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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Connor shook his head, was this guy for real? "It's going to take more blood than that, and smearing it all over doesn't exactly help." At this point he put a hand on the arm that Tyler had outstretched and pulled a little to extend it. If gone unhindered by Tyler or anyone else he'd stick the vein and plug in the vial to retrieve the blood, "I'm not nearly as methodic as Cass is at this." Connor stated as he focused on the task at hand. He had indeed skipped a few steps before pulling it back out and setting the cotton ball on the spot and closing Tyler's elbow so that his arm kept the ball pinned against the spot.

"Shake their trust?" Harry asked. "Didn't we come together to form a group that protects the world? When did our agenda become "shake the avengers up". I mean they help people just like we do."

"Harry..." Dimitri started. "Helping people is nice. Helping a lot of people is nice. But when you have as much power as the avengers have, you need to exercise responsibility, something they don't understand. They won't accept limitations, and thousands have died because of it. Now if you'll all excuse me, I'm going to have a go at bringing my dad back." He said, kissing Lisa on the forehead and stepping back. "Good luck with the ninjas or whatever." He said before dissapearing.

Miranda nodded and began to type on the projection. "Desmius wasn't feeling too good when he left. Someone might want to check on him." @Raikou Kaminari @sitanomoto
He sighed out of boredom as Connor drew the blood.

"People never take my word for anything..." he exclaimed. He smiled out of fear, as he was horribly afraid of the device used to draw blood.

Reaper said:
"Shake their trust?" Harry asked. "Didn't we come together to form a group that protects the world? When did our agenda become "shake the avengers up". I mean they help people just like we do."
"Harry..." Dimitri started. "Helping people is nice. Helping a lot of people is nice. But when you have as much power as the avengers have, you need to exercise responsibility, something they don't understand. They won't accept limitations, and thousands have died because of it. Now if you'll all excuse me, I'm going to have a go at bringing my dad back." He said, kissing Lisa on the forehead and stepping back. "Good luck with the ninjas or whatever." He said before dissapearing.

Miranda nodded and began to type on the projection. "Desmius wasn't feeling too good when he left. Someone might want to check on him." @Raikou Kaminari @sitanomoto
"Not much shaking the Avengers themselves but more so helping them to shake their false reality so they can see the truth of how they operate." Raikou said.

He turned to Miranda. "Okay I will go down to Earth and keep an eye on Desimus and when the time comes I will get Cerebro through the portal and begin working on it."
Cassie rolled her eyes at Azazel. "My God, Az. You don't need to resign for gods sake. Just change the way you do things." She watched as Lionel put his hand on Azazel's shoulder. "I must have raised you right," she muttered softly. She was dying to know something.

"What am I like in the future?" She asked.

Nevermore appeared behind Papyrus. "I'll take some fajitas." She said, snagging a plate.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie rolled her eyes at Azazel. "My God, Az. You don't need to resign for gods sake. Just change the way you do things." She watched as Lionel put his hand on Azazel's shoulder. "I must have raised you right," she muttered softly. She was dying to know something.
"What am I like in the future?" She asked.

Nevermore appeared behind Papyrus. "I'll take some fajitas." She said, snagging a plate.
"HEY! I HAVE NEVER SEEN YOU BEFORE! WHEN DID YOU GET IN!?" He shouted out of surprise as Brute came up from behind him. He growled, Scaring papyrus out of his wits. "SANS!! THERE IS A BIG RED DRAGON IN THE TOWER!! HELP!!" Papyrus exclaimed as he held onto Nevermore for dear life.

Azazel looked at cassie. "I know. But the thing is, I barely do much, since old man Mephisto does everything. I just fend for myself at this point." he said with grief in his voice. @hudhouse @sitanomoto
hudhouse said:
Sans sighed before looking over, "Papyrus calm down! They aren't hurting you... you made food and one of them would like some. You made really good food, be proud bro! Besides, they didn't attack you..."
"OK SANS..... I WILL LET IT SLIDE....." Papyrus said as he slows his breathing, and lets go of Nevermore. "I AM SORRY ABOUT THAT. I AM EASILY SURPRISED." he said as he held out his hand to her.
"You show up claiming to be my dead brother and you expect me to just believe you." Connor shook his head again before turning to go back inside, "You can come back in if you want, but don't touch anything." Connor warned, then glanced over his shoulder at Hybrid and Sekki giving a quick smile of thanks even if it wasn't needed.

@Nerdyy @hudhouse @Yngwie Schutz
"I'm gonna touch EVERYTHING," he said in a mocking and sarcastic tone as he walked inside. The moment he was in he didn't do anything, he just sat on a couch, waiting to see the surprise on his face when he comes back with a positive test. I tried to tell 'em, but no. They continued to attack me, as if I did something wrong, he thought.

Hybrid watched in horror at the device beginning to draw the mans blood. It was all too familiar too her, the needles piercing the flesh of someone. Taking out a bit too much. It hurt like hell. Hybrids body began too shake violently and she looked down for a moment, trying too get herself under control. When she looked up her eyes widened.

He was scared too.

Hybrid calmed herself down and smiled back at Conner, watching Tyler walk in, anger reigning in his step. Hybrid took a deep breath and smiled up at Conner. "Your gonna go test the blood now?" She asked and she smiled wider. "Your going up too the labs right? Mind if I come with? I've always wanted too see Stark tower's facilities."

