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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Look kid, don't compare me with whatever your future is. The fact that you came back here means that you've created a separate timeline from the one you knew, meaning that I'm probably won't be whoever I was in your timeline. So do me a favor, stop comparing me to another version of myself...I REALLY hate being compared to another version of myself, especially by people who don't know Jack shit about me."

(Multiverse theory!)
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"Well, I'm pretty sure this one called you dad." Connor pointed down at Chara, "So are they not more of your mini-me's?"

Turning his attention to Alex he simply gestured at Chara who stood just in front of Connor, "Though I have no clue about the other one. What did you promise, to help them?"

@LucianGrey7971 @AnnoDomini
Jackie raises up his hands.

"I'm still around, Jordan. Why do you always believe yourself to be right? I'm still around, which means you guys are still going down the path of destruction."


Desimus smiles, holding the cat close.

"Fine, I promise you. I won't leave you. You're right, I have been Distant."

@Emperor Of Embers
"I am always going down a path of destruction. And stop using my name like you know me. I barely tolerate it from Elsa over there." Jordan gestures at Connor

" And honestly, they might be...hell I'd put all my money that they are my clones. I...tend not to worry about DNA seeing as I don't die. One time, a month after I started getting used to my Phoenix Force powers, I got knocked into a woodchipper. That...was not pretty."
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Morgan had been twiddling his thumbs, attempting to keep down (Esspecially when Jordan came in, he didn't have a death wish.) But something Jackie said bothered him...He raised his hand as if he were a student.

"Yo future dude, who uh...Killed the Jordan in your time? Just wondering...For science...."

@LucianGrey7971 @National
Jordan turned and raised his hand towards Morgan, almost as if contemplating doing to him what he did to the table. His eyes were dead, this was nothing more than breathing. Taking the life of someone who claimed his...it would take less than a- Jordan blinked away the thought and the light returned to his eyes "Don't make me post-pre-emptively strike you"

Jackie looks over to Morgan, his eyes restlessly moving around.

"Thane, the son of Thanos. It got bad. Everyone died, except me and dad- I mean Azazel."

"Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan." Connor spoke sarcastically, "Keep calling me Elsa and I'll speak your name everyday for the rest of my life, kapish?"

"So here's the real question...you said I died because of my selfishness? Good to know." Jordan knelt down to look at Frisk who hadn't left his side "You don't really look a lot like me...neither does your brother. So the question is if Suki was 100% pure unadulterated me...what other DNA were you and your brother mixed with...eh, doesn't matter, you're still technically my kids so who cares."
National said:
Jackie raises up his hands.
"I'm still around, Jordan. Why do you always believe yourself to be right? I'm still around, which means you guys are still going down the path of destruction."


Desimus smiles, holding the cat close.

"Fine, I promise you. I won't leave you. You're right, I have been Distant."

@Emperor Of Embers
"You better keep that promise, or I will be angrier than a Dinovaldo." Chocola said in an irate tone. He had said that multiple times before, but no change. She doubted that he would even keep his promises, but had a sliver of hope.
Morgan rubbed his chin in thought.

"Alright...So Thane...Son of Thanos...Killed Jordan and stuff...Got it...Question though, what happened to me? I mean, I get that I die but...I just need to know how."

"Y'know, your interest in my death is starting to make think that the other personality was the good one." Jordan said to Morgan without looking at him. Instead, Jordan was very focused on Frisk, and Chara who had ran over to him when hee made the smallest of gestures.
Alex smiles. "Do you wanna build a snow man? And yes, Elsa, I promised to the other one that I would help them find their parent." He looks at Jordan. "Buut, it seems they found him. It's that... brat over there." Alex says, his metallic hand pointed at Jordan. "I wonder who's, successors might come next. Who knows, maybe in the future we adopt a child. That would be crazy."

@LucianGrey7971 @Crono
Connor looked at Alex in surprise and if he'd been drinking water he would have spit it out or choked on it at thisi point, "Kids?" Connor started, just before stumbling over the next words which came out quickly and a bit shyly as he got a little red in the face. "I uh...weveneverreallytalkedaboutthatoranything. youwanttohavekids...withme?"

