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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Reaper said:
Dimitri zipped next to him and put his arm around his shoulders. "Between you and me, it's pretty obvious that you're the successor to triple F. The son part was a bluff, but now I know it's true!" He then zipped to where he was standing before. "That illuminati is long gone. At least I hope. I'm part of a new group with the same name, but we can talk about groups later. For now, Japan is under attack and I need your help. Well.... Need is a strong word.... I wouldn't mind your help. Whatdoya say?" @Raikou Kaminari
"Okay I am in, I shall aid Japan. What do you mean you hope the old illuminati is gone?" Ryu replied. "So where are we going?"

I'm evil to the core/What I shouldn't do I will/They say I'm emotional/What I wanna save I'll kill/Is that who I truly am?/I truly don't have a chance

Navigating the city streets had become second nature by now and any of the many walking past Eldkatla most likely wouldn't suspect a thing. Mimicking fashion was easy but by now she could easily style outfits she liked which were never anything but perfect, as with make-up and hair too. The music had grown on her and while headphones at first had made her uneasy - who would voluntarily give up one of their senses? - she now wore them on her way too and from the tower. There was still no desire to learn to drive, however. Being Midgardian was easy apparently: run through life with only the illusion of sanity and a general 'togetherness'. Her specialty.

Eldkatla walked into the tower with a coffee and two brown bags in hand, all brandishing the image of the twin-tailed mer she seemed to see down every street she turned. One bag she threw along with a wink to the man who sat behind the desk before continuing on and up further in to the building. Whilst spending time she didn't have to spend here wasn't ideal it seemed more agreeable to make herself available at the moment, considering, than for them to seek her out. So instead she may as well use their resources to do what she always did before any sort of mission, which was to learn everything she could about it.

I'm not evil to the core/What I shouldn't do I will fight/I know I'm emotional.What I wanna save I will try/I know who I truly am/I truly do have a chance

Sitting at a computer, Kat switched off her music and set down the coffee and muffin she had bought. Getting comfortable she then began pulling up all the articles that were beginning to be written about this incident as and when it happened. And then she read and read and read, and ate and drank while she did so.
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Perry Parker

Tags - @LokiofSP

Location - Stark Tower; Training Room

"Pfft, you don't need powers to make that happen! Look at me!" Perry smiled and pointed to himself. It only took him a few seconds to realize that no, he didn't exactly have "rock hard abs" himself. "Nevermind, bad example," he mumbled, and his eyes began to wander to other things. This was a decent training room, well, decent in Perry's vocabulary would mean pretty good. He never really stuffed a training room in his own place, since beating villains up was enough of a workout. Now that these thoughts were over, Perry looked back at Morgan.

"I don't think we met before by the way. Officially at least. Last time we saw each other... I think there was some guy punching a hole through Stark Tower, but that's pretty vague cause that happened
a lot."

Lydia Lemire

Tags - @Archon

Location - Stark Tower; Lab

Now that the armor was all examined up, there was still more to look at. Far more. Around Lydia, there was so much more things to look at, but she settled for looking at something she could use in battle. On one of the racks, there was a little missile, and Lydia bent over to look at it. "Oooo what's this? Something I could use to make Michael Bay proud? Thank you!" She exclaimed to herself, and snatched it off its original position. Looking at it from all sides, she came to a conclusion. It was weapon crafting time. Grabbing some tape nearby, Lydia pulled an arrow out from her quiver and began wrapping the explosive and arrow with tape. Stupid idea number two, but it would be worth it. Hopefully. Taking a seat, she further began to "tinker" with the object in her hands.

After roughly ten seconds, she raised the arrow up triumphantly and grinned. "Explosions, here I come-" Lydia's self-monologuing was interrupted by a large noise, which could never be good. People getting mad at her coming here uninvited no doubt. Silently taking out of her bow and putting the arrow in her quiver, Lydia hopped off her seat and began to crouch down. Now, it was a matter of silently incapacitating however's coming. In a few seconds however, the "intruder" came in doing some kind of heroic dive, and failed miserably. He began to stand up, and started shouting at her. This surprised Lydia as well, and she delivered a highly audible "EEEKKK" noise for a second and she whacked him with her bow.

