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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"I didn't think of it until recently." He said, spinning a knife around his finger.

"So... what happened ever since I disappeared?"

Nerdyy said:
"I didn't think of it until recently." He said, spinning a knife around his finger.
"So... what happened ever since I disappeared?"

Connor put his hands on his hips, something was off and Tyler wasn't really making a whole lot of sense. He was acting as if the whole abducting thing was nothing more than an inconvenience. "It took you fourteen years to suddenly think. Oh, maybe I should go home. That's hard to believe considering you were a kid who was probably crying to go home at first. What happened...? Oh I don't know, my whole life?"
He stopped spinning the knife, and threw it at the wall, making it stick there.

"Listen... If you honestly want to know, I was only captured for two days..." The two days was shocking. It would seem more like that. "You're one to talk. Your whole life? And you didn't even BOTHER to LOOK FOR ME? I was counting every hour, minute, and second you weren't. 14 years, 184 days, 3 hours, and 2 minutes. Do you know how that FEELS!? To know how long you were abandoned? To be thought of as dead, while I'm out there on the streets, begging for money to buy a single meal? Exactly... You don't."

At this point he was in Connor's face, aggravated by the fact he just stated.

Reaper said:
Miranda finally collapsed, unable to keep her eyes open. Everyone under her control would regain control over themselves.
Dimitri zipped Lisa over to the corner of the room and crouched next to her. "Are you okay?" @National @sitanomoto @Emperor Of Embers
Lisa's nose was bleeding, and a bruise was developing on her cheek, but she grinned and took out her headphones. "Just... Just fine, 'Mitri." She said breathlessly. "How'd I do?" She coughed and wiped some blood from her mouth.

AnnoDomini said:
Fyodor Vanko/Whiplash
"It's surprising to see a Stark having honor." Whiplash said. Inside the suit, Fyodor was already assessing the damage he received. 'Stomach area compromised. Left leg partially damaged. 10% energy regeneration due to overloading my whips. It could have been 40. I can still fight.' Fyodor smiled, clearing his throat and looked at the monster who collapsed. His palms started to sweat, and he started to shake a little. 'Why... Whiplash, why.' 'They were weak Fyodor!' He closed his eyes, then looked at Cassie, getting ready to battle.

Cassie pulled her mask down, setting herself in a battle stance, waiting for him to make the first move.

It all depends upon how he comes at me, Cassie thought. If I can get him to recharge his whips, he'll be weaker. Cassie looked over at Aleena and her face hardened, but the only sign of her distress was the stiffening of her arms in her stance. You'll be alright, Aleena. I can help you as soon as I'm done with this jackass.
National said:
Desimus feels his energy come back to him, and he falls to his knees, his little energy gone. He looks down at the floor, unable to look at anyone, ashamed of revealing his past.
@Reaper @sitanomoto @Emperor Of Embers
Chocola went to him, and tried to make eye contact. "Desimus..... Are you OK? Do I need to break meowt the healing horn again?" She asked him as a paw gently rubbed his cheek, and she pats his cheek.
"Oh Hel.." Kat sighed as she looked out over the impending brawl outside the tower whilst hearing the very much ongoing argument within the tower, neither of which she felt any compulsion to stop. The temptation to disappear to somewhere far nicer than here was great but after a day of healing and dragging others around as she teleported about the city - though she'd be loathe to admit it - she was feeling ever so slightly tired. So limiting herself to more traditional means of transport and taking advantage of the distractions she headed away from the heart of the tower to begin to explore it more thoroughly. After all if she were to spend any amount of time here she'd be happier if she knew her way around.
Raikou quelled the red electricity around him and it faded away gradually. He said "I think we should like impair her ability to speak so she can't do this anymore people. Not something like cut out her tongue but maybe a mental block or something." He removed his helmet and held it in his left hand. "Maybe a sound proof cell to go with that." Raikou added.

@sitanomoto @Reaper @National @Emperor Of Embers
"Worse? Worse?! She did the worst thing she could've ever done to me."

Standing up steadily, Desimus still looking down, he looks at the downed body of Miranda. She forced him to spill everything about himself. Only two people knew about his true past, and now, the thing he ran away from the most came back to haunt him, and now everyone knew about it. He looks at Chocola, shaking his head.

"I-im fine."

He was of course lying. As everyone was talking about what to do to her, Desimus starts to walk over to his desk, his head bowed, ready to leave this place with just a push of a button.

@Reaper @Raikou Kaminari @Emperor Of Embers @sitanomoto
National said:
"Worse? Worse?! She did the worst thing she could've ever done to me."
Standing up steadily, Desimus still looking down, he looks at the downed body of Miranda. She forced him to spill everything about himself. Only two people knew about his true past, and now, the thing he ran away from the most came back to haunt him, and now everyone knew about it. He looks at Chocola, shaking his head.

"I-im fine."

He was of course lying. As everyone was talking about what to do to her, Desimus starts to walk over to his desk, his head bowed, ready to leave this place with just a push of a button.

@Reaper @Raikou Kaminari @Emperor Of Embers @sitanomoto
"Desimus. I know something is wrong. Just tell me..... I want to help you." She said as she hops onto the desk, and sat in front of him, giving him the cute Kitty Cat eyes that no one could resist. (Huehuehue.)
Connor held his ground through Tyler's words, though not so much internally. Once his brother had stood to get in Connor's face the blondes hands had dropped to his sides and he'd taken a step back. He probably deserved that, he was pushing...

