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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Jackie gets up, his hair falling into his face again.

"Dimitri, please, don't do it. When you bring back your father, someone very important to you dies. You'll have to make a trade. The love of your life, Lis, for your dad. Wanna make that choice? Mom, make him change his mind!"

@sitanomoto @Reaper
National said:
Jackie gets up, his hair falling into his face again.
"Dimitri, please, don't do it. When you bring back your father, someone very important to you dies. You'll have to make a trade. The love of your life, Lis, for your dad. Wanna make that choice? Mom, make him change his mind!"

@sitanomoto @Reaper
"Cass. No. I will handle this." Azazel said as he looked Dimitri in the face, and very seriously, he summoned a crystal ball. When he rubbed it, he spoke. "When your father comes back, here is what will happen." He said as a picture of Lisa was shown, beaten down, bloody, and already infested with maggots. "If you want to cherish your father more than your lover, then go ahead. That won't mean I won't kill him again." He said grimly, staring into his eyes with fire in his pupils. "Do not do it. Or there will be consequences." He said as he put a claw on his cheek, and made a small scratch. @sitanomoto @National @Reaper
(Sorry for not doing anything.. My notifications are absolute crap right now.)

He realized he wanted to be in the room when Connor figures out who he is. "Uh.. Sorry I'm going to go back." He said, as he ran back to sit down in the lobby.
There was a brief moment in which Fortune thought she was alone, for a brief moment as she ran to the airport she thought that at that moment, she had her whole life ahead of her. No ties, no connections, no reason to stay behind. That was when Prince Pussy began to come at her, she grit her teeth and began to go as fast she could on her motorcycle.

Desimus watches as Fortune starts to speed off. He could instantly tell the reason she booked it was because of him. He guns the motorcycle, chasing her further and further into the city.

"Cmon, I even brushed my teeth!"

Whispering this to himself, more in a joking manner, he continues to zoom, getting close and closer.

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Fortune held up her middle finger as she realized that Desimus was catching up, she yelled out,

"Go fuck yourself!"

She turned back to the road and her eyes widened as she approached the back of another car and fast. She quickly forced her bike to spin out, stopping at the side of the road, she growled as she took off her helmet and stared at the boy,

"What the fuck do you want?! Why are here, I told you to stay the fuck away!"

Desimus jumps off the bike, the Smart cycle parking itself across from Fortune and Desimus.

"Why are you always so fucking angry?! It's not even just with me! You do it with everyone. Why?"

"Did you see what just happened?! DO I need a reason! I'm constantly surrounded by jerk offs with powers who can't help but fucking treat me like a child, no matter how many times I prove I'm good!"

@National \
"That's not how I see you Fortune. You know so much, and I respect that. You're not a fucking kid, and I know that. That doesn't mean you should run away from everything! Is that the adult way to do it?"

Raikou stood atop a building out of normal eyesight range. He was observing Desimus and Fortune with his electroreception. "He is just out there chasing the booty like his name Fleece Johnson, he has entered swiggity swoogy mode so he will go after the booty but will he get the booty?" He COMME0entated over the comms to Lisa waiting for her to tell him that the computer has locked on to Cerebro.

Back in the Tower, Laxus replied to Nevermore "Still dashing even when you're angry Lady Nevermore."He had not picked up on Edkatla's presence yet.

"No! But what other choice do I have?! Stick around and be miserable?! All anybody cares about in that Tower is whether or not you came from Bruce Banner, Quicksilver, Captain America or Iron Man's golden fucking genitalia, then you don't mean anything!"

Brute growled as he followed Nevermore's scent. He had found her with Laxus, and cautiously walked close to her side, but kept his guard up, as he was much bigger than the both of them, about the size of a school bus. He dug his claws into the ground below, as if readying for a fight. @sitanomoto @Raikou Kaminari
Desimus grits his teeth, grabbing her arm.

"That's not true. It doesn't matter who your parents were. Its who you make yourself into. Whatever happened, you have to let it go. It's holding you back. You believe no one cares. You believe that there is nothing for you to care about, to lose. Start caring about things. Make something! You're not trying. You can start whenever, you can start now."

Fortune yanked her arm form Desimus and smacks him.

"Don't tell me I don't care...I cared, I cared for a LONG time, I scrambled to try to find something to care about. Every time I found something it left, I'm at the bottom of the barrel and I have NOTHING! So fuck it! I give up! I'm going to Europe so I can get lost in the damn countryside or something, anythings better than being here at this point..."

Desimus's head was pushed to the side by her slap, his eyes looking at the ground. His hands unclench, his fingers relaxing.