"No way!? Yes way! I just beat up one of those Avengers with the crazy healing and stuff!" Lydia said quite proudly, until she began to see who it actually was. She wasn't really paying attention to who it was before, the loud noises just made her want to hit anything she saw. Lydia crouched down, and her proud face was replaced by her unamused face. "Oh wait...I ended up hitting you... A...person without healing....who'll probably get a nice bruise from that-" By the end of her "medical examination" Lydia's eyes widened and she quickly hopped up.

"OH MY GOSH I'M SORRY JOSEPH!" She exclaimed, now holding the bow with both her hands close to her chest. This would probably be stupid idea number two.
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Morgan rubbed his chin as he thought, then in his mind, the face clicked and the looks matched up to what he'd seen on TV. He snapped his fingers and looked at Perry, "Oh! Oh! You're Perry Parker right? Spiderman? This is so awesome! I've wanted to talk to you for like, forever, because the previous Daredevil and Spiderman were street buddies! So I thought we could be street buddies!"

S.H.I.E.L.D. Aeronautics Division Outpost


Long Island, NY

Agent Wallace disliked change. He disliked when his morning paper came in at 7:45 rather than 7:15. He disliked when the outpost switched from RC Cola to name brand in the faculity soda machine. But what he hated more than anything else was when S.H.I.E.L.D. satellites picked up an unidentified flying object speeding towards New York at Mach 7 and projecting a landing zone in Central Park. Change is bad, and when unidentified flying objects land on Earth, it always changes the way the world would be. Agent Wallace sighed and typed out an email to Stark Tower detailing the trajectory and estimated touchdown within the hour. He hit send and leaned back in his chair. "This job." he sighed stubbornly, watching the blip on screen make it's way past the moon.


The object shook and rattled as it passed through the atmosphere of the third world from the golden sun, parts stripping away violently as it burned across the sky. It dipped lower and lower as it soared over the cityscape before finally plowing into a large patch of grass and earth. The ship skidded to a stop, pushing dirt and debris upward. It rested in the crater it had created, the sounds of sirens howling closer and closer as the city began to amass around it's new arrival.
Connor couldn't be sure if Cassie had heeded his advice, moving off into the lab he took a seat at one of the computers and sliding a comm onto his ear. "Had to jinx it didn't I?..." Connor grumbled as he was reading the emergency alert from SHIELD. The blonde rubbed at his face as a sigh escaped his lips, then clicked the comm on.

"Anyone already acting to Tokyo's request for assistance?"
The blonde didn't waste any time waiting for a response. "We've got a situation near Central Park that SHIELD has asked us to investigate ASAP, so if anyone happens to already be out or doesn't mind going."

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Joseph was stunned at the deafening cry that exited the fake-Hawkeye's mouth in a comical fashion, he prepared to make a snarky comment on her lack of bravery, before the bow clocked him in the head in rapid fashion, followed by a loud 'thunk'. Whilst he was in no way unfit, the hit floored him. And sent stars spinning around us eyes. With great difficulty, he groaned in an attempt to focus, squinting his eyes at the girl. "Woaah, you have two - no THREE noses... How'd you do that?" He asked dazed, then eyes widening as he examined his own triple-visioned hands. "WOAH! How'd I do that? Am I like... Multi-Man? Do I have powers now?" He beamed in a childlike fashion, clearly concussed by the assault.

As if it wasn't bad enough, the boy didn't hear her apology, and shakily pulled himself up to two feet - with no small help from the adequately sized table. Scrunching his face once more, he examined the room and turned to Lydia, a small semblance of sense returning. "Lydia... did you... destroy Cassie's lab then... then... hit me... with a bow?" He questioned partly amused, "Ow, that's why doers-of-evil go down so quickly... Bows hurt..." He mumbled rubbing his head in pain.

"Ugh, I'd ask Kat to heal me if she wasn't more likely to explode my face..." Joseph stated now recovering most basic senses, even if he was still slightly dazed. He had a large abundance of humorous insults, and curious questions he'd love to aim at Hawkeye Version 2.1, but currently, he just silently glared. The bump on the back of his head causing no shortage of pain. No doubt the destruction in Cassie's lab was punishment enough though; Iron Girl was going to flip.



