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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Jackie looks up at Terry, nodding after Azazel spoke.

"And no, this isn't a prank bro. You can do a blood test and everything. I am their kid."

Jackie looks over to his father, the flames still licking Jackie's back. He was never good at controlling his demonic powers, being unstable.

"You know how to stop the furnace on my back?"

@sitanomoto @Emperor Of Embers
National said:
Jackie looks up at Terry, nodding after Azazel spoke.
"And no, this isn't a prank bro. You can do a blood test and everything. I am their kid."

Jackie looks over to his father, the flames still licking Jackie's back. He was never good at controlling his demonic powers, being unstable.

"You know how to stop the furnace on my back?"

@sitanomoto @Emperor Of Embers
"That happened to me when I was 12. And that is from all the suppressed hatred and anger you have. Come with me to the training room, we gonna let it all out on some dummies." He said as he got up, and walked to the door, then waited for him.
National said:
Jackie looks at his mother worriedly, and then glares at Terry. Ever since he was born, him and his uncle were always.... Arguative. He gets up, following his father into the training room.
@sitanomoto @Emperor Of Embers
Azazel pushed a button, and then some armored dummies were brought down. "Alright son...... Your power is fueled by emotions, so do not be afraid to use them on the dummies." He said, patting his son on the back. "I know you can do it. I have faith."

"No. We will not follow them." Coulson said to Mason. "It is too risky. Chances are that he took the baby as his own." He added. @GoldenChari @sitanomoto (for nevermore) @National @CasualDragon
Dimitri, with his comlink still on, shouted to no one in particular. "Whelp! Guess I'll go #$@& myself then." He teleported to Raikou as he was working. "You know we have to destroy it after we contact them. We can't Risk Miranda getting ahold of it." @Raikou Kaminari
AnnoDomini said:
Fyodor Vanko
Fyodor smiled and moved his left hand to his mouth. "You don't think I'm a monster, right?" He says, gently brushing the baby's head. "Come on. I'm gonna take care of you." Fyodor raised up, and slowly walks with the monster to his penthouse. Once inside, Fyodor put his coat on the coat hanger, and looked up. "Tasha. I need you to find food for this little cub here." The robotic voice activated and started to talk. 'Of course Fyodor. I also found the person you asked for. His name was Maxton Quill. The girl was his sister, Aleena Quill.' "Can we get some details about them? I want to speak with her." He looked at the baby. "If you want, you can follow me to her. But promise you won't give me away."

@Emperor Of Embers
The baby looked at fyodor, and made a squealing sound as he tapped his leg playfully with his pounder hands. The baby then ran around, looking at the many cool and dangerous machines it saw, but did not touch them.
Jackie noda, and he steadily breathes as he looks at the dummies. Suddenly, he unleashes his pent up demonic energy, blasting the dummies with a blazing inferno. The dummies melted away, but Jackie's powers continued, the room getting hotter and hotter, the training walls, that are supposed to endure heat, were starting to slowly melt.

@Emperor Of Embers
National said:
Jackie noda, and he steadily breathes as he looks at the dummies. Suddenly, he unleashes his pent up demonic energy, blasting the dummies with a blazing inferno. The dummies melted away, but Jackie's powers continued, the room getting hotter and hotter, the training walls, that are supposed to endure heat, were starting to slowly melt.
@Emperor Of Embers
"Wow. He must have lots of anger." Azazel said to himself as he pats Jackie's back. "OK. Take deep breaths, and count to 10. It is time to stop now." He said as he looked in his son's eyes, and had a bit of urgency in them. "Please son, you must calm down."
Jackie's eyes blink, and the flames quickly end, leaving the room as quickly as they came. He sways a little before shaking his head.

"Woah. Is fire like... My main power then? I feel woozy."

Jackie stumbles, holding himself up.

@Emperor Of Embers
Fyodor Vanko/Whiplash

Fyodor smiled as he saw the baby run around. "Do not get hurt! Some of those things are unstable. I am gonna go freshen up, then we will go back to the Tower." Fyodor took to the bathroom and closed the door. Going to the mirror cabinet he opened it. Beyond bottles of all types of medicine, from pain to other more shady ones, he takes a bottle in Russian. Closing the door, his hearth skipped a beat at what he saw. It was him, but he had a devious look on his face. 'What is wrong Fyodor? Scared of your own shadow now? You are getting weak boy.' "What are you doing now? L-Leave me alone. You have done terrible things." 'Oh? Was it my hands that were wrapped around that girl's neck? Or my whips that killed the mother of that pup you decided to adopt out of your weakness that is your heart, or that killed that stupid weakling that dared to attack us? No Fyodor. It was you. It was us.' "N-No! I am not you! I am not a monster, I am not a murderer!" 'Not anymore you mean. And you will turn. Once I take control Fyodor. Now take your pills, and give me peace for another couple of hours. But you will never, ever, get rid of me.' Fyodor grasped his head and then headbutted the mirror, breaking it. Blood began to pour from his hands and forehead. 'Fyodor! Are you alright? Should I order an ambu-' "No!... I mean, no Tasha. I am... alright. Only, forgot to take my pills, and my headache is killing me." 'But you are bleed-' "Was there something else, Tasha?" '...Yes Fyodor. Aleena Quill is now at the tower. You should find her there.' "Thank you Tasha." Fyodor took the pill, swallowing it without water, than splashed some cold water on his face. Patching up as best as he could his head and hands, he exited the bathroom. "Hey. Are you going to accompany me to the tower?" Fyodor says, looking for the baby.

