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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Reaper said:
Dimitri hugged her, patting her back and unintentionally spreading even more blood on her. "Just take a breath with me okay, Cass. We can talk politics later but I have a problem and I don't know what to do. I tried to bring my dad back to life and he disappeared. He just took a breath and disappeared." @sitanomoto
National said:
Jackie looks at Dimitri, cursing under his breath.
"This is the first thing we have to fix to change the future. Your dad coming back to life, it can't happen. He is supposed to not be alive."

@sitanomoto @Reaper
Cassie smiled at Dimitri, then dropped it as Jackie said something. She raised an eyebrow. "What.... Why? I think Dimitri should have another chance with his Father like I did..." She looked concerned before turning back to Dimitri. "Ok, Dimitri, don't freak out, but...." She took a deep breath. "This is my son." She waited to see Dimitri's reaction.
"Yeah I know but like Fearless Leader Dimitri I recently brought back my father and renamed him King of Asgard for not to high a price. So now I am free to roam wherever I want when I want." Laxus said. He turned to Nevermore. "Lady Nevemore still sparking igniting as ever, indeed a pleasure to see you once more. May take nerve to show up here but you make those same nerve spike."

@sitanomoto @Crono @Reaper
Connor stared blankly at Laxus, "He did what!?" Conniption fit was very well under way when Connor took a moment to realize all of what Laxus had said. "And you...." The blonde pinched the bridge of his nose, not that having people they cared for brought back was a bad thing but it wasn't always so easy, things of that magnitude. There was always a twist...a way for the universe to balance itself out, a counter-balance. Which meant it was only a matter of time before something did indeed happen. "Does nobody talk things out before they try resurrecting the dead anymore?"

@sitanomoto @Raikou Kaminari
Crono said:
Connor stared blankly at Laxus, "He did what!?" Conniption fit was very well under way when Connor took a moment to realize all of what Laxus had said. "And you...." The blonde pinched the bridge of his nose, not that having people they cared for brought back was a bad thing but it wasn't always so easy, things of that magnitude. There was always a twist...a way for the universe to balance itself out, a counter-balance. Which meant it was only a matter of time before something did indeed happen. "Does nobody talk things out before they try resurrecting the dead anymore?"

@sitanomoto @Raikou Kaminari
@sitanomoto[/URL] @Crono @Reaper
"Connor," Pepper said, putting a hand on his shoulder comfortingly. "Breathe. Just breathe." She looked at the device that was now analyzing and matching the DNA of the two blood samples.

Nevermore turned Invisible to hide her blush and her grin. "Oh, its a pleasure, is it?" She kept the ferocity in her voice, but it was much softer than before. "What else, besides the resurrection of the Almighty Thor, brings you back here? Some selfish reason no doubt."
As if spurred by Connor's worries, the world shook and the sun grew hotter and brighter. The waters shook with an intensity that had not been known, all from the anger of a certain hooded being who had found himself again. As quickly as things happened, they returned to normal, except for that uneasy feeling that a pissed off Jordan might be heading their way

@Crono @sitanomoto @Raikou Kaminari
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"No." Said the bank receptionist.

"So your going to be like that are you?" Said Reginald. "You know you could have just let us in the vault but now... I guess we'll just blow our way in. Get the charges!"

"Yes sir." Said one of the henchmen.

"You, go take out the cameras and the alarm."

Moments later, And the vault was blown wide open."

"Stay here." Said Reginald to 2 of his henchmen. "You guys with me."

They walked inside. "Take as much as you can fit in your bags."

Reggie walked out smiling. "We may have taken just a little more than 50,000. Thanks!"

Later, when they arrived back, Vincent was watching the television.

"Well look at that You've made the news."

"This is George Robinson reporting from the scene of a recent robbery, in which 150,000 in cash was stolen. Witnesses report that there were 5 robbers, the leader of whom looked only 18."

Reggie grinned. He was famous, or rather, infamous.
Dimitri looked Jackie up and down. "He's a handsome guy. I learned that time travel is possible today. The more you know! But right now he isn't your son to me. He is someone who is trying to tell me I can't see you father again. So, "Jackie". Explain yourself, please." @sitanomoto @National
Azazel gets his composure back and walks up to Dimitri. "What do you need? Speak quickly." He said as he had his game face on. "Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at your base or something?" @Reaper
Alex stood next to Cassie and Azazel, crossing his arms at his chest. "Huh. Sure beats my fan fiction. But, this doesn't include some convoluted thing that, if you went back in time and told your parents that they made you, shouldn't there be consequences or something?" He looks at all three of them shrugging."What? Being alone in a jungle with a few books, soon hearing beards chirp gets on your nerves. Oh, also, Cassie junior-" He says, throwing a smirking glare in her direction, then looking back at him. "- What about me, Connor, and the others? Are we still alive, or do we die in something?" Alex's arms were still crossed at his chest, looking at Jackie.

