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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Reaper said:
Dimitri cocked his head. "I have no idea why you would ever have that, but yes. Glue her mouth shut. Make sure to make it uncomfortable, but don't let her suffocate." @Emperor Of Embers
"You got it! But lemme get my mallet." She said as she went into a different room, and came out with a hammer with a Barrel head. "Just in case she fights me." She said as she pounced onto Miranda's face, and started to apply the sap onto her mouth. The scent was pleasant, but it tasted horrible.
National said:
Thaddeus perks his lips, floating in the air.
"I am making myself stronger, so if I have to, I will end him. He is powerful, but he is arrogant, and rude. He believes himself to be the best of the best, but acts like a sniveling little child. He has seen such, but doesn't use the wisdom for anything that is worth."

@Raikou Kaminari
"Yes the boy if left unchecked can create some serious problems more so than the doings of Loki. One thing that did occur to me would be to destroy the Phoenix and sever its connection to the boy, which would give the boy a chance at a fresh start if it doesn't kill him." Thor said. "He can't be allowed to run rampant much longer which ever course of action is taken and by whom."
National said:
Thaddeus nods, his hands ruffling through his hair.
"Yes, you are indeed correct. We shall see what unfolds. We shall see."

@Raikou Kaminari
"Jordan reminds me of a warrior that once came to Earth wielding just as much power as he does named Hyperion. Power, sought to be an Avenger, methods far too extreme, among other things. Jordan is Hyperion tenfold." Thor reminisced.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie felt the whip wrap around her right leg and she jumped, using her left boot and right hand blaster to charge towards him, raising her left hand and firing her freon beam.
AnnoDomini said:
Fyodor Vanko/Whiplash
His head turned to look at Cassie. He saw she was trying to do something. 'Great. This I saw from her father. I should dodge it preety easily. Or...' He looked at his whips. '... I could use these to fry some circuits on her hands... Or dissable the boosters so she can't fly. So many choices...' Fyodor smiled, as this was getting interesting. His whips were still charging, but could still fry something with the amount of power he had available.

With a yell, he threw his left whip at Cassie's right leg. He didn't charge it yet, but awaited for it to wrap itself around her leg.

Fyodor Vanko/Whiplash

The freon beam hit the armor in the chest, causing Fyodor to stumble back, pulling the whip too. Inside, Fyodor bumped his head on the metal harness. When he opened his eyes, a furious look flushed on his face, and a furious yell could be heard. Enter Whiplash. Regaining his balance, he electrized the whip that was still attached to Cassie's leg, trying to fry it to stop her from flying. "I will ground you, sparrow!"

AnnoDomini said:
Fyodor Vanko/Whiplash
The freon beam hit the armor in the chest, causing Fyodor to stumble back, pulling the whip too. Inside, Fyodor bumped his head on the metal harness. When he opened his eyes, a furious look flushed on his face, and a furious yell could be heard. Enter Whiplash. Regaining his balance, he electrized the whip that was still attached to Cassie's leg, trying to fry it to stop her from flying. "I will ground you, sparrow!"



A monsterous, metal yet high pitched voice snarled, digitized yet sentient. A metal suit crashed down between the fight, sending the Whip back. Ripping out of the Smoke was a 3 foot tall metal Prinny. It was Sekki! He snarled out, "I get it Dood, Sparrows are annoying. But you Dood? Your kinda a 9 and a half out of 4 Dood." He slowly looked around before stating, "I can do math dood!"
Ignoring the pencils flying his way Connor took a few steps back before sitting on the couch and leaning forwards to stare at the ground with his hands clasped together and took a deep breath. "Yeah...no. I'm alright, thanks." So Tyler blamed him, while that didn't seem fair Connor didn't hold it against his brother. "Being an Avenger isn't the easiest Mason, make sure your ready before you commit. We're not exactly an organized unit at the moment either." Connor knew Cassie had changes planned, and Connor didn't really know whether to count himself as an Avenger or not at the moment, he had technically left.

