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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Ah the internet...you have to love it" Olivier said from the corner, knowing that Googling her name would bring up a lot of destroyed terrorist groups and that Tech's would only give the computer way more porn viruses than necessary.
Desimus walks through the portal, being transported to the meeting room in the Möbius. He looks out of the window, into the vast city that is held in his ship.

"New home sweet home."
Mason walked the streets alone. He doubted anyone at the tower would note he didn't come back in. He passed a shop, then a cafe. "Who would be a real friend to me?" he asked. "How would i even tell?" He kicked a rock to the side of the buildings on his right. 'You're nothin kid. NOTHIN!' A voice screeched in Mason's mind. 'You? The hit star Mason Flames? Nice joke dude.' Mason tightened his fists. 'We can't speak anymore man. you sayin what you have been? Not lookin cool with the others.' He then growled as a faint buzzing seeped into his head.

^You do remember them correct Mason?^ A new voice whispered as he passed a street and went into a park. "Yes i do." Mason replied. Whenever he was alone the voice came to torment him. ^You can't have friends. You know what will happen when you do^ Then the buzzing became dim just like his vision. He then leaned against a tree and slid down it before he passed out.

(Inside conflicts of Mason just cause.)

@Crono @sitanomoto
National said:
Desimus walks through the portal, being transported to the meeting room in the Möbius. He looks out of the window, into the vast city that is held in his ship.
"New home sweet home."
Reaper said:
Dimitri looked around in wonder with the rest of them. "So... Are we always going to use those portals to get back and forth?" @National
Raikou took a moment to extend an electroreception field so he could find the others. It seemed they were all gathering in a room at the center of the Tower in Central Residential Area. He made his way from the apartment he chosen for himself to the room. He arrived as Dimitri asked his question. "Most likely, unless we use smaller ships to land. This ship is so large it would affect Earth to greatly to try and even begin to land it. It's like trying to land the Moon on Earth." Raikou answered. He turned to Desimus "So how does our gear get picked up? Should we bring it outside then you beam it up or do you have send a transport ship?"
Desimus grins, hitting the enter button on his highly advanced laptop.

"Once you all go to your rooms again, your equipment will all be assorted and ready for you at your rooms. Not only that, but I knew you would ask for it Dimitri, so i put you and your girlfriend in the same room."

@Reaper @Raikou Kaminari
National said:
Desimus grins, hitting the enter button on his highly advanced laptop.
"Once you all go to your rooms again, your equipment will all be assorted and ready for you at your rooms. Not only that, but I knew you would ask for it Dimitri, so i put you and your girlfriend in the same room."

@Reaper @Raikou Kaminari
"Awesome well if that's all on our agenda till it's time to modify Cebero into Cerebro X." Raikou said as he prepared to turn around and leave.
Lis a blushed but maintained her dignified expression, but her hand closed a little tighter over Dimitri's. "Thanks," she said to Desimus, and then looked at Dimitri with a slightly intensified blush.
Jackie walks over, getting close and closer to Alex and Cassie, until he was only a mere ten feet away.

"I'm right, right? All of this info isn't known to the public. No one knows about Augustus Von Dooms plans. His love for Cassie. I know about that. Also, who wouldve known that Connor and Alex are lovers? And Dimitri and Lis? All of the personal information of the Avengers. Am I right on all of it? And about Jordan, the Phoenix Force? I'm right, correct?"

With each sentence, he stepped closer, until he was just two feet away from the sitting Cassie.

@sitanomoto @AnnoDomini @Crono
National said:
Jackie walks over, getting close and closer to Alex and Cassie, until he was only a mere ten feet away.
"I'm right, right? All of this info isn't known to the public. No one knows about Augustus Von Dooms plans. His love for Cassie. I know about that. Also, who wouldve known that Connor and Alex are lovers? And Dimitri and Lis? All of the personal information of the Avengers. Am I right on all of it? And about Jordan, the Phoenix Force? I'm right, correct?"

With each sentence, he stepped closer, until he was just two feet away from the sitting Cassie.

@sitanomoto @AnnoDomini @Crono
with everyone conversing, and with feelings of loneliness, and abandonment, Chocola writes a note to everyone in the tower.

