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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Nerdyy said:
Jess sat patiently at the HQ entrance. She didn't know why, but she was. She sat in a chair, while texting on her phone and playing games. She was pretty obsessed with iOS games, as she was the World Champion of Stick Hero, with a record of almost 3000.
(Done... @Emperor Of Embers )
One Philip entered HQ, he was met with his sister, whom he had not seen in years. "Jess? What are you doing here?" He asked in a stunned and slightly irate tone, from having to deal with a situation.
Perry Parker

Tags - @LokiofSP

Location - Sidewalk near Stark Tower

Boredom quickly swept Perry's mind. There was no point in walking, there wasn't really a point in visiting Stark Tower. He began thinking of what to do at this very moment. Should he go back and create new stuff alone like always? Should he go be social and make new friends? All seemed like decent, but not good ideas. Perry stopped dwelling on these thoughts, since it only leads to him thinking cynically. Another reason, was that his spider-sense was going on. Minor, but it was there.

Stopping for a few minutes, Perry began to look around him. Supervillains? Robbery? Perhaps someone he knew would actually bother to say hi to him? None of those sadly. Perry shrugged it off, and continued to walk. It was probably nothing of concern anyways. A few moments later, some guy knocked him with his shoulder. Out of pure instinct, upon contact Perry immediately hopped backwards, giving him a few moments to assess the situation. Some guy, with a trashy outfit, nearly knocked him over. Well, if Perry was a normal person.

The person's response seemed to be more out of spite than a genuine apology. Seemed like one of those passive-aggressive people, but Perry didn't mind too much. "No! It's completely fine! I bought this outfit in a thrift store for a mere $5!" He smiled to the stranger. After a couple second of being still, Perry decided to keep walking, the person was just holding him back.
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Nerdyy said:
"Eh... I dunno.. What am I doing here?" She said. She had just realized she hadn't thought of why she was here.
(@Emperor Of Embers )
"Well now that you are here. I need you to watch a 'patient' that is temporarily residing here." Philip said as he gestures for her to get up, and follow him. He was going to check on Maul, but not to her knowledge.
Nerdyy said:
"Of course he is," she said. "No, I don't believe I have. Last name?"

@Emperor Of Embers
"Just maul." Coulson said ad he knocked on the door, a Venom-esque voice came from the door "come in!" Maul said as Coulson opened the door. A massive green and black symbiote stood in the room, cleaning it. "Hi Phil." He said, despite having no eyes, he looked exactly to where philip was. His massive maw taking up his entirety of his head.
"What the...? Did Venom and Hulk... um... y'know...?" She asked, and she immediately realized what she just asked, in front of the thing she was referring to. Idiot, she thought to herself.

@Emperor Of Embers
AnnoDomini said:
Fyodor Vanko
Fyodor smiled and opened the door, both exiting. Taking the car, Fyodor was careful to put the baby on the back seat. His split personality was resting now, so Fyodor relaxed a bit, as his car made its way to the Avengers tower. His hands still shook a little, and, when he got there, he exhaled powerfully, looking back at the baby. "We're here." Fyodor exited his car, being dressed in a white shirt and a vest, brown oxford shoes and a pair of striped suit pants. Looking around he saw Aleena, with Maxton's hand in hers, and another someone near her. He sighed and walked slowly towards them, stopping in front of the body. "My... What happened here? It seems... horrible."

@Emperor Of Embers @BeamMeUpScotty

Aleena Meredith Quill

Aleena looked beside her at Strout and she gave him a small smile, before adjusting herself on the newly made seat and nodding lightly as she looked back down to Maxton. "I know Strout....thankyou." She then heard approaching steps and her eyes flickered upwards, as did Strout's.

A man, in a waistcoat and oxfords; not brogues, was standing in front of them. She moved further to the edge of the bench, closer to Maxton protectively and kept her somewhat swollen eyes on the newcomer.

You honestly don't know....." This man uneased her, but she spoke nonetheless, his voice was making her angry. "Please, just leave me alone and ask someone else.....," she said, eyes still on him, before she looked back down to Maxton. "Ask another Avenger, the doors to the tower are open..."

