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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Cassie was on her hands and knees, her face had a long cut running down it from where the whip had struck her unprotected skin. She was panting and put her hand to her nose, then looked at it.


She knew she was cornered. Her power levels in her freon beam, ion Cannon, and boosters were all too low for her to do any damage, and her muscles hurt from all of the electricity. She was dizzy and weak, panting heavily.

"If you're.... Going to kill.... Me.... Better do it.... Quick...." She wheezed. She assumed she had broken ribs, maybe a broken arm....

She closed her eyes. If this was the end, she would go down defiantly.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie was on her hands and knees, her face had a long cut running down it from where the whip had struck her unprotected skin. She was panting and put her hand to her nose, then looked at it.

She knew she was cornered. Her power levels in her freon beam, ion Cannon, and boosters were all too low for her to do any damage, and her muscles hurt from all of the electricity. She was dizzy and weak, panting heavily.

"If you're.... Going to kill.... Me.... Better do it.... Quick...." She wheezed. She assumed she had broken ribs, maybe a broken arm....

She closed her eyes. If this was the end, she would go down defiantly.
(I do not approve! She will not die! I refuse!)
Whiplash/Fyodor Vanko

Turning around, Whiplash let out a chuckle. "You are finished. I will break your neck." His lumbering steps echoed through the now silent street. His body shumbled, and his whips made the same sound as an executioner's axe being dragged to an execution. His giant fingers grasped around Cassie's head, lifting her up and looking at her.

But, something happened. Seeing her bloodied, hearing her words, somethings got to him. Fyodor awoke and found himself in front of a girl, beaten and awaiting death. His hand trembled, his throat felt dry. He remembered the other that he killed. His hand opened, letting Cassie to fall to the ground. Slowly, he walked away, his head hung low. When he was a few feet away from her, he ran away.

Much later, back at his hideout...

Through the music, a grunt and punches could be heard connecting with a wall. The suit was placed on a sort-of meat hanger, chained and in need of repair. Fyodor was in his cargo pants and a white wife beater, a beer in his hand, and tears in his eyes. 'Fyodor, Fyodor. How could you not finish what I started.' The same voice taunted him over and over for the past hour. Having enough, he yelled. "Because I am not a monster! I am not!"

A sweet, female voice sounded from around. 'Is something wrong Fyodor? Should I bring you your pain medication?' Fyodor looked up, tears in his eyes. "No. No Tasha. I am fine." 'Why are you talking to her sweeter than with me? I taught we were a team.' Fyodor was at his wits's end. Remembering the girl that cried about her brother, he could not shake that image. "Tasha... Do a reverse search of... this image." He took a small pause, going over the footage he captured.

Picking up some pills and downing them, he felt tranquil. The voice was not taunting him anymore. Patching himself up, he looks at the time. "Tasha, I have a meeting in a few minutes. P-Please, find out who that boy was... And then, call the reporters. I want to give a declaration. I want to... make amends." His hands were sweaty and felt heavy and cold. Turning the lights off, he closed the door to his make-shift armory and back in his Penthouse.

AnnoDomini said:
Whiplash/Fyodor Vanko
Turning around, Whiplash let out a chuckle. "You are finished. I will break your neck." His lumbering steps echoed through the now silent street. His body shumbled, and his whips made the same sound as an executioner's axe being dragged to an execution. His giant fingers grasped around Cassie's head, lifting her up and looking at her.

But, something happened. Seeing her bloodied, hearing her words, somethings got to him. Fyodor awoke and found himself in front of a girl, beaten and awaiting death. His hand trembled, his throat felt dry. He remembered the other that he killed. His hand opened, letting Cassie to fall to the ground. Slowly, he walked away, his head hung low. When he was a few feet away from her, he ran away.

Much later, back at his hideout...

Through the music, a grunt and punches could be heard connecting with a wall. The suit was placed on a sort-of meat hanger, chained and in need of repair. Fyodor was in his cargo pants and a white wife beater, a beer in his hand, and tears in his eyes. 'Fyodor, Fyodor. How could you not finish what I started.' The same voice taunted him over and over for the past hour. Having enough, he yelled. "Because I am not a monster! I am not!"

