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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Cassie growled low as Maxton died and Jordan Called out her name. "THIS IS MY TOWN, BOY. AND NOBODY, NOBODY MESSES WITH ME IN MY TOWN!" she yelled furiously. She rocketed towards the man. ((@GoldenChari))
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Desimus looks at Miranda, gently letting down the cat.

"But for now... Miranda, we won't hurt you. Just tell us who you really are. You have the powers of Professor Xavier, so who are you really?"


Jackie looks around, at his grandma. She probably still didn't believe that he was the future son of Cassie, but he was glad that she was okay.
"I'm not worried about you hurting me. You won't be able to. So I suppose there's no reason not to tell you. I only need cerebro to work. As you know, it boosts mental abilities to a global level. And I wasn't lying about my name. It is Miranda. Miranda Killgrave." She said, taking a step forward. "Now all of you turn around. I don't like you looking at me..." @National
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Desimus's eyes widen, his jaw dropping. He couldn't believe it. Kill grave. The purple Man. Oh god. Desimus tries to move towards her, but he is forced to turn, his body going against him.

"Miranda, whatever you are doing, stop it. The cerebro isn't completely fixed. You can hurt yourself if you use it wrong. Think about what you're doing!"

"Oh, I'm sure I can trust you. It's not like you would say anything to get out of this situation. Absolutely."

Dimitri growled as he turned with the rest of them. "Go ahead! Use it. I hope it makes you a vegetable. Or, you could force us to wait a little longer so it could be fixed."

And you're not just trying to buy time?"

"Of course I am. Doesn't make me wrong does it?" He said between gritted teeth.

"I suppose you might have a point..." She considered. @National
Desimus was shocked. She was playing him exactly like a puppet. He had no control over anything, everything under her control.

"Miranda, why do you want to do this?"

"Why do I want control over everyone on earth? That's not even a question, is it? For the same reason you wanted your power, King. Oh that's right. You don't like it when we talk about your past so much. You're ashamed of a lot of things you've done. Why don't you tell all of us what you're most ashamed of? Be specific, now."

Desimus coughs, his jaw dropping in disbelief. She was going to force him to confess everything?! He tries to fight it, but it slowly all comes out, like a buffering video recording.

"M...my father was assassinated... I never found out who... But I've always wanted to avenge.. Him... And so I hunted down every assassin I could, innocent or not... A...and... I killed them all without hesitation. After a few years, Hydra invaded my kingdom, and they forced my people and I into slavery... They killed my best friend in front of me... She was so innocent.. I snapped, the powers of the Black Panther flowing through me as I slaughtered every hydra I could find. It didn't matter if they were soldiers, or just a medic. I killed as many as I could until I drove them out. A.... And then... O-only three m....months ago..."

Tears roll down Desimus's cheeks, trying to stop himself. Miranda was forcing him to leak out everything, but his biggest secret was just about to be spilled. He tried to fight it, his mind straining to fight. However, he finally broke.

Just... Three months ago... There was a group, called the Seventh Order. They came to my kingdom, and they told me I could have unlimited power to protect my kingdom. I thought.... I thought that this power could help me to finally create everlasting peace. However, the Seventh Order fooled me... And I attacked back... Please, don't make me say it... Please.."

He falls to his knees, as the last bits of information leak out.

"I forced them to watch as I killed everyone they loved in front of them. Thats why I sent Chocola away. I didn't want her to see that. I murdered their families in front of them as I took down the Seventh Order. I killed innocent ..... Please no ..... I-innocent children.... In my bloodlust. I tried to stop... But I couldn't .. I just couldn't..."

Desimus turns his head away from Harry, Dimitri, and Chocola, not able to look at them in the eyes any more, ashamed of his horrific past.


@Emperor Of Embers
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Raikou wondered just what he was hearing over the comms. It sounded like Miranda has betrayed the others and seems to want to use Cerebro to take over the world. "Well umm, I am not sure it will work right now being I had to cut it out from the building so I am sitting out here with a giant gray metal chamber next to me." Raikou explained. "But there is no way you are going to get this thing now that I heard all of that." Raikou turned his blade on the chamber and infused it with electricity first he put his hand on it to obtain a sort of mental blueprint before he split the chamber into all sorts of slices and pieces with his sword.

