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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

hudhouse said:
Augustus laughed, "Your the god damn hero man. Always be prepared, always evolve... or always die. Besides... I know not one person is going to forgive me. Who would? I am a psychotic asshole." He began to sweat a little. He awkwardly pushed two fingers together, asking, "Anything I can do for you before I commit my plan?"
Connor raised a sarcastic eyebrow, "If your not here for forgiveness then what are you here for?" It didn't really matter to Connor, it was enough that Gus was here trying to make amends. Any other scenario and he might have asked him. "Just because your a psychotic asshole doesn't mean your a bad person Gus, you can choose to change."

When asked if he needed anything Connor simply shrugged, "No, I'm good. I uh, just going to finish up with my bike." Connor regarded Augustus calmly, "I assume your going up to talk to some of the others?" Most likely Cassie. "Do you want some...moral support or maybe just a bodyguard?" He was joking of course though the offer to go with Augustus was very real and he could possibly use one or the other, or even both.
Crono said:
Connor raised a sarcastic eyebrow, "If your not here for forgiveness then what are you here for?" It didn't really matter to Connor, it was enough that Gus was here trying to make amends. Any other scenario and he might have asked him. "Just because your a psychotic asshole doesn't mean your a bad person Gus, you can choose to change."
When asked if he needed anything Connor simply shrugged, "No, I'm good. I uh, just going to finish up with my bike." Connor regarded Augustus calmly, "I assume your going up to talk to some of the others?" Most likely Cassie. "Do you want some...moral support or maybe just a bodyguard?" He was joking of course though the offer to go with Augustus was very real and he could possibly use one or the other, or even both.
Augustus laughed, "My plan is to go up to the others and try to apologize. I would... very much appreciate a guard but you are in your work so I shouldn't take anymore of your time. Could you point me to an elevator though? I am kinda to used to just... poppin in and out with teleportation. I walked over... Some of those guys still have guns screaming from the LAST time he fell out a window...."
hudhouse said:
Augustus laughed, "My plan is to go up to the others and try to apologize. I would... very much appreciate a guard but you are in your work so I shouldn't take anymore of your time. Could you point me to an elevator though? I am kinda to used to just... poppin in and out with teleportation. I walked over... Some of those guys still have guns screaming from the LAST time he fell out a window...."
Though Augustus had basically told him he wasn't needed Connor couldn't help but look over his shoulder at his bike and internally groan at the thought of going back at it. Looking back at Augustus he shook his head, "Not a problem, I need a break and maybe a bite to eat and drink anyway."

"Elevator's over here." Connor stated, walking by Augustus towards the elevator and hitting the button with a closed fist. The doors dinged open and the blonde stepped inside.
Crono said:
Though Augustus had basically told him he wasn't needed Connor couldn't help but look over his shoulder at his bike and internally groan at the thought of going back at it. Looking back at Augustus he shook his head, "Not a problem, I need a break and maybe a bite to eat and drink anyway."
"Elevator's over here." Connor stated, walking by Augustus towards the elevator and hitting the button with a closed fist. The doors dinged open and the blonde stepped inside.
Augustus groaned as laid himself down in the elevator. He groaned, moaning out, "I am bloody terrified of falling...."

(If anyone in the tower wants to meet up with connor and Augustus, poppin in via elevator)
@Raikou Kaminari[/URL] @CasualDragon
Yoshida made ready to attack when suddenly Muramasa was there staying his hand. "Not yet, we have other things to get to. There was not a fragment here nor any data about it in their computers." Muramasa explained to his ally. He waved his hand opening a hyperspace portal he tossed Yoshida through it and then followed him through closing it behind him.

Suddenly Shin Harada was right there. "That guy just now was Muramasa, I wonder..... that old man claimed to be the Yoshida Honor Sword and Muramasa claimed to be the Black Blade Muramasa. It could be these weapons are possessing people, but that doesn't explain the bit about "essences" as well as how Muramasa isn't completely nuts. The Black Blade used to induce madness in those who wielded only my father subjugated it......... so many questions and so little answers. I mean these attacks are rapid but far too calculated to be impulse..." Raikou placed a hand on Shin's shoulder. "We can think about all that later but where is the Prime Minister?" Shin seemed to be brought back down to Earth for a moment and said "Another one of his hired super agents like me arrived to give them a lift to safety."

Raikou turned to Maul and Smasher. "So you two from the Avengers, Finn Banner and symbiote fake Hulk. Where is the rest of New York's Mightiest Heroes?"

