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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

(I haven't really touched Tyler recently.)

"Helps me get over James, so, yeah," she said, kind of regretting that she just brought up the subject. James was her boyfriend that she dumped about a week ago because of... complications. She tried her luck and aimed at a target with her knife. She hit the outer edge of the bullseye, but bullseye nonetheless.

@Yngwie Schutz
"I see..."Hybrid wasn't a pushy person so she didn't press who James was, but she sure as hell knew about getting over something. She stopped for a moment and walked over to her bag and pulled out a 3 packs of pop tarts. "You want some? They make great target practice."

Lydia Lemire

Tags - @Anyone

Location - Stark Tower

There's a lot of stupid ideas Lydia went through with, but attempting acceptance into the Avengers is probably the dumbest one by far. They have what? Super-suits, people who'd smash the Earth in two if you look at them the wrong way, and also; there's a guy who already filled in the useless person with a bow and arrow category. But seeing herself now, walking into the building, and asking the guy behind the desk to where the Avengers are, Lydia feels like she'll regret this. "Hi there! I'm looking for the Avengers, if that's fine with you," The man looked at Lydia as if she was some lost dog. She could see it in his eyes, and it gave her a nervous smile.

"You're... who exactly?" The man asked. Now looking back at his monitor.

"I'm the child of Kate Bishop," Lydia responded, quite proudly. He'd definitely let her in with that answer. There's no way that guy doesn't know what Kate Bishop is.

"Who's she? Spider-Woman?" He said quite simply, giving Lydia a somewhat frustrated facade. This guy wasn't going to let him in. So it's time for plan B, her way in intimidation.

"Look! I'm a superhero okay? Now help a superhero out and let me see that lady who's in charge!" She squealed. Patience was running thin, and felt like everyone was looking at her now. All of them probably has one thought in mind, Nope, she's not a superhero. The man seemed to project all these thoughts, and shook his head. Even more anger filled Lydia, and kneecapping the guy for his refusal would be bad, though Lydia wished she could do that.

(If anyone wants to help her out, feel free)
Morgan rolled out his shoulder as he came down to the training room in typical workout clothes, he paused as he heard people moving downstairs. Not wanting to take any chances he tied his bandanna around his mouth before continuing down, he looked Hybrid and Jess and attempted to move to the other edge of the room, not wanting to disrupt the girls. He checked out a speed bag and made sure it was hooked on, he then gave a quick stretch before trying something he hadn't done in a long time...Practice.

@Nerdyy @Yngwie Schutz (No idea if somethings going on here that you guys planned, if there is just allow him to sit in the corner and punch a bag :P )
sitanomoto said:
Cassie sat in her lab with the TV on, working on her current suit, the blue one. She was uploading some current data to her helmet so that Friday would be more efficient and much more helpful when the time came. She wasn't listening to the news, she was too busy lost in her own thoughts.
Terry was in the living room playing Peekaboo with Bubbles, hiding behind a pillow and then popping his face out from one of the three top sides, every now and then his hand coming out to tickle the little monster on the belly or the nose. @Emperor Of Embers

Nevermore sat atop the tower, lounging in the sun like a cat, leaning up against Brute. She was asleep, something that she rarely was anymore.

Pepper was in her office.

Tony was in his lab.

It was a basically normal day at the tower.
Redd was also in the lab, working on another body for when he needed it. He had never told anyone of his project, mainly because he was always in the lab. "In case this one dies or gets reprogrammed, the new one will take its place until the original is recovered and repaired." he said to himself as he takes a break, and walked up to cassie.

Bubbles squealed every time terry popped his head out of the pillow, then cocked her head to the side, waiting for him to come back out. When his hand tickled her, she tried to playfully nip him, but he drew his hand quick enough to miss it every time.

Brute lay awake, for he could not sleep for some time, since he is grieving for Helga. The Raging Brachydios was his wall, his comfort. Now that she is gone, the burden of being his comfort relies heavily on Nevermore. He hated having rely on her a lot, despite them being closer than atoms. Brute could look into the clouds, and hear Helga's roar in his head. A tear fell down his face, rolling down from his only good eye on the right. The left he could barely see from, since it is blurry on that side.
"What flavor? Chocolate Chip?" Jess asked. She wanted to laugh, but it seemed more of an awkward time than a serious one. Who knows why, but she just didn't laugh. She walked back to the target and pulled out the knife, putting it back in its case, around her waist.

@Yngwie Schutz
Hybrid looked at the packets. "Dunno, truthfully, I stole these from counter upstairs." She opened them up and looked inside. "Strawberry, S more and, Oh! Yea I do have chocolate chip. To throw or to eat. I'm trowing it anyway it's just a matter of what catches it." She said, gesturing to her knife.