A sweet, female voice sounded from around. 'Is something wrong Fyodor? Should I bring you your pain medication?' Fyodor looked up, tears in his eyes. "No. No Tasha. I am fine." 'Why are you talking to her sweeter than with me? I taught we were a team.' Fyodor was at his wits's end. Remembering the girl that cried about her brother, he could not shake that image. "Tasha... Do a reverse search of... this image." He took a small pause, going over the footage he captured.

Picking up some pills and downing them, he felt tranquil. The voice was not taunting him anymore. Patching himself up, he looks at the time. "Tasha, I have a meeting in a few minutes. P-Please, find out who that boy was... And then, call the reporters. I want to give a declaration. I want to... make amends." His hands were sweaty and felt heavy and cold. Turning the lights off, he closed the door to his make-shift armory and back in his Penthouse.

Cassie felt the fingers close around her throat and lift her head, and she closed her eyes, waiting for the final blow.

It never came.

Whiplash dropped her. Cassie fell to her hands and knees, panting, unable to stand or even remain in this upright position for much longer. She coughed up some blood and trembled, then collapsed to the ground. "Sekki....." She whispered, fighting the darkness that was threatening and welcoming at the same time. "Finn.... Aleena......" She tried to raise her head but she couldn't find the strength to do so. She raised her hand.




sitanomoto said:
Cassie felt the fingers close around her throat and lift her head, and she closed her eyes, waiting for the final blow.
It never came.

Whiplash dropped her. Cassie fell to her hands and knees, panting, unable to stand or even remain in this upright position for much longer. She coughed up some blood and trembled, then collapsed to the ground. "Sekki....." She whispered, fighting the darkness that was threatening and welcoming at the same time. "Finn.... Aleena......" She tried to raise her head but she couldn't find the strength to do so. She raised her hand.




After putting Ruby into the Stark Computers, strout headed outside, weeping softly as he walked up to Cassie, he then picked her up, and saw Aleena, and looked her dead in the eyes. "I.... Am strout." He said, meaning 'I am sorry..... He was a good friend.....' As he walked off into the tower, weeping. He felt like a piece of his wooden heart was burned in half, and the other half being with Richie. @CasualDragon @BeamMeUpScotty @sitanomoto @AnnoDomini @National (for Richie.)
sitanomoto said:
Cassie felt the fingers close around her throat and lift her head, and she closed her eyes, waiting for the final blow.
It never came.

Whiplash dropped her. Cassie fell to her hands and knees, panting, unable to stand or even remain in this upright position for much longer. She coughed up some blood and trembled, then collapsed to the ground. "Sekki....." She whispered, fighting the darkness that was threatening and welcoming at the same time. "Finn.... Aleena......" She tried to raise her head but she couldn't find the strength to do so. She raised her hand.




When you call the Daemons name, it is said to gain power. A spirit of pitch black sorrow and darkness formed, looming over the world like the grim reaper. It became visible only to Cassie, formed of psychic power and pure magic. It's long robes seemed to go through the world, leaving black misty essence to coil up and surround her. The spirit had bright red coating his chest in clean lines, like a hot chocolate spill that froze and become a lamp. It was bright blood red, leading up to a hole where a heart should be, clean through his chest. The more one looks at the heart the more the true details of the spirit could be seen... it was distant and tattered. It clutched a tomb tight to it's left side. It's head extended back almost like a high collar mixed with a crown. Two more lines burned.. but much more softly. Soft, ocean blue lines seemed to be tattooed yet still glowing from his eyes down to whatever abyss his cloak came from.

It spoke like a hollow beast, yet elegant and refined, "In these final moments... all help draws from the very soul. The damned have called forth my wrath, and as such you have taken it. You have stolen my rage, anger and love... and shattered my heart for the third time now Cassie. The dramatic villain who just wants to be loved and found something in you that he liked and thought he saw a spark back? We came to you... and entrusted you our heart. You cracked it the first time when we admitted interest and love. You changed on a time... and became something we didn't like. We came to you for you... and you changed to show your 'good' side, the wall you put up that traps them. We hated the trap, and so it made us crack. Then again, when we found out your boy friend. Our only other friend, Azazel. We only wanted to see you both happy.. and so we gave it to you. The third time you broke it was when you denied us to fight with our family, with our friends, with our only chance of life."