"W-we thought you were dead. Mom and Dad searched for you, they...." The blonde shook his head as he fought back the tears, "If you were out there this whole time struggling why didn't you get in touch with somebody!? You don't think we would have come after you in a heartbeat?"

"I highly doubt you would have..." He said, as he started to walk off. "If you need me, you won't know where to find me..."

Lisa sighed in relief as her wounds were healed. "Thank you." She said, then stood. She kissed Dimitri on the top of the head, then walked over to Desimus. She knelt in front of him.

"You know something, Desimus?" She said quietly. "If you'd like everyone to forget about what happened, I can do that for you. I won't forget, but I won't judge you. I dont judge people on what they were in the past. I judge them on what they are NOW." She put a hand on Desimus's shoulder.
Mason had been told one on one so he walked off and had been making his way up the elevator. He stepped out and after a bit, he saw Connor and the other blonde just as the other blonde started to walk away. "i miss somethin?" Mason asked, confused.

@Nerdyy @Crono
LucianGrey7971 said:
(Time to start some SHIT)
Jordan had disappeared during the dispute with Whiplash and had appeared in Asgard. He looked around and walked with a purpose towards where Thor was located.

@Raikou Kaminari
"Ah, not this puny imbecile." Thor said from his throne. Though he looked mostly the same from when he was on Earth, it was obvious there was a huge difference and not just the crown of Asgard on his head. He seemed a little less Thor and a little more Odinforce, the Runes around his neck only added to his more godly form. He seemed more godly then Laxus in Mysticism. The way things looked it seemed the Psionic God wanted to go at with the Cosmic God.
Jordan walked towards Thor and to guards who clearly weren't the smartest of Asgardians tried to stop him. "...I would have words with your king...don't make me have to get...uncivil."
LucianGrey7971 said:
Jordan walked towards Thor and to guards who clearly weren't the smartest of Asgardians tried to stop him. "...I would have words with your king...don't make me have to get...uncivil."
"A Psionic God, should be able to speak to me from anywhere." Thor said though his voice carried all through the palace. The guards opened the door at the sound of their King's voice. "Maybe you have done what I foolishly did on my last trip to Earth, which was dim my connection to the Odinforce. Though you shouldn't need to walk here either."
"That's it!?" Connor called after Tyler, "You came here for a reason. Was it really just so you could to tell me how much of a terrible person I am, and then leave?" The blonde glanced at Mason, unsure of what to say before he nearly grabbed the nearest object to break it out of anger. The anger was masking a pain that Connor was so tired of feeling, angry at the people that had forced the Avengers to fight, angry at his powers for having nearly killed Aedan, and angry at himself for reasons that just seem to continue to pile up day after day. "Nothing important..." Connor half-mumbled.

@Nerdyy @GoldenChari
"I REALLY don't like that term. Besides, some things are better said in person..." Jordan flicked his wrist, the very dimension around the guards shifted and they ended up slammed to the ground before they even knew what happened "I told them to stop pointing their sticks at me."
LucianGrey7971 said:
"I REALLY don't like that term. Besides, some things are better said in person..." Jordan flicked his wrist, the very dimension around the guards shifted and they ended up slammed to the ground before they even knew what happened "I told them to stop pointing their sticks at me."
"Then speak, just because I have all the time in the continuum doesn't mean I want to wait that long for something that can be said much sooner." Thor replied unimpressed and just as disappointed. "You don't like that term because you're a human wielding the power of a psionic god. Humans are flawed beyond measure but that is what makes them interesting. No wonder the Phoenix likes to be linked to a human. But that is also your biggest problem which is why you'll always be alone."
"I...I'm sorry...didn't Taskmaster kick your ass? I don't want to hear shit from the guy who got his ass kicked by a powerless person. Anyway, you and I both know why I'm here. You. Your being alive is unnatural and...let's put it this way, I'm lazy as hell so if it didn't need to be done...I wouldn't be here."
LucianGrey7971 said:
"I...I'm sorry...didn't Taskmaster kick your ass? I don't want to hear shit from the guy who got his ass kicked by a powerless person. Anyway, you and I both know why I'm here. You. Your being alive is unnatural and...let's put it this way, I'm lazy as hell so if it didn't need to be done...I wouldn't be here."
"Didn't you cry in your mansion about how much your life sucks. I chose to face him on a level playing field, you see I was smarter than you which is why even on Earth I wasn't alone. I chose to make myself weak back then. My being in the first place was never natural in the first place always supernatural. Alas, the Thor you humans knew is dead so to speak I can never go back to being that weak a pity, guess this what it feels like to be old for a human." Thor said. "You can take your notions of natural and unnatural elsewhere. If you believe otherwise well why don't you have a go at it. But you already know that you cannot win and why you cannot win."
Whiplash/Fyodor Vanko

Fyodor was caught off guard by the girl who called him. Looking at her, his body straightened. Looking over to the body of her brother, he could only open his mouth, but no words were coming out. "I am sorry! I didn't want to kill him!" 'What are you doing Fyodor ? You never apologized before. Are you getting soft?' 'No, it's just... He was her brother...' 'So? Remember Chechnya. How many parents did you kill, Fyodor ?' Fyodor groaned. On the exterior, the grunt could have been read as an annoyed grunt. His guard was down, as he still looked at Aleena.

@sitanomoto @BeamMeUpScotty

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