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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

hudhouse said:
Augustus snickered, at least until a ice spike hit him hard against the face. A gruesome and horrific screech echoed out, half of Augustus's face exploding open with ice shards and rocks. The spear vanished, and reformed somewhere inside Augustus as energy. He cauterized the wound, looking up straight at Jordan. He cackled and smiled, oh he had changed! He just wanted his attention in truth, once he was done with Mako he was going to ask a favor from him.
Augustus roared as his body grew vast black tumors that exploded into a dark, oily substance. It coated him in a cocoon thrice his size, like some giant tar bubble. Inside it glowed blood red.... something was growing in it.
Mako seeing this as an advantage he began to shoot the bubble with an ice beam not sire if it was effecting it at all
wiigamechamp said:
Mako seeing this as an advantage he began to shoot the bubble with an ice beam not sire if it was effecting it at all
The tar bubble screamed in pain, that was until sharp stones bigger then Mako himself began to jut out of them. Augustus was transforming, and the bubble was not big enough. It swelled twice as big as it was, but the heat of two monstrous holes, one smaller on top and one large as if the underbelly of some monster glowed. Six burning white dots came from within the cocoon. Once it finished transforming, it could swallow a man in one gulp.
hudhouse said:
The tar bubble screamed in pain, that was until sharp stones bigger then Mako himself began to jut out of them. Augustus was transforming, and the bubble was not big enough. It swelled twice as big as it was, but the heat of two monstrous holes, one smaller on top and one large as if the underbelly of some monster glowed. Six burning white dots came from within the cocoon. Once it finished transforming, it could swallow a man in one gulp.
Mako was to slow to dodge one of the spikes as it impaled him through his arm. Mako screamed in pain as he pulled his arm away from the spike as he held his arm in pain as he saw the transformation in front of him as he backed up still observing the bubble.
wiigamechamp said:
Mako was to slow to dodge one of the spikes as it impaled him through his arm. Mako screamed in pain as he pulled his arm away from the spike as he held his arm in pain as he saw the transformation in front of him as he backed up still observing the bubble.
Where those spikes came from, finally showed. Two absurdly large armored slabbed arms that was ironically rather smooth spewed out of the cocoon. The monster was 21 feet tall, and 31 feet wide. It weighed a hundred tons at least! It's six molten eyes glowed bright, starring right into Miko. A tusk ten feet long jutted out of the bubble, followed by a second ten foot long tusk. The glowing maw opened again, slightly above the tusks. Rocky shoulders ripped out of the top. It roared out, deep, menacing and rather disturbing, "...Behemoth..."
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hudhouse said:
Where those spikes came from, finally showed. Two absurdly large armored slabbed arms that was ironically rather smooth spewed out of the cocoon. The monster was 21 feet tall, and 31 feet wide. It weighed a hundred tons at least! It's six molten eyes glowed bright, starring right into Miko. A tusk ten feet long jutted out of the bubble, followed by a second ten foot long tusk. The glowing maw opened again, slightly above the tusks. Rocky shoulders ripped out of the top. It roared out, deep, menacing and rather disturbing, "...Behemoth..."
"Quite a transformation." Mako said as he closed the wound on his arm by freezing the wound shut.
wiigamechamp said:
"Quite a transformation." Mako said as he closed the wound on his arm by freezing the wound shut.
Augustus smiled as he marched out of the cocoon prison. His organs still showed in his underbelly, but now his rock-like armor was much thicker. He roared out, "This is only the baby form. It takes time and energy to reach further, but it is plenty enough to stop you. Good thing I placed these into my jeans..." He snickered before his large tongue flew out, much more threatening and menacing before. It zoomed straight at Mako, covered in spikes and flame.
hudhouse said:
Augustus smiled as he marched out of the cocoon prison. His organs still showed in his underbelly, but now his rock-like armor was much thicker. He roared out, "This is only the baby form. It takes time and energy to reach further, but it is plenty enough to stop you. Good thing I placed these into my jeans..." He snickered before his large tongue flew out, much more threatening and menacing before. It zoomed straight at Mako, covered in spikes and flame.
Mako teleported as the tounge smashed into the concrete. He reappeared behind him. "Are you really a hero?" Malo asked Augustus.
wiigamechamp said:
Mako teleported as the tounge smashed into the concrete. He reappeared behind him. "Are you really a hero?" Malo asked Augustus.
Augustus regained his tonge, and said, "Hero? Hero? You dare think so? I'm the child of Doctor Doom..." He rapped himself up into his stone coated body, attempting to roll over Mako before he unrolled and smashed him with his giant meaty claws!
hudhouse said:
Augustus regained his tonge, and said, "Hero? Hero? You dare think so? I'm the child of Doctor Doom..." He rapped himself up into his stone coated body, attempting to roll over Mako before he unrolled and smashed him with his giant meaty claws!
Mako was able to outrun Augustus but was smashed by his claw as Mako's body left an imprint into the concrete.
wiigamechamp said:
Mako was able to outrun Augustus but was smashed by his claw as Mako's body left an imprint into the concrete.
An elephant weighted between 3 to 6 tons. Augustus was about 123 tons, or about 20 Asian Bush Elephants. The 30 foot wide monster reared it's head back, igniting it's stomach with heat and light. Magma leaked out of his organs, but it didn't matter. The main blob exploded out, zooming like a cannon ball made of tightly packed lava at Mako. No matter the answer... The black tumors began to bubble again on his flesh.
In a cave of Japan, Maul had finished the fresh kill that blaze had given him. He wipes his teeth clean with his arm, and looked at the Dinovaldo. "You know, you are not so bad after all.... I think you are coming home with me after all this." he said as he scratched under her chin. She closed her eyes and made a happy rumbling sound. He then went outside and looked at blaze. "I'm gonna do some exploring, I will be back." He said as he ran off into the woods, going to explore the place. Upon 10 minutes passing by, he finds what appears to be an abandoned bunker, with vines growing on the walls, and little animals scurrying about. He saw that the doors were open, and went inside, from there he was on his own. It was dark, but he did not need light, since he can use his Symbiote senses to navigate through the dark labyrinth. He had found skeletons of humans, canines, and weird creatures that had the structure of True Flying Wyverns. "Huh. I guess this place is long abandoned. whatever happened did not end well." he said as a memory flashed in his mind, one where he was in the eyes of Venom, and was fighting Carnage with Peter Parker. About 5 seconds later, he comes to, and continues exploring.