Alex smiled and blushed too, nodding, then clearing his throat, his eyes moving towards Jordan. "Like father, like son huh? I really wonder who saw behind that hard shell of rudness and found that shrewd golden heart of yours, cause that person deserves the miner award for biggest hole dug ever." Alex tried to get over his blush by trying to use comedy, but his blush still remained. He leaned close to Connor's ear, whispering. "We'll talk about it later."

@Crono @LucianGrey7971
Jordan didn't even seem to hear Alex, instead he pulled the two close to him and hugged them tightly. Jordan sighed heavily, his hood concealed the look in his eyes, the usual hardened glare nothing more than a loving gaze. "...ow." Jordan pulled away from them and looked at Chara, who had more or less accidentally stabbed him

"...Why does he have a knife? What kind of useless Avenger let's a kid run around with a knife?" he asked incredulously not knowing the trouble Chara had given Connor
Connor more or less only realized he was saying this in front of plenty of others the moment Alex seemed to deflect the question before whispering to him. If he could have, he would have shoved his face into something to hide the embarrassment. Luckily Jordan was giving him the opening to save his sanity, "I uh.. Hey, I tried to take it from her but...well she takes after you in more ways than one let's just say that." Connor crossed his arms over his chest.

@LucianGrey7971 @AnnoDomini
"...She? This is clearly a boy..." Jordan put his hand on Chara's head, who was visibly getting tired of being called a girl by Connor

"This one...." he put his other hand on Frisk's head "I...well....no clue. All I get back from Frisk's mind is that Frisk is determined...I don't know what that means...but it's really not helpful."
Ricky stood on the sidewalk for several moments, taking a deep breath before heading on his usual tread, although to a place he didn't quite like. He couldn't tell what time it was, neither did he care. He knew he was getting fired, again. Yeah, this happens when you sleep too much.
Crono said:
Connor looked at Alex in surprise and if he'd been drinking water he would have spit it out or choked on it at thisi point, "Kids?" Connor started, just before stumbling over the next words which came out quickly and a bit shyly as he got a little red in the face. "I uh...weveneverreallytalkedaboutthatoranything. youwanttohavekids...withme?"
Cassie giggled at Connor going red in the face and his Shy mannerisms. She walked out of the lab and to her room. It was night, almost 10:00, and she was tired. She sat down on her bed and slumped against the backboard with a huff. She rubbed her eyes as a Major headache struck her. She bit her finger to keep herself from crying out, and she fell to her bed, shaking.

Hello, Human Scum.

What.... No! No, I killed you!

Not Quite, worm. I've been brought back, and I'm on a mission. To take everything from you, once and for all.

Cassie's eyes were closed, and she was breathing rapidly.....

But I need a host, and who better to torture your loved ones than you?

Something like you should have stayed in hell.





Too late, Cassandra Stark. I'm a part of you now.....

It felt to Cassie like something was crawling around under her skin.

Cassie's eyes shot open with a yell of terror. She sat straight up and gripped her blankets tightly like a lifeline. She was breathing like she had just run a four-mile marathon at top speeds. She was drenched in sweat as if she had been out in the desert for an hour or more. She was shaking like a leaf, and her eyes were darting back and forth. They were wet with tears. She looked at the clock. Her little nightmare hadn't lasted more than a minute or two.
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Hybrid sighed and wiped her tears away and breathed in and out a couple of times. She walked forward tward the object now trying to ignore Tyler. Covered with dirt and mud she walked too the figure and it came into veiw.

Wait, was that Mason?

Sure enough, the past out boy was injured and up against the tree. Hybrid leaned down and flicked him in the head.

Mason moaned. "What the hell...?" He responded, looking at hybrid. "Where are we?" he asked, slowly waking up.

@Yngwie Schutz
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Hybrid rolled her eyes. "My bedroom." she said sarcasticly. She smirked and giggled a little. No man would be insane enough too be there. "You got thrown and landed up against this tree during that fight." she stood up and began to walk away. "I was on a walk your lucky i found you."

'Hope I don't embaress myself anymore today. Damn it Hybrid! Why did you have to cry!' she thought still thinking about her walk with Tyler.


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