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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Cassie Stark will be with you in a moment." Howard said as Alistair stood there, waiting. His helmet opens up, revealing his face. When howard said her name, he remembers something. He remembered 2 hours prior to going back in time that Cassie was his great grandmother, and that was all he knew. "You know, I would like to meet my great grandma for the first time." Alistair said, which howard recorded and played for cassie in her lab. @sitanomoto
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Crono said:
Connor rolled his eyes at the comment about his Inhuman blood, "A few months ago I was just as human as she was. We did perfectly fine without having such things forced on us. I know she didn't want it and I know she hates that it happened because I didn't want to be an Inhuman, I was happy with who I was. You changed who she was without her consent. And no matter what happens, even if she forgives you for it, she won't forget. Just like I haven't forgotten what that Richie damn Raccoon did to me." It was more heat of the moment that he brought up Richie's name, having long forgiven the Raccoon. "You try to fix things that aren't broken, Cassie, the world, you don't fix things that way." The blonde had since been pacing the floor throughout Augustus's speech and his own replies.
"You didn't give us the chance to say thank you, and did I not thank you when you saved my life? You gave up on us too quickly, Cassie let you in and others were starting to. Including me, but then you smashed every bit of that to pieces. You want me to say you've had a rough life?" Connor tossed the rag back over near the tools and bike, "Sure, you've had it rough. But stop letting your past define you, stop letting your father ruin your life even in death. You made an entire planet and ecosystem for crying out loud! You made something so beautiful and instead of nurturing it you left it alone to come back and try to fix this one instead."

Rubbing harshly at the back of his neck when Augustus called Cassie out, the blonde hadn't even thought that she might have been listening in.

@hudhouse @sitanomoto
Augustus starred at him, before snickering. He stated, "I admit what I did was wrong and stupid. But Dissonance? Zeta kicked me out and tried to kill me to. He made a clone of from my technology... that is much more powerful then I. He took the whole planet over and said that there was no way I could be Augustus. Plus, he sold off all my businesses here at Earth so i'm homeless, poor, and a monster. Oh and uh one thing you should know?" He pointed to himself, changing his voice, "Sekki Dood. That's who I was Dood!" He changed his voice back, walking over to Connor and if he allowed him, put one of his stony hands on his back. It was solid and warm, vibrating slightly to some strange, earthquake like heartbeats.

Augustus said, "Tell me one thing Connor, one... single... thing. Have I ever won? I couldn't even touch Laxus, and if he ever finds me he promised that if I was on Earth he would kill me. Jordan wants me dead... AGAIN. Thaddeus wants me dead... STILL. I can't use most of my power, and I look like this. But I want to fix all of this shit. Could you please help me? What should I do to fix things up?"
Based on all of the cops it seemed like he wasn't too welcome here. He put his hands up in surrender as to not give them any wrong ideas about him when a woman showed up. Dry clothing? Oh yeah, he would like that. His bag felt a little soggy too and he knew that it would be a while before anything was dry. He was just thankful that he didn't bring any electronics along with him. If he needed internet he would find a library or something. He nodded and put his hands down. "There's been another attack? What are the details? Oh and I'm Finn by the way. Thank you for being hospitable considering my abrupt appearance in your city." He got into the car and watched as the city changed around them. "What information am I authorized to about the attacks?"

@Raikou Kaminari
@CasualDragon[/URL] @Raikou Kaminari
The Prime Minister was about to speak when it seemed like a meteorite was trailing across the sky, but then it's path suddenly curved towards the group. Shin grabbed the Prime Minister and his assistant, manifested his tachyon field and used its speed carried them away from the scene in ana instant. The meteorite was no meteorite as now Raikou could see a figure through the flames. That figure landed on or rather through the jet turning it to ashes ina fiery explosion. Raikou and Eli drew their blades as a figure emerged from the flames in the form of an old man. Raikou recognised the blade the old man carried as the Yoshida Honor Sword. "Looks like this is what we do till your friend arrives?" Raikou said. The old man replied "I'll burn you to nothing then the Prime Minister, I can make it painless of painful." A brief red streak could've been seen if one could see through the flames, entering the base. It looked similar to when Shin darted away. It was Muramasa collecting another fragment of the other Muramasa blade, which he referred to as White Muramasa.