[QUOTE="Emperor Of Embers]"OK SANS..... I WILL LET IT SLIDE....." Papyrus said as he slows his breathing, and lets go of Nevermore. "I AM SORRY ABOUT THAT. I AM EASILY SURPRISED." he said as he held out his hand to her.

Nevermore laughed and shook his hand as she took a bite of the fajita with the other. "It's alright. Brute's mine." She said as she stroked the big Wyvern. "He's a big softie on the inside, so he wouldn't hurt you unless you give him cause to." She took another bite of the fajita, chewed then swallowed. "The reason that you didn't know I was here was because I can turn Invisible." She said.
[QUOTE="Yngwie Schutz]Hybrid watched in horror at the device beginning to draw the mans blood. It was all too familiar too her, the needles piercing the flesh of someone. Taking out a bit too much. It hurt like hell. Hybrids body began too shake violently and she looked down for a moment, trying too get herself under control. When she looked up her eyes widened.
He was scared too.

Hybrid calmed herself down and smiled back at Conner, watching Tyler walk in, anger reigning in his step. Hybrid took a deep breath and smiled up at Conner. "Your gonna go test the blood now?" She asked and she smiled wider. "Your going up too the labs right? Mind if I come with? I've always wanted too see Stark tower's facilities."


Sekki tapped her head during her shaking and said, "I'm here for ya dood..."
Hybrid's eyes widened as she face palmed. 'Stupid', she thought, 'There was medical equipment there! Damn it!'.

"I'm sorry", she said, "On second though I'm gonna take a walk real quick, get some air." She said, taking a few shaky steps as she began too walk away. Trying her best not too fall over as she made her way too a nearby park.

@Crono @hudhouse
Tyler hopped up.

"May I join you?" He asked, smiling. Oh wait you hate me.. "No no! It's fine, you can go with it." No I can't, I'm an idiot. "I love you, Tyler." I love you t- wait what? The strange thoughts ran through his head as he waited for a response.

@Yngwie Schutz
sitanomoto said:
Nevermore laughed and shook his hand as she took a bite of the fajita with the other. "It's alright. Brute's mine." She said as she stroked the big Wyvern. "He's a big softie on the inside, so he wouldn't hurt you unless you give him cause to." She took another bite of the fajita, chewed then swallowed. "The reason that you didn't know I was here was because I can turn Invisible." She said.
"INVISIBLE? THAT SEEMS LIKE WHAT NAPSTABLOOK WOULD DO." He said as he looked at Brute, who was drinking water from a suspended bottle. "WOWIE, HE IS REALLY THIRSTY. AND HE DOES NOT LOOK SOFT, BUT RATHER ROUGH!" he said as he puts the massive Flying Wyvern.
Hybrid turned around at the voice and reluctantly nodded. She tilted her head towards where she was heading. "I guess so, someone's got too keep you out of trouble. Come on I can't wait forever." What a strange look on his face?, Hybrid thought too herself

"Hooray!" He laughed a bit. He followed her when she started walking.

(If I can, I'm going to change how my character looks, just to fit his "Insane/Silly" part. :P Therefore, if I can, I change it to what I currently have as my profile picture... xD )

@Yngwie Schutz
Hybrid looked at the bouncy character along side her, trying to hide her shaking as they started too walk. 'Damn it, why dd you agree.'. It was too late now. She averted her gaze a bit and bit her lip. 'How can I stop shaking quickly?'

"So... how've you been?" He asked, trying to avoid awkwardness.

@Yngwie Schutz

(I'm slowly starting to get writer's block... Please don't get mad.. xD )
(Ur fine xD )

Hybrid glared at Tyler. "What are you trying too be all buddy buddy for? You triede too KILL me like ten minutes ago. What do you mean 'how have you been'...Oh crap do I know you from somewhere?"

Her mood changed from defensive too scared in a single second.

[QUOTE="Emperor Of Embers]"INVISIBLE? THAT SEEMS LIKE WHAT NAPSTABLOOK WOULD DO." He said as he looked at Brute, who was drinking water from a suspended bottle. "WOWIE, HE IS REALLY THIRSTY. AND HE DOES NOT LOOK SOFT, BUT RATHER ROUGH!" he said as he puts the massive Flying Wyvern.

Nevermore laughed. "It was an expression, but yeah." She looked at Papyrus and took him all in. "Wow. You're a skeleton." she took another bite of her fajita. It was almost gone. "A skeleton who makes excellent fajitas. Where did you even learn to cook?"
"No... do you...?" He noticed her mood go to scared, so he slowly felt the awkwardness get worse. So dumb, he thought, catching up to her, as he was a bit behind.

@Yngwie Schutz
Nerdyy said:
"No... do you...?" He noticed her mood go to scared, so he slowly felt the awkwardness get worse. So dumb, he thought, catching up to her, as he was a bit behind.
@Yngwie Schutz
Sekki silently popped in behind the guy and handed in a box of chocolates and a balloon that said, 'Forgive the idiot'. He popped back, somehow appearing on Hybrid's shoulders again saluting, "Ya Dood!"

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