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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

[QUOTE="Raikou Kaminari]Raikou replied "We don't know much of anything about the enemy, so far we have only fought two of them. Both made the same claims of wielded powers of a mutant better and claimed to be a weapon not a person. So far they have been attacking in relatively rapid succession. This can't be random, it seems calculated like they are after something. Well for now atleast the three of us are going to go try and find out more. But you guys can see if your friends will show up."
Raikou, Shin, and Eli then disappeared respectively in a flash of electricity, a red tachyon outline, and a silver blur.

[QUOTE="Emperor Of Embers]With Raikou and Eli disappearing, maul growled. "Great. Now where do we go to meet them? I mean seriously, we gotta think of something right?" he asked as he looked to finn, but Blaze looked at them both, and moved her head in a way of saying 'follow me.' "Where is she going?" maul asked himself as he followed her, since Blaze knew where she was going.

"Wait that..." He was cut off as the three of them disappeared. "Really does not clear things up much." He finished. "Well aren't we a big help. 'Come to Japan' they said. 'You'll help out with a problem' they said. When they said help I did not imagine being a secretary for the others." He grumbled. Blaze took off and Finn decided to wordlessly follow her. At this point in time there really wasn't anything he could loose.
After 10 minutes of following her, Blaze stopped in a cave, and entered it, Maul followed suit, and was confused. "Why did you bring us here?" he asked as Blaze went deeper, and came to a fork in the cave, and took a left. This led to a room with two beds of leaves big enough for 2 Mauls, or 2 hulks, either way, they were big nonetheless. "You brought us here to rest? I don't think we need to.." he was cut off with a yawn. "Dammit. I guess we do need a little nap." he said as he started feeling sleepy. Blaze then left the room, and came back with a collar in her mouth that had a name tag hanging from it, and rubbed her tail on the walls of the room, heating up her tail to combust a pile of logs some visitors leave every time the room is used. It has been years since she had even one person enter her home. "What's with the collar? Unless......" he said as he took the collar from her mouth, he read it as she lit the logs aflame. "Blaze huh? I say it suits you, you were ON FIRE back there." he said with a chuckle. @CasualDragon @Raikou Kaminari
Jess blushed. "Mhm..." I thought I was advancing this a bit too fast, but this guy, she thought.

The Prime Minister sat in his office going over paperwork and reports all pertaining the attacks. He was also taking a phone call from the Japanese Special Forces(JSF) about possible deployments. "But we only recently restructured our special forces division for mutants and the like? They are still too new, we can depend on the Avengers and that other group." he said. The division leader replied "The other group as far as I know only has one member here, we already have 3 members of the JSF actively on this case. The Avengers only have two here yet you called out to all of them. So what's it going to be?" The Prime Minister paused.............


Raikou, Eli, and Shin were at Raikou's old base of operations. Shin was over at a whiteboard trying to put the pieces of information they have together in way that he would know how to proceed. Eli was meditating in a different section of room maintaining his spiritual refinement. Raikou was contacting the others of the Illuminati through various means. For Dimitri and Lisa he was simply ringing them up on the comms. But for Desimus he was targeting the nearest device closest to Desimus's last known location in hope of reaching the young king. "Listen guys, I am here in Japan with two prospects for the team which also needs renaming by the way. What is going down here is big we can tell that right now or atleast that the players are big. I need you guys to get here ASAP. This is is our chance to get our name out there especially since the Prime Minister called out to the Avengers but they only sent like two guys. And Desimus, its time for you to return man no one is judging you about your past. I actually kind of forgot about it untilI thought about the reason you left the ship. Also I think we should name ourselves the Sentries, just need a name to give to the Prime Minister when he thanks us for an awesome job once you guys get here and we crack this thing wide open."

@Reaper @National @sitanomoto
National said:
While the end of the world was conveniently happening outside of the tower, Adam was having his own problems. The microwave was stuck, and his precious jot pocket was inside. He couldn't believe it, the world was now in shambles! Depressed, he walks away from the microwave, drinking his coffee as his stomach grumbles. He sits back down, his desk next to Tony Starks, continuing to look through the bills and notifications of the Avengers. (Still waiting for Tony @Nerdyy
Tony ran into the room with a mug of coffee and a stack of papers. He skidded on sock-clad feet and nearly ran into the wall. "Sorry, sorry, what did I miss?"