CasualDragon said:
Based on all of the cops it seemed like he wasn't too welcome here. He put his hands up in surrender as to not give them any wrong ideas about him when a woman showed up. Dry clothing? Oh yeah, he would like that. His bag felt a little soggy too and he knew that it would be a while before anything was dry. He was just thankful that he didn't bring any electronics along with him. If he needed internet he would find a library or something. He nodded and put his hands down. "There's been another attack? What are the details? Oh and I'm Finn by the way. Thank you for being hospitable considering my abrupt appearance in your city." He got into the car and watched as the city changed around them. "What information am I authorized to about the attacks?"
@Raikou Kaminari
"It was a US millitary storage facility, nothing remains of it just a patch of burnt dirt now. The attacks are being carried out by well we don't know much about them actually." The woman said. Then she received a call and motioned for Finn to wait a moment while she took it? Her face went from neutral to alarm almost instantaneously. She hung up the phone and said "Another base is under fire(bad pun), likely from the same guy who torched the last one. Even worse the Prime Minister was there overseeing the arrival of something called Maul?"
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There was something sweet about lingering between the realm of wakefulness and sleep but one could only stay there for so long. Opening her eyes Eldkatla caught sight of the dress she had thrown to the floor and the purse she had dropped next to it, handfuls of crumpled bills inside. She smiled at the memory and rolled over. What had one of them said to her.. 'it would be like taking candy from a baby' and so it had been - for her. Some men just can't hold their liquor.

Swinging her legs out of bed she walked past the purse to the bathroom. In the past few weeks she'd found herself a new.. benefactor, and as such had moved into a new flat, one which was larger, higher, just generally better. How very generous some could be. Looking in the mirror she Eldkatla the remnants of the night before, her lips tinted red from worn off lipstick and eyes lined in black, but she simply just smiled at her reflection before stepping into the shower. As the cold water hit her body she thought over the the recent past, as her time as an 'Avenger', though that was more by title than behaviour: Eldkatla spent as little time as possible at the tower, still hadn't warmed to the concept of teamwork and had yet to discover any true heroic streak within her. Not that those she had helped would care, people just want a saviour, they care little for motivation.

An hour or so later she sat in her kitchen, phone within arms reach but ignored, spreading honey on bread with a brewing mint tea filling the room with its sweet smell. The TV droned on quietly in the corner which she paid little attention to, until a doubled-voice began pleading to Avengers for help. With a sigh Eldkatla took a bite from her breakfast, looks like she needed to learn about another patch of this realm.
hudhouse said:
Augustus starred at him, before snickering. He stated, "I admit what I did was wrong and stupid. But Dissonance? Zeta kicked me out and tried to kill me to. He made a clone of from my technology... that is much more powerful then I. He took the whole planet over and said that there was no way I could be Augustus. Plus, he sold off all my businesses here at Earth so i'm homeless, poor, and a monster. Oh and uh one thing you should know?" He pointed to himself, changing his voice, "Sekki Dood. That's who I was Dood!" He changed his voice back, walking over to Connor and if he allowed him, put one of his stony hands on his back. It was solid and warm, vibrating slightly to some strange, earthquake like heartbeats.
Augustus said, "Tell me one thing Connor, one... single... thing. Have I ever won? I couldn't even touch Laxus, and if he ever finds me he promised that if I was on Earth he would kill me. Jordan wants me dead... AGAIN. Thaddeus wants me dead... STILL. I can't use most of my power, and I look like this. But I want to fix all of this shit. Could you please help me? What should I do to fix things up?"
There was very distinct confusion on Connor's face when Augustus stated he was actually Sekki, questions nearly fumbled out of his mouth before he settled on just one. "Why hide yourself among us?"

