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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

@sitanomoto[/URL] @Crono @CasualDragon @everyone else.
Black Muramasa took the sample, he paid little attention to Maul. Black Muramasa seemed to pass right through Maul and was gone. He now had the fragment and symbiote sample, he knew just what he was going to do with. He created a hyperspace portal back to the Jigoku Chu Castle in the dimension Ama.

Muramasa called for Shurayuki who appeared right next to him. "The Space Symbiote won't last long enough to collect all the fragments. So we should use this time and this blood to enhance our weaker bretheren, I will also look into to finding another grand distraction while Hector collects that data." He ordered.
Finn was on his way back to the cave when he heard Maul's scream... From a different direction. Finn shook his head and took off in that direction. He decided to run in his human form to give him the element of surprise. When he got close enough he skidded to a stop behind some foliage and peered out. It seemed like Maul was on his own. Whomever was here was gone now. He stepped out and jogged over to Maul. "Buddy! You okay? What happened?"

@Emperor Of Embers

Bruce heard the ringing of his phone and pushed it up towards his ear. "Hello Bruce Banner speaking." He listened sadly to Jade talk about how Maul was in trouble. "Jade, I'm sorry. I can't help. Finn's over there right now. I'm sorry that I can't be of more help but... The gamma radiation's left my veins. I finally figured out how to cure myself. That world is behind me." He wished he could help but he wanted to leave that world behind. He wanted Finn to leave that world behind too and he had another batch of the cure waiting for whenever Finn agreed to it. If he agreed to it.

@Emperor Of Embers
CasualDragon said:
Finn was on his way back to the cave when he heard Maul's scream... From a different direction. Finn shook his head and took off in that direction. He decided to run in his human form to give him the element of surprise. When he got close enough he skidded to a stop behind some foliage and peered out. It seemed like Maul was on his own. Whomever was here was gone now. He stepped out and jogged over to Maul. "Buddy! You okay? What happened?"
@Emperor Of Embers

Bruce heard the ringing of his phone and pushed it up towards his ear. "Hello Bruce Banner speaking." He listened sadly to Jade talk about how Maul was in trouble. "Jade, I'm sorry. I can't help. Finn's over there right now. I'm sorry that I can't be of more help but... The gamma radiation's left my veins. I finally figured out how to cure myself. That world is behind me." He wished he could help but he wanted to leave that world behind. He wanted Finn to leave that world behind too and he had another batch of the cure waiting for whenever Finn agreed to it. If he agreed to it.

@Emperor Of Embers
Maul manages to cool down, and a black puddle of goop surrounded him, and started to cover him as he reverted to normal. Once in his normal state, he spoke, "I will explain later, but right now, there is a Space Symbiote on the homefront in New York. We need to somehow warn the Avengers..... I tried.... but the only one who got it was Jade." maul said as he put his hands to his face. "I tried to fight.... but the old man helped him, and I was scared finn..... Scared..."

Jade sighed, and saw the Space Symbiote. "Yeah, Imma have to call you back. There is a strange symbiote..... and it ain't maul. Call you back cuz." she said as she hung up, and came outside. "You calling us out? but unfortunately, your ass is gonna get beat down." She said as Alstair looked behind him, and cocked his guns. "Ready new guy?" she asked, with alistair nodding.

"Cassie, A strange Symbiote is at the front door. It's signature is neither Maul's nor Slash's. I suggest you assist Jade and Alistair Stark before things get out of hand." Howard said as azazel sighed. "Crap. We just cannot win, can we." @sitanomoto @National @CasualDragon @Raikou Kaminari @Everyone else
sitanomoto said:
"Almost done...." Cassie said as she plugged in Coordinates. "Ready?" She raised her hand as she looked around at Azazel.
@Emperor Of Embers
"Let's kick some alien butt." He said with a smile as he went downstairs.

"Alright, Who are you, and who sent you?" Jade asked as she got out her sunglasses, and put them on. "Why should I answer you? Are you even related to that poor excuse of a hero?" The symbiote said tauntingly as jade clenched her fists. "You'd better not be talking about my cousins... If you are, you just asking for a beat down." Jade said as she cracked her knuckles. "You'd better answer, or I will set fire to your ass." Alistair said in an irate tone as his shoulder gun spun around, and stopped.
"My name is none of your business. And Who sent me..... well. Let's just say he is my master. And that hulk symbiote? Is as good as dead. Just like the rest of you." The space symbiote said as he screamed, which attracted Slash's attention from the fight. Once at the scene, he hides, and prepares his claws. once the space symbiote turned around, and then that was when Slash pounced. The wolverine symbiote was then caught in the Space one's tendrils, and then pulled closer to him. "It's been a while since I had absorbed another symbiote. I am running a little low." he said as the symbiote began to absorb Slash, who was putting up a struggle. "Oh stop struggling, you will be for a greater cause than these incompetent fools." The alien symbiote taunted Jade and Alistair. "You two are next!" he shouted, slash being fully absorbed into the symbiote. Jade the cracked her knuckles, and charged the symbiote, screaming like bloody murder as Alistair followed behind, weapons ready. @MTchaos1134 @sitanomoto @Everyone else.
@sitanomoto[/URL] @Crono @CasualDragon @everyone else.
A horrific sound came from the ground, rumbling the Earth as Augustus had evolved to the perfected form of the Behemoth. A monster to fight a monster. It stood 101 feet wide, and 65.5 feet tall. It zoomed forward at 25 miles per hour, crushing cars directly in front of it or pushing them away to the side. It weighted 492,000 pounds, easily able to rip through buildings unfazed. This is the monster humanity made him, and now he decided to protect it. His tongue flew out, stretching hundreds of feet across the road to grab the Symbiote, and fling him through the air if it hit to him. Augustus roared out, "I REFUSE!"
Carnage was going to attack the woman,but after seeing the huge beast,decided to attack the Symboite instead,throwing an axe at its leg in an attempt to pin it.
Cassie's hand slammed down on the button and the group was immediately transported to where all of the action was. Cassie was in her Symbiote Buster suit, a larger but bluer version of her original. "Hello Gus" she said quietly. "Need a hand?"
sitanomoto said:
Cassie's hand slammed down on the button and the group was immediately transported to where all of the action was. Cassie was in her Symbiote Buster suit, a larger but bluer version of her original. "Hello Gus" she said quietly. "Need a hand?"
(The space symbiote is at the tower.)
sitanomoto said:
Cassie's hand slammed down on the button and the group was immediately transported to where all of the action was. Cassie was in her Symbiote Buster suit, a larger but bluer version of her original. "Hello Gus" she said quietly. "Need a hand?"
[QUOTE="Emperor Of Embers](The space symbiote is at the tower.)