The Master of Magnetism examined the spear beside him; essentially 'him', before levitating the thing beside him in a suggesting manner. Whilst they'd formed from the weaponry, Hector's own essence split from the spear, likely due to the electromagnetism being too powerful for a mere spear to hold - no matter how magically or technologically amped.

"These weapons are our weakness, yet also our strength. We lack the mortality of humanity, but also the experience. Only we could be considered a threat to the 'Avengers' or the newer organization of heroes... Maybe even the X-men."
Hector started, his words dripping in eagerness, yet caution. "The rest of the Regalia, however. Are of no use. We possess great power, but as you said Muramasa; time is of the essence..." He paused slightly, before leaning forward with both hands on the table.

"Speed, and unpredictability is our greatest asset; I suggest we strike hard, and fast. At each location holding a fragment of the blade. "Blitzkrieg" I believe the mortals call it; I'd volunteer to eliminate the Ebony Blade, but I am of most use in retrieving the most heavily guarded fragment. I do not believe we can afford to retrieve them any slower, else our advantage will be lost..."
With his suggestion finished, Hector dropped the spear to the ground, flexing his fingers as I did - a slight itch to use his power was present.

@Raikou Kaminari


Aedan grimaced as Conner's voice exploded in his ear; only recently had he become an official Avenger, and only recently had he started using an ear piece. And having sound enter one ear and not the other, was nothing short of irritating for him. "If I didn't know any better, I'd start to think you're stalking me." Aedan quipped in response, already suiting up. Aedan had grown more comfortable among the ranks in the recent weeks, and had finally got his own hero suit; a simple black, combat suit, similar to the outfit of a Special Operations soldier, but no cumbersome pouches.

Central Park, A.S.A.P. With a sigh, Aedan finished equipping himself, and made his way out the door - grabbing his staff on the way out, he wasn't sure how he felt heroing on 'call' but at least it as something to do. "So, still not doing any heroing yourself?" Aedan asked, leaving the apartment in a sped-up sprint. "Sitting behind a desk all day, giving missions out whilst sipping coffee... Sounds like a job for an old man, hey, did you get unthawed from a block of ice recently?"

Aedan gave himself a silent pat on the back, witty comments like that made his day. Especially when it poked fun at Connor for his recent lack of heroism. He almost considered calling the blonde Captain Fury. He played the role of commander, and mission-giver a lot these days.

"I'm still helping aren't I?" Connor snapped through the comm at Aedan's first question. "I don't like coffee, you and Alex's fascination with it is beyond me." The blonde shook his head whilst trying, miserably mind you, to access any camera feeds that might show him what Aedan was now heading towards. "Oh good one, like I haven't heard that one before." Ice jokes were literally a double tap these days thanks to those powers he'd received.

Admittedly he wasn't a fan of Aedan going alone, but nobody else was responding so until someone checked in he'd be on his own. "I can't get a visual more than a news broadcast but they aren't getting close enough to be useful." Defeated, Connor slumped into the chair slightly and crossed his arms over his chest as he stared at the screen. "Probably just a Meteorite that needs cleaning up, if that's the case just leave it to the local crews."

Archon said:
Joseph was stunned at the deafening cry that exited the fake-Hawkeye's mouth in a comical fashion, he prepared to make a snarky comment on her lack of bravery, before the bow clocked him in the head in rapid fashion, followed by a loud 'thunk'. Whilst he was in no way unfit, the hit floored him. And sent stars spinning around us eyes. With great difficulty, he groaned in an attempt to focus, squinting his eyes at the girl. "Woaah, you have two - no THREE noses... How'd you do that?" He asked dazed, then eyes widening as he examined his own triple-visioned hands. "WOAH! How'd I do that? Am I like... Multi-Man? Do I have powers now?" He beamed in a childlike fashion, clearly concussed by the assault.

As if it wasn't bad enough, the boy didn't hear her apology, and shakily pulled himself up to two feet - with no small help from the adequately sized table. Scrunching his face once more, he examined the room and turned to Lydia, a small semblance of sense returning. "Lydia... did you... destroy Cassie's lab then... then... hit me... with a bow?" He questioned partly amused, "Ow, that's why doers-of-evil go down so quickly... Bows hurt..." He mumbled rubbing his head in pain.