@Emperor Of Embers
As she scanned the park for the right target Eldkatla felt the presence of someone at her side and looked down to see a small girl staring up at her. She looked back for a moment but it some became clear that the little stranger wasn't going to say anything so she initiated the conversation. "Can I help you?"

The girl seemed slightly hesitant but too curious to leave. "Are you Loki? Please don't destroy the city again!"

That hadn't been what she expected. Whilst there was a definite family resemblance it was not so strong as to be recognised in this realm, especially not by a child. "Excuse me?"

"You are! I think you are... Weren't you a boy? But the new Hawkeye put it on his facebook, he's my friend!" By this point this girl was too excited to tell her all about her hero connections to worry anymore, beaming as she spoke of 'the new Hawkeye'. This was not an enthusiasm Eldkatla was sharing. Instead her mind was now racing but there was something she very much needed to do first.

"I'm not Loki." She said simply before turning her back on the girl. Surprisingly she seemed relatively calm as she walked away, heading back to the tower. Pulling out her phone she quickly looked into the situation. Joseph's facebook was empty, well, not empty but empty of her. However - and very unfortunately for Joseph - there appeared to be some very devoted fans who had saved the image and put it on their own site. Ignoring their own added comments on the image she looked only at what he had written. 'Loki V.2 signing up to the Avengers!'

With a deep breath she found herself in front of the tower, and so she retraced her steps back to the main room they had all been in earlier and when she had left them. Joseph had seemingly left but Morgan and Sarah were still there so she turned to them instead. "Neither of you would happen to know where I'd be able to find Jospeh, would you? I just have a little something I need to discuss with him." Eldkatla said with a smile.

@Archon @LokiofSP
Finn sat outside of the room Cassie was in waiting for some news or something. He had been kicked out by Coulson Jr earlier and now waited. When he heard Cassie talking he let out a sigh of relief and wandered away from the room. He wandered the halls until he found a quiet room that nobody seemed to be in. Sitting down on a chair he pulled out the spare phone that his father had brought him and took some time to scroll through social media. It was almost relaxing. It had been a while since he had last had time to really see what others were up to. Out of curiosity he searched up Joseph's name to stalk his profile when he saw the photos of himself. He chuckled and put the phone away. Tiredly he arranged himself into a more comfortable position before closing his eyes. A nap was sorely needed but at least if he slept at the tower than he would be there if something were to happen. Moments later he had fallen asleep.
AnnoDomini said:
Fyodor Vanko/Whiplash
Fyodor smiled as he saw the baby run around. "Do not get hurt! Some of those things are unstable. I am gonna go freshen up, then we will go back to the Tower." Fyodor took to the bathroom and closed the door. Going to the mirror cabinet he opened it. Beyond bottles of all types of medicine, from pain to other more shady ones, he takes a bottle in Russian. Closing the door, his hearth skipped a beat at what he saw. It was him, but he had a devious look on his face. 'What is wrong Fyodor? Scared of your own shadow now? You are getting weak boy.' "What are you doing now? L-Leave me alone. You have done terrible things." 'Oh? Was it my hands that were wrapped around that girl's neck? Or my whips that killed the mother of that pup you decided to adopt out of your weakness that is your heart, or that killed that stupid weakling that dared to attack us? No Fyodor. It was you. It was us.' "N-No! I am not you! I am not a monster, I am not a murderer!" 'Not anymore you mean. And you will turn. Once I take control Fyodor. Now take your pills, and give me peace for another couple of hours. But you will never, ever, get rid of me.' Fyodor grasped his head and then headbutted the mirror, breaking it. Blood began to pour from his hands and forehead. 'Fyodor! Are you alright? Should I order an ambu-' "No!... I mean, no Tasha. I am... alright. Only, forgot to take my pills, and my headache is killing me." 'But you are bleed-' "Was there something else, Tasha?" '...Yes Fyodor. Aleena Quill is now at the tower. You should find her there.' "Thank you Tasha." Fyodor took the pill, swallowing it without water, than splashed some cold water on his face. Patching up as best as he could his head and hands, he exited the bathroom. "Hey. Are you going to accompany me to the tower?" Fyodor says, looking for the baby.

