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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"...oh...that doesn't look pleasant..." Jordan let Augustus go so he could continue his assault "My bad, you were right...proceed~"

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The girl seemed to turn her glaze from the two men to the rather loud voice that boomed. Feeling the vibrations throughout her body, she thought to herself.

Geez, this thing is totally a drama queen. Could he just shut up-

Child! There!

Her body immediately turned to the other man in the conversation, not Augustus, but the other one. Raising an eyebrow, she walked over to him, not speaking a word, but just observing him. Why did the Phoenix Force want her to talk to him? But then she felt it, and her eyes widened. So that had been the plan all along. Not controlling any part of her speech, she blurted out, "you!"

Jordan turned to the girl who was approaching him and frowned slightly when she blurted out at him "Me? Oh for the love of...you had better not be another clone of mine...I swear, I'm having enough trouble with the twins..."

There was a slight sound as a voice was heard behind Venom, "Jesus, and here I was thinking you were ugly before. Haven't we killed you like, three times over by now? Eh, screw it, fourth can't hurt..." Sarah dropped down from her web line and looked at the symbiote, "Freindly neighbrohood Spider-Girl at your service! Resident alien suit pest control..."

@Emperor Of Embers
(Not sure what to do here) seeing as to how he was no longer the center of attention he teleported to a nearby rooftop as the demon's possession over the boy would end soon @anyone
The girl raised her eyebrow one more, "clone, what are you an idiot?" She pointed at herself, "first off, I looked nothing like you, second off, my mother is Jean Grey, the fact that there are more Phoenix forces worries me quite a bit." She liked being unique and finding out that there was not one, but three other people with her exact ability pissed her off. "And finally, you say twins? That can't be right, I thought there was only one Phoenix force." She frowned, trying to rack her mind looking for some kind of explanation. Now she was just confused, and angry.

LokiofSP said:
There was a slight sound as a voice was heard behind Venom, "Jesus, and here I was thinking you were ugly before. Haven't we killed you like, three times over by now? Eh, screw it, fourth can't hurt..." Sarah dropped down from her web line and looked at the symbiote, "Freindly neighbrohood Spider-Girl at your service! Resident alien suit pest control..."

@Emperor Of Embers
"You Parkers never give up a grudge, do you? I have helped your family save the world on numerous Occasions, and this is how i get treated? I thought peter parker might have forgiven me." Venom said in an irate tone, he was in no mood to fight. "And besides. I have given up on being a criminal, so you might as well give up killing me. I have more important things to worry about. Like one of my sons dying because of a space symbiote.... which Carnage gladly absorbed." Venom added. (@Pyosimros, for perry if he so wants to join.)
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"Oh...THAT'S what I felt...well let me put some things in perspective for ya...One, no I'm not an idiot. Two, being compared to your mother annoys me more than I care to admit. Three, there is only ONE Phoenix Force, ME, you just seem to have been born with a fraction of that power...though if I'm being honest a fraction of infinite energy is still way too much." Jordan smoothed his hair out of his face "And four, the twins don't have any of Phoenix's energy...they're just clones of me..."

Sarah shook her head, "Nice try. Not a Parker though, also, screw symbiotes, they've never been good, not in my history. I barely let your 'sons' pass as it is, so why would I let you go? Nah, I think I'd rather burn you alive here..."

@Emperor Of Embers
LokiofSP said:
Sarah shook her head, "Nice try. Not a Parker though, also, screw symbiotes, they've never been good, not in my history. I barely let your 'sons' pass as it is, so why would I let you go? Nah, I think I'd rather burn you alive here..."

@Emperor Of Embers
"If you do that, and I will roast you like the bug that you are." Alistair suddenly said in an aggressive tone. "I have seen this one in MY future, and he has helped my and my dad on numerous occasions. So if you lay even a single strand of webbing on Venom. I will be sure to char your fucking body beyond recognition." He said in a grimm tone as he turned a dial on his left wrist, which ignited a flame. "So? You wanna try me?" he asked, standing his ground.
LucianGrey7971 said:
"Oh...THAT'S what I felt...well let me put some things in perspective for ya...One, no I'm not an idiot. Two, being compared to your mother annoys me more than I care to admit. Three, there is only ONE Phoenix Force, ME, you just seem to have been born with a fraction of that power...though if I'm being honest a fraction of infinite energy is still way too much." Jordan smoothed his hair out of his face "And four, the twins don't have any of Phoenix's energy...they're just clones of me..."
"A fraction?" It took very little the piss the Dark Phoenix off, but to make her angry? That required a certain set of skills. "You must be confused. My mother was the only one with the Phoenix Force, and when she gave birth to me, I inherited it. All of it." Her voice was cold and unforgiving, "normally I'd make someone as foolish as you apologize, but you simply must be confused." She tapped her chin slighlty, "or perhaps you are somewhat right. Maybe my force only sensed you as you may have a fraction of my power. Either way," she smiled a bit too sweetly, "you are forgiven for your incompetence."
"....you're annoying...and let's get somethin' straightened out here...with all due respect to Jean, she was a host...one of the best hosts to the Phoenix Force ever...but a host nonetheless...I ain't a host, I'm the real deal, its a long story that ends with me being permanently fused to the psionic being...Why am I even bothering with you? I know what I am" Jordan turned away and muttered "Honestly, every Summers pisses me off...I'd rather be dealing with Hope..."