The spirit coiled around her, grasping her cheeks if it could and making her look into his cold, sad blue eyes. Pain and sorrow literally oozed out of his eyes if she dared to look, the constant doubting, the constant suffering, but most of all the sharp pain that felt like as if everything was burning, melting away to nothing. He spoke so much calmer that it was near comforting, "Oh how we wish that you would have kept our heart and let it be safe. Betrayal, that's what we thought." The whispers of doubt and the pain would grow sharper unlike anything Whiplash could have done. The spirit screeched, "Everything we did was for others... and when we just wanted something to be given back, just the smallest sign of a 'thank you' or 'good job Gus!' what did you all do?! Nothing! You all hated me, that's all we could have heard! This is the bitter acid you have given me for saving lives, for trying to live! I killed for the avengers, for Humanity, and those four deaths have marked my soul forsaken."

He let go, and flew back. That speech, all that suffering if she looked at the eyes... would magically charge her Extremis. It would begin healing at a near Wolverine speed but be unable to do so for a few hours. The spirit's blue lines were brighter, and his ragged clothes revealed chopped and scarred pitch black flesh that dripped burning magma. It spoke again, "We gave gifts so that you could live. We always came prepared... but you? Humans? They are unpredictable. That's why we love them. That's why we want to understand them and be at peace with them. I was made from the corpses of Doom's Children that Stark murdered... I am made from those that have been forgotten by the King. I was made from nothing... but gave everything. My heart was all that I had left... and when my friends, my comrades, finally took it? They shattered it and killed me. What did all of you do to my corpse? Kept it like a trophy, and none of you gave grief or even a tear. You all said that it wasn't right and you shouldn't have done it but then just let it go. I live with Bitter acid.. I live wanting to die and each and every waking moment from pain and loss. I live with so many burdens on my shoulders... and I just wanted to find comfort... the one thing I wanted so much. It was not love.. but just someone to accept me and comfort me for once. I tried to find it... but you BROKE IT!"

Augustus's spirit dropped a tear that would turn into the physical world as a artifact of magic. It was water that crystallized with broken bloody bits frozen in space inside it. The water made a small opening to the side, making it look almost like a flower. The bloody bits dripped black magic, but it was enough. It shut off, having used all of it's magic to heal Cassie through the EXTREMIS. The spirit cried out, "...I have given you so many lessons and gives from beyond the grave... yet you still look at me like a Monster... all of you do. Have any of you ever taken the time to see how many things I have done... and how much shit you have given me back? All I ever wanted in my entire life... was one thing that I was denied no matter whom I went to on this entire planet." He sung a silent note that hung as light returned, shattering the illusion. The singing voice spoke warm, yet faded into nothing like he was never there... "A moment to be real. Want to touch things I don't feel, to hold on, and feel I belong." One note demanded itself life, the final spark that left warmth,

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GoldenChari said:
"then why the hell are we sitting here? Lets go Connor!" Mason said, grinning.
That goofy grin of Mason's only annoyed Connor, and the blonde hated that he felt that way in this moment. "It's late, and the training could take weeks...months even." Giving Mason a sympathetic smile from his position on the couch Connor shook his head a little, "We'll figure it out, I promise. Right now I think...I think I have to talk to my parents, they need to know that Tyler is alive." And I really want to see them right now....I never thought I'd say this but I'd really like to hear one of dad's speeches.

"For now take it one step at a time, meet the rest of the team. Finding out who can help you get that control will come with learning about them."
Jean yawned as he slowly opened his eyes to the world around him, the sight of a fancy hotel in Maine greeting him. He simply lay in his bed for a few moments, pondering important life decisions, like if he should get up and greet the world, or if he should just turn around and sleep for another two hours. "Why should I even get up today? I didn't have any plans...Did I?... Oh wait, I have that rich people thing at Stark Tower...But going to that means getting up and doing stuff... meh..." He quickly sat up and yawned got ready to go out...