Upon further exploration, he finds the control room, and found the Master Switch at the main console, where there was a set of screens that watched the many rooms it had held. He flipped the switch, and power was restored to the lights only. "Lights work, now to look deeper into this place." he said as he heard a creepy giggling behind him. He growled, and turned around, but found nothing. "Hmph. Must be hearing things." he muttered as he pressed on, and went deeper into the facility that he thought to be abandoned. He had a sneaking suspicion that something was with him, but did not know what. He heard another giggle, along with "Symbiotes are bad, Parker Family rule." Maul had fear run down his body as he looked around, and found nothing there. He growled again, with more frustration in his growl. "Steel yourself, Maul. Something is with you. Do not let your guard down." The hulk with Banner's mentality said to him in his head as he forced open a door, and saw a massive room with a puddle of black goo, and and skeletons all around. Those seeming to belong to Japanese soldiers from some time ago. One of them had a Audio recorder, and he picked it up, and turned it on.

"This is Captain Hiro Hamano, and we are in our long abandoned facility to get it back up and running. I am recording this as my first log, and to also vent anything off. Anyways, it has been 3 hours, and things are already getting weird. Private Hatoshi is reporting something about creepy giggles. Like that of a child. I've had our scouts scour the place, and found nothing. I think that he is..." The voice was cut off with screaming from multiple people dying, and gunfire being shot off as a Symbiote roared out of fury. This sent extreme fear throughout his body, now realizing there might be one in the very building with him. The tape stopped, and he flipped it over. "This is Captain Hamano, I don't know what the hell it was, but it killed my entire squad. Even the new recruits were not spared. I don't know how long until that thing will find me, but I gotta make it quick. I pulled the switch on this place, the thing won't see where it's going. Hehehehe." A symbiote's roar was heard, and heavy breathing started up. Heavy footsteps were heard as the Captain screamed as he shot it. The symbiote roared as it tore the poor sap apart, killing him completely. "Ok.... I have it all recorded, and now it's high time to get the hell out of this place." he said with some nervousness in his voice as he turned on his comm, which was tuned to the Avenger's channel. "Guys.... This is Maul. I am in an abandoned bunker in Japan. I have found some disturbing things that happened.... Please... hurry... I am scared that something that killed the Japanese soldiers is with me... PLEASE HURRY!!" maul said as he turned the comms off, and shuffled towards the door he entered.