Augustus's hand touched his back it came with an odd sensation to say the least, though they weren't exactly close friends so the sudden contact was curious. Connor shook his head with a sympathetic smile when Gus had asked what he should do, "I can't tell you how to fix things. But I can tell you where I think you should start, try apologizing."
[QUOTE="Raikou Kaminari]The Prime Minister was about to speak when it seemed like a meteorite was trailing across the sky, but then it's path suddenly curved towards the group. Shin grabbed the Prime Minister and his assistant, manifested his tachyon field and used its speed carried them away from the scene in ana instant. The meteorite was no meteorite as now Raikou could see a figure through the flames. That figure landed on or rather through the jet turning it to ashes ina fiery explosion. Raikou and Eli drew their blades as a figure emerged from the flames in the form of an old man. Raikou recognised the blade the old man carried as the Yoshida Honor Sword. "Looks like this is what we do till your friend arrives?" Raikou said. The old man replied "I'll burn you to nothing then the Prime Minister, I can make it painless of painful." A brief red streak could've been seen if one could see through the flames, entering the base. It looked similar to when Shin darted away. It was Muramasa collecting another fragment of the other Muramasa blade, which he referred to as Totsuka no Muramasa.

"It was a US millitary storage facility, nothing remains of it just a patch of burnt dirt now. The attacks are being carried out by well we don't know much about them actually." The woman said. Then she received a call and motioned for Finn to wait a moment while she took it? Her face went from neutral to alarm almost instantaneously. She hung up the phone and said "Another base is under fire(bad pun), likely from the same guy who torched the last one. Even worse the Prime Minister was there overseeing the arrival of something called Maul?"

Maul grew frightened, and angry as there was a man attacking the base. HE knew the man could kill him, since he was a symbiote that is weak to fire, but he had to fight. "Let me at 'em. I wanna smash this one to bits." he said as tendrils formed around his arms, and reconstituted his arms to be spiky and bulkier than before.


Here is what Maul's hands look like at the moment, these are Hammerfists.)
Crono said:
There was very distinct confusion on Connor's face when Augustus stated he was actually Sekki, questions nearly fumbled out of his mouth before he settled on just one. "Why hide yourself among us?"
Augustus's hand touched his back it came with an odd sensation to say the least, though they weren't exactly close friends so the sudden contact was curious. Connor shook his head with a sympathetic smile when Gus had asked what he should do, "I can't tell you how to fix things. But I can tell you where I think you should start, try apologizing."
Augustus smiled at the emotions he showed before answering, "I didn't hide. I was there because I still see it in your eyes, all of your eyes." He left it as cryptic as that. He looked at the tires of Connor's bike and said, "...Hmm, if you want to go off road I advise different tires. Check the patterns online, it actually makes a pretty big difference. But I am glad you can't tell me, I just want a suggestion, something to work off of. Something not formed from my brain. After apologizing, what would you do?"
[QUOTE="Emperor Of Embers]Maul grew frightened, and angry as there was a man attacking the base. HE knew the man could kill him, since he was a symbiote that is weak to fire, but he had to fight. "Let me at 'em. I wanna smash this one to bits." he said as tendrils formed around his arms, and reconstituted his arms to be spiky and bulkier than before.

Here is what Maul's hands look like at the moment, these are Hammerfists.)

"Ummmm....maybe we should try taking him together. I don't know about you but those flames look serious." Raikou said. The old man made a very raspy laughter at Raikou's words. "I have the essence of Shiro Yoshida, sunfire. I have his abilities but I can use them even better." Raikou face turned to one of question behind his helmet. Then Eli made the first move making several hand signs in rapid succession then tapping the ground a pillar of cold erupted under Yoshida which solidified into a pillar of ice.

"Make ready." Eli warned as the pillar was suddenly flash evaporated. The old man swung his sword unleashing a torrent of flame. Raikou and Eli evaded with enhanced speed. Raikou while evaded unleashed a lightning slash projection at the Old man which seemed to delfect of an invisible barrier, Raikou guessed this was Sunfire's psi field. So this guy really was using Sunfire's power, using his "essence". Ultimately this created more questions even though answering one of them.
[QUOTE="Raikou Kaminari]"Ummmm....maybe we should try taking him together. I don't know about you but those flames look serious." Raikou said. The old man made a very raspy laughter at Raikou's words. "I have the essence of Shiro Yoshida, sunfire. I have his abilities but I can use them even better." Raikou face turned to one of question behind his helmet. Then Eli made the first move making several hand signs in rapid succession then tapping the ground a pillar of cold erupted under Yoshida which solidified into a pillar of ice.
"Make ready." Eli warned as the pillar was suddenly flash evaporated. The old man swung his sword unleashing a torrent of flame. Raikou and Eli evaded with enhanced speed. Raikou while evaded unleashed a lightning slash projection at the Old man which seemed to delfect of an invisible barrier, Raikou guessed this was Sunfire's psi field. So this guy really was using Sunfire's power, using his "essence". Ultimately this created more questions even though answering one of them.

