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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Perry Parker

Tags - @LokiofSP

Location - Sidewalk near Stark Tower

Howlett. Familiar last name, pretty sure it was the last name of Wolverine. And by "pretty sure", Perry seems certain about this fact. Pivotal information, something that let Perry decide that Jean-Paul should stick around with him a little bit. Perhaps if he inherited Wolverine's claws, Perry could use Jean-Paul as a durability tester. He could just swing out his claws, and Perry could bring out one of his experimental suits. That was thinking far into the future however, now it was time to kill some time and have some fun. Ending the call to Stark Tower, it wasn't like they would pick up anyways. Everyone probably forgot his name by now. "So, Jean-Paul! Imma call you Jean. Well, unless you want Paul. Or well... yah, I'm going to call you Jean. And you'll be my temporary friend until I find a long lost relative again!" Perry smiled and patted his back. "So now, I have a question for you. Have you ever been in Stark Tower or Parker Industries?"
Jean blinked at just how suddenly the guys mood had gone from, 'I guess I'll play along' to, 'pat on the back'. He shook his head, "I was in Stark Tower for like, five seconds tops once."

LokiofSP said:
Jean blinked at just how suddenly the guys mood had gone from, 'I guess I'll play along' to, 'pat on the back'. He shook his head, "I was in Stark Tower for like, five seconds tops once."


Avengers Tower - Broom Closet

Joseph was getting far more uncomfortable by the passing second, he'd been in this small alcove for what felt like forever; he hadn't dared leave the tower for fear of running directly into her - yet clearly that was a ridiculous choice, because by this point she was likely in the tower, how long could he actually stay in what appeared to be a claustrophobic broom closet?

This was like a Jigsaw trap, starve to death; or be incinerated slowly by an angry goddess. Several of his loyal 'fans' were being anything but supportive, littering his page with reassurances of death, one of the more entertaining private messages was from father dearest - who'd kindly told Joseph
'You messed up kiddo, nice knowing you!' - Yeah, thank's dad!.

Of course, this meager level of regret soon accelerated to an obnoxiously loud ring tone in the form of absurdly vocal epic music, jumping at the sound the teen tripped back causing an assortment of brooms and mops to collapse on him, as he frantically tapped for the reject button; both the name and sound from the phone doing atrocities to his psyche. If she had enhanced hearing he was probably doomed, but Asgardians didn't have that... Did they?

Upon finally silencing the electrical device, his heart stopped as more music reverberated throughout the speakers, to cover up his tracks? Or a coincident? After this, he owed Sarah his life if it was the former - she was the only person he'd told of his suicide. If she found him, he could try running... He certainly wanted to live, but what good would running do? she was probably faster, could teleport, immobilize him, incinerate him, throw a car at him - probably, maybe she'd even stop time to murder his face off. With a doubting stare he gazed at the assortment of brooms, he'd forgotten his bow in the panic - and now his closest weapon was an oh so intimidating mop. This did not help his confidence.

@LokiofSP @Lemoncakes

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When the phone stopped ringing Eldkatla took a deep breath and straightened up. No more chasing. She let the emotionless voice drone on, telling her to please leave a message after the tone - beep - before simply saying "Of all the things Precision stood for, I did not expect cowardice to be one of them." Immediately after ending the call she turned off her phone, she didn't want him to contact her first. With that she quickly left the meeting room, navigating the floors and corridors to get herself out of the tower.

Out in the street she walked along until she found a restaurant that was quiet enough but still had a number of people within. Stepping in Eldkatla smiled warmly to the host, "A table for two please, and a glass of wine while I wait for my friend would be much appreciated." She saw him consider challenging her and she put a little edge into her eyes, just enough for him to reconsider and show her to a table instead. With a grateful smile she took her seat, but dropped the act as soon as he disappeared. Pulling out her phone she turned it on again and immediately typed in her location, followed only by 'Come and talk.' and sent it to Joseph, wherever he was cowering.

