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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Miranda seemed to look into his mind and she tilted her head, looking concerned. "Why would Harry say a silly thing like that? Of course I'm his daughter. If he was alive he would tell you himself!" @National
Desimuss hands drop, his mind blown. His hands clench the side of the desk, almost crushing it in half.

"Wh-what do you mean alive. Harry has been alive the entire time. What the hell is going on?!'

"Oh, I'm sorry. I don't mean to make you anxious. I was referring to my father. If he was alive he would vouch for me. You seem a bit unhinged. Are you feeling okay? You might need a nap?" She asked. @National
Desimus growls, his hands now going to his side. On the side of his desk, there was a button that would fire out the Black Panther Suit from his desk drawer and onto his body. He didn't know who Miranda really was now.

"You're not anymore who I thought you were. Harry already told us you aren't what you say you are. Who are you."

Reaper said:
Miranda walked into the room with desmius, and gave him a wave, wiggling her fingers.
"Yes, I think she's still up there, but Harry says she isn't who she said she is. Xavier never had a daughter. Watch out." Dimitri replied into his communicator, before turning to Chocola. "Actually, I'm on my way to save him right now. Tag along!" @Emperor Of Embers @National
"Alright! Let's go!" Chocola said as put down a smoke bomb, and changed into her armor. She seemed robotic with her armor, as well as he mini lance.
Cassie stood. "I'll let you guys go and I'll call you as soon as I get a yes." She said. "Have fun kicking Furrypants's ass, mmkay?" She went to Connor, passing by her mom with a quick peck on the cheek. "Connor?" She said. "I need to talk to you." @Crono

Pepper smiled as Cassie passed her by and then raised an eyebrow at Jackie. "Really....?" She said skeptically. When he explained about the cookie jar she nodded. "Seems legitimate." She said.
Connor nodded at the advice he was given, "With all due respect nonchalant isn't an option, but thanks, I mean it." Though when Jackie came in and spoke of Grandma Pepp, Connor's head titled in confusion then looking from Jackie to Azazel to Cassie he hit some sort of epiphany. "Mazle tov?"

Feeling a pull on his arm Connor looked down to see Chara, "Did nobody sort you out yet?" Connor asked crouching down once again, hoping this time that his legs were a bit more safe from attack. "Need something?"

Peering up at Cassie when she'd asked to speak to him, "Well, I was about to go meet my brother...sounds weird when I say it like that. But I've got a sec." The blonde gestured at Chara who was taking his attention momentarily.

@LucianGrey7971 @sitanomoto
"Awwwww look at your whittle armor with your wittle.... *ahem*.... Sorry about that. Let's go." He closed his eyes and teleported himself and Chocola to the room with Miranda and Desmuis.

Miranda bit her lip at the sight of all three of them, and backed away slowly. "Please don't attack me..."

@National @Emperor Of Embers
Reaper said:
"Awwwww look at your whittle armor with your wittle.... *ahem*.... Sorry about that. Let's go." He closed his eyes and teleported himself and Chocola to the room with Miranda and Desmuis.
Miranda bit her lip at the sight of all three of them, and backed away slowly. "Please don't attack me..."

@National @Emperor Of Embers
"What are you talking about? I am not here for you, Missy." Chocola said as she looked at desimus. @National @Reaper
Desimus looks over at Chocola, his eyes widening.

"Chocola, where were you? I got worried. Bu'losin told me you went back to Wakanda, but you're actually back."

@Emperor Of Embers @Reaper

Jackie looks at his grandma, nodding.

"Yeah, you and Grandpa Tony always had us over on Sundays. Grandpas favorite wine was a red one called Pinot.... Pinot something."

Crono said:
Connor nodded at the advice he was given, "With all due respect nonchalant isn't an option, but thanks, I mean it." Though when Jackie came in and spoke of Grandma Pepp, Connor's head titled in confusion then looking from Jackie to Azazel to Cassie he hit some sort of epiphany. "Mazle tov?"
Feeling a pull on his arm Connor looked down to see Chara, "Did nobody sort you out yet?" Connor asked crouching down once again, hoping this time that his legs were a bit more safe from attack. "Need something?"

Peering up at Cassie when she'd asked to speak to him, "Well, I was about to go meet my brother...sounds weird when I say it like that. But I've got a sec." The blonde gestured at Chara who was taking his attention momentarily.

@LucianGrey7971 @sitanomoto
Cassie sighed. "Connor...." She whispered. "I've been thinking...." She sighed. "What if we started a new group? We keep the same name... 'Avengers'... Because it just sounds cooler.... But we have votes... And meetings... And we start acting like an organization that was created to help people." She closed her eyes. "I haven't told you about my plan yet. I haven't told anyone else but you, Dimitri, and Friday.... And maybe my pillow.... But I don't want us to split up. I want you and me and Dimitri and Finn to lead it.... Maybe Precision and Perry and Laxus too... But I don't want anyone to split from the team. I want us to be a kick-ass organization that actually shapes the world and makes it a better place." She sighed and opened her eyes. "I talked to Dimitri earlier, and... I don't want to be caught between the cross-fires of my two best friends. I dont want to have another Civil War. Asking me to choose between you two is like asking me how I would rather die." She was nearly crying.
Chara looked at Connor and contemplated headbutting him, but instead decided not to and said "Our dad is here."