Jean-Paul yawned as he took a sip of Ginger Ale. It was like his old man (No literally, dude was old AF) said, don't drink on an empty stomach. His helicopter landed on Stark Tower, and he stepped out, trying to look as cool he could for somebody who dressed like crap.

hudhouse said:
When you call the Daemons name, it is said to gain power. A spirit of pitch black sorrow and darkness formed, looming over the world like the grim reaper. It became visible only to Cassie, formed of psychic power and pure magic. It's long robes seemed to go through the world, leaving black misty essence to coil up and surround her. The spirit had bright red coating his chest in clean lines, like a hot chocolate spill that froze and become a lamp. It was bright blood red, leading up to a hole where a heart should be, clean through his chest. The more one looks at the heart the more the true details of the spirit could be seen... it was distant and tattered. It clutched a tomb tight to it's left side. It's head extended back almost like a high collar mixed with a crown. Two more lines burned.. but much more softly. Soft, ocean blue lines seemed to be tattooed yet still glowing from his eyes down to whatever abyss his cloak came from.
It spoke like a hollow beast, yet elegant and refined, "In these final moments... all help draws from the very soul. The damned have called forth my wrath, and as such you have taken it. You have stolen my rage, anger and love... and shattered my heart for the third time now Cassie. The dramatic villain who just wants to be loved and found something in you that he liked and thought he saw a spark back? We came to you... and entrusted you our heart. You cracked it the first time when we admitted interest and love. You changed on a time... and became something we didn't like. We came to you for you... and you changed to show your 'good' side, the wall you put up that traps them. We hated the trap, and so it made us crack. Then again, when we found out your boy friend. Our only other friend, Azazel. We only wanted to see you both happy.. and so we gave it to you. The third time you broke it was when you denied us to fight with our family, with our friends, with our only chance of life."

The spirit coiled around her, grasping her cheeks if it could and making her look into his cold, sad blue eyes. Pain and sorrow literally oozed out of his eyes if she dared to look, the constant doubting, the constant suffering, but most of all the sharp pain that felt like as if everything was burning, melting away to nothing. He spoke so much calmer that it was near comforting, "Oh how we wish that you would have kept our heart and let it be safe. Betrayal, that's what we thought." The whispers of doubt and the pain would grow sharper unlike anything Whiplash could have done. The spirit screeched, "Everything we did was for others... and when we just wanted something to be given back, just the smallest sign of a 'thank you' or 'good job Gus!' what did you all do?! Nothing! You all hated me, that's all we could have heard! This is the bitter acid you have given me for saving lives, for trying to live! I killed for the avengers, for Humanity, and those four deaths have marked my soul forsaken."

He let go, and flew back. That speech, all that suffering if she looked at the eyes... would magically charge her Extremis. It would begin healing at a near Wolverine speed but be unable to do so for a few hours. The spirit's blue lines were brighter, and his ragged clothes revealed chopped and scarred pitch black flesh that dripped burning magma. It spoke again, "We gave gifts so that you could live. We always came prepared... but you? Humans? They are unpredictable. That's why we love them. That's why we want to understand them and be at peace with them. I was made from the corpses of Doom's Children that Stark murdered... I am made from those that have been forgotten by the King. I was made from nothing... but gave everything. My heart was all that I had left... and when my friends, my comrades, finally took it? They shattered it and killed me. What did all of you do to my corpse? Kept it like a trophy, and none of you gave grief or even a tear. You all said that it wasn't right and you shouldn't have done it but then just let it go. I live with Bitter acid.. I live wanting to die and each and every waking moment from pain and loss. I live with so many burdens on my shoulders... and I just wanted to find comfort... the one thing I wanted so much. It was not love.. but just someone to accept me and comfort me for once. I tried to find it... but you BROKE IT!"

Augustus's spirit dropped a tear that would turn into the physical world as a artifact of magic. It was water that crystallized with broken bloody bits frozen in space inside it. The water made a small opening to the side, making it look almost like a flower. The bloody bits dripped black magic, but it was enough. It shut off, having used all of it's magic to heal Cassie through the EXTREMIS. The spirit cried out, "...I have given you so many lessons and gives from beyond the grave... yet you still look at me like a Monster... all of you do. Have any of you ever taken the time to see how many things I have done... and how much shit you have given me back? All I ever wanted in my entire life... was one thing that I was denied no matter whom I went to on this entire planet." He sung a silent note that hung as light returned, shattering the illusion. The singing voice spoke warm, yet faded into nothing like he was never there... "A moment to be real. Want to touch things I don't feel, to hold on, and feel I belong." One note demanded itself life, the final spark that left warmth,