Pyosimros said:
Lydia Lemire
Tags - @Anyone

Location - Stark Tower

There's a lot of stupid ideas Lydia went through with, but attempting acceptance into the Avengers is probably the dumbest one by far. They have what? Super-suits, people who'd smash the Earth in two if you look at them the wrong way, and also; there's a guy who already filled in the useless person with a bow and arrow category. But seeing herself now, walking into the building, and asking the guy behind the desk to where the Avengers are, Lydia feels like she'll regret this. "Hi there! I'm looking for the Avengers, if that's fine with you," The man looked at Lydia as if she was some lost dog. She could see it in his eyes, and it gave her a nervous smile.

"You're... who exactly?" The man asked. Now looking back at his monitor.

"I'm the child of Kate Bishop," Lydia responded, quite proudly. He'd definitely let her in with that answer. There's no way that guy doesn't know what Kate Bishop is.

"Who's she? Spider-Woman?" He said quite simply, giving Lydia a somewhat frustrated facade. This guy wasn't going to let him in. So it's time for plan B, her way in intimidation.

"Look! I'm a superhero okay? Now help a superhero out and let me see that lady who's in charge!" She squealed. Patience was running thin, and felt like everyone was looking at her now. All of them probably has one thought in mind, Nope, she's not a superhero. The man seemed to project all these thoughts, and shook his head. Even more anger filled Lydia, and kneecapping the guy for his refusal would be bad, though Lydia wished she could do that.

(If anyone wants to help her out, feel free)
(Where is she at? Maybe I can shove Philip Jr. with her.)
[QUOTE="Emperor Of Embers](Where is she at? Maybe I can shove Philip Jr. with her.)

(Stark Tower)
She took a pack. One to eat and one to throw her knife at. She double-tasked, doing both at the same time. She then noticed a person in the corner. "Oh, hello!" She said as she smiled at the man.

@Yngwie Schutz @LokiofSP
LokiofSP said:
(Stark Tower)
(Ok. thanks! and also, is the next arc coming soon? ) Philip Coulson Jr. enters the tower, and saw Lydia talking to someone. "I'll take it from here, sir." He said as he grabbed her shoulder, and guided her to the living room of the tower. "Why are you here miss? You wanna be a hero?" he asked in a serious tone, his face as straight as possible. "Great. Another Hawkeye. what next, another Iron kid?" He thought as he looked at her. @Pyosimros @LokiofSP
Morgan went stiff as the speed bag began to sway, he mentally prepped himself before slipping into his 'totally-awesome-hero-voice '. He turned to face the girl and gestured to her with a nod, "Hey there..."

@Nerdyy @Yngwie Schutz
Augustus had been in hiding for a long while ever since the battle with Zeta. The clone completely ruined Augustus, destroying his flesh and turning him into a lava rich pool. But he had transformed into his more humanoid form. He had shattered out of his cocoon and calmly walked away. Now all of his riches and his robot creation hated him to. Now he truly didn't have a friend in the world. He looked down to his arms, and sighed at his newest form. He had accepted change and transformation because it would have allowed him what he needed. He never had a Soul, so he truly lacked a sense of self. Without the raw will to make things right... he would have just faded away. He won't fade away... that he promised.

Rock-like plates coated the top parts of his head, littered with dark blue spikes that burned bright, revealing that they were made from cooling lava. His hair was made from the same substance, rich with sulfur to give it that blue color. His eyes were completely pitch black except for a golden ring around his pupil. A layer of jacked rock formed his jaw line up to behind his ears, hidden beneath the burning essence. A tusk the width of his nose jutted from the right side of his face like a boar, yet held some subtle elegance. Slashes were engraved into the tusk, leaving spots where the tusk would occasionally belch flame. Pitch black lines that would symbolize tears went downwards from his eyes to below the jaw line.

His neck had a thick back guard with two spikes on either side, burning slightly at the edges. Holes coated his throat, leaking out poisonous gas that made himself a burning high collar. His arms were protected by thick slabs of spiked stone, lava visibly glowing through the cracks that allowed him flexibility. Cords of flesh and muscle connected like a spider's thread from Augustus's sides to the fleshy mass that coated the underside of his arms. His arms ended in a volcanic stub that looked like his hand had melted together and cooled into the stone.

His back had two large jutting stones coming out of his shoulder blades. The spikes bloomed out, turning into crimson roses with blue lines trailing up it like veins. Four bone like growths suggest that the stone is meant for something more sinister once it is freed. The top of Augustus's chest is covered in one thin slab of stone, exposing his chubby stomach to the elements. His legs and thighs were covered in brutally thick armor and spikes. Forming jewels and gems glittered softly from his forelegs. The tail end of a trench coat naturally draped behind Augustus, the thin skin looking like it ended in two extended inverse Vs. Almost like a M, but the proportions were different.