@Emperor Of Embers
Jean-Paul looked at Perry and shook his head, 'No need to be such an ass with that reaction pal...' He jogged back up to the guy and gave him the best apologetic look he could muster, "I feel REALLY bad sir. Please, let me make it up to you! I have some of the best chefs in town on speed dial, I could Maybe get Iron Man himself to party with you! Anything you want! Name it and it's yours!"

Fyodor Vanko

Fyodor's throat clenched when he saw her swollen eyes. He never saw the outcome of wars. He never saw the sufferings of another human being, until now. His hand went to his mouth, to cover his quivering lip as he saw the damage. The body was fried. 'I didn't want to do this...' His eyes went away from the body.

He could not even look the girl in the eyes. Fyodor knew it was his fault. He wanted to tell her who he was, and maybe end his life. But, he looked at the little cub he adopted. 'No... He will not lose another one...' Mustering up some courage, he tried to speak. "I... I never taught I would... see a scene like this again... I am sorry."

Fyodor didn't want to enter the tower. Surely the others were not in a good mood other, but here, here it was something he could try and do. Fyodor didn't sat next to her, rather stood up, and tried to look back at the remains of Maxon. "He's... in a better place now..."

@BeamMeUpScotty @Emperor Of Embers
National said:
Jackie walks over to Cassie and Terry, sitting down, huffing as he glares at Terry. His demonic tattoos were still gleaming, a purple glint still in his eyes. It was annoying him.
@sitanomoto @Emperor Of Embers
Terry glared back. Who did this chump think he was, trying to intimidate him like this?!? How dare he glare at him, Terry Stark,clonebrother of Cassie Stark. He remembered something that the kid had said. He was..... Azazel and Cassie's son? Was that what he had heard? Oh please. He's have to be from the future. He didn't believe a word. Not. A. Word.

Cassie looked at Jackie and sat up, musterig a smile. "Hey Champ," she said, unaware of Terry's glare. "Did Az help you out with something?" She reached out and took Jackie's hand.

Terry tensed when Cassie took Jackie's hand, as if ready to pounce. He paused. Cassie believed it. Azazel seemed to believe it. So why shouldn't he? He relaxed and stopped glaring at Jackie with a huff of resignation and then started stroking Bubbles gently. She seemed to help him calm down.

Aleena Meredith Quill

Aleena, still unsure of the man, but not being completely bothered by him overall, tried to ignore his presence in the end. She heard his words and a small tick made her lift her head somewhat, not fully looking at the man but with her head angled towards him. "Again? what do you mean again?," she muttered quietly, not even sure now if she was speaking to him anymore.

Her free hand ran through her shoulder length hair and she gave the smallest sigh. "I do hope he is....," she trailed. This man had come from out of nowhere, but he had such an interest. What had he seen?

She suddenly realised the creature behind the man, and her interest peaked considerably. "Where did you find her?," she asked him, eyes on the small thing.

@AnnoDomini @Emperor Of Embers
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Perry Parker

Tags - @LokiofSP

Location - Sidewalk near Stark Tower

Of course, the guy had to follow him around. It was good to have the company, it's been a while since someone followed him rather than the opposite. An apology and an offer to various things made Perry stop. This guy doesn't know who I am, does he? Perry thought as he stared blankly at the guy. Everyone seemed to forget him, so he would have to forgive the stranger for his unknowingness. To Perry, the stranger was making a big deal out of nothing, it wasn't even that bad. But what got him confused the most, was his deals. Looking at his attire, Perry would guess the guy isn't exactly rolling in cash at the moment.

Still examining the stranger's facial expression, he sighed. "You really do know some of the best chefs in this place, don't you." Perry paused for a moment, thinking of what to say next. Until he came up with something. "I know the Avengers personally. Look, I'll call em' now," He raised a finger up and looked down signifying that the stranger should wait for a few seconds. After that couple of seconds, Perry looked back up and make a slight groaning noise. "Hold on, I'm still on the elevator music phase of the call."