"Gus....." She whispered, reaching out to the spirit. To everyone else, she was reaching out to nothing, like she was Hallucinating. She was vaguely awareof something picking her up. Darkness clouded her vision, she felt herself slipping into the dark unconsciousness. "Gus... Gus don't leave me...."
sitanomoto said:
"Gus....." She whispered, reaching out to the spirit. To everyone else, she was reaching out to nothing, like she was Hallucinating. She was vaguely awareof something picking her up. Darkness clouded her vision, she felt herself slipping into the dark unconsciousness. "Gus... Gus don't leave me...."
Azazel then came outside, and Strout handed her to him. He looked at the scene, and saw maxton and helga dead on the ground, Aleena mourning over Maxton's death. Azazel began to cry softly, and went inside. He then took her to her room, and sat at the side of her bed where she lay, and held her hand, blood staining the bedding. Bubbles then came in, and saw Azazel crying, and immediately went to get terry, yipping like a fox, trying to call him.
Crono said:
That goofy grin of Mason's only annoyed Connor, and the blonde hated that he felt that way in this moment. "It's late, and the training could take weeks...months even." Giving Mason a sympathetic smile from his position on the couch Connor shook his head a little, "We'll figure it out, I promise. Right now I think...I think I have to talk to my parents, they need to know that Tyler is alive." And I really want to see them right now....I never thought I'd say this but I'd really like to hear one of dad's speeches.
"For now take it one step at a time, meet the rest of the team. Finding out who can help you get that control will come with learning about them."
Mason sighed. "c ya round then." He said, walking out of the room in search of someone else too speak with. To show his true feelings without regret like the last time...
sitanomoto said:
"Gus....." She whispered, reaching out to the spirit. To everyone else, she was reaching out to nothing, like she was Hallucinating. She was vaguely awareof something picking her up. Darkness clouded her vision, she felt herself slipping into the dark unconsciousness. "Gus... Gus don't leave me...."
The voice returned, commenting on this, "...Where were you when I needed you? For the first time you truly realize what I have done... and you ask even more of me. Huh..." He snickered, before saying, "Now that each and every time I tried to hold you up, and you just crushed me to dust.... now that I tell you it so that you can understand... you still ignore it. You ask the dust to do it once... not in pity, mercy or kindness, but to stay safe and warm. You have given me nothing but cold and bitter acid... yet I try to save you. This is my final gift... ask any more from me and I will give you what you deserve."
hudhouse said:
The voice returned, commenting on this, "...Where were you when I needed you? For the first time you truly realize what I have done... and you ask even more of me. Huh..." He snickered, before saying, "Now that each and every time I tried to hold you up, and you just crushed me to dust.... now that I tell you it so that you can understand... you still ignore it. You ask the dust to do it once... not in pity, mercy or kindness, but to stay safe and warm. You have given me nothing but cold and bitter acid... yet I try to save you. This is my final gift... ask any more from me and I will give you what you deserve."
"Gus... No.... I'm... Sorry..pl- ." Cassie couldn't hold on any longer. Her hand went limp as she sunk into a world of nightmares, Gus's words echoing through them.

Let me die! Let me die alone! I don't want to hurt anyone! Please! I don't deserve to live!

Too late, scum. Too late. You have hurt too many to die now.

The voice in her dream changed from raspy and gravelly to a voice she knew too well.

I reached out to you, Cassie. I loved you. And what did you do? Rejected me. Crushed me. Took my heart and sneered at it, then threw it to the dogs. The voice said, and Cassie found herself chained to a wall with an all-too-familiar face looming above her. Cassie flinched as the figure raised its hand and struck her accross the face.

She cried out.

The figure punched her.

She felt blood oozing down her face.

The figure lifted up its head and spat in her face.

All Cassie could do was cry.

Just let me die! She cried out. I've hurt too many! Just let me die alone!!!! I DONT DESERVE TO LIVE!!!!


[QUOTE="Emperor Of Embers]Azazel then came outside, and Strout handed her to him. He looked at the scene, and saw maxton and helga dead on the ground, Aleena mourning over Maxton's death. Azazel began to cry softly, and went inside. He then took her to her room, and sat at the side of her bed where she lay, and held her hand, blood staining the bedding. Bubbles then came in, and saw Azazel crying, and immediately went to get terry, yipping like a fox, trying to call him.

Terry looked at Bubbles, lifting his head up from his bed. "What's up, Bubbles?" He said, sliding out of bed and kneeling next to her. "What's wrong?"

sitanomoto said:
"Gus... No.... I'm... Sorry..pl- ." Cassie couldn't hold on any longer. Her hand went limp as she sunk into a world of nightmares, Gus's words echoing through them.
Let me die! Let me die alone! I don't want to hurt anyone! Please! I don't deserve to live!