@Reaper @National
Reaper said:
"Are you crying? Oh wow, he is! Poor baby..." After hearing Raikou through the comms, she replied. "You absolutely will do it, or I'll make all of your friends kill themselves. Right here, right now." @Raikou Kaminari @National
"Now that it is in pieces I can put it back together but you got to beam me and the pieces up." Raikou replied looking at the destroyed Cerebro.
"Alright, alright. How about you, cry boy?" She said to desmius. "Go teleport the stuff along with him to the chamber. And no funny buisness." @National
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Desimus lifts himself up, still turning himself away from Harry, Dimitri and Chocola. He teleports himself next to Raikou, feeling control seep back into his body. Sadly, it wouldn't last long. He keeps his gaze away from Raikou, knowing that he also heard his past. He puts his hand on Raikou's shoulder, ready to teleport them back up.


@Raikou Kaminari
Reaper said:
"Alright, alright. How about you, cry boy?" She said to desmius. "Go teleport the stuff along with him to the chamber. And no funny buisness." @National
Chocola did not like Miranda, no. She hated her, especially for mocking Desi us and his past. Despite hearing everything Desi mud said, it did not change her views on him. He was her big brother, no matter what. And she will not stand for this anymore, with Desimus' tail between his legs, which never happened before. She went into a different room when Miranda was not looking, and began to think of a plan for her brother to take charge. @Reaper @National @Raikou Kaminari
Finn saw electro kid coming for Cassie and he hurried to get a better look. He arrived at the window just in time to see Maxton get killed. He reeled back from the window and sprinted down the stairs to get outside. Not even caring about what was going on he ran towards the body of the downed kid and pressed his ear to the kid's mouth to check for breathing. Hearing none he proceeded to try CPR. But he guessed that the damage had been done and the kid was dead. The guy who had done it was so close too. He could kill the guy in revenge. Cassie came out of the tower though and Finn shook the thoughts from his mind. This was Cassie's fight. Not his. If she needed help she would call for it or if things got bad enough he would interfere. He shakily pressed his finger to his comm unit and turned it on before pushing down to talk. "Avenger down. Maxton Quill is... dead." He choked out. Two deaths in one day. He wished that he had chosen to stay with Maul, but thoughts of his warring friends had brought him back to the tower.

When Richie heard this dreadful news, he was furious. Bursting out of the tower, he pulls out his massive rocket launcher, firing a massive missile out right at The electric whip man.

Lisa listened to Miranda from the other room. She held her breath and willed her mind to go blank, just in case the Killgrove girl could sense her. She reached her mind out to Dimitri, making sure to avoid anything that could pin her as a threat to the Purple Girl, and gently prodded his mind, letting him and him only know she was there. The poke receeded immediately and then her mind was blank again.
Dimitri thought about how he could drop hints to Lisa on how to handle this situation. "I know you think you're hot shit, Miranda. I just can't take someone seriously who's power can be beaten with earplugs. Or a sore throat. Or anything that would prevent them hearing you. I don't even think we should've let you on the team! And our team had a guy with a bow and arrow."

"Do you ever shut up?"

"Honestly though. I can think of more uses for matter-eater lad."

"Dimitri. Punch yourself in the face. Really fucking hard.... Now if you don't stop talking, I'll start making you break your own fingers. Thank you."

Dimitri spat out a tooth from the corner of his mouth. "I went against a purple guy before. It didn't end well for him...." @sitanomoto @National @Emperor Of Embers
Lisa grinned widely, and pulled out her headphones. She put them in her ears and turned up the volume so she couldn't hear a damn thing other than the music. She walked to the beat of Holiday by Greenday, and she had a wide grin. "Here's the cavalry!" She said, a little louder than intended because of her headphones. She looked Miranda in the eyes and grinned. "You look tired, honey." She said Sweetly. "Sleep." She commanded, layering power into her voice. "The floor looks so comfortable, doesn't it? It wouldn't hurt to lay down and close your eyes for just a moment..." She smiled at Miranda with a grin that rivaled the Cheshire cat.

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