@sitanomoto[/URL] @National (For Jackie/Lionel)
Cassie dropped her helmet. "What....?" She looked at the roof. "Why is it always me?" She mumbled. "Why can't it ever be Connor? Or Dimitri? Why me?" She shook her head and called her armor to her. "I'm going to have to get back to you on that, Az. Right now, we have a giant Kaiju problem." She called Connor on her comm. "Con, you ready for some action or do you want to sit this one out?"
sitanomoto said:
Tony ran into the room with a mug of coffee and a stack of papers. He skidded on sock-clad feet and nearly ran into the wall. "Sorry, sorry, what did I miss?"
Cassie dropped her helmet. "What....?" She looked at the roof. "Why is it always me?" She mumbled. "Why can't it ever be Connor? Or Dimitri? Why me?" She shook her head and called her armor to her. "I'm going to have to get back to you on that, Az. Right now, we have a giant Kaiju problem." She called Connor on her comm. "Con, you ready for some action or do you want to sit this one out?"
Augustus spoke through the Comm, "Hey Cassie. 0100100100100000011001100110111101110010011001110110000101110110011001010010000001111001011011110111010100100000011000010010000001101100011011110110111001100111001000000111010001101001011011010110010100100000011000010110011101101111001011000010000001100010011101010111010000100000011101000110100001100101001000000111000001100001011010010110111000101100001000000111010001101000011001010010000001110000011000010110100101101110001000000110100101110011001000000111001101101111011011010110010101110100011010000110100101101110011001110010000001111001011011110111010100100000011100110110100001101111011101010110110001100100001000000110101101101110011011110111011100101110001000000100100100100000011000010111000001101111011011000110111101100111011010010111101001100101001000000110011001101111011100100010000001100101011101100110010101110010011110010111010001101000011010010110111001100111001000000100100100100000011010000110000101110110011001010010000001100110011011110111001001100011011001010110010000100000011101010111000001101111011011100010110000100000011000010111001100100000011110010110111101110101001000000110100001100001011101100110010100100000011000010111000001101111011011000110111101100111011010010111101001100101011001000010000001100110011011110111001000100000011011010110010100101110"

Augustus took the stairs, but was at the roof pretty quickly. He screamed out, "Sweet lord Jesus what is that?!"
Unbeknownst to Cassie and Azazel, Alistair had been standing next to the door, which Azazel had left open without thinking. "I can help.... I will help you all if you need me to. Even though I just got here from a rather shitty place... or Time, rather." Alistair said as he walked in, his suit still on him. "Just give me this one opportunity, I will prove myself to you." he said as Azazel got a pain in his head and gripped it tightly, wincing, something about the new guy seemed weird to him. The same feeling he had gotten from when he first met Jackie/Lionel. "Something is off about this one..... I got the same feeling from Lionel when he came here." He said as Alistair raised a brow. Then came the binary nonsense that assaulted their ears. @sitanomoto @hudhouse
Cassie's voice came out through one of the towers access panels that Connor stood beside, Friday having patched it through to said panel because of Connor's lack of a comm. It was an uncomfortable moment, was it that bad in Japan that she wanted more backup or was she simply trying to give him a push? "I-.." It wasn't like he had time to think about it, and he was on the verge of almost having an internal panic attack.

Connor didn't necessarily need to go to be of use. "I'll hold down the fort and back you up from here, we can't all fly off to Japan anyways. What if something happens elsewhere while we're gone." It made sense though Connor couldn't help but feel almost like a coward for saying it. "You know Cass, now would be a good time to put those plans you drew up to the test. This sounds really bad so we need to be organized, get a team together before you go."

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(I'm thinking of just getting rid of Jackie cuz he was supposed to be unique, but since he was copied I might as well just get rid of him. @Nerdyy
London, Europe:

Desimus was far away from the Avengers. Ever since that day with Miranda, he skipped away from the entire group, not wanting to have to live up with everyone's dissapointment. He came here, hoping he would just be able to off himself to quickly pass over this judgment. Suddenly, his iPhone that was stripped of identification started to play through the speaker, which sounded funny, since it was played through Ciris voice. However, this didn't help. Desimus tosses his ship into a nearby canal, and he sits down at a cafe, his sunglasses reflecting the bright sun.