"You said you've searched for everything. But that's not true. You have your friends, the Avengers do care for you. Just go up to them. Conversate with them. Many have changed my life. And not only that, but you've changed my life. You pointed me to a better direction. There are people who want you to care for them, and who care for you too. I'm one of those people."

National said:
Jackie gets up, his hair falling into his face again.
"Dimitri, please, don't do it. When you bring back your father, someone very important to you dies. You'll have to make a trade. The love of your life, Lis, for your dad. Wanna make that choice? Mom, make him change his mind!"

@sitanomoto @Reaper
Cassie didn't know what to do. "Can... Az.... Az can you bring him back without Lisa dying?" She asked. She looked at Jackie and ruffled his hair with a soft smile."It's alright, Champ, I'll figure something out." She whispered. She sighed and then looked at Dimitri, still speaking to Azazel. "I want him to have another chance." She said. "The chance that you gave me. I want him to have the council and the encouragement that he used to have."
Fortune unclenches a fist for a few moments, tears beginning to well up in her eyes. She opens her mouth before shutting it quickly and clenching her fists once more. She turns away before Desimus could see her, she gets on her helmet and prepares to leave. She looks back at the boy one last time before sighing, she gets off the bike and plants a kiss on the boy's check quickly before getting back on the bike.

"You're to damn pathetic for your own good...Who knows, maybe one day you'll meet a girl who'll be able to properly deal with the way you make her feel...Thanks for being the one exception but...There's nobody else..."

She then revs her engine once before begginging to drive off once more...

sitanomoto said:
Cassie didn't know what to do. "Can... Az.... Az can you bring him back without Lisa dying?" She asked. She looked at Jackie and ruffled his hair with a soft smile."It's alright, Champ, I'll figure something out." She whispered. She sighed and then looked at Dimitri, still speaking to Azazel. "I want him to have another chance." She said. "The chance that you gave me. I want him to have the council and the encouragement that he used to have."
"I will figure something out. Maybe that is why Lionel said not to. Because Dimitri did not properly resurrect his father." Azazel said as he turned to Cassie, and sighed. "I found a note from Chocola. Read it if you wish, but when you see desimus, give it to him." Azazel said in an aggressive tone, everything he knew from Lionel and everyone else has slightly irritated him. He then walks off, since he is going to try to calm down. "He will come around, all this frackass is doing a number on his anger and frustration." Mephisto said as he looked at Lionel. "What am I like, in the future. If I may ask?" He asked, making sure to maintain distance. @National @sitanomoto @Reaper
(Time for my trap card. Also called the cliche attack) Desimus's eyes widen as Fortune kisses him, the girl hiding away her face away from him. He broke through! Did that mean?... But of course it didn't. Fortune only went back to her motor cycle, not looking at him. He takes a step closer to her, her words ringing through his mind. "The one exception."

Desimus starts to run towards her as the.engine revs up.

"Fortune, wait! You don't have to leave! "

But it was too late. Fortune already started to go off, her motorcycle engine roaring as it begins to pick up speed. He cups his hands around his mouth, yelling as loud as possible.

"Fortune! Don't leave! I... I LOVE YOU!"

@LokiofSP ("oh my god National, that was so cliche!"


Jackie looks up at his grandfather, his hand clenching his mom shoulder. He was 16, but it finally felt comforting to finally see her again. However, Azazel was starting to leave, and Jackie starts to chase him.

"Dad wait! I need to talk to y-"

But he was already gone, and he grits his teeth. Suddenly, he hears his grandfathers voice. Jackie turns to him, hate glaring in his eyes. Being a teenage, how would he know who was in the right or wrong?

"Why did you keep trying to kill me?! You never stopped to try to attack me! End me! Why did you attack me?! That's why dad left! I know this! He wouldn't leave for no reason! Dad!"

@sitanomoto @Emperor Of Embers
"Oh really, is that how it is. Why do all these familiars you keep all hate me Lady Nevermore?" Laxus asked. His hand twiched to draw his blade when the dragon snapped at it but he didn't, he thought maybe he could come to an understanding with this creature. A brief streak of lightning in his eyeball was warning to the creature to not stand in his way similar to how when the mom's back is turned the new guy will sneer at the obnoxious child.

"Epic fail." Raikou detailed to Miranda as he moved on from his current task.

@sitanomoto @Reaper @Emperor Of Embers
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Fortune stopped and turned to the boy, she took the helmet off and gave him one last chuckle.

"Come on don't be stupid and cliche, we're teenagers, the fuck do we know about love? You had a passing fancy on a girl with a sailor mouth and and damn amazing brain. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm not the dream girl you'll tell your grand kids about, I'm not the one who got away, I'll be forever known as that one chick you liked when you went through that one phase...Keep it that way please..."

Then she was gone...


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