@Emperor Of Embers
The baby then walked up to Fyodor, eager to go with him. As long as he was Fyodor, the baby felt safer already.
National said:
Jackie's eyes blink, and the flames quickly end, leaving the room as quickly as they came. He sways a little before shaking his head.
"Woah. Is fire like... My main power then? I feel woozy."

Jackie stumbles, holding himself up.

@Emperor Of Embers
Azazel holds onto Lionel, and hugged him. "You have pyrokenisis, but others you have yet to find." He added as he stood him up, when he is able to stand properly.
Sarah, who was currently barley containing a laugh, looked at Kat with a wide grin that peeked out just under her hand. She shook her head as Morgan had gone back home to clean up due to all the blood he was getting on the Stark's carpet. Sarah closed her phone and shrugged, she did, of course actually know where Joseph had gone, but she also thought that her 'team leader' would much more prefer to stay alive.

Pocketing the device while still barley holding back a laugh, she began to speak shakily, "Sorry, no dice. I haven't seen Joseph in awhile, bolted off home saying something about how you'd end his existence if you found out. He didn't sound okay..."

@Lemoncakes @Archon
Fyodor Vanko

Fyodor smiled and opened the door, both exiting. Taking the car, Fyodor was careful to put the baby on the back seat. His split personality was resting now, so Fyodor relaxed a bit, as his car made its way to the Avengers tower. His hands still shook a little, and, when he got there, he exhaled powerfully, looking back at the baby. "We're here." Fyodor exited his car, being dressed in a white shirt and a vest, brown oxford shoes and a pair of striped suit pants. Looking around he saw Aleena, with Maxton's hand in hers, and another someone near her. He sighed and walked slowly towards them, stopping in front of the body. "My... What happened here? It seems... horrible."

@Emperor Of Embers @BeamMeUpScotty
AnnoDomini said:
Fyodor Vanko
Fyodor smiled and opened the door, both exiting. Taking the car, Fyodor was careful to put the baby on the back seat. His split personality was resting now, so Fyodor relaxed a bit, as his car made its way to the Avengers tower. His hands still shook a little, and, when he got there, he exhaled powerfully, looking back at the baby. "We're here." Fyodor exited his car, being dressed in a white shirt and a vest, brown oxford shoes and a pair of striped suit pants. Looking around he saw Aleena, with Maxton's hand in hers, and another someone near her. He sighed and walked slowly towards them, stopping in front of the body. "My... What happened here? It seems... horrible."

@Emperor Of Embers @BeamMeUpScotty
The baby then hops out of the car, and followed fyodor out, and saw Aleena holding her dead brother's hand. @BeamMeUpScotty @AnnoDomini
Reaper said:
Dimitri, with his comlink still on, shouted to no one in particular. "Whelp! Guess I'll go #$@& myself then." He teleported to Raikou as he was working. "You know we have to destroy it after we contact them. We can't Risk Miranda getting ahold of it." @Raikou Kaminari
"You mean Cerebro X? I guess what I could do is destroy it and then once we get rid of Miranda put it back together. But till then we could always go and meet our candidates in person." Raikou replied. "We could also evaluate and test them right then and there. Personally I think our name is a little offputting being there was an actual Illuminati and apparently Tony Stark was involved with them, the name Illuminati was always seen as an evil behind the scenes organization. Plus I think we could come up with a better name, like maybe the Sentries being you're the Sentry. Or a name that doesn't make us seem like some evil behind the scenes organization."
Cassie blinked and gently put her head back down on the pillow with a sigh.

"What's up, Cass?" Terry asked, taking bubbles and holding her in his lap.

"I just.... I don't know," she said, staring at the ceiling and her ceiling fan. "I just feel off somehow. Like somethings not right. Like maybe I forgot something, but I don't know."

Terry put a hand on Cassie's arm, and Cassie flinched at the physical touch. Terry quickly withdrew his hand and looked at her with a curious expression. ".....Cass.....?" He said, looking at her eyes.

They were.... Different, somehow. Like the sparkle and shine that they had held had disappeared and were just replaced by emptiness.

"I.... I'm not feeling anything...." Cassie said quietly. "Like.... Like I lost all my emotions..."

"Oh god, hello? Joy? Sadness? Anger? Fear? Disgust?" Terry said, leaning forward and tapping Cassie's forehead like he was knocking on a door. "You guys all in HQ?"

Cassie cracked a smile. "I'm still me, Ter."

"Oh, good. We're all here then." Terry said with a sigh and leaned back in his chair. He looked at her eyes again, and even though she was smiling, it was like the joy had disappeared from her gaze.
Jess sat patiently at the HQ entrance. She didn't know why, but she was. She sat in a chair, while texting on her phone and playing games. She was pretty obsessed with iOS games, as she was the World Champion of Stick Hero, with a record of almost 3000.

(Done... @Emperor Of Embers )

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