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Carnage stands up walks over to the train tracks,and as a train was about to pass by he leaps in front of it and in a quick moment a body was hit by the train..but somthing was off.
Sarah snorted, "Oh, you could defiantly try to burn me alive, but I think you'll find it pretty hard to kill somebody with superior speed, agility and a spider sense. Though this would be a good time to test just how deep my claws can go, I've always wondered if they could cut through metal, care to allow your armor to be the test subject?"

@Emperor Of Embers
LokiofSP said:
Sarah snorted, "Oh, you could defiantly try to burn me alive, but I think you'll find it pretty hard to kill somebody with superior speed, agility and a spider sense. Though this would be a good time to test just how deep my claws can go, I've always wondered if they could cut through metal, care to allow your armor to be the test subject?"

@Emperor Of Embers
Brute then walked up to Alistair and Sarah, growling at the both of them as his veins and vessels glow. "Whoa big guy, I am not looking to scrap with you, I am just standing up against her." he said as he pointed to Sarah. Brute then looked at her, and snapped his jaws at her. "ENOUGH!! THIS IS NONSENSE!" Venom shouted at the three. "I simply want to make peace with everyone. To atone for my sins, but no! The Reilly family apparently has a grudge on me!" he said with frustration as he looked at sarah. Mephisto then walked through a portal, towering over everyone. "Silence! I demand Silence! You, Sarah Reilly, are the worst case of Scrappy natured humans I have ever seen. You may be an ignorant bitch, but I know good when I see it. So seal thy tongue, or I will be sure that you will burn in hell, PERSONALLY!" he warned as Alistair backed up slightly. "And you! Something seems odd about you.... I cannot quite put my finger on it." he said as he thought. "Oh wait! I know! You are my Great Great Grandson!" Mephisto said with glee, and asked. "Who are the lucky parents?" he asked. "Do not ask me that again." he said, slightly irate from the question. "Why not?" The devil asked, now curious. "BECAUSE I SAID SO!" Alisatir shouted. "Look, I never knew my parents! I lived in a Zombified world, where only one person took care of me, and that is Frank fucking Castle. There, Happy now?!" He said, realeasing all of his repressed anger and strife.
The train doing an emergency stop pedestrians looking at the remains of body of a human body under its tracks,as people started to call 911.(I'm surprised no one cared that no one cared that carnage threw itself at a train,Anyways I'm heading to be goodnight everyone)
Sarah mocked a gasp and tears, "Oh, it seems that everybody just hates me! Oh whatever shall I do!" She held up her hand and popped her middle claw and only her middle claw, "You can all just bite me, I do what I do, because I need to! I need to make sure that nothing happens that can in any way fuck up the future, so you can all bite me..." She placed the tip of the claw on Venom's head...

@Emperor Of Embers
LokiofSP said:
Sarah mocked a gasp and tears, "Oh, it seems that everybody just hates me! Oh whatever shall I do!" She held up her hand and popped her middle claw and only her middle claw, "You can all just bite me, I do what I do, because I need to! I need to make sure that nothing happens that can in any way fuck up the future, so you can all bite me..." She placed the tip of the claw on Venom's head...

@Emperor Of Embers
"Do not do something that you will regret, Spider girl. I simply came to make peace, and that is all I ask. But it seems that your "Heroes don't kill" motto does not apply to you, does it." Venom said in the most sincere tone possible. "But there is no convincing you of my changes, is there. It is people like you that heroes turn evil, and villains the other way around." he added as alistair stood next to the symbiote. "And if it weren't for symbiotes like Venom. I would not be standing here talking to you, now would i, you pathetic excuse of a hero?" he said, testing his boundaries. "Alistair, do not test her." azazel said as he rolled up in his power armor. "Sarah, I suggest you step off. Things will go awry when you least expect it. This is your first warning. Take my advice, and step off." he said. Seeing as no one was taking initiative and bringing order. "Oh look! My son is actually manning up! Oh, What a glorious moment!" mephisto said with glee.

"I have made mistakes in the past. We all have. But that does not mean you can kill whomever you please just because of what they are, or what they did. So please, I am asking you Kindly and respectfully. Back off." Azazel said in a firm, but forgiving voice.
Sarah snapped her fingers at the small crowd gathering, "Shut it! None of you get the right to judge me! You haven't seen the things I've seen! You haven't been to the places I have! So just shut it! You don't know what it's like to grow up in a world that went to shit BECAUSE of one of these... Things! To watch people call the thing that did it a 'hero', it's sickening! There's this damn 'legacy' I need to live up to because of one! People have the AUDACITY to call one of these things my brother! I won't fucking take it!"

She pushed the claw in a bit deeper, turning to Alistair, "Hey, future boy! If you could find patient zero of whatever caused our world to go to shit, would you kill it? Or would you leave it alone because of what everybody else said? BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE!!!"