Mason sighed. "don't worry i am." he muttered. "You need to know i can't get too angry by the way. If so, i may need to be... ya know..." Mason put his hand to his head like a gun and went 'pop' "Yeaaaa..." He trailed off, slightly laughing as he was a bit embarrassed.

Helga collapsed and Finn checked her heart rate as best as he could. It had stopped. He rested his head against hers for a moment before walking over to Aleena and puting his hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry... About Maxton. And I get that you're mad and want revenge. But Cassie called a one on one with him. If we were to interrupt now there's no saying what dominatrix over there might do. It's best if we let Cassie get the revenge for all of us." He said quietly. Sekki jumped down shortly after. "Sekki! Dood! Time for some more math. Cassie and Whip It agreed for a one on one. Now you come in to help Cassie. That makes it two on one. That means that there's one person too many. Cassie is more than capable of fighting him and she'll call us in if she needs our help." He looked solemnly Cassie's way. She had a lot of responsibility on her shoulders but it was responsibility that she had asked for. He looked sadly at where Maxton had lay before looking Helga's way. Helga, Maxton, and Augustus had all died in one day. The full weight of what had gone on that day hit him and tiredly he sunk cross legged to the ground. As soon as this fight was done he was going to go home and sleep for a whole day.

@BeamMeUpScotty @Emperor Of Embers (mentioned Helga) @hudhouse
"I suggest you impare her function to speak and put her in a sound proof cell." Raikou suggested to the others. "Let Desimus go, he just needs time to face himself. He will return in due time. In the meantime I must go contact one of the prospects."

@Reaper @sitanomoto @Emperor Of Embers

Raikou then left the room. He walked to a in wall storage unit and opened it, he removed a small wristband like device and put it on. It produce an orange tech projection glove over his hand. He manipulated it with his electricity so it produced a blue screen which brought up a list of prospects for the team. He selected one at random and the device began contacting her.

AnnoDomini said:
Fyodor Vanko/Whiplash
The freon beam hit the armor in the chest, causing Fyodor to stumble back, pulling the whip too. Inside, Fyodor bumped his head on the metal harness. When he opened his eyes, a furious look flushed on his face, and a furious yell could be heard. Enter Whiplash. Regaining his balance, he electrized the whip that was still attached to Cassie's leg, trying to fry it to stop her from flying. "I will ground you, sparrow!"

Cassie felt the electricity surge through her boot and it spluttered and skidded to a silence. The momentum, however, was exactly what she needed. She grabbed Whiplash's shoulders, front flipped over him, and landed behind him. She put her boot on his back, kicked, then pressed down, unaware that the whip was still wrapped around it.
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CasualDragon said:
Helga collapsed and Finn checked her heart rate as best as he could. It had stopped. He rested his head against hers for a moment before walking over to Aleena and puting his hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry... About Maxton. And I get that you're mad and want revenge. But Cassie called a one on one with him. If we were to interrupt now there's no saying what dominatrix over there might do. It's best if we let Cassie get the revenge for all of us." He said quietly. Sekki jumped down shortly after. "Sekki! Dood! Time for some more math. Cassie and Whip It agreed for a one on one. Now you come in to help Cassie. That makes it two on one. That means that there's one person too many. Cassie is more than capable of fighting him and she'll call us in if she needs our help." He looked solemnly Cassie's way. She had a lot of responsibility on her shoulders but it was responsibility that she had asked for. He looked sadly at where Maxton had lay before looking Helga's way. Helga, Maxton, and Augustus had all died in one day. The full weight of what had gone on that day hit him and tiredly he sunk cross legged to the ground. As soon as this fight was done he was going to go home and sleep for a whole day.
@BeamMeUpScotty @Emperor Of Embers (mentioned Helga) @hudhouse
Sekki looked over to Finn before stating, "...Dood, look at yourself and what has happened today. I am done with all this stupid violence Dood." His eyes locked onto Whip, and they burned with hatred.


(Theme of Post / Sekki)



Sekki marched forward, his eyes glowing blood red. He went onto a speech, "I have no idea who you are Dood, but this Dood knows somethin'. This dood has a family, has friends, has a life, and has a chance to redeem myself. I'm not the nicest Dood, none of us are, but this Dood wants to make up for that. But you Dood? YOU DOOD!" Sekki thrusted a single wing forward, straight towards Vanko's face. His crimson core glowed bright, slightly hard to look at but still not painful. He continued his passionate speech.