"Ugh, I'd ask Kat to heal me if she wasn't more likely to explode my face..." Joseph stated now recovering most basic senses, even if he was still slightly dazed. He had a large abundance of humorous insults, and curious questions he'd love to aim at Hawkeye Version 2.1, but currently, he just silently glared. The bump on the back of his head causing no shortage of pain. No doubt the destruction in Cassie's lab was punishment enough though; Iron Girl was going to flip.



The Master of Magnetism examined the spear beside him; essentially 'him', before levitating the thing beside him in a suggesting manner. Whilst they'd formed from the weaponry, Hector's own essence split from the spear, likely due to the electromagnetism being too powerful for a mere spear to hold - no matter how magically or technologically amped.

"These weapons are our weakness, yet also our strength. We lack the mortality of humanity, but also the experience. Only we could be considered a threat to the 'Avengers' or the newer organization of heroes... Maybe even the X-men."
Hector started, his words dripping in eagerness, yet caution. "The rest of the Regalia, however. Are of no use. We possess great power, but as you said Muramasa; time is of the essence..." He paused slightly, before leaning forward with both hands on the table.

"Speed, and unpredictability is our greatest asset; I suggest we strike hard, and fast. At each location holding a fragment of the blade. "Blitzkrieg" I believe the mortals call it; I'd volunteer to eliminate the Ebony Blade, but I am of most use in retrieving the most heavily guarded fragment. I do not believe we can afford to retrieve them any slower, else our advantage will be lost..."
With his suggestion finished, Hector dropped the spear to the ground, flexing his fingers as I did - a slight itch to use his power was present.

@Raikou Kaminari


Aedan grimaced as Conner's voice exploded in his ear; only recently had he become an official Avenger, and only recently had he started using an ear piece. And having sound enter one ear and not the other, was nothing short of irritating for him. "If I didn't know any better, I'd start to think you're stalking me." Aedan quipped in response, already suiting up. Aedan had grown more comfortable among the ranks in the recent weeks, and had finally got his own hero suit; a simple black, combat suit, similar to the outfit of a Special Operations soldier, but no cumbersome pouches.

Central Park, A.S.A.P. With a sigh, Aedan finished equipping himself, and made his way out the door - grabbing his staff on the way out, he wasn't sure how he felt heroing on 'call' but at least it as something to do. "So, still not doing any heroing yourself?" Aedan asked, leaving the apartment in a sped-up sprint. "Sitting behind a desk all day, giving missions out whilst sipping coffee... Sounds like a job for an old man, hey, did you get unthawed from a block of ice recently?"

Aedan gave himself a silent pat on the back, witty comments like that made his day. Especially when it poked fun at Connor for his recent lack of heroism. He almost considered calling the blonde Captain Fury. He played the role of commander, and mission-giver a lot these days.

Muramasa nodded " He's right the other Regalia were never tested as much as we were so they are growing into their powers and still figuring them out. Hector, you seem itching for some action so I will assign you the task of discovering the location of the pieces in Hydra's possession and then going after the most heavily guarded one. Shurayuki and Yoshida can handle getting the others once you transmit their location back to us. Shurayuki where is Hydra's stronghold?"

Shurayuki cleared her throat and then the holoprojection of Japan seemed to zoom in on Camp Zukeran barracks. "According to intel taken on our last raid Hydra secretly removed all acutal US and Japan millitary forces from here and replaced them with hydra soldiers masquerading as us millitary. The US doesn't know this because its one of their own who betrayed them to keep it a secret. Think you'll be doing the US millitary a favor by destroying them Hector."
Perry Parker

Tags - @LokiofSP

Location - Stark Tower; Training Room

For a little while, it seemed like Morgan was trying to suck everything Perry just said, probably trying to see if he actually remembered Perry. In a split second, it seemed like Morgan had a lead on who he was. Spiderman, which means that he actually remembered, which in turn, gave Perry a sigh of relief. Morgan then began to talk about both of their parents teamups, and Perry just delivered a simple nod. "Uhm, sure! My current street buddy's the sandwich I buy normally from that café down the street, so this is a major improvement," he smiled. What Perry left out was that he didn't really have anything else to do anyways.