The freak was resting in central park, looking over past his den into the Central Park Zoo. Oh, how he just wish he could pet one of those cute kittens! The Sea lion show was said to be soooo good. He only wanted to see god damn polar bears to! His predator like eyes didn't even faze the animals. He was outside of their safe haven, and they were behind the walls. He just wanted to love them and feel some warmth of something's heart against his, but he would burn any living thing near him. He was a walking campfire. It was the only way for his Celestial power to stay within a living body, use it to generate materials in a flashy way. He loved the look, he wanted to help the organic world survive against humanity after all, but with actual interaction with other people? No body would even stand the sight of him, so he only let the supers see him.

He had made a cave look like a bloated hill with a few actual trees on top. The hole was open to whoever found it, but it was protected by stones and thorny roses. A small stream that lead over to the unceremoniously named 'The Pond' leaked from above the hill. The small supply of water was mysterious, but being a nature preserve no body asked questions. Preserve beauty and all that jazz! He had always felt ashamed, like he was taking away from the beauty.

He waited to see if he would get any visitors today before heading out and using his power cosmic to shift forms. He could probably get to see the polar bear show, so there was something good to look forward to today!
Lydia Lemire

Tags - @Emperor Of Embers

Location - Stark Tower

This guy was getting on Lydia's nerves, though that's not really a tough feat. Soon enough, she would rather just attempt to go super-spy mode and sneak in. Another bad idea, but it's the only choice she has. Looking slightly over to her left, Lydia saw some guy with blonde hair walk past the man with no trouble. The nerve of that jerk! Actually, both of them! Sputtering for a few seconds, pointing at the blonde haired person Lydia finally managed to get some words out of her mouth. "What about him!? He shouldn't be allowed here!" Lydia argued to the person, in which he just shook his head.

"No, he's Spider-Man. He has clearance," The person stated quite simply. "Now I'll ask you to leave before I call security."

"W-what!? So Spider-Man gets to enter, but I don't!?" Lydia responded, with her rage still intact. She was pretty sure the person she was just referring to just yelled, "Sucks to be you!" Or something, but Lydia didn't pay too much attention.

A few seconds of more arguing led to some other guy leading her to a room, asking if she wants to be a hero. "I already am a hero!" Lydia whined. Going here was a bad idea.

Perry Parker

Tags - @sitanomoto

Location - Stark Tower

That was... quite the argument I just saw.

An angry lady talking about how she should be let into the Avenger's part of Stark Tower is never a good sign. But it doesn't like it was Perry's problem anyways. Walking into the elevator, he didn't really know what to do at the moment. Actually, there was a lot of things. Though reconnecting with old friends for like the, third time? Was something that was be a good thing to do. Among all the people Perry knows, he only knows where Cassie would be, which some people would say is quite sad.

The bing of the elevator filled Perry's ears as he exited the elevator, then the sound of a workaholic in the lab. Like Perry guessed, there was a person sitting here. TV was up, though he chose to ignore it, and blue. Lots of blue. "Hello~?" He called out, hopefully grabbing her attention.
Hybrid chewed on the S more poptart and waved at Morgan. "What chu doin?" she said through an open mouth.

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Pyosimros said:
Lydia Lemire
Tags - @Emperor Of Embers

Location - Stark Tower

This guy was getting on Lydia's nerves, though that's not really a tough feat. Soon enough, she would rather just attempt to go super-spy mode and sneak in. Another bad idea, but it's the only choice she has. Looking slightly over to her left, Lydia saw some guy with blonde hair walk past the man with no trouble. The nerve of that jerk! Actually, both of them! Sputtering for a few seconds, pointing at the blonde haired person Lydia finally managed to get some words out of her mouth. "What about him!? He shouldn't be allowed here!" Lydia argued to the person, in which he just shook his head.

"No, he's Spider-Man. He has clearance," The person stated quite simply. "Now I'll ask you to leave before I call security."

"W-what!? So Spider-Man gets to enter, but I don't!?" Lydia responded, with her rage still intact. She was pretty sure the person she was just referring to just yelled, "Sucks to be you!" Or something, but Lydia didn't pay too much attention.

A few seconds of more arguing led to some other guy leading her to a room, asking if she wants to be a hero. "I already am a hero!" Lydia whined. Going here was a bad idea.

Perry Parker

Tags - @sitanomoto

Location - Stark Tower

That was... quite the argument I just saw.

An angry lady talking about how she should be let into the Avenger's part of Stark Tower is never a good sign. But it doesn't like it was Perry's problem anyways. Walking into the elevator, he didn't really know what to do at the moment. Actually, there was a lot of things. Though reconnecting with old friends for like the, third time? Was something that was be a good thing to do. Among all the people Perry knows, he only knows where Cassie would be, which some people would say is quite sad.