Jordan still hadn't made any attempt to call out to the Avengers, instead it was almost as if he was fighting back the urge to lose his composure and burn the tower to the ground. Every now and again his jaw would tighten in aggravation.
National said:
Desimus looks over at Chocola, his eyes widening.
"Chocola, where were you? I got worried. Bu'losin told me you went back to Wakanda, but you're actually back."

@Emperor Of Embers @Reaper

Jackie looks at his grandma, nodding.

"Yeah, you and Grandpa Tony always had us over on Sundays. Grandpas favorite wine was a red one called Pinot.... Pinot something."

"The captain took me back to new York, since I stowed away on his ship." Chocola said as she walked up to desimus "by the way, he should have been informed that I was returned to new York." She added.
Alex, after a period of silence, looks at Jackie. "Pinot Noir. Good wine, but I detest wine. Too... fruity. Plus, a waterboarding session with wine is... less than nice." Sighing, he goes and again throws himself in the chair, kicking the dufel bag yet again. He closed his eyes, trying to get some shut eye, as the effects of the coffee he had already wearing off.

@National @sitanomoto @Crono @everyoneelse
( So Jackie is from the future? Oh...that's interesting. I wonder if Jordan's even more of an asshole or if being the fountain of youth has mellowed him out....)
Connor let out a sigh, "Cass, I never meant for you to feel like you had to choose...maybe I should have just left like I'd planned. But I told you I wasn't going anywhere for now and I meant it. There wont be another civil war, I wouldn't let that happen." The blonde straightened out his legs and stood up to face her. "I told you that I'm here for you, if you want to make some changes then plan it out and we can all talk about it. I thought that was what Mitri was doing at first, but everything just went out of control." Connor pulled Cassie close for a hug, patting her on the back of the head.

Pulling back after a moment when Chara said her dead was here "Your dad?", he blinked before looking out the doorway and spotting Jordan. "That yo--? O-oh" He spoke as if he was still trying to piece the puzzle together, "O-ooh, dejavuh."

@LucianGrey7971 @sitanomoto
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"Would someone like to explain why The Almighty Thor it's once again sucking atmosphere? I could have sworn that he was dead, no, I KNOW he was dead. So someone explain to me why it is thathe has been brought back to life when his time was up...But before that...maybe one of you can enlighten me as to why some schizophrenic asshole with STARK technology...y'know the same technology that was used to fracture the Phoenix Force..."

Jordan put his hand on a table and without warning chucked it across the room, before it could hit anything though it disintegrated into nothing but atoms.

"Tried to KILL ME!" he the last words came out like a roaring fire, full of rage and disgust.
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Cassie smiled at the hug, and then looked at Jordan. "Calm down, Jordan!" She said, walking up to him. "For gods sake, stop chucking stuff across the room. It solves nothing." She held up her hand. "I've already taken care of it, so don't break anything."
Connor didn't know a thing of what Jordan was talking about and shook his head, "Instead can we talk about how cloned child versions of you keep showing up at Avengers tower." The blonde pointed down at Chara. "And I could have sworn there was another one...little mean one with a thing for knives."

"Taken care of it?!" Jordan's fury turned towards Cassie, his voice now seemed to reverberate, both lower and higher as he spoke "TAKEN CARE OF IT?! You expect me to believe that someone just WALTZED in here...took the only piece of equipment on this backwater planet that can damage a cosmic being, attacked me in my home and YOU think that transgression can be solved with a stern talking to?! You expect me to believe that your security is so useless that it was just taken. I'm more inclined to believe that yet another STARK has tried their hand at killing what I am but this time was too cowardly to do it themselves. I will not-" Jordan cut himself off and pinched the bridge of his nose and inhaled sharply in an attempt to calm himself down.

"No...that's not right," he said after a few seconds "I...apologize...there's a reason that hosts used too l call themselves fire and life incarnate...all that power turn sensibility into nothing but raw emotion...Neither you nor the Avengers had anything to do with that attack...nor do you have anything to do with the return of Thor." Jordan took a few steps away from Cassie and continued,

"But the fact remains that I cannot allow for the dead to keep returning to life. It throws the universe out of harmony..." he looked down to see Frisk looking up at him. He then looked at Chara who was behind Connor with a knife, then back at Frisk...then at Chara

"....The hell is with the kids? Is there an Avengers daycare I should know about?"
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Alex frowned as he heard Jordan yell, opening his eyes and looking in the direction of Jordan. Hearing him talk about the kids, he remembered something. "Ah crap. I promised that kid I would help him. Better help him." He raises from his seat, stretching, his back crackling, moving next to Connor. "Where're the kids. I need to honor a promise."

National said:
Desimus grins, happy that she was here. He picks up the small cat, holding the feline up in his arms.
"You keep running away. What's wrong?"

@Emperor Of Embers
"You are always busy with things...... I never get to see you. I feel like you forgot that I even exist. I try to go back, but somehow.... I always end up coming back. Then the whole thing repeats....... It don't want a repeating cycle anymore desimus....... I just want to be at your side..... Always." She said as a tear ran down her face, emotion filling her voice. She really felt alone, and forgotten. @National @Reaper

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