Too late, scum. Too late. You have hurt too many to die now.

The voice in her dream changed from raspy and gravelly to a voice she knew too well.

I reached out to you, Cassie. I loved you. And what did you do? Rejected me. Crushed me. Took my heart and sneered at it, then threw it to the dogs. The voice said, and Cassie found herself chained to a wall with an all-too-familiar face looming above her. Cassie flinched as the figure raised its hand and struck her accross the face.

She cried out.

The figure punched her.

She felt blood oozing down her face.

The figure lifted up its head and spat in her face.

All Cassie could do was cry.

Just let me die! She cried out. I've hurt too many! Just let me die alone!!!! I DONT DESERVE TO LIVE!!!!


Terry looked at Bubbles, lifting his head up from his bed. "What's up, Bubbles?" He said, sliding out of bed and kneeling next to her. "What's wrong?"

Azazel grew worried, since he did not know if cassie would make it or not, but he knew his father would send her right back if she did die, since even Satan himself cared for his son's love life. "Cass...... Stay strong for me.... and our son." he said as he started to bawl, putting her hand to his face, and crying hard. Brute saw the commotion, and poked his head in.

Bubbles yipped again, then slides to cassie's room, leaving a slippery, and soapy trail. Bubbles then stopped on Cassie's rug, with brute's head still looking in.
Terry followed Bubbles past Brute with a "S'cuse me big guy" and he gasped when he saw the state Cassie was in. "Cass!" He breathed. "Cass... Azazel, what happened to her?!?" He went to the other side of her bed and grasped her other hand. "Cass.... Cass, why?"
sitanomoto said:
Terry followed Bubbles past Brute with a "S'cuse me big guy" and he gasped when he saw the state Cassie was in. "Cass!" He breathed. "Cass... Azazel, what happened to her?!?" He went to the other side of her bed and grasped her other hand. "Cass.... Cass, why?"
"SHE GOT INTO A FIGHT WITH A MAN OF ELECTRIC WHIPS!" Papyrus said, hearing terry yelling from downstairs. "IT APPEARED TO BE A DRAW, BUT I HAVE A FEELING THAT HE WILL COME BACK AT SOME POINT." He added. Papyrus summed it all up as Azazel nodded. "I.... I am a failure.... If I had been there....." was all he said.
After hearing a yipping noise, Mason followed a odd animal. After a bit Mason walked in and shook his head as he saw cassie lying there beaten to a pulp. "I hit the man once in the stomach before i was told to stop by Cassie. Then Cassie said she wanted a one on one." Mason explained. "I have more responsibility for her state then you Azazel!" Mason growled, balling his fists, but not crying. "i just walked away..." he finished, sounding utterly defeated.

@Emperor Of Embers
GoldenChari said:
After hearing a yipping noise, Mason followed a odd animal. After a bit Mason walked in and shook his head as he saw cassie lying there beaten to a pulp. "I hit the man once in the stomach before i was told to stop by Cassie. Then Cassie said she wanted a one on one." Mason explained. "I have more responsibility for her state then you Azazel!" Mason growled, balling his fists, but not crying. "i just walked away..." he finished, sounding utterly defeated.
@Emperor Of Embers
Azazel clenched his fists, which then combusted. At this point, he was unstable, with everything bombarding him, from cassie being seriously wounded, then to Mason saying that he was more responsible for her than Azazel was. all it took, was that phrase to set him off, and was lucky enough for Bubbles to spray water on him, which had a calming scent to it. Though it was unknown, he calms down, and looked at mason. "I am sorry for that..... I care about her a lot. I was called to Hell to handle royal business...... and this is what I come back to." he said as he wiped his face. "You must understand how that feels..... to see someone battered to a pulp, and wish you would have been there to stop it all... Let's face it..... I am a poor excuse of a lover." he said as he sat in a chair, and banged his head on Cassie's desk. He felt like a failure, until Jade entered the room, turned him around, grabbed his head, and punched him as hard as he could. "WAKE UP DAMMIT! QUIT BEING A LITTLE GIRL ABOUT IT, AND GROW A PAIR! I AM SICK OF THIS SELF LOATHING CRAP, SICK OF IT!!" The junior She-Hulk shouted as Azazel relocated his jaw, and stood back up. "IF YOU AIN'T MAN ENOUGH TO DO THIS SHIT, THEN GO BACK AND BURN IN HELL!!" she shouted as she stormed out of the room, with Agent Coulson entering. "I heard everything, i have to ask everyone except for Terry and Azazel to leave the room." he said, revealing his S.H.I.E.L.D badge. "I Need to know everything you remember..... and for our recently departed, they will be given a proper burial. Maxton's possessions will be held at our Headquarters until further notice." he added as bubbles jumped onto Cassie's bed, and curled up next to her, her tail brushing her face, cleaning the dirt and blood off of it. "You can stay too Bubbles." Coulson stated, smiling at the Tamamitsune. @sitanomoto @CasualDragon @hudhouse @GoldenChari @National
"i had to watch my parents die and then explain to my 5 year old brother they just were sleeping. Sleeping!" he scoffed. The shield guy entered and Mason looked at him. "One reason to leave. just one." Mason asked. "She's our friend too and honestly, we should be able too hear whatever is said if it's about her current situation." Mason calmly said. He knew this guy didn't know he had powers or who he was except if he knew him as a singer.