"You have slaughtered Parents as your partner dood said! Every orphan you have made dood... and now attacking my friends dood?! Who gives a single flying sardine if this is a one on one dood?! We should all be fighting with Cassie against you Dood! They are the Avengers Dood! No one will stop them, not even the end of the entire Doodin' Dood world Dood! This dood right here?" He closed his eyes while leaning back, tiny thumbs forming what looked like the thumbs of mittens from his wings aimed towards him. He stated, "This Dood... will just have to remind everyone that none of us Doods are alone... we're one big Doomdin' family."

Sekki floated into the air, displaying his immense magic. His core unleashed a blood red laser that formed a ring of fire around Vanko. The back had an exit though, so he could walk away. Sekki walked through the flames uninjured with blood red eyes. He finished his speech off with murderous intent dripping from every snarl of his lip... beak? "I am the Dood, the servant of the Avengers. These Doods are my life, and these doods are my soul! I will give my all to protect them Dood, even if it means I gotta explode and take you with me dood!" He flung his wing to the side, nearly freezing the air around him. He spun around on his peg-legs before leaning in like a rocket. He gave off a vast grin before saying, "Both you and your other dood? Leave and never return Doods. This is your only warning, and if you don't take the Dood's words to heart?" He left a dramatic pause in, "Then the Dood will just claim that heart for his doodin' self!"
Having found a way out of the tower which didn't involve going anywhere near the vicinity of the fight - which sounded like it had finally started - Eldkatla walked to one of the few places in this city where she could possibly pretend to be elsewhere. Central Park had confused her at first; how could it be that in the midst of the stinking streets and soulless skyscrapers there was a patch of such vibrant life. Of course the reality of where they really were framed the skyline but compromises were something she was well used to.

"Fool, fool, fool..." She murmured under her breath as she walked. Maybe she ought to go home and remind herself who she was if she was allowing herself to get swept up in this ridiculous idea. Eldkatla wasn't so blind to her flaws as to wonder why this had happened. Her work with her father was by its very nature to be ignored, unmentioned, a secret from all so each new foe would be as unaware as the last, after all a reputation was a powerful thing but also the undoing of many when left untended. But here, in this realm, she was a goddess, they presumed she was powerful the moment they knew who she was and so with the Avengers she could relish in that and be recognised, praised, adored.

Until of course she had to return home and explain to her father just how she had been spending her time, or he comes and searches her out, or even that he makes another attempt on this realm. How best does she explain that she would leave in a heartbeat to stand by her fathers side? Eldkatla stopped walking and sighed. She needed to go somewhere dark and loud to drink and sway, but it would be a few hours before anywhere like that would be open nearby. She was beginning to understand the appeal of smoking, the few cigarettes she'd tried held no real appeal but a small stick of self-destruction would be appreciated right now. This was New York, she'd be able to find some sap to give her one.

As soon as the kick connected, his groan echoed through the suit. Yanking the whip, Whiplash turned to see Casie in front of him. A quiet chuckle could be heard. "Dare to come so close to me?" By yanking the whip, it unraveled from Cassie's leg, still crackling from the electricity. He clenched his fist and threw a punch at her, with a grunt.
Cassie felt the punch connect with her mask and it flew off, exposing her solemn face. "Yes I do." She growls. "Sekki," she said, turning to the penguin. "Back off. This is my fight!" She raised her hand, charging up her beam. "You kill my friends," she said, shooting one at Whiplash. "You threaten my family," she shot a chest beam at him. "AND UNDERESTIMATE," A punch to his gut "ME!!!!" she spun around and aimed a roundhouse kick at his face.

Through the multitude of hits, damage control started to set in. His chest was crippled, and due to some wires being hit, his left whip couldn't be charged anymore. His head was hurting, the hit echoing throughout the suit. Yelling in rage, he charges his right whip. "Your father killed my father and grandfather!" He said, throwing his whip at her. "You made our name a shame!" Again, he thrashed his whip. "And you dare to think I am equal to you?!" With a yell, he charges at Cassie.