@Emperor Of Embers
LokiofSP said:
Sarah snapped her fingers at the small crowd gathering, "Shut it! None of you get the right to judge me! You haven't seen the things I've seen! You haven't been to the places I have! So just shut it! You don't know what it's like to grow up in a world that went to shit BECAUSE of one of these... Things! To watch people call the thing that did it a 'hero', it's sickening! There's this damn 'legacy' I need to live up to because of one! People have the AUDACITY to call one of these things my brother! I won't fucking take it!"

She pushed the claw in a bit deeper, turning to Alistair, "Hey, future boy! If you could find patient zero of whatever caused our world to go to shit, would you kill it? Or would you leave it alone because of what everybody else said? BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE!!!"

@Emperor Of Embers
Venom screamed in agony as he collapsed to the ground. He chose not to fight back, for he knew it would end badly. "I am not judging you, and nor will I stand for needless violence. "You do not need to live a 'legacy' of needless murder of symbiotes. I will ask you again, back off." Azazel in an irate tone as the air grew really hot, and the atmosphere grew red as his eyes glowed with a burning fury. "And by the way. Do not talk shit on MY FAMILY." he said as he stepped closer.

"Hey! be lucky you Haven't seen what I have seen! I have seen many heroes get eaten by their own allies! I have seen the world's "Mightiest" heroes fall among the undead ranks! The only ones who helped us humans were Symbiotes! Your future maybe all messed up, But mine was worse! And symbiotes attempted to make things better, and Succeeded! Cities were made again, people actually felt safe because they were given immunity thanks to Symbiotes. So think about what you are doing. Because without symbiotes.... Your future... would be far worse then what you already know." Alistair warned. "Oh, and by the way, TERRORISTS CAUSED THE APOCALYPSE! THEY USED A BIO WEAPON TO INFECT EVERYONE! THE ONLY ONES WHO WERE WILLING TO ACTUALLY HELP HUMANITY WERE SYMBIOTES! AND YET YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO SAY YOU HAD IT BAD?!" Alistair shouted in such fury and passion. "Oh, and let me know when you want to see my home timeline, because I really want you to see how wrong you really are." he added.
A fist tightened and a heel was turned on, the idea that somehow her struggle wasn't as valid as his because he 'had it worse'. Even if it was, who was HE to say that her struggle wasn't valid?! She held her tongue and held her fist....An inch away from his face that is. She stopped, looking back on the giant mass on the floor. She shook her head, she couldn't accept this whole idea but yet...She couldn't do it, not now. She needed to get away. She backed away and without a word, swung away from the scene...

@Emperor Of Embers
LokiofSP said:
A fist tightened and a heel was turned on, the idea that somehow her struggle wasn't as valid as his because he 'had it worse'. Even if it was, who was HE to say that her struggle wasn't valid?! She held her tongue and held her fist....An inch away from his face that is. She stopped, looking back on the giant mass on the floor. She shook her head, she couldn't accept this whole idea but yet...She couldn't do it, not now. She needed to get away. She backed away and without a word, swung away from the scene...
@Emperor Of Embers
Azazel calms down as Sara swung away, and Alistair took a breath to say something, but did not, for he knew that he was not happy in the slightest. He walked to Venom, who laid on the ground in pain. "You alright, Venom?" he asked the old symbiote, who replied with "Nothing my healing factor cannot fix." Azazel turned to venom, and spoke. "I am sorry.... about everything that had just happened." Venom scoffed, "Why are YOU sorry? You should already know that I am used to this kind of treatment." He said as he got up. "I have lost one member of my family... Let's hope Maul is not deceased too." he said, since losing Slash had put an emotional nail in him. He had 3 sons, now he has two. One bent on destruction, and the other a splicing experiment made by the Enclave.
wiigamechamp said:
Mako was somehow able to freeze over the lava as he broke threw it. "That was quite unpleasant." Mako said as he looked at the others. "Was I stuck for that long?"
@hudhouse @LucianGrey7971 @MTchaos1134
Augustus was freed from his prison, and as such gave off the most horrific smile in Mako's direction. He roared out, "You will freeze no longer!" His tongue flew out, attempting to snatch him up once more to pin him down!
LucianGrey7971 said:
"....you're annoying...and let's get somethin' straightened out here...with all due respect to Jean, she was a host...one of the best hosts to the Phoenix Force ever...but a host nonetheless...I ain't a host, I'm the real deal, its a long story that ends with me being permanently fused to the psionic being...Why am I even bothering with you? I know what I am" Jordan turned away and muttered "Honestly, every Summers pisses me off...I'd rather be dealing with Hope..."
The Dark Phoenix watched as the "original" Phoenix Force left and let out a chortle. How dare he question her lineage and true potential? Questioning her mother, now that was something she was alright with, but her? It took some definite nerve. But it also got her thinking as she shouted out, "get in my way and I'll make sure that you don't ever question my powers." He was either a hero, some sort of neutral person, or a villain. Either way, his presence was still a damper on her reputation.

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