@Emperor Of Embers
Mason sighed. "True sir, true." Mason said to the other guy who couldn't decide on a pose.


(OOC:Masun nu met Terreh so he dun know his namez! #YesI'mBored)
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GoldenChari said:
"i had to watch my parents die and then explain to my 5 year old brother they just were sleeping. Sleeping!" he scoffed. The shield guy entered and Mason looked at him. "One reason to leave. just one." Mason asked. "She's our friend too and honestly, we should be able too hear whatever is said if it's about her current situation." Mason calmly said. He knew this guy didn't know he had powers or who he was except if he knew him as a singer.
@Emperor Of Embers
"Look sir, I am only following protocol. If you want to stay, fine, I am asking everyone but terry and Azazel to leave." Coulson said as he looked at terry and Azazel. "Cassie is tough, I know that. But your highness, if i may call you that, you must have some slack for her. You cannot be there every second of your lives." Philip said as azazel looked at him. "How would you know? You look like you are really uptight." Azazel asked as coulson looked back. "Because I have been through some shit. Constant fights between my dad and mom. CONSTANT." he said as he groaned. "Anyways.... what happened?" Coulson asked, looking to Mason. @sitanomoto @GoldenChari
"Well, first off," Mason began. "A guy in armor showed up and threw a car up, forcing me to tackle a few bystanders out of the way. Then the guy fried the guy named Maxton and in turn i nailed him in the stomach. as i planned another hit, Cassie," Mason tilted his head to her. "Told me to stop. The guy called her and her dad cowards because me and the others attacked him. He then told cassie to prove she was no coward by fighting him one on one..." Mason trailed off before starting back up. "I left the scene and now i'm kicking myself in the a** for not staying." He ended. He was leaning on the wall, one leg bent at the knee and on the wall, his arms crossed.

@Emperor Of Embers
GoldenChari said:
"Well, first off," Mason began. "A guy in armor showed up and threw a car up, forcing me to tackle a few bystanders out of the way. Then the guy fried the guy named Maxton and in turn i nailed him in the stomach. as i planned another hit, Cassie," Mason tilted his head to her. "Told me to stop. The guy called her and her dad cowards because me and the others attacked him. He then told cassie to prove she was no coward by fighting him one on one..." Mason trailed off before starting back up. "I left the scene and now i'm kicking myself in the a** for not staying." He ended. He was leaning on the wall, one leg bent at the knee and on the wall, his arms crossed.
@Emperor Of Embers
"Don't. We will be keeping the lookout for this man in armor." "WITH ELECTRIC WHIPS!" papyrus interjected, adding info Mason forgot to add. "Oh Shit....... well we know who it is. Mason, if you would be so kind, Shall we leave Terry, Azazel, and Cassie be? I could use some help with Loading Helga into a truck bed." Coulson said as Brute dashed downstairs, and went outside, and saw a Dead Helga on the ground as Shield Agents made attempts to load her in. He growled as he began to glow. "Oh no! Someone! Tranquilizers!" a rookie agent shouted as brute walked to helga, with the men backing up.

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