Lydia Lemire

Tags - @Archon

Location - Stark Tower; Lab

Surprisingly, the damage Lydia dealt was more impactful than she first thought. She now looks down at Joseph with guilty eyes as he attempts to get out of his dazed state. "All that training really did make a difference," she murmured to herself, now thinking if she should either laugh at the fact that he still hasn't recovered, or actually be a good person and help the guy up. Of course, Lydia chose the first option. "Yah, I infused my bow with a magic crystal from..." she began to think of a stupid magical yet convincing location name. "From... Place-With-Magic. You have powers now," Lydia finished and gave an affirmative nod. She couldn't believe how she switched moods on this so quickly, but she didn't really care.

"Hey, y'need help or something? Cause you seem to-"

By the time Lydia almost done her offer of help, Joseph regained his footing. "Or you could use the table, fine with me," Lydia stated cooly with a shrug, acting as if she didn't really care too much. Joseph began to look at other things, and Lydia narrowed her eyes and began to ponder what the guy was thinking. It only took her a few seconds to realize he was examining the damage, and Lydia simply looked aside, whistling a short tune in a comical fashion. He then began to comment about how Lydia destroyed the lab, and how she hit him. She quickly looked back, and leaned forward quickly. "N-No! I didn't do what you said! Well I kind of hit you in the face with that bow but that besides the point. Look! The most I did was shoot a hole through that wall, and we could just say what's-her-face did it while... sleepwalking! Yah, sleepwalking!" Lydia stammered, before cupping her hands and continuing what she was going to say in a loud whisper. "C'mon! Help a fellow zero-powered person with a bow!"

Joseph seemed to move on from that however, well, he's probably still thinking about the damage Lydia dealt in his mind. He began talking about a cat, which got Lydia quite intrigued. "O-Oh! You have a magical cat that heals and explodes!? You never told me that! Can I see the cat sometime?" She pleaded, doing her best puppy eyes. Lydia really didn't care, well, deep down she did. The main purpose of asking was to switch the topic.
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Jordan had not been seen out in public or around the Avengers for months now, he spent all of his time helping his three clone children become acclimated with every day life Suki seemed to be an introvert...which came at no surprise, Chara was more violent...he seemed to hold a hatred of humanity that wasn't present in the other two, Jordan assumed it was torture that made him this way...he assumed that all of them had been tortured as some point...you never know how it's going to effect someone...which left only Frisk...Frisk seemed to not have any lasting negative impact from the time spent in whatever facility they were held in...on fact it was the opposite. Frisk never seemed to hurt anything or anyone.