This was a pitiful use of everything she had learnt but it was so easy she hardly cared. This was her battlefield, this was her home, this was all she had ever truly known. Here they may view her as an Asgardian, mighty and battle-born, but she was no warrior. She was a Lokidottir, and she carried all the trappings that entailed with pride. When the host brought over her drink she thanked him and sat back, watching the candle burning at the table for a moment before leaning forward to blow it out.


Avengers Tower - Broom Closet

Joseph soon wondered just what exactly he was doing; hiding away in a broom closet wasn't the most heroic thing he'd done, it as probably one of the more embarrassing things, even if justified - after all his life was almost certainly at risk. But clutching a broom as a means of defence was certainly not how he envisioned dying, realizing his current state he quickly through the cleaning object aside, before climbing onto his on two feet, leaning against the door and listening for footsteps.

Nothing of the sort came; something much worse did however, a simple text, a meager call-out. For any smart person who was hiding this was a god-send, they knew where the captor was and could disappear in a puff of logic. Whether Joseph was just clinically insane, or all of a sudden immensely brave was another matter entirely.

Of course, he was going to do the most illogical, counter intuitive course of action by traveling to said address. Even if a part f his mind screamed run a marathon in the other direction, if he was really lucky though, perhaps she actually wanted to talk - maybe she'd just murder him with words, like a curse - or she was lying and the moment he entered she just threw him into the arctic, it seemed like the playfully cruel thing she'd do.


Local Restaurant

With a deep sigh the teen peered into the building she lay in wait, he'd actually forgone his bow, it would hardly matter if she decided to frogify him, steeling himself with several entertaining thoughts - namely of hilarious Youtube clips, the media was great... Except for this part, media involving gods was bad,very very bad.

Pushing through the double doors with a forced smile, he paced towards where Kat appeared to be winning a candle in a staring contest, or perhaps she was envisioning the best ways to kill him. At this point, it had become a conscious effort to try to avoid, sweating, shaking, and hyperventilating; he had far too many emotions attached to this cursed Asgardian.

"Heey! How's my favourite Avenger?!" He instinctively quipped without a thread of thought, humour was what he appeared to resort to in almost all situations, if she was going to kill him - he could at least appear brave, whilst doing so. "You picked a sweet restaurant! The steaks from this place or de-lish." He exclaimed with hand gestures, all things considered, he made a brilliant actor. It was almost like he wasn't internally dying, and fearing for his life.

Festering under Kyoto in a secret Hydra facility under Nijou Castle, was the Cursed Blade Muramasa. It was in large lined with rows and columns of energy field capsule with five particular capsules. A very knowledge weapon collector would recognize them from left to right as the Ebony Blade, Shurayuki, Muramasa, Yoshida Honor Blade, but the last one was not a renowned blade like the others but a spear what made it special was the essence imbued into it. The other weapons contained essences of heroes, villains, mutants, magic, etc as well but Hydra had to go through a lot to get their hands on the essence that imbues the spear.

It was late night/early morning so the scientists weren't performing tests at this hour, but their recent tests have awaken something in Muramasa the cursed consciousness it contains. At this hour Muramasa's curse began to leak out in the form of a barely visible cloud that expanded throughout the room over all the weapons. Nothing happened visibly immediately to the weapons. But now they were aware, the essences began to take consciousness within their weapons and Muramasa began to whisper to them with a form of telepathy. He had his hooks in them already with his curse, they are sired to him compelled by his curse to obey him. But he chose to to give them a false of choice and guide that false sense with his whispers.

Only one among them was tuning out Muramasa, the Ebony Blade was already sentient so it wasn't given life by Muramasa. It just waited silently, it knew what Muramasa was plotting planning to ride Muramasa's plan to freedom. Then it'll seek out a wielder worthy to be the Black Knight.
Eldkatla only looked to Joseph when he walked into her eye-line, and her face didn't change as she run her finger around the rim of her glass. To his credit he hid his fear well, someone else may not have seen it, but then again she wasn't just anybody else. "I'm not going to kill you, so sit down and order whatever the hel you want." Her words may bring him comfort but her tone probably wouldn't.