Meanwhile in the tower, Jade swung by the lab when she heard Maul's cry for help. "STARK! WE NEED TO GO, NOW!!" She shouted both with worry and fury. she then calls up finn, but no answer was heard. She then called bruce, but went straight to voicemail. "Hey bruce, this is Jade, and I am just calling to say that MAUL IS IN DEEP SHIT IN JAPAN! CALL ME AS SOON AS YOU GET THIS! Love you!" she said as she hung up, and went to the garage, and got on her bike to HQ.
@sitanomoto @National @Crono @CasualDragon @Raikou Kaminari @Anyone else I missed. (I had this going in my mind for a long time now... honestly, this is my best work yet.)
After Shurayuki had advised Hector where to go she was combing the globe with her powers as she picked up a fragment of White Muramasa. She zeroed in on its location which seemed to be in eome woodlands, so with her findings she turned to Black Muramasa. "I think I have found another fragment, here in this cave." she eaid a red dot on the holomap indicating its location. Black Muramasa replied "I'll get this one myself." He turned and left the room heading for outside the castle before forming a hyperspace bridge to Earth with his tachyon manipulation.

He soon found himself arriving at an abandoned bunker, it seemed that he wasn't the only one to enter recently and as he didn't see any indication that the person left Muramasa guessed he was still in there. Black Muramasa moved further into the bunker and began to sense it the fragment, he moved through the labyrinth at high speed before taking a turn different from the one Maul took.

@Emperor Of Embers
@Emperor Of Embers[/URL]
A Space symbiote dripped from the ceiling above, in front if the door that maul was trying to pry open. Maul looked on in fear as the symbiote with the colors of red white and black formed in front of him. He was indeed more muscular than maul, but more primal. "Hello child..... You seem to be lost. Why don't you just rest here while I take care of you!" The symbiote said as it did a scream of primal fury and hunger. "It's been a while since I have feasted on my kin. Especially of Venom Lineage. He will not save you.... No one will." The symbiote said as he drew close to maul, who was backing away in shock and fear.
[QUOTE="Emperor Of Embers]A Space symbiote dripped from the ceiling above, in front if the door that maul was trying to pry open. Maul looked on in fear as the symbiote with the colors of red white and black formed in front of him. He was indeed more muscular than maul, but more primal. "Hello child..... You seem to be lost. Why don't you just rest here while I take care of you!" The symbiote said as it did a scream of primal fury and hunger. "It's been a while since I have feasted on my kin. Especially of Venom Lineage. He will not save you.... No one will." The symbiote said as he drew close to maul, who was backing away in shock and fear.

Black Muramasa had found the fragment in a metal lockbox which he split in two. As he was about to leave he heard a scream of such ferosity that he just had to investigate. He was at the scene in an instant watching the two symbiotes square off. He looked at the larger one and began thinking. He would need distraction to cover up the collection of the White Muramasa fragments. Such beasts like these could be put to great use. So he decided to watch for a bit.
@Raikou Kaminari[/URL]
Muramasa saw all he needed to see, this creature must be quite ferocious to terrify a hulk symbiote. Muramasa stepped into the room now and said "Why end your meal here? There's plenty for you to eat out there in the world of Earth. You could really expand your minute meal to a full course supper out there. In fact I can send you right to your meal rather than just have you wait for them to come here after the appetizers. How about it?"
[QUOTE="Raikou Kaminari]Muramasa saw all he needed to see, this creature must be quite ferocious to terrify a hulk symbiote. Muramasa stepped into the room now and said "Why end your meal here? There's plenty for you to eat out there in the world of Earth. You could really expand your minute meal to a full course supper out there. In fact I can send you right to your meal rather than just have you wait for them to come here after the appetizers. How about it?"