@Raikou Kaminari @LokiofSP (if Fortune wants to pop up)
National said:
(I'm thinking of just getting rid of Jackie cuz he was supposed to be unique, but since he was copied I might as well just get rid of him. @Nerdyy
(NO! DON'T. Jackie is still unique. And besides, I have not revealed that He is the Grandfather of Alistair. I am sorry..... i really am..... Please... don't get rid of Jackie...)
Lydia Lemire

Tags - @Archon (If you're interested in doing that interaction now. If not, @anyone)

Location - Stark Tower, Lab

A few minutes events unfolded in front of Lydia. Brown-haired person walking about, Blonde guy getting utterly pissed off, and of course, that guy Lydia was with abandoned the secret mission. Now, Lydia was left in a lab where she has no idea what any of the stuff around of does, but it sure looks shiny. "Fine then guys! Leave me! I'll just create a death ray with all this random crap here! Heck, I could grab a bunch of random stuff and become the real life equivalent of Bomberman or Bomberwoman if that exists," She shouted to no one in particular, and stuck her tongue out. Looking around the room, who could resist not touching everything? Shiny stuff were Lydia's Kyptonite after all, and Lydia was the shiny stuff's Kryptonite. It was like a mutual bond. Lydia would poke it a bunch, and smudges would get off the things. What caught the most attention however, was that blue suit thing she saw that person working on. "Oooo what is it?" She whispered to herself and skipped on over there. There was a bunch of stuff Lydia couldn't comprehend from whatever that thing is. But what she could understand, was that it look cool, and it looked like a suit. Picking up a piece that resembled a gauntlet, she put it on her hand and disaster unfolded.

"Pew pew!" She shouted and pretended to shoot stuff out of her hand. The thing is, stuff actually came out. There was a great sound of a repulser being fired, and it hit a wall. Once that happened, Lydia saw the error in her ways and threw it over to a nearby desk. "Yaahhhh that wasn't my fault..." she murmured and looked at something else innocently.

(@LokiofSP I'll work on a post tomorrow as well)
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Dimitri yawned and tried to contact Raikou with his earpiece. "You've been trying to contact the rest of the illuminati, eh? What's shakin, bacon? Des isn't back from his trek to find himself?" @Raikou Kaminari
Reaper said:
Dimitri yawned and tried to contact Raikou with his earpiece. "You've been trying to contact the rest of the illuminati, eh? What's shakin, bacon? Des isn't back from his trek to find himself?" @Raikou Kaminari
"Again we are so changing that name. I have mostly been trying to reach you and Desimus. Didn't need thr calvary from Oscorp yet. Desimus hasn't answered so just you. So far Japan is under attack by these mysterious being wielding weapons the powers of mutants and special swords of renown." He replied.
Reaper said:
Dimitri laughed. "The name illuminati still creeps you out? Either way please tell me you're on the front lines. And send me the coordinates, it sounds like fun."
@Raikou Kaminari
"Not me, the name Illuminati would be offputting to others. Yeah I am on the frontlines of the issue, also sending you coordinates to pick another prospect up. If Desimus is not here we need someone to fill his spot. Sending you coordinates for the prospect and for my old base." Raikou replied. He sent the coordinates with little more than a thought into the system.
"Alright! Heading there now. Illuminati cult leader out! Hail Satan and death to America, brother." He said with a flash of light as he appeared at the coordinates and looked around. @Raikou Kaminari
Reaper said:
"Alright! Heading there now. Illuminati cult leader out! Hail Satan and death to America, brother." He said with a flash of light as he appeared at the coordinates and looked around. @Raikou Kaminari
"We'll never get members like that." Raikou commented.