Maul watched on, waiting for an opportunity to literally throw himself into the fray, since his arms are much heavier, with enough force, he can use their weight to propel him forward. He roared like a Hulk, and threw his arms into the air, dragging him with their bolstered weight, he then landed in front of the old man, and started wailing on the Psi field, hoping to weaken it enough for the others to break. His strength increasing as his frustration grew greater.
[QUOTE="Raikou Kaminari]"It was a US millitary storage facility, nothing remains of it just a patch of burnt dirt now. The attacks are being carried out by well we don't know much about them actually." The woman said. Then she received a call and motioned for Finn to wait a moment while she took it? Her face went from neutral to alarm almost instantaneously. She hung up the phone and said "Another base is under fire(bad pun), likely from the same guy who torched the last one. Even worse the Prime Minister was there overseeing the arrival of something called Maul?"

Finn nodded. "At least Maul is there. He's my half brother and he'll protect the Prime Minister." He gestured towards the windows. "Which direction is the facility in? I can probably make it there faster than the car can. Of course if you would prefer that I remain in the vehicle then I will, but if the situation is as serious as it seems to be it might be best if I can get there. I can also carry one, maybe two people with me if needed."
hudhouse said:
Augustus smiled at the emotions he showed before answering, "I didn't hide. I was there because I still see it in your eyes, all of your eyes." He left it as cryptic as that. He looked at the tires of Connor's bike and said, "...Hmm, if you want to go off road I advise different tires. Check the patterns online, it actually makes a pretty big difference. But I am glad you can't tell me, I just want a suggestion, something to work off of. Something not formed from my brain. After apologizing, what would you do?"
Connor narrowed his eyes at what Augustus had said though he didn't seem like he wanted to elaborate. "We're in New York, there isn't really anywhere to go off-road." The blonde grumbled slightly, though he did have two other sets of tires stored that he'd gotten just in case he ever took the bike further out. This scenario seemed familiar to him in some way, and the blonde momentarily tensed slightly before moving away from Augustus and closer to his bike though keeping Augustus in his peripheral vision.

It reminded him of his relationship with Carter, trying to convince his clone to be better, letting his guard down then regretting it. Connor did want to help Augustus but the nagging memory of Carter driving his sword through Connor's gut was bubbling up. No, he wouldn't be stabbed in the back twice. He was conflicted as he turned fully to face Augustus, "I- Maybe I'm not the best person to ask. I don't know what I would do beyond apologizing, not everyone is going to forgive you. And I doubt anyone will forget, and by trying to make up for it your going to step on some peoples toes and your going to have to deal with it and not blow up any buildings."
[QUOTE="Emperor Of Embers]Maul watched on, waiting for an opportunity to literally throw himself into the fray, since his arms are much heavier, with enough force, he can use their weight to propel him forward. He roared like a Hulk, and threw his arms into the air, dragging him with their bolstered weight, he then landed in front of the old man, and started wailing on the Psi field, hoping to weaken it enough for the others to break. His strength increasing as his frustration grew greater.

The Psi Field held for the moment, but now Yoshida's attention was on a Maul. His blade glowed white hot as he infused 1 million degree flames into it. He then swung it at the symbiote's right arm. The extreme heat of the flames should allow him to cut right through its arm combined with the momentum of its own punch as well as an explosion of flame that'll erupt the second the blade makes contact.

CasualDragon said:
Finn nodded. "At least Maul is there. He's my half brother and he'll protect the Prime Minister." He gestured towards the windows. "Which direction is the facility in? I can probably make it there faster than the car can. Of course if you would prefer that I remain in the vehicle then I will, but if the situation is as serious as it seems to be it might be best if I can get there. I can also carry one, maybe two people with me if needed."
The woman pointed west and said "They should be that way."
@sitanomoto[/URL] !)
Honor Yoshida was surprised to see so large a creature come out of nowhere. He met it's intial with his blade dispering a lot of flame on contact but the force made the ground beneath his turn into a cracked crater. He was ready for the beast's next strike, it seemed its primary weapon was its tail which he concluded fairly quickly. The second it began it's spin, he dashed with a burst of flame that propelled him at supersonic speeds he brought his solar flare infused blade right down on the spot where the tail meets the body part of the body were the most pressure is on when the tail is moved, with the intent of severing the tail from the beast.