The massive symbiote looked over at muramasa, its toungue flailing as its head moved. "I like you already old man. But I am the only one that lives in this damned place, and I am the only symbiote from space to survive entrance into this wretched atmosphere. And I do not plan on eating this pathetic excuse of a hero, I plan on using him as a toy. To torture him as well as I please." the massive beast said as maul gets a headache, and his chest starts to bubble as he screamed in agony as he transformed into one of his many Hulk forms.
[QUOTE="Emperor Of Embers]The massive symbiote looked over at muramasa, its toungue flailing as its head moved. "I like you already old man. But I am the only one that lives in this damned place, and I am the only symbiote from space to survive entrance into this wretched atmosphere. And I do not plan on eating this pathetic excuse of a hero, I plan on using him as a toy. To torture him as well as I please." the massive beast said as maul gets a headache, and his chest starts to bubble as he screamed in agony as he transformed into one of his many Hulk forms.

"Symbiote from space? I see, well I shall leave you to this then. Though if you may get bored soon enough, and wish you accepted my offer to wreak untold havoc upon this world. All I ask for in return is a little of your blood to use for my own purposes." he replied.
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@CasualDragon[/URL] @Raikou Kaminari @sitanomoto @Crono @Everyone else
"Would a certain metal object be what's keeping you here?" Muramasa asked before Savage Hulk Maul appeared. Black Muramasa simply drew his blade and replied to the Space Symbiote. "If only I was human, i'll try to make this last as long as I can." Muramasa adopted one of his battle stances baiting Maul to attack him as his blade was infused with tachyons and glowed.

[QUOTE="Raikou Kaminari]"Would a certain metal object be what's keeping you here?" Muramasa asked before Savage Hulk Maul appeared. Black Muramasa simply drew his blade and replied to the Space Symbiote. "If only I was human, i'll try to make this last as long as I can." Muramasa adopted one of his battle stances baiting Maul to attack him as his blade was infused with tachyons and glowed.

"No. There is something in these walls preventing my leave. Bring this bunker down, and I will be eternally grateful." The symbiote said as maul knew better than to rush in. He found a barrel, and picked it up, and chucked it at them. He felt some liquid in it, so he though it was gas.
[QUOTE="Emperor Of Embers]"No. There is something in these walls preventing my leave. Bring this bunker down, and I will be eternally grateful." The symbiote said as maul knew better than to rush in. He found a barrel, and picked it up, and chucked it at them. He felt some liquid in it, so he though it was gas.

"Well then get down, this'll be over in less than a second." Muramasa said. It was like a tornado of slashing and tachyons bombarded the bunker the second Muramasa swung his blade. Leaving the bunker a mere crater in less than second. The areas around Maul and the Space Symbiote were almost untouched ground. The barrel thrown by Maul was still in mid air by at the time, it seemed to phase right through Muramasa and hit the ground behind him.
[QUOTE="Raikou Kaminari]"Well then get down, this'll be over in less than a second." Muramasa said. It was like a tornado of slashing and tachyons bombarded the bunker the second Muramasa swung his blade. Leaving the bunker a mere crater in less than second. The areas around Maul and the Space Symbiote were almost untouched ground. The barrel thrown by Maul was still in mid air by at the time, it seemed to phase right through Muramasa and hit the ground behind him.

Maul and the symbiote looked at muramasa, and the symbiote chuckled. "Leave this one. I am free.... And there are more important things at hand, yes?" The symbiote asked as it tethered Maul to the ground, which was stronger than maul's tendrils by 2x.
[QUOTE="Emperor Of Embers]Maul and the symbiote looked at muramasa, and the symbiote chuckled. "Leave this one. I am free.... And there are more important things at hand, yes?" The symbiote asked as it tethered Maul to the ground, which was stronger than maul's tendrils by 2x.

Muramasa opened a Hyperspace portal to the Avengers Tower. "Those who threaten to eventually try and stop my plans and conquest live here. Go and raise hell, but before you go I need that sample." Black Muramasa said. He produced an orb of tachyons in his hand and gestured for the Space Symbiote to place the blood in the orb.

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