@CasualDragon @Emperor Of Embers
A black puddle of goo surrounded Maul in Savage Hulk form, and tendrils pulled him down as it enveloped him, and transformed him back to his normal form, and looked at Raikou. "I am not a fake. So do not call me one." Maul said as he looked at blaze, who was walking to them. "Agent Philip Coulson Jr. only sent the two of us, well.... maybe not finn. But he sent me. The rest are in New york, doing god knows what. And after this..... I got to continue my therapy. I am 5 years of age afterall." he said as he pets Blaze, who kept her guard up, but allowed him to do so. "Hey finn..... Can we keep this one?" he asked, looking at Smasher. @CasualDragon @Raikou Kaminari
AnnoDomini said:
Fyodor Vanko/Whiplash
A smile crept on his face when he saw Aleena. He had grown accustomed with her, and she became a friend to him, although he still had some complicated feelings. He heard Cassie tell him to wait and he slightly nodded. "No rush miss Stark." His attention went back to the girl, his hands going in his pockets. "Hey Aleena. How have you been? And the new color, I like it. It brings out that spark I always see in your eyes." Fyodor said, holding a stupid grin on his face.

He sighed, looking at the door Cassie opened. "If you are free after this, I would like to go out and eat something." Fyodor winked at her, then went in after Cassie. "Miss Stark. As you know, I am Fyodor Vanko, CEO of Vanko International. A couple of months ago we moved our activities from East Europe to North America. I wanted to ask you if you would consider a merger of sorts. I know, I know, my designs bare a striking resemblance to your father's technology, but I assure you, it's not plagiarism." He stopped talking to look at the screen and then at her. 'Oh god... Did I leave such a deep scar?' "Miss Stark? Cassie? Did I chose a bad time? Should we postpone this?" Fyodor says, moving slightly closer to her, looking at the screen, as his hand instinctively went to his mouth. "I saw these atrocities back in Russia. Not a very nice thing to see, the country being torn apart by a bunch of mangy mongrels." Fyodor spoke with a passion when he used the word mongrels. 'Like yourself Fyodor, you mean. Don't be such an hypocrite.' Whiplash was still not dead, and he came to torment Fyodor further.

@sitanomoto @BeamMeUpScotty

Aleena Meredith Quill

Aleena gave a smile when she realised fully that it was Fyodor and she gave a small wave. "
Not bad Vanko." She chuckled lightly at him, her words and vocals sounded almost robotic and sharp in this form. Her eyebrow raised at him and she bit her lip in short contemplation. "I'd love to go out. Find me when you're done," she told him, before he rushed in to see Cassie.

With a small sigh she turned and made her way down the hall for the living room. "
Spark in your eyes...?," she mumbled to herself, replaying his words. Fyodor could be a charmer when he wanted, and Aleena was pretty sure she liked it. With a light smirk and a roll of her eyes Aleena pushed aside the silly notion and entered the living room to find some good TV, she wouldn't change forms, but instead she'd just avoid water for now. She did look back at the elevator as she walked. It seemed someone was coming up onto the same level, the kitchen was connected to the bar and living room on the floor. She decided to stop at the end of the hall and wait to see who was arriving.





((Not sure if Aleena should know Augustus, so if they should interact make it clear))

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Fyodor Vanko/Whiplash

Fyodor became a little nervous. He was vulnerable without his armor, and now, it seemed a perfect time to have it. But Whiplash already madea reputation. A bad reputation. He had it repaired and took it in his expedition to Checnya. 'I know Fyodor. Remember, I am you. Uncle Whip will take care of things.' Fyodor groaned slightly, putting his hand to his head. "Sorry miss Stark. Had a headache that's been bugging me for years. Migraines I think." 'You sure it's not little old me? Kehe...' Fyodor did his best to ignore the voice in his head, his eyes looking at Cassie. "I was considering a merger, as I said. I would've liked to discuss this over diner, or lunch, but it seems you have your hands full. I can leave you to it miss Stark, and probably speak with another member of your family. Your father, or mother." Fyodor said, with a rather polite tone of voice. He wanted to give his image of a shrewd buisines man a go, but couldn't bring himself to it. 'Because you are weak my boy... Weak.'

Smasher was more than ready to take on this guy but the fight was fated for a later time. The two people jumped through a portal and before he could jump through after them it was shut. He turned back to Finn and tied a knot in the waistband of his shorts. He looked towards the creature standing there. "Sure. They seem to flock to us hulk types. I wonder if it's our charm." He joked. He turned to Raikou. "No idea. They could be on their way. They might not. I had to swim to get here so I didn't bring any electronics to get in contact with them. Everybody seems a little down after the whole thing six weeks ago. I don't even know if they'll come." He said sadly. "We might want to prepare for if it's just us and then adjust if, or when, others show up." He was still wet from the swim and he shivered. He pulled the bag off of his back and pulled out the only shirt that was slightly dry and threw it on himself. "So what do you know about these guys?"