Raikou and Eli watched as the dinosaur thing engaged Yoshida. "Yeah were fine, looks like were up next if he defeats that dinosaur then. Don't worry if you weakened his psi field all we have to do is crack it. Sunfire's psi field was originally meant to protect him from his own power as mutant bodies are still alot like human ones. Asssuming that guy's body is the same, if we crack the psi field around his body the next time he uses his power he blinds himself." Raikou said.
[QUOTE="Raikou Kaminari]Honor Yoshida was surprised to see so large a creature come out of nowhere. He met it's intial with his blade dispering a lot of flame on contact but the force made the ground beneath his turn into a cracked crater. He was ready for the beast's next strike, it seemed its primary weapon was its tail which he concluded fairly quickly. The second it began it's spin, he dashed with a burst of flame that propelled him at supersonic speeds he brought his solar flare infused blade right down on the spot where the tail meets the body part of the body were the most pressure is on when the tail is moved, with the intent of severing the tail from the beast.
Raikou and Eli watched as the dinosaur thing engaged Yoshida. "Yeah were fine, looks like were up next if he defeats that dinosaur then. Don't worry if you weakened his psi field all we have to do is crack it. Sunfire's psi field was originally meant to protect him from his own power as mutant bodies are still alot like human ones. Asssuming that guy's body is the same, if we crack the psi field around his body the next time he uses his power he blinds himself." Raikou said.

With the strike of the blade at the part where the tail and body meet, it only made the tail even hotter, and somewhat penetrated her scales, but her muscles dulled the blade with a heat hotter than the blade itself, since the Dinovaldo species is believed to be one of the many spawns of the fire god, Kagu-Zuchi. She turned, stared him down, and roared as loud as she could, her neck turning red as a flame came from her mouth, and the tips of her Back spikes turned red with fury. "Man... she is on fire!" maul said in a worried tone, concerned about Blaze and her injury.
Crono said:
Connor narrowed his eyes at what Augustus had said though he didn't seem like he wanted to elaborate. "We're in New York, there isn't really anywhere to go off-road." The blonde grumbled slightly, though he did have two other sets of tires stored that he'd gotten just in case he ever took the bike further out. This scenario seemed familiar to him in some way, and the blonde momentarily tensed slightly before moving away from Augustus and closer to his bike though keeping Augustus in his peripheral vision.
It reminded him of his relationship with Carter, trying to convince his clone to be better, letting his guard down then regretting it. Connor did want to help Augustus but the nagging memory of Carter driving his sword through Connor's gut was bubbling up. No, he wouldn't be stabbed in the back twice. He was conflicted as he turned fully to face Augustus, "I- Maybe I'm not the best person to ask. I don't know what I would do beyond apologizing, not everyone is going to forgive you. And I doubt anyone will forget, and by trying to make up for it your going to step on some peoples toes and your going to have to deal with it and not blow up any buildings."
Augustus laughed, "Your the god damn hero man. Always be prepared, always evolve... or always die. Besides... I know not one person is going to forgive me. Who would? I am a psychotic asshole." He began to sweat a little. He awkwardly pushed two fingers together, asking, "Anything I can do for you before I commit my plan?"
[QUOTE="Emperor Of Embers]With the strike of the blade at the part where the tail and body meet, it only made the tail even hotter, and somewhat penetrated her scales, but her muscles dulled the blade with a heat hotter than the blade itself, since the Dinovaldo species is believed to be one of the many spawns of the fire god, Kagu-Zuchi. She turned, stared him down, and roared as loud as she could, her neck turning red as a flame came from her mouth, and the tips of her Back spikes turned red with fury. "Man... she is on fire!" maul said in a worried tone, concerned about Blaze and her injury.