@National @sitanomoto @Emperor Of Embers
"Ow Captain Connor must you try to remove my nose from my face. My father didn't die while using the Odinforce and the Runes despite being King of Asgard so I was able to bring him back by reactivating his connection to the Odinforce by giving up my connection among other things to it." Laxus replied. "I returned to rejoin my comrades Lady Nevemore."

@sitanomoto @Crono
Morgan stood there, silent for a few moments just soaking everything in standing awkwardly as everything passed. He then attempted to find an out,he snapped his fingers, "Oh! I almost forgot! I need to apologize to Cassie for taking her dads stuff and trying to kill somebody! It was an accident! I pass off any and all control of my role in the team to Sarah!" He then ran off, leaving the Spider hero to smirk as her mind filled with various ideas to mess with the boy...

@Lemoncakes @Archon

Morgan burst into the room and took in a breath, "CassieI'mSoSorryITookYourStuffPleaseDon'tKillMeI'mToYoungAndPrettyToDie!" He panted for a few moments as he took in the rooms feel and emotion and paled a bit, "Am I interrupting something?....Who died?"

@National @sitanomoto @Crono @Reaper
LokiofSP said:
Morgan stood there, silent for a few moments just soaking everything in standing awkwardly as everything passed. He then attempted to find an out,he snapped his fingers, "Oh! I almost forgot! I need to apologize to Cassie for taking her dads stuff and trying to kill somebody! It was an accident! I pass off any and all control of my role in the team to Sarah!" He then ran off, leaving the Spider hero to smirk as her mind filled with various ideas to mess with the boy...

@Lemoncakes @Archon

Morgan burst into the room and took in a breath, "CassieI'mSoSorryITookYourStuffPleaseDon'tKillMeI'mToYoungAndPrettyToDie!" He panted for a few moments as he took in the rooms feel and emotion and paled a bit, "Am I interrupting something?....Who died?"

@National @sitanomoto @Crono @Reaper
Azazel glared at Morgan, and growled. His eyes glow red with a burning fury. "It was not her that you should be sorry to. Maybe you should apologize to my dad for stealing his power!" He said as a flame emitted from his hand, and mephisto appears, throwing a calming tranq powder in his face. "I have already forgiven Morgan. Just relax, and think rationally." The devil said as azazel shook his head, looking at Morgan. "Sorry about that...... It's really easy for me to hold grudges... No hard feelings?" He asked. (You do remember that Morgan took the Devil's power, right?)
LokiofSP said:
Morgan stood there, silent for a few moments just soaking everything in standing awkwardly as everything passed. He then attempted to find an out,he snapped his fingers, "Oh! I almost forgot! I need to apologize to Cassie for taking her dads stuff and trying to kill somebody! It was an accident! I pass off any and all control of my role in the team to Sarah!" He then ran off, leaving the Spider hero to smirk as her mind filled with various ideas to mess with the boy...

@Lemoncakes @Archon

Morgan burst into the room and took in a breath, "CassieI'mSoSorryITookYourStuffPleaseDon'tKillMeI'mToYoungAndPrettyToDie!" He panted for a few moments as he took in the rooms feel and emotion and paled a bit, "Am I interrupting something?....Who died?"

@National @sitanomoto @Crono @Reaper
[QUOTE="Emperor Of Embers]Azazel glared at Morgan, and growled. His eyes glow red with a burning fury. "It was not her that you should be sorry to. Maybe you should apologize to my dad for stealing his power!" He said as a flame emitted from his hand, and mephisto appears, throwing a calming tranq powder in his face. "I have already forgiven Morgan. Just relax, and think rationally." The devil said as azazel shook his head, looking at Morgan. "Sorry about that...... It's really easy for me to hold grudges... No hard feelings?" He asked. (You do remember that Morgan took the Devil's power, right?)

Cassie nodded gratefully at Mephisto. "Thanks." She said as she gently led Azazel back to the couch. She walked back over to Morgan and sighed. "Morgan, if you didn't have MPD, I probably would have beaten your ass to high hell, pardon the expression," she said quickly to Mephisto, then turned back to Morgan. "But you did no real lasting damage, and I'm not one to hold a grudge against people. So clean slate, mmkay?" She held out her hand.
Morgan pointed at Azazel, "THere are totally grudges, HUGE grudges, like as in, 'I'm going to beat you up and kill you later grudges'...Not on my side though! It's from somebody else..." He turned to Cassie, "By the way! No more MPD! I was cured...I think...Kinda....No idea..."