Cassie grinned and doded one whip, but the second time, it wrapped around her arm and electrocuted it. She cried out and fell to her knees, then stood and charged at him, intending to broadshoulder him.
GoldenChari said:
Mason sighed. "don't worry i am." he muttered. "You need to know i can't get too angry by the way. If so, i may need to be... ya know..." Mason put his hand to his head like a gun and went 'pop' "Yeaaaa..." He trailed off, slightly laughing as he was a bit embarrassed.
Connor almost nodded and kept the conversation going before he did a double take on what Mason said. "Wait...what? What are you trying to say? That you can't control your powers, or yourself, when you get too angry? You do realize what this job is, what it does? Your going to get angry, your going to get broken, and you will never see it coming." The blonde rubbed at his forehead, "We can't in good conscious let you join the team and go out on missions if you will be a danger to anyone. Civilians, us, yourself....Not with what we deal with everyday."
Sekki stopped all the flame and walked away from the scene. He floated away to the park where he plopped onto a bench. He spoke silently to himself, "...Why? Why is it that every time I just want to do what I love... try to help what I love, I feel such pain and empty void?" He placed his wings on his shoulders before sighing. Tears welled up inside him as he screeched internally, only coming out as a emotional speaking voice, "Why do I give so much and yet receive so little?!" He slammed his head down, tears overwhelming his frame. He sobbed, sniffling and mumbling out, "The only person in this entire Hel was my own brother. I hated my father and he hated me back. I loved my sister and she hated me back. I loved this entire planet, but it drove me to insanity and pain!"

Augustus starred down to his wings, imaging his old hands. Cuts, slashes and bruises were abundant. He had shattered a knife inside his arm and decided to keep it there just to remind himself not to do it. He had them prepared each and every day... the pills staring him down and eating away at him. Just one and he could sleep forever... finally get rid of the excruciating pain that he felt each and every day. His burned black skin screamed with every movement, pain becoming all that they are. He endured it for his dream... to be remembered as a good man. He wanted to leave the world a better place. He wanted the entire world to be free, to give them the tools to feel others and not be so shut in. Force open the door and make Humanity realize what it was missing. He just wanted to give, and give and give to what he loved and respected. He wanted life and love to flourish, for him to finally feel love back. He had lied to himself about his brother... he was more morbidly curious about the failed experiment he was.

Doom only knew so much because his brother spilled the beans and supported it. Doom wanted to kill him, that's why his brother impaled him that day. Augustus tensed up his wings before Sekki screamed loud enough to be heard, but to far for anyone who didn't follow to hear, "W-why can't anything be fair?! Waa...Whiiiiiyyyyy?!" He dropped down to his knees, bawling his eyes out. He pounded the ground pathetically, revealing that the Metal Pringer X form was just an illusion. It practically washed away a few seconds later as Sekki just couldn't take it anymore. He took the pain and sorrow for so long... he knew nothing but pain. He loved others, but held his justice close. It was the only way for him to know what was right and wrong. He taught himself everything he knew other then fencing. He reached for his chest, before Sekki realized that as a Prinny he no longer held the necklace. It had a photo of the 7 children and doom... and smiling. The family he wanted so badly that rejected him with the rest of the world. He couldn't take the pain anymore... he just couldn't. He sobbed violently as onlookers just decided to leave the crazy blue penguin with bat wings alone.
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GoldenChari said:
"Anyway i can be helped to tame them then?" Mason asked. "If not, i may as well get out of your guys's hair."
Connor took a breath and nodded, "We can try, there are plenty of people who've overcome emotionally linked powers that can help you out. They helped me figure mine out." Connor had a sheepish smile.

Powering up his whip, he charged at her too. When they both clashed, a white flash was seen, almost blinding all that could see. Then, a hit could be heard, and smoke rising. When the dust settled, both combatants were on opposite ends of each other. Whiplash's whip still crackled, but then powered down, although he was not falling down or anything.


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