength, Slightly Psychic, quick learning, and Indomitable Will

Weapons: Vast amounts of Arcana / Magic he learned, technological weapons he invents on the fly, and his armored suits.


Call of the Prince - Gus' favorite weapon, the Call of the Prince is a Revolver with a bright crimson laser as his own guide. The weapon fires out explosive rounds laced with incendiary gel to make sure his foes never forget the scars.

Weaknesses: Thinks he is smarter then he is, tends to get caught up within things and go way to far, extremist, very few allies if any, tends to toy with his foes, and his suits tend to be over specialized.

Favorite Passtimes: Listening to music, learning, training his skills, playing games and creating things

Favorite Song: [media]

I've been waiting for someone to use Doom. Accepted!
Name: Helga

Age: 6 years (still a baby, but looks like an adult due to a naturally occurring, quick maturing process)

Gender: female

Size: Size of a full grown Clydesdale horse

Species: Raging Brachydios

Classification: brute wyvern

Demeanor: She is a very curious creature, meaning she will explore her surroundings, like some cubs do. she is also very affectionate and caring for anyone who cares for her, and will be loyal to the end. But enrage her, be ready for a fight, since she is quick and agile, and also very explosive. After being reborn (Thanks to some demonic help), she became even angrier, more vicious, and even more reckless.




Likes: meat, smashing things, fire, since she bathes in lava to kill anything on or in her shell. She also likes to play rough.

Dislikes: water, ice, being messed with, and seeing any villain that is hurting innocents, and her master being hurt.

Diet: Carnivorous.

Weaknesses: water, since it softens her obsidian shell, ice can puncture her shell. Fatigue, and her legs, since she sometimes can be tripped easily. her slime will now explode on her body if enough damage is done to that specific part, that being her head, fists, and tail

Abilities/powers: she has temperature survival abilities, allowing her to survive in volcanic and arctic areas. Her slime is also very explosive, and explodes on impact when enraged.The slime starts at yellow, then explodes at red within 3 seconds. She also has the strength to punch a hole in the hull of a massive ship, and can also to many things with her horn. She can also run fast, and is very agile. (There is a video of a raging brachydios fight that follows, showing her many moves.) When raged, all these aspects, except for passive ones, are increased, and uses her rage to be stronger and faster. Even the slime on her body will be red/ yellow, and will have impact detonation capabilities.

(click the blue words!!!) (RDJ Here is the new and Improved... HELGA 2.0!!!! @sitanomoto @LokiofSP @CasualDragon )
sitanomoto said:
I've been waiting for someone to use Doom. Accepted!
Damn, I think Redd and Gus would be best friends, granted they don't each other shoot first. (And yes, he will comeback at some point @sitanomoto )
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