"While we wait, you could just call me Perry if you'd like. What's your name?"
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Nerdyy said:
"What the...? Did Venom and Hulk... um... y'know...?" She asked, and she immediately realized what she just asked, in front of the thing she was referring to. Idiot, she thought to herself.
@Emperor Of Embers
"No. He is a Venom symbiote infused with Bruce Banner's DNA. Finn Banner and Jade Walters consider him family because of this." Philip said as maul sat at his desk, and started to write something in his journal. "He had a major meltdown some time ago, so we are helping him control his temper." He said as the symbiote looked back at them while writing. "Who is this that you bring to me?" Maul asked in a shy tone. "This is my sister, Jessica Coulson (Or Jessy..)"
Eldkatla kept her smile but seeing as Sarah didn't hide her amusement she didn't hide her annoyance. "Let's not insult either of our intelligence's, I know that your lying... about some of it anyway." So Joseph was aware of his error - even if 'ending his existence' was a little strong - though he had probably come to all the wrong conclusions. With a sigh she pulled out her phone and dialed his number. Sure, he might be too scared to answer but if he was nearby she'd be able to hear his phone ringing. "Come on Joseph, I can search for a lot longer than you can hide." Eldkatla murmured, tapping at the casing of the phone in irritation and shooting Sarah another sarcastic smile. At least someone can enjoy this.

@LokiofSP @Archon
"Okay... how is he speaking? Like, I thought symbiotes were just dumb, speechless creatures? Is it Banner's DNA?" She asked, curiously.

@Emperor Of Embers
"I am strout." Strout said, meaning, 'he is in a much better place.' in agreement with Fyodor, and he looked at aleena. "i am strout?" he asked her, meaning, 'want to grab some ice cream? I am meeting richie there in a couple minutes.' The baby then walked up to aleena, and playfully and gently punched her arm, he looked up at aleena, and rubbed his head on her leg. @BeamMeUpScotty @AnnoDomini
Nerdyy said:
"Okay... how is he speaking? Like, I thought symbiotes were just dumb, speechless creatures? Is it Banner's DNA?" She asked, curiously.
@Emperor Of Embers
"Do you see those teeth? that is where is mouth is. and he uses it to talk." Philip said in a condescending way. "Symbiotes are not mindless and dumb, they are intelligent, and rather cunning. And yes, it is Banner's DNA." he added as Maul sets the pen down, and gets up.

Aleena Meredith Quill

Aleena looked from the baby to the man, then over to Strout. "I'm not sure Strout, perhaps I will, but only after we have Maxton somewhere safe in the tower," she told him. Her face contorted with light confusion and she made no movement as the baby creature moved against her leg in an almost affectionate manner. It almost made her smile a bit.


@AnnoDomini @Emperor Of Embers
Fyodor Vanko

Fyodor looked at her, sighing. "Where I come from, this is not that rare. It's a hunting sight. I saw this when I passed through here earlier." He looked at the one that was saying Strout over an over. "I am Fyodor." He says, looking at the creature. His eyes went to the cub, rubbing against Aleena's leg. "Somebody seems to like you." Fyodor wanted to light up the mood a little, although his guilt was catching up to him, making his left arm to tremble, at witch point he put it behind his back. "If you want, I can help. I am sure he can help as well." He says, pointing at Strout.

@BeamMeUpScotty @Emperor Of Embers
sitanomoto said:
Terry glared back. Who did this chump think he was, trying to intimidate him like this?!? How dare he glare at him, Terry Stark,clonebrother of Cassie Stark. He remembered something that the kid had said. He was..... Azazel and Cassie's son? Was that what he had heard? Oh please. He's have to be from the future. He didn't believe a word. Not. A. Word.
Cassie looked at Jackie and sat up, musterig a smile. "Hey Champ," she said, unaware of Terry's glare. "Did Az help you out with something?" She reached out and took Jackie's hand.

Terry tensed when Cassie took Jackie's hand, as if ready to pounce. He paused. Cassie believed it. Azazel seemed to believe it. So why shouldn't he? He relaxed and stopped glaring at Jackie with a huff of resignation and then started stroking Bubbles gently. She seemed to help him calm down.
Bubbles rubbed her soapy head in his torso, since she did enjoy the attention. She then fell asleep with her head on his leg not too long after.

Azazel nodded. "He has powers like me.... and he is having a hard time controlling them." he said to cassie as bubbles came from Bubbles' body. He popped one of them, and it released a calming scent of Lavender.
She slapped Phil. "Shut up. And sure, I'll do it," she said, referring to the "babysitting" job.
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