@sitanomoto @Emperor Of Embers
Mephistopheles smiles as he saw Morgan, azazel, and Cassie solving their problem. He then looked at Jackie, and looked at Cassie. "Who is this? A new friend? And why is he afraid?" He asked her as azazel blurted out. "He is our son from the future, and on his fear, I believe you tried to kill him multiple times." He said as he looked at his father, who was confused. @National @sitanomoto @LokiofSP
Cassie noticed Jackie fall over, and she ran over in front of him protectively. "I've gotcha, Champ," she said quietly, unknowingly using the nickname her future self had given him.

@National @Emperor Of Embers

Nevermore reappeared after making sure her face held no blush and that she was all business. She shrugged. "Alright, Laxus." She walked up to him. "Just so you know, I'm still mad at you."
Dimitri looked confused at the whole situation. "Either way, Jackie. I think your warning will be enough to stop this future from happening. If it's all the same to you I think I'll just be more careful in bringing him back. I'll come back at a more convenient time." He closed his eyes to concentrate on teleporting to the Möbius X. @sitanomoto @National @Emperor Of Embers
Reaper said:
Dimitri looked confused at the whole situation. "Either way, Jackie. I think your warning will be enough to stop this future from happening. If it's all the same to you I think I'll just be more careful in bringing him back. I'll come back at a more convenient time." He closed his eyes to concentrate on teleporting to the Möbius X. @sitanomoto @National @Emperor Of Embers
"Dimitri!" Cassie called out, staying in her position in front of Jackie. "Dimitri, don't leave....." She reached out her hand to him without leaving her spot. "Please...." She whispered the last part.
Jackie stutters, looking up at Mephisto. The only two things that you could tell Jackie was the son of Azazel was hidden, but now, purple rune like tattoos start to glow from his back, and his blue tail shoots, magically appearing from his backside.

"N..no... This is where everything goes wrong. Dimitri is going to resurrect his dad.. And then... No! Dimitri please don't! What you will do is bring an entire age that HAS to die back! We are supposed to move on! Bringing him back isn't the smart idea!"

@Reaoer @sitanomoto
"Only trying? I tend to save my apologies for when I succeed or else I'd have a lot of half crimes to answer to." Kat said to no-one in particular as she watched Morgan run off. Looking back to Sarah she saw her smirk, a look she recognised all too well. "And here I was thinking the Avengers were the most tedious shining beacon of the community." She teased with a smirk of her own, but before she could enjoy the moment too much she felt a rush of Asgardian magic nearby and unfortunately it wasn't foreign to her. "Gods," sighing Kat ran her hands through her hair and closed her eyes before quickly opening them and fluffing her hair back to how it was, "I hadn't expected that quite so soon."

@LokiofSP @Archon @Raikou Kaminari
National said:
Jackie shakes his head, now his own hand on his fathers shoulder.
"Trust me, that doesn't work. When you resigned your position, a tyrant took over, enslaving all of the demons, forcing them to invade almost every day. You had to kill Jim and take over again. Just try to find a balance. I forgive you, don't worry."

@Steel Zinogre @sitanomoto

As soon as everyone left the office, Desimus sighs, and his emotions filled his head again, like demons trying to tear his brain into pieces. He holds his head as a migraine takes over, forcing him to his knees. Constantly, he had visions of Fortune, every single day, and it crushed him. He steadies himself up, and goes through the portal to his room. Once there, he starts to walk towards his bathroom, turning on the water. He washes his face, and goes to look up the mirror. Instead of his reflection, he sees Fortune, staring at him. Desimus slams his fist through the mirror, breathing heavily. He was done chasing. He puts on his black Panther Uniform, jumping through a portal into New York. He rushes onto his motorcycle, searching for Fortune. Due to his highly adaptive senses, he quickly sniffs out Fortune. It was easy for him to spot her out, and starts to drive off to her destination.

Dimitri opened his eyes to see Cassie. "Stop looking at me like that... Oh... Fine I'll stay for a little..." He crouched down to talk to Jackie. "Look buddy, you don't have to worry about anything. I won't let that... Thing hurt you." @National @sitanomoto
Reaper said:
Dimitri opened his eyes to see Cassie. "Stop looking at me like that... Oh... Fine I'll stay for a little..." He crouched down to talk to Jackie. "Look buddy, you don't have to worry about anything. I won't let that... Thing hurt you." @National @sitanomoto
(What is this... Thing in which you speak of.)

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