The bing of the elevator filled Perry's ears as he exited the elevator, then the sound of a workaholic in the lab. Like Perry guessed, there was a person sitting here. TV was up, though he chose to ignore it, and blue. Lots of blue. "Hello~?" He called out, hopefully grabbing her attention.
"That is not what I am asking. I am asking do you want to be a legitimate one? You know, nice gear, constant upgrades, hell, even your own apartment or home." Coulson said as he held up his Badge. "I am SHIELD agent Philip Coulson Jr. And I have the ability to get you in to the Avengers, with talking to Cassie Stark, of course. Follow me." he said as he put his badge away, and led her to the lab, which he knocked on the door, and waited for her attention. "Hello mr. Parker, lovely day, yeah?" he said to perry. @Pyosimros @sitanomoto
Finn was loitering around the tower much like usual when the news caught his attention. The news always pretty much caught his attention because of how much of a giant nerd he was, but the sight of the Japanese government actually asking for their help? He should be recording this. It seemed like the situation was actually serious though or the Japanese would never ask for their help. He jogged from the tower towards his home to pack. Then the next question was how would he get there? He could hulk out and go? Yeah that was probably the best choice. At least they would know that it was him then and that he was there to help. Unless they saw it as a threat and tried to kill him... He would just have to hope that they wouldn't do that. Smasher could get there way faster than a plane could anyways. Once at home he pulled out a dufflebag with makeshift "Smasher Straps" to make it a sort of backpack. One of his more brilliant creations in his eyes. He packed anything that he thought he would need, wrote a quick note for if his father happened to come home from a trip, and set off.

Just before he changed though he decided to quickly change his voicemail. "This is the phone of Finn Banner. If you happen to need me I'm in Japan so you'll have to email me. If you're an Avenger come to Japan. Check the news and you'll see why." He flipped the phone shut and tossed it on his bed so that he wouldn't be tempted to use it overseas. He hulked out and began the trip to Japan. It was about seventeen hours later that he stumbled onto one of Japan's beaches and became Finn again. When he felt a little less tired than he had moments ago he pushed himself to his feet. "Okay... Did not think this through. Where do I go from here?" He decided to begin by going into the city and looking for someone who could point him in the right direction. He knew some Japanese but it was admittedly a bit rough.

@Raikou Kaminari
"Nothing much, just punching a bag...It's really fun." Morgan winced, 'And there goes the super cool tough guy act...'

Jess giggled a bit. "Have we met before? You seem a bit familiar," she asked. It was true, she seemed very familiar as well. It was very hard to tell why, but she thought asking might make something click.

Connor was crouched in the garage level of Stark Tower, currently picking at his bike from underneath. Ever since he'd gotten his bike months ago he'd took it upon himself to learn more about it's parts, how to fix it, replace parts, etc... What better way to do that than tinker? And tinker he did, this day he was trying to replace his brake pads. The goal was taking much longer than anticipated and it was almost embarrassing. His arms and shirt had grease stains and a few tools and parts littered the floor underneath the bike which was raised up by some of the shops arms so that he could get to things with more ease.

There was a gruff deep breath that he let out as he took a step back and stared at the bike, as if trying to figure just what he was doing wrong with his eyes. "It's really not that difficult Connor." The blonde stated in a deeper mocking voice that was meant to be his father when Connor had asked Steve about it earlier that morning. Sure, if he wanted it done he could ask a number of people. Alex could probably do it, his father could do it, Cassie and Finn both liked to build things so they'd likely be able to do it as well. But Connor was adamant about doing it himself, and he damn well would!

The digital radio that had been playing Breakdown by Random Hero stopped suddenly catching the blonde's attention. The radio host started speaking of an attack in Tokyo, it sounded bad. Connor's hand tightened around the ratchet in his greasy hand, he hadn't been out on a mission or anything of the sort since the abduction. Staying at the tower, helping where he could with information or communication was pretty much all he'd done. At this point Connor was a glorified cheerleader for the Avengers, though he had to admit having a lot more free time wasn't such a bad thing. He'd gotten caught up on his reading, even a few shows he'd given up on watching, not to mention more tinkering with his bike and just helping with the tower upkeep in general.
Morgan blinked rapidly as he attempted to remember the girl, "Um...I don't know...Are you thinking of the other Daredevil? The cooler one that is..."

"Daredevil?" She remarked, surprised. She waved her hands rapidly in front of Morgan's face. "Are you...?" She asked, clearly asking whether or not he was blind, like the original Daredevil was.
"No! At least I don't think so...Yeah no, defiantly not blind. I do have enhanced senses though! Kinda...Sorta...Not really..."

Hybrid nodded and started to eat the second pop tart. "Enhanced senses? That's pretty cool." She looked at the untouched strawberry poptarts in her hand. Then walked tward the two talking. "Want some?" She asked holding them out to him. "Untouched I promise."

@Nerdyy @LokiofSP

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