"Now, let's discuss the order of the day, shall we?" Eldkatla slid the phone across the table to him, a capture of his post on the screen, even though they were both very aware of why they both sat here. "Are you mentally deficient?! In what world did you think this was a good idea? Did you stop for even a second to consider any of the consequences that would come from something like this? From words like that? Your world may be small but information such as this can be far reaching, to those who disapprove of me, who would love to hurt me, and to the many more who would wish the same upon my father. Now all it will take is one of them to see this and I'm sitting pretty as the prized pony. Hel, even just one of your own jumped up little cretins with big plans could cause me enough grievances."

Throughout it all she didn't raise her voice but never looked away from him, bitterness lacing her words. But as Eldkatla came down from the rush of hostility for the first time she looked away, closing her eyes and putting her head in her hand for a moment. "Besides," she said, opening her eyes and straightening up, "even in the unlikely circumstance that somehow this doesn't end up in malicious hands everyone in this wretched realm knowing who I am makes doing what I do a lot harder."

Perry Parker

Tags - @LokiofSP

Location - Sidewalk near Stark Tower

Jean's answer wasn't so surprising. It wasn't like Stark Tower was a VIP only zone of something, at least to Perry. Now that he thinks of it, comparing the security clearance level of someone who isn't a friend of the Starks and someone who is isn't such a wise idea. Despite this, the last name was a superhero's last name, so why not give him a tour? It wasn't like there are probably a couple more thousands of people who have the last name 'Howlett'. "Five seconds!? Well, that beats most people in this place. So think of yourself as the top 5% of people who lived and has known about Stark Tower."
Jean whistled, "Wow, I'm in the top five percent? I feel all special and stuff now...Why do you speak about it like you've been there longer than me? Who are you exactly?!"

Connor returned to Stark Tower, moving throughout the building with no sure destination. Having gone home and spoken to his parents about Tyler being alive, his mother was emotional, though more angry than anything. Steve on the other hand seemed less surprised than Connor expected, the man had just grown quiet afterwards. Connor didn't stick around long, annoyingly enough he'd wanted to rather than come back to the tower. But he had the choice of dealing with team stuff or dealing with family things, so he'd chosen the tower.

He'd been so deep in thought as he wandered the halls he wasn't sure how long he'd been doing it, until the sight of the med ward snapped him out of it. Wonder if Aedan's awake yet, should probably ask how he's feeling. The blonde peeked inside slowly so as not to disturb him if he was sleeping.


With an inaudible release of breath, Joseph's fake smile quickly faded and whilst he certainly overreacted to most things (of course she wasn't going to kill him!) he at least had the certainty that this was instead going to a lecture - arguably worse than death. All he could do was stare at the table in helpless despair, her reasoning made sense, sure. But truthfully wasn't she safer - at least on Earth - if she was a believed Avenger? And whilst he was no expert, from what his dad had told him of Thor; the Asgardians generally didn't care - at all - about humanity. He didn't dare question her reasoning, however.

Even so, he couldn't shake the feeling that it was only a slight joke; perhaps she hadn't made peace with the phrase 'Don't believe everything the internet tells you.' since realistically, all the viewers of said photo almost definitely just pegged her as a hero with appearance similarities to Loki - none would actually believe she was really Loki's daughter, to the general public, such a notion was preposterous.

Evidently, this train of thought was completely pointless however, he had no desire to argue the matter - the lines were hazed, whilst what he did was a poke of humor to any human, she was an Asgardian - and a unique one at that. Regardless of the fact that he understood her point, the words hurt nonetheless.

"I'm sorry..." He merely mumbled, offering no defense with a consistent glare upon the table. Joseph had never felt so uncomfortable in his life, and it showed.