The massive rocky monster snickered, before stating, "Ahhh.. Howdy Cassie. I can't reach the bugger with my tongue." He implanted his thick talons into Avenger's tower, and spoke arcane sorcery. He rolled up into a massive, nearly 90 foot big orb. His rocky spikes grew as he flied into the air, and was shot straight towards the Symbiote. If it was successful, it would explode through the wall and crush the symbiote!
[open starter, also mainly because I don't know where else to go]

Gripping the note tightly in her hand, the girl refused to let the powers get the better of her, resulting in a very burned note and a very angry villain. It had only taken her approximately 1.245 seconds to skim through the note, but simply skimming it was enough for her to realize the possible danger she might have been in. Of course, the danger part didn't scare her. What did "scare" her was the fact that someone had the audacity to question her skills as a villain. Sighing and bringing up the note once more, she carefully traced the letters with her sharp nails, reading through it once more,

lol u suck. Bet you ain't even a true villain.

How dare they? To mock the Phoenix Force, and more or less to mock the Dark Phoenix? It was unacceptable. Nothing could distract the young villain, not even the ongoing battle that seemed to take place at the Avenger's Tower.

MTchaos1134 said:
Carnage walks near the Symboite,but not close enough to be grabbed."Seems like your in trouble."
The symbiote was covered in spikes as he was crushed by Augustus. Once he could talk, he spoke. "Go away. I do not talk to those who are not Pure symbiotes." The symbiote said as he unsheathed his Ill gotten Adamantium claws. "You know.... You look a lot more appetizing than the Wolverine Symbiote. Looks like I found some seconds!" He said as he attacked, but a rocket was fired by Alistair. "Hey Red! Instead of flirting, how about you help us out!?" He shouted as he pumped his fist, cocking his wrist gun.
"I consider myself a pure,host mind is wiped and controlled.i just can't keep form without attaching to a human or somthing like one is all."Carnage said as his fingers change into claws.
MTchaos1134 said:
"I consider myself a pure,host mind is wiped and controlled.i just can't keep form without attaching to a human or somthing like one is all."Carnage said as his fingers change into claws.
"That is the thing. YOU ARE NOT PURE. Purebreds like I need no host, we are set for pure domination! NOW DIE!" the symbiote shouted as he slashed at Carnage, who was inferior to him in terms of status, but slightly out matched by the son of Carnage himself.

Alistair then walks up to cassie as the two symbiotes fought. "So you finally came out, eh? How about we actually talk to each other instead of keeping up the waiting game after this, yeah?" he said in a somewhat joking manner. Jade then jumped onto the space symbiote, and started bashing his face in out of pure anger and rage. "This is for Slash!" she shouted as her last punch landed on his jaw, and sent him tumbling about 5 feet ahead of them. @sitanomoto @MTchaos1134 @hudhouse
hudhouse said:
Augustus tried to grab the Symbiote and then drop off the sky scrapper. He roared out, "I will just rip you apart!"
The symbiote simply chuckled as he was dropped. He shot a tendril at a building, and swung up to the top, then skydiving to the ground, leaving a pool of goo that reformed itself into its primary form. "You all cannot stop me. FOR I AM..... AGH!!" he shouted as brute's roar majorly damaged him, and sent him flying into a metal pole, which was ringing. The symbiote covers the sides of its head, and screamed in agony. "THE PAIN!! THE PAIN!!" he shouted as he collapsed to the ground, covering the areas where the ears should be. @sitanomoto @hudhouse @MTchaos1134
MTchaos1134 said:
Carnage being dazed from the ringing held his head with one hand as he stepped back."be prepared next time we clash for I will kill you."After he said that it backed up some more and sat down on some rubble,still bothered by the ring.
Brute walked up to carnage, EXTREMIS active in his blood as his veins and vessels glow a bright red. he took a sniff at Carnage, and ignored him, since the Space symbiote was the main concern.
A flash alert on the screen with video of the space symbiote combined with Friday's warning let Connor know what was happening. It also told the blonde that today was going to be a really long day. Jogging over to the window he looked down towards the street below where the attack had started. It hadn't taken long for Avengers to throw themselves at the creature, to which Connor had been thankful for.

This prompted him to move back to his seat behind the computer up in Avengers Tower, Cassie was one of those engaging which through any plans for her to leave for Japan on hold. This complicated things, "Who's on call right now?" He asked through the comm, "We've got a situation outside the tower and Tokyo is still waiting on a team for relief."


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