@Emperor Of Embers @Raikou Kaminari
CasualDragon said:
Smasher was more than ready to take on this guy but the fight was fated for a later time. The two people jumped through a portal and before he could jump through after them it was shut. He turned back to Finn and tied a knot in the waistband of his shorts. He looked towards the creature standing there. "Sure. They seem to flock to us hulk types. I wonder if it's our charm." He joked. He turned to Raikou. "No idea. They could be on their way. They might not. I had to swim to get here so I didn't bring any electronics to get in contact with them. Everybody seems a little down after the whole thing six weeks ago. I don't even know if they'll come." He said sadly. "We might want to prepare for if it's just us and then adjust if, or when, others show up." He was still wet from the swim and he shivered. He pulled the bag off of his back and pulled out the only shirt that was slightly dry and threw it on himself. "So what do you know about these guys?"
@Emperor Of Embers @Raikou Kaminari
@CasualDragon[/URL] @Raikou Kaminari
Raikou replied "We don't know much of anything about the enemy, so far we have only fought two of them. Both made the same claims of wielded powers of a mutant better and claimed to be a weapon not a person. So far they have been attacking in relatively rapid succession. This can't be random, it seems calculated like they are after something. Well for now atleast the three of us are going to go try and find out more. But you guys can see if your friends will show up."

Raikou, Shin, and Eli then disappeared respectively in a flash of electricity, a red tachyon outline, and a silver blur.

The Cursed Regalia Hideout(@Archon )

The Cursed Regalia had chosen their hiding place well. Recently Jigoku Chu Castle went missing with just a simple crater where it used to be. That is because it now was in the dimension of Ama and currently the hiding place of the Cursed Regalia. This dimension was reanchored to Earth with a hyperspace bridge formed by Black Muramasa.

Black Muramasa now sat in the war room, at the table sat Honor Yoshida, Shurayuki, and The Electromagnetic Spear Hector. Shurayuki was running a briefing on the current situation using her psychic abilities to project graphics and such. "So the humans still know very little about us which is good for us because they won't be able to get in our way. Though with the loss of the Ebony Blade going rogue we have lost a significant piece of our fighting strength. The other Regalia are still growing into their powers as they aren't like us three who already bore a connection to the essences we were imbued with. Our current priority is finding the pieces of White Muramasa, so far we only have one fragment of its blade and its hilt." Shurayuki said.

Black Muramasa stood up and said "I knew all that what I need is for you to come up with the location of the fragments of my sibling." He thought to himself, its a race against time for me to put together White Muramasa and form Totsuka no Muramasa.
With Raikou and Eli disappearing, maul growled. "Great. Now where do we go to meet them? I mean seriously, we gotta think of something right?" he asked as he looked to finn, but Blaze looked at them both, and moved her head in a way of saying 'follow me.' "Where is she going?" maul asked himself as he followed her, since Blaze knew where she was going. @CasualDragon @Raikou Kaminari
While the end of the world was conveniently happening outside of the tower, Adam was having his own problems. The microwave was stuck, and his precious jot pocket was inside. He couldn't believe it, the world was now in shambles! Depressed, he walks away from the microwave, drinking his coffee as his stomach grumbles. He sits back down, his desk next to Tony Starks, continuing to look through the bills and notifications of the Avengers. (Still waiting for Tony @Nerdyy
National said:
While the end of the world was conveniently happening outside of the tower, Adam was having his own problems. The microwave was stuck, and his precious jot pocket was inside. He couldn't believe it, the world was now in shambles! Depressed, he walks away from the microwave, drinking his coffee as his stomach grumbles. He sits back down, his desk next to Tony Starks, continuing to look through the bills and notifications of the Avengers. (Still waiting for Tony @Nerdyy
(I too, am waiting for @sitanomoto.)
Jess had been walking by when she noticed Adam. Who was this person? She had never seen him before. One thing was for sure. He was hot. "Um... hi. I'm Jess," she said, walking up to him and smiling.


(So glad we're doing this xD , I get to make fun of my sister without her even knowing. > :) )
Adam looks at his screen with a venemous glare dripping from his eyes, GEICO ads over running every single website he tried to get on that the Avengers accessed. If he saw this lizard one more time-

But his quiet threats to the GEICO mascot were cut off as he turns around to see a girl just behind him.

"Oh, I thought everyone was busy fighting off whatever was outside. My name is Adam. May I help you with anything?"

Perry Parker

Tags - @LokiofSP and @Yngwie Schutz

Location - Stark Tower

In a few seconds, Cassie turned around and Perry expected her to say "hi" or "I haven't seen you in a while". Instead, she walked right out the room, leaving Perry dumbfounded. He must've put on his non-existent stealth mode or something, because that would be the only answer to this. Turning around, Perry also saw some girl with a quiver and arrows, and some other guy. Last time he checked, the guy who shoots the arrows was supposed to be named Joseph and was well, a male. Unless Joseph received some surgery, there was no way that could be him. The other guy said something directed over to Perry, but all he could hear was "Parker" and nothing else. His disbelief made him concentrated on absolutely nothing and it muffled all sounds around him. Perry didn't want to put the effort in having a conversation with those two, nor he had the time. So he simply walked out, and he'd probably take his frustration where no one could pity him.