Ryu Hanshu Foom has been relaxing by a river, with his hand slightly stroking the water whilst looking up at the clouds. Then he caught a scent suddenly and looked up to see Dimitri. "Can I help you sir?" he asked.
Dimitri bowed low with his hands at his sides. "Your English is most impressive, son of dragon. I would be honored if you joined my clan, son of Fing Fang Foom." He dropped his funny act and voice before saying, "I'm sure you've heard of the avengers, and I'm sure you haven't heard of the illuminati." @Raikou Kaminari

Hector leaned forward in wild curiosity, his eyebrows peaking at Shurayuki's words. Both doubt, and arrogance clouding his expression. "Our 'gifts' were taken from very rel people, the mortals may not understand us yet; but they will soon understand that fact, and employ strategies used against out predecessors." He stated with a shrug, stating the fact nonchalantly without hint of worry, before leaning forward against the table, hands clasped together; with a devious smirking at mention of the Ebony Blade.

"A traitor. Nothing more, reassembling White Muramusa, important is it is - should not take importance over eliminating the Ebony Blade, the humans will become a threat; in time, but should they find him - or he find them - we will have significantly less time to retrieve the Fragments before the humans secure them." Once more, Hector leaned back with a cross of his arms, glancing first at Muramasa, and then at Shurayuki. Curious as to how they would respond.

Only recently had Hector's ability made itself known - hence the reason for his absence in retrieving the previous two fragments - but with his metal manipulation present, any sort of attack on a military base for a fragment would be a cakewalk. He'd be lying also, if he didn't admit he harbored a desire for vengeance against the Ebony Blade - the traitor.

@Raikou Kaminari


With Joseph somehow taking a leadership role in team organizing, and Avenger training - he'd been show horned into actually being less lazy, truly a horrid punishment. Humming the Superman theme to himself, with slow paces, he made his way towards the lab. A tour of the tower, and knowledge of the layout was a good idea - even f it took effort. However, his humming soon slowed as he heard brief mentions of the words, 'Death' and 'Ray'. The teen stopped in his tracks with wide eyes - Cassie wasn't in the lab, right? He was sure she wasn't... Which could only men... Intruder!

Entering what he perceived to be a position of stealth, Joseph unsheathed his bow with feft elegance, and then proceeded to speed run as quietly as possible to the intruder's voice - after all, why would a hero build a Death ray? - alas, Joseph's stealthy movement was actually quite loud, but it appeared he had not acted quick enough; and almost ran straight into what had to be the death ray, causing him to dive to the side in a bid for survival, before jumping to his feet with a dazed look.

"Surrender now! Doer of evil! Or taste Precision's might!"
He stated confidently, before wobbling slightly due to the previous near death experience. "Wow, that hurt my head... I should really wear a helmet for heroing..." He muttered obliviously, glancing back at the large hole in the wall - and then to the... not-so-intruder... Joseph looked on dauntless at the character before him, "Nu uh, no way!" He stated with rapid hand gestures.

Ryu looked at Dimitri with a questioning look jumping up when he heard his name. As Dimitri referenced the Avengers and the Illuminati the look grew more intense. "How do you know who I am? Most people know me as the vigilante True Dragon. On that other note, I have heard to the Illuminati, one of those background organizations secretly manipulating all the seats of power to control the world." Ryu replied.


Shirayuki and Yoshida turned towards Hector as he spoke, realizing he spoke the truth. "Yeah if they get their hands on the Ebony Blade they get a lot of info on what our current plan is, what our powers are, and where we came from. Leaving our only advantage being that they'll use said tactic making them predictable.The only variable is that if the Ebony Blade knows how much we differ from our predecessors, it would only be in our favor if they assume we are exactly like them but if they account our increased possibility and lack of mutant physiology then it puts us at a disadvantage." Black Muramasa said from the door returning from his brief moment of air.

"But fortunately, no heroes have went for it and subjugated it yet. It's prime candidates are no where near it and its very picky about who gets to wield it. So no one supremely powerful but no one tol weak. it favors the super soldier type basically." Muramasa added. "But who knows how long that'll last. Its a race against time for us."

Dimitri zipped next to him and put his arm around his shoulders. "Between you and me, it's pretty obvious that you're the successor to triple F. The son part was a bluff, but now I know it's true!" He then zipped to where he was standing before. "That illuminati is long gone. At least I hope. I'm part of a new group with the same name, but we can talk about groups later. For now, Japan is under attack and I need your help. Well.... Need is a strong word.... I wouldn't mind your help. Whatdoya say?" @Raikou Kaminari

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