Jordan found himself spending more time around Frisk and Chara as it seemed their sister preferred to be alone. The two twins always seemed to get into some kind of mayhem in the giant mansion, much to Tech's delight.
LucianGrey7971 said:
Jordan had not been seen out in public or around the Avengers for months now, he spent all of his time helping his three clone children become acclimated with every day life Suki seemed to be an introvert...which came at no surprise, Chara was more violent...he seemed to hold a hatred of humanity that wasn't present in the other two, Jordan assumed it was torture that made him this way...he assumed that all of them had been tortured as some point...you never know how it's going to effect someone...which left only Frisk...Frisk seemed to not have any lasting negative impact from the time spent in whatever facility they were held in...on fact it was the opposite. Frisk never seemed to hurt anything or anyone.
Jordan found himself spending more time around Frisk and Chara as it seemed their sister preferred to be alone. The two twins always seemed to get into some kind of mayhem in the giant mansion, much to Tech's delight.
Papyrus had spent most of his time with Sans, who did not do much of anything. But when the opportunity came, they went to Arby's for a quick bite, then went back to the tower. He has also spent time with Frisk in the kitchen when it came time to cook. But at this moment, He was Caring for Bubbles, who had somehow gotten infested with parasites and had infections in places she could not reach (Like her belly.) Although he wished for someone to help him, He could not just simply yell as loud as possible for someone's help, so he figured it out, with a bit of a struggle.
Meanwhile, In japan, Maul and finn were asleep as about 2 hours have past. Blaze stood at the mouth of the cave, her head poking out into the outside world. She would occasionally turn her head in different directions to look around for any prey. But so far, none have shown. She decided to go out and hunt, since she was starving, and about 5 minutes later, she found the corpse of a Great Maccau. A kangaroo-like Raptor which uses its tail and legs for combat. She then began to feast on the kill as she felt tingly. She stopped, and looked around as a Raizex was zapping Vespoids(Giant wasps) out of the air, and eating them as they fell. Blaze growled, just then the Raizex took noticed and the hornlike organ on its head began to convulse like a mechanical arm swinging a knife in a chopping motion. The Raizex was becoming electrically charged as it then went to ground level, and growled as Blaze's throat turned red, and a flame was burning in her mouth, coming out of the parts where the jaws are not completely closed off. They circled around, and the Raizex pushed itself back with its wings, and had two electric pylons shot out of the 'tails' of its wings. Upon contact, it did not bother the Dinovaldo much, but it did anger her as she roared, and began to sharpen her tail as it heats up. She then let go, and severed the Raizex's tail while cauterizing the wound. The raizex flinched, and grew angry as it roared in the air. Blaze had had enough of the nuisance, and juumped at the Flying Wyvern, turned around as she slammed her tail in the ground, severing the Raizex's wing entirely. She then pinned the dying wyvern, and roared as loud as she could, asserting her dominance to any other creatures nearby. After the act of dominance was done, she literally bites the Raizex's head off, and began to feast upon her opponent. @CasualDragon @Raikou Kaminari
Finn got up and stretched. The time for sleeping was gone and it was now time for him to try and rally up the gang. He pulled some slightly damp paper and pencil from his bag and quickly scratched out a note for Maul stating that he had gone to find a library or internet cafe and that he would be back soon. He stepped outside just in time to see Blaze bite the head off of some creature, and Finn stared in shock at the sight. What... did I just witness? He stared for another couple of seconds before he shook his head and walked towards the city. He memorized the landmarks so that he could find his way back afterwards and it didn't take him too long to find a place where he could use the internet. Quickly he tried his best to mentally translate the web pages and links until he had completed his mission. He slowly tapped out a message to all of the young Avengers and was almost done before he finally figured out how to switch the keyboard to English. Quickly he retyped it out in English so that they wouldn't have to translate it and then sent it off. It read: Avengers. There's some weird stuff going down in Japan. No idea of what's really going on as nobody will divulge any information. If you have time come on down. Japan's pretty cool.

@Emperor Of Embers @AnyoneReally
Destruction could be seen throughout New York as ice spikes could be seen poking out of buildings and streets while civilians ran away in fear. A loud roar could be heard coming from a boy that looked as if he was possessed by something as anyone could tell from his glowing eyes and claws and wings made from pure ice

@anyone (could someone join me)
wiigamechamp said:
Destruction could be seen throughout New York as ice spikes could be seen poking out of buildings and streets while civilians ran away in fear. A loud roar could be heard coming from a boy that looked as if he was possessed by something as anyone could tell from his glowing eyes and claws and wings made from pure ice
@anyone (could someone join me)
Abruptly, a flaming comet ripped out from the top of Avenger's tower! It flew down, and intercepted the path of icy wrath that came from the young man. Rising from flaming comet was the Behemoth-type monster Augustus. His hair dripped, forming small puddles of lava. Augustus spoke out, "Hey... Frozeown. This isn't the Incredible, we don't accept this type of shit."
Azazel read Finn's message, and looked to cassie. "Shall we help him out?" He asked as redd had just gotten out of Sleep mode as his software was just finished being updated, and read the message as well. "Yay. We should help Sir Finn Banner. I also recommend bringing Brute and Bubbles for such an occasion, since we do not know what beasts lie ahead." he said as he looked around, and asked, "Where is Ruby? She was hear an hour or so ago." "I'm still waiting!!" Alistair said impatiently as he tapped his foot on the concrete outside of the tower. @sitanomoto @National