(Fun fact: I wrote this whole response thing out around 9 hours ago and thought I'd posted, turns out I didn't, and upon logging back in RPNation hadn't saved my reply to Conner, and @Raikou Kaminari sooo... much sadness. ;-; I'll have the post up later - again - hopefully - maybe.)
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Two words, that's all he gave her. No rebuttal, no excuses, just an apology. Eldkatla knew how to use spiteful words thrown at her against their owner, how to back a craven into a corner, but what was there to be won from an admission of guilt? She waited for a moment, sure he would say more, but Joseph remained silently staring downwards and a look of confusion passed over her face. You're paranoid, emotional, a mess. In her mind the voice sounded like her fathers. But that wasn't so, couldn't be so, she wasn't paranoid, she was at risk, this wasn't weakness, this was survival.

"I... I know that this wasn't your intention but I am playing by a very different set of rules. I see how you look at me but that's not who I am, I'm just dancing around the footfalls of the giants who surround me and one wrong step will be the end. I refuse to let that happen." It all felt wrong, unnatural. Eldkatla had done good acts, but Joseph was just good to his core and that was something she had no experience with, and no idea how to handle.


Cursed Regalia Arc(Begin)

...........Timeskip 6 Weeks, Summer of 2015(I think) ......


Secret Hydra Facility under Nijou Castle, June 25th

Muramasa had been biding his time for several weeks now, whispering to the other weapons as his curse progressed within them more and more. Now they were truly complete and ready, to unleash themselves upon the World. He gave them a name "Cursed Regalia", which due to their sire bonds they absolutely agreed with. Meant to be the sacred treasures of Hydra, meant to be simple tools in the hands of fools, but now even though cursed able to take form and roam free upon Muramasa's command.

It was almost like clockwork, the second the time in Kyoto hit 12 am the weapons began to radiate an ominous aura. The on duty security guards outside the room went inside to check on what was going on. They punched in the code for the chamber and marched inside. They had their weapons drawn but found themselves astonished to see the weapons shaking inside their energy fields. The soldiers looked around in panic until their eyes settled on the center of the room where the first one broke loose, Muramasa. The field containing the blade ruptured and the blade floated outside of its capsule. Then a golden figure seemed to be produced from the blade, the figure became more detailed and solid by the second until a man not just a plan figure was gazing upon the Hydra guards. One of them fired their gun in a panic, Muramasa side stepped the bullet like he had all the time in world. Before they had the chance to work up the nerve to fire again they were in pieces cut down by Muramasa, at the same time the other four energy fields in the center of the room ruptured and those weapons began materializing their own bodies. Muramasa's mad laughter rung out through the Halls of the facility as more guards began to head for the vault. But it was too late as the weapons that lined the walls of the vault began to break loose.


Kyoto 12:45 am

Shin Harada was taking a stroll in the streets of Kyoto around this time because of less people, so it was easier to clear his head. His life hasn't been easy since his father's disappearance and since he assumed the mantle of Silver Shogun as well as grew into his mutant powers. Working for the Japanese government was good in itself but it was tiring for the young warrior. But he was a warrior like his father before him, he was meant to live this life. Even if he was dressed in a suit right now.

Then the ground seemed to shake all over Kyoto, Shin assumed it was an earth quake until he saw it near Nijou Castle an explosion that launched much rock and debris in the air. What happened next would be what many citizens would describe as the 100 Demon Knight Parade charging through the city, it was ironic being it was a summer night. Shin quickly took action removing something from his jacket pocket which seemed to be a smart phone. He inputed something into it and a metallic locker came from the sky as if it was flung from somewhere. Shin approached the locker opened it and then jump into it. What emerged from the locker wasn't the same young man in a suit, but a giant silver tech panzer samurai. It became covered in a red hue and then it took off with incredible speed up the side of building and then across several rooftops until it's progress was headed off by something just as fast.


"Well now, this is interesting. To think my former master had a son." said Muramasa as he drew his blade. The panzer drew two giant silver katana that quickly also became covered in a red aura. The two clashed in a series of red flashes all over the rooftops of Kyoto, when the two warriors broke apart it was Shin in the silver panzer armor that was defeated. He was on his back in a crater in the ground, his samurai tech suit out of commission. He emerged from the armor to face Muramasa. "Who are you?" he asked. Muramasa laughed wildly. "I am the Cursed Blade Muramasa, don't expect you to understand how just that you are no match for the likes of me boy." Then Muramasa was gone.