Walking into the elevator, he slammed the tenth floor button with the strength to break it, and Perry wasn't sure if he did. Now that he was waiting, it was time to calm the mind.
Deep breaths. Comic relief people don't act like this, he thought to himself, and Perry walked out the elevator once he reached his destination. Walking through the hallways, there was a bunch of stuff. Food place, tech testing place, and a training room with a... slightly familiar face. Daredevil's kid, Perry remembered. It wasn't like he ever met the guy, since he only saw him like, once. But at the moment, he's as good as a best friend to him. Perry walked into the room, and smiled at the two, trying to flush away all the angry thoughts he had earlier. "Hello~! Are we training to be the next WWE champion here?"

Connor couldn't help but give Augustus an amused yet sympathetic look as he leaned against the back of the elevator, the blonde could relate in a way. Flying was a no-go for Connor, though it wasn't really fear it was just instinct....People weren't meant to fly, it wasn't natural. Why anyone would enjoy screwing with the unnatural and fly was beyond him. The fact was he couldn't really deal with the idea of flying though he had to on numerous occasions and he just fought through it, but it was amusing to see someone in a similar role though the fact that Augustus seemed more afraid did put a cap on that amusement.

"Don't worry. I've ridden in these elevator's since...probably before I was born considering my mother probably used them when she was pregnant with me." That thought had him blinking a little in confusion. "Anyhow, they are safe and have yet to fail on me yet." Lie, two separate occasions actually. But we won't mention that shall we?

When the elevator dinged, Connor shuffled around Augustus form slightly to step out into the hall. Standing at the other end and staring almost awkwardly in their direction was Aleena. "Expecting someone?" Connor asked.

@BeamMeUpScotty @hudhouse
Augustus got up, feeling the strange mixture of gases inside him change their composition in this lighter atmosphere. He weezed out a little queasy, "Okay fine, I am also motion sick. Entire reason why I never fight people Dragon Ball style? That.. plus mix in the fact I can't even go into a roller coaster or I will practically have my chest explode with stress." He looked up to Aleena, and said, "You know, gotta agree with Connor here. Do I get a choferr to the couch to?" He made his bad attempt at a joke before quite literally putting one arm forward and weakly pulled himself out of the elevator as he raised himself to his feet wobbily. He spoke under his breath, "Don't look out the window... Don't look out the window.."

Augustus walked in his rocky alien form which would probably make people run screaming towards Aleena. He nodded his head before saying, "Augustus Von Doom. How are ya today?"

@BeamMeUpScotty @Crono
Morgan looked to the entrance to see...Somebody enter the room. He would be lying if he said the appearance didn't catch him off guard, but he attempted to regain composure best he could, "WWE Champion? Um...No! I just need to stay in shape. I-I don't have powers so having rock hard abs 24/7 is something that takes work..."

@Pyosimros @Yngwie Schutz
National said:
Adam looks at his screen with a venemous glare dripping from his eyes, GEICO ads over running every single website he tried to get on that the Avengers accessed. If he saw this lizard one more time-
But his quiet threats to the GEICO mascot were cut off as he turns around to see a girl just behind him.

"Oh, I thought everyone was busy fighting off whatever was outside. My name is Adam. May I help you with anything?"

"I'm Jess. And no, I just wanted to say hi. So... How have you been?" She asked him. Adam seems familiar for some reason, she thought.
Adam yawns, finally taking a good glance at the girl. She had very defined and colorful set of brown-orange hair, something that was definitely of his liking, beautiful sharp eyes, and was sporting just some normal civilian clothes. He could still tell she was am Avenger.

"Sup Jess. I've been doing good, I've just been paying off you and your teams damages to the city. You guys are lucky that three huge companies are funding this Avengers project."

"I guess we should be," she said, smiling. "So, what are you currently doing?" She then asked, almost immediately after her last statement. Idiot. Why would he tell me that? She thought. She immediately knew she had pushed it too far.

With cassie busy with her work, and Alistair waiting outside, Azazel lets him in, and looked him in the eyes. "Who are you, exactly?" Azazel asked as Alistair sighed. "I said it before, and i will say it again. I am Alistair Stark." the teen in the Iron Punisher replied irately. "Why are you here?" the Daemon asked the boy. "I was sent here.... 50 years from now. Could you just get someone I can talk to down here? I have a lot of questions I need answered." Alistair said impatiently. Azazel went to cassie's lab, and tapped her shoulder. "Someone wants to see you. Someone by the name of Alistair Stark..." he said, waiting for her reaction. @sitanomoto @National (For Jackie/Lionel)

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