Philip Coulson Jr. takes his cell phone out of his pocket as he entered HQ, and saw Finn's message, and called up his sister. "Jess. I was wondering if you have ever been to japan. Because I have just been invited to go there for a...... 'Business' Trip, and wondered if you would like to come. Anyways, If you ever get this.... please call me back. See you later sis." he said as he hung up, and told Belle to call perry parker, and certain others. She had left messages saying, "Hello, this is Belle of Shield HQ, and I would like to inform you and your allies of an event that has happened in japan. Not much is known at this moment, and investigation is required. Please call back if you or anyone else gets this." She then called Dimitri Maximoff, and felt unsure if she should continue or not. "Hello Mr. Maximoff. This Is Belle of Shield HQ, And I am calling requesting your Group's assistance with an event in Japan. Little information is known right now, and we need help investigating the situation. Should you decline, we will not fault you, and leave you and your group be, and take matters into our own hands. I cannot stress how urgent this is. Please... Respond when you get this." she said as she hung up, and felt tense. @Niffumdren @Reaper @Pyosimros

While Slash was in the City, helping Cancer patients with their ailments, He heard a roar, and excused himself to see what it was as people fled from the scene. He saw a boy that appeared to be posessed, and he called "HEY! YOU MIGHT NEED A JACKET KID! YOU WOULD NOT WANT TO CATCH A COLD!!" he exclaimed as spikes formed on his body, until he saw Augustus, then the spiked retracted into his body. @wiigamechamp @hudhouse
hudhouse said:
Abruptly, a flaming comet ripped out from the top of Avenger's tower! It flew down, and intercepted the path of icy wrath that came from the young man. Rising from flaming comet was the Behemoth-type monster Augustus. His hair dripped, forming small puddles of lava. Augustus spoke out, "Hey... Frozeown. This isn't the Incredible, we don't accept this type of shit."
Mako just stared at the young man not saying a word with an angered look. He raised his hand in the air as dozens of thick ice spikes formed behind him as he dropped his hand the ice spikes flew at Augustus.

@hudhouse @Emperor Of Embers
wiigamechamp said:
Mako just stared at the young man not saying a word with an angered look. He raised his hand in the air as dozens of thick ice spikes formed behind him as he dropped his hand the ice spikes flew at Augustus.
@hudhouse @Emperor Of Embers
Slash looked at Augustus, and backed away, knowing full well that any kind of fire would kill him if he was not careful. "Uh... yeah. You two just duke it out... I am just gonna watch from the sidelines." he said as he sat on a bench, his teeth shining in the light. @wiigamechamp @hudhouse
@Emperor Of Embers

Jess called back. "Hey, Phil. What's this about a 'business' trip?" She asked. The anxiety was clear in her voice. She couldn't imagine what it would be like at Japan, but she was definitely excited. She had never actually been out of the country, surprisingly...
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Niffumdren said:
@Emperor Of Embers
Jess called back. "Hey, Phil. What's this about a 'business' trip?" She asked. The anxiety was clear in her voice. She couldn't imagine what it would be like at Japan, but she was definitely excited. She had never actually been out of the country, surprisingly...
"Something happened in Japan, and their Government is asking for SHIELD's help. I thought I could take you there.... as like a field trip. I know you have never been outside the US, so this would be good for you." he replied with a smile, knowing that she could not resist adventuring into new places. "I have sent a couple of 'Hulks' there, but Only one of them contacted us, so I assume that they are separated, or the other one is dead." Philip said. @Niffumdren

Maul wakes up from his nap, and yawned as he scratched his back. He saw the Raizex that Blaze had killed laying right in front of him, with Blaze having one foot rest on it. "Why thanks blaze, Don't mind if I do.... as long as finn is gone anyway." he said, since Fin did not know that Maul would sometimes eat dead animals out of instinct, so he was hoping that finn would never find out as he ate the remains, feeling his energy coming back to him, as nutrients became a part of him. @CasualDragon
"Wait... if you called to ask if I had ever been to Japan, why did you end up just knowing that I hadn't ever been out of the US?" She asked. She accepted the offer, she was just very confused on his logic.

@Emperor Of Embers
Niffumdren said:
"Wait... if you called to ask if I had ever been to Japan, why did you end up just knowing that I hadn't ever been out of the US?" She asked. She accepted the offer, she was just very confused on his logic.
@Emperor Of Embers
"I was simply making sure." Philip said with a chuckle. Even he himself did not understand his own logic. "Anyways, get to HQ, I will be waiting for you at the hangar." He said as he stayed on the phone as he awaited her response as he walked to the hangar.

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