Yoshida figured out real fast fighting fire with fire wasn't going to work too well. As he removed his blade from the creature he drain some of its heat to refine his blade and increase his own heat. He flew away from it as it blew a breath of fire at him. He absorbed the flames into his blade and began to maintain a distance out of reach of its tail but not of its fire breath leaving it ine foreseeable option which was to use its flames. With enough of its own power behind him Yoshida would be able to easily overwhelm the beast.
"Thank you ma'am. I'll meet you there." He signaled for the driver to pull over and he quickly jumped out of the vehicle and closed the door behind him. He had barely gotten the straps of his bag over his shoulders when he was changing forms. The wet fabric of his torn shorts rubbed a little uncomfortably as he changed but it quickly went unnoticed. He turned in the direction that he was pointed to and began to sprint in that direction. He took extra care to not destroy anything to give himself a bad rep. Here was a fresh and new start with people who wouldn't look at him and think of their failures. He pushed himself onward at full speed until he saw a facility and fire. That was all he knew about what he was looking for so he simply insinuated that this was where he needed to be. With a roar he jumped over the people and vehicles that were in his way and landed beside Blaze. Without even stopping he used the force of his landing to push himself towards the mysterious fire swordsman in an attempt to tackle him.

@Emperor Of Embers @Raikou Kaminari
(I'm so lost because my notifications are being buttholes... can anyone catch me up to speed? :) )

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CasualDragon said:
"Thank you ma'am. I'll meet you there." He signaled for the driver to pull over and he quickly jumped out of the vehicle and closed the door behind him. He had barely gotten the straps of his bag over his shoulders when he was changing forms. The wet fabric of his torn shorts rubbed a little uncomfortably as he changed but it quickly went unnoticed. He turned in the direction that he was pointed to and began to sprint in that direction. He took extra care to not destroy anything to give himself a bad rep. Here was a fresh and new start with people who wouldn't look at him and think of their failures. He pushed himself onward at full speed until he saw a facility and fire. That was all he knew about what he was looking for so he simply insinuated that this was where he needed to be. With a roar he jumped over the people and vehicles that were in his way and landed beside Blaze. Without even stopping he used the force of his landing to push himself towards the mysterious fire swordsman in an attempt to tackle him.
@Emperor Of Embers @Raikou Kaminari
"THERE HE IS!!! NOW LET'S HELP HIM OUT!" Maul shouted as his arms Turned into Hammer Fists, and charged in after Finn, and stood next to him. "This guy is tough, Be careful brother." he said as blaze put her tail in her mouth, and pulled, sharpening and heating up her tail. @CasualDragon @Raikou Kaminari (Alistair is waiting for you. @sitanomoto )
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@sitanomoto[/URL] )
CasualDragon said:
"Thank you ma'am. I'll meet you there." He signaled for the driver to pull over and he quickly jumped out of the vehicle and closed the door behind him. He had barely gotten the straps of his bag over his shoulders when he was changing forms. The wet fabric of his torn shorts rubbed a little uncomfortably as he changed but it quickly went unnoticed. He turned in the direction that he was pointed to and began to sprint in that direction. He took extra care to not destroy anything to give himself a bad rep. Here was a fresh and new start with people who wouldn't look at him and think of their failures. He pushed himself onward at full speed until he saw a facility and fire. That was all he knew about what he was looking for so he simply insinuated that this was where he needed to be. With a roar he jumped over the people and vehicles that were in his way and landed beside Blaze. Without even stopping he used the force of his landing to push himself towards the mysterious fire swordsman in an attempt to tackle him.
@Emperor Of Embers @Raikou Kaminari
@CasualDragon[/URL] @Raikou Kaminari (Alistair is waiting for you. @sitanomoto )
Yoshida flying in the dodged the flaming mucus with bursts of supersonic speed lighting up the sky. Eli and Raikou sprung into action at Maul's words. Raikou in an aura of electricity flew upwards toward Yoshida while Eli was about to cover him when he noticed Smasher coming from above so instead he put some distance between him the Hulk child. Raikou noticed Smasher coming up and moved out of his way, as Yoshida used another burst of speed, Raikou headed off Yoshida just as fast their blades locked for quick second before the two broke away from each other.

Yoshida checked now how many combatants he is facing currently. He then began to let ou a foreboding laughter. "You know I wield Sunfire's power but better than he did originally. The same goes for Muramasa with Kenuichio Harada's power. But you know I wouldn't be much of an improvement if I just used solar flares. So let me show you what makes me better than Sunfire." He now beckoned to Smasher with an evil smirk on his old face. "Come vicious beast, can you live up to the might of your father?"

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