"Dear Everyone, I am writing this, as a form of resignation from the team. We had good times together, but with Desimus away, I have grown lonely, and felt as if he abandoned me. but the point is. I am going back home, I do not care about what he has to say anymore, mainly because he was never there for me from the beginning. The only thing he did was send me away for my "Protection." But that is irrelevant at this point, If you read this, i will be long gone, most likely on the way to Wakanda.

Love, Chocola.

P.S. Give this to Desimus when you see him. I doubt if he would even care, since he has better things to worry about."

She stops, and puts it down. she packed up her things in her little wagon, and went into an elevator going downstairs. She did not want to leave, but she felt homesick, and did not care about anything else but one thing. Home. Once in the lobby, no one had noticed her as she rolled her wagon out, and out of the building. She then gets out a map of New York, and follows it to the Shipyards, where a shipment of wakanda was called out, and she hurried onto the boat, and hid in the brig. But during her exit out of the tower, she threw a paper plane that was her letter in front of Cassie, which flew past her face, and landed a foot away from her. @sitanomoto @National
Dimitri gave a subtle thumbs up to Desmius with his other hand. "My man!"

He said as Harry shook his head and laughed. Dimitri then continued. "The size of Texas, eh? I suppose then the grand tour is out of the question. What are the main rooms we will be using? I'm sure our meeting room could be here and maybe one to train in. I would just like to get familiar before I start dashing around." @National @sitanomoto @Raikou Kaminari
National said:
Jackie walks over, getting close and closer to Alex and Cassie, until he was only a mere ten feet away.
"I'm right, right? All of this info isn't known to the public. No one knows about Augustus Von Dooms plans. His love for Cassie. I know about that. Also, who wouldve known that Connor and Alex are lovers? And Dimitri and Lis? All of the personal information of the Avengers. Am I right on all of it? And about Jordan, the Phoenix Force? I'm right, correct?"

With each sentence, he stepped closer, until he was just two feet away from the sitting Cassie.

@sitanomoto @AnnoDomini @Crono
Cassie was seriously creeped out. "Okay, who the hell are you, really? Not everyone in this room knew about all of that. So," Cassie stood. "Who are you? What are you? And why are you here?"
Kat had been silently looking down at her phone for the past while, busy thumbs suggesting she was deep in something, and then without looking up she started talking. "Seeing as I appear to be present for an era of change for the Avengers I'm going to dare to make a suggestion." Finally she looked up with a smile and continued on before anyone decided to interrupt her. "The world that led to the creation of the Avengers is not the world you live in: monsters, mutants, magic, it's all public knowledge now. As are you." Kat turned the phone so they could see the screen and then began to flick through the photos she had taken, pages upon pages of photos and blogs and walls of text all dedicated to the Avengers.

"Look. These are the people who love you, who despise you, who owe you everything, who want to be you. These are the people you protect. And they're reaching out to you everyday, looking up at this tower or spending hours watching everything they can on the other side of the world. I know your privacy is valuable but this is a life of sacrifice. You are the youth set to inherit the Earth and these are the ones who will stand beside you as you do so. Embrace them! Give them your time and your respect and they will return it ten-fold."

Pocketing the phone Kat shrugged as she finished her suggestion. "Or you can carry on being increasingly despised as the worlds worst secret." She said it almost playfully with no apparent ill will. No decisions made here were going to carry any real weight with her, nothing she did on Midgard would really have any long term consequences, but that didn't completely change everything. If she was going to throw her lot in with the Avengers - gods only knew how that had happened - the Midgardians were going to begin to talk, and she wanted to be in full control of her image.

@Archon @LokiofSP @anyone else who wants to be nearby or I've forgotten?
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Reginald Blackthorn reclined himself in a large leather armchair. He was, truth be told, extremely bored. Today he just didn't know what to do with himself. His father was away doing "business". That is, various illegal operations, usually designed to bring even more money into his pockets. Reginald heard something pulling up into the driveway of the mansion. His father's car. He was back.

"Reginald my son!" The man boomed, "How good to see you."

"I trust every thing went smoothly"

"Indeed, they have agreed to give us 100,000 in return for protection."

"Now" Said Vincent Blackthorn. There is something I must tell you."

"What is it Father?" Reginald replied non nonchalantly.

"In my old age I must accept my mortality. One day, I will die, so I need you as my heir."

Reginald was unsurprised at this request, he thought something like this would happen sooner or later, however he was less