But the attack persisted destroying many building and homes, causing many people to flee in the steets2 be it in cars, on bikes, or on foot. Some survivors reported the sounds of maniacal laughter was heard through the night. Then around 4 am, the attackers just seemed to vanish like smoke.

The Following Morning

On every major news network and all over social media, were reports of an alleged attack on Kyoto. How strange people with strange weapon assaulted the city. Raikou Harada aboard the Mobius X was looking into these reports, he judged these seemed to be a problem for World Class heroes. But the ship was still mostly empty so it was up to him go investigate. He left a note for Dimitri before making his way to the teleporter. Not before stopping in his tracks as the system showed him something, a hospitalization report that seemed to bring up a flag in the system. A victim of the attack had been admitted to a hospital in Tokyo, the patient name Harada...................

Call to the Avengers

An urgent press conference un Kyoto was held to discuss the matter. The New Japanese Prime Minister Hiro Kishimoto stood at a podium and spoke in Japanese, but translated by the English news sources. "Earlier this morning a grave series of events befell the city of Kyoto. At this time we do not know who or what attacked us as no one has claimed responsibility. We are currently investigating the situation and you all shall be kept updated on the situation as it develops. But Kyoto has declared a state of emergency and our borders have been closed with only authorized personnel being allowed to travel through them. We will accept any help our allies choose to grant us in investigating this matter and bringing those responsible to justice. To that end....." Hiro paused to bow at his podium. "I extend a call for help to the Avengers to aid us in our darkest hour............"

@Nerdyy @Pyosimros

@Everyone who this may concern
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"RRRRAAAH!" A yell was heard in the Avengers' Tower. It was Jess, attacking a punching bag. She seemed to be letting all of her anger out on the bag, seemingly because of a bad past. He doesn't care about how I feel, that son of a- "GAH!" She screamed out of pain, she seemed to dislocate her shoulder. Gonna have to... do THIS! She thought to herself, launching into the wall. She popped it back into place, but at the cost of a lot of pain.

(I'll post what hybrid did during the fight later. 2 days.... Es tut mir lied)

Hybrid leaned up against the wall of gym watching Jess, drinking some water before going back to her weight training. That girl has some determination, she thought then the pop was heard through the room. along with Jess shoving herself up against the wall right next to her and poping it back into place.

"Oi! watch it!" she said before walking off too her free weights


(Also @everyone I'm sorry I seem to miss the most important parts of this. Trying to get back and I'll do my best.)
Jess laughed. "Alright. But what are you doing down here? I figured you'd be with that other kid... what's his name... Tyson? Ty? Ty-Tyler! Yeah, that's it," she said. She tried to mock Hybrid, but that was a bit of a fail.

Jess walked over to Hybrid as she said that, wanting to see her face.
Cassie sat in her lab with the TV on, working on her current suit, the blue one. She was uploading some current data to her helmet so that Friday would be more efficient and much more helpful when the time came. She wasn't listening to the news, she was too busy lost in her own thoughts.

Terry was in the living room playing Peekaboo with Bubbles, hiding behind a pillow and then popping his face out from one of the three top sides, every now and then his hand coming out to tickle the little monster on the belly or the nose. @Emperor Of Embers

Nevermore sat atop the tower, lounging in the sun like a cat, leaning up against Brute. She was asleep, something that she rarely was anymore.

Pepper was in her office.

Tony was in his lab.

It was a basically normal day at the tower.
Hybrid looked up at Jess, trying to make her eyes seem warmer, a lot had been on her mind too.... She sighed and picked up a 30 lb weight to start to warm up again. "Tyler's business is of no concern to me." She continued to do warm ups on her triceps. She looked at the blocks on the other side of the gym at the blocks. Mabey she could do some jumps later. "What about you? You enjoy boxing?"

(If I missed something important Tyler said I'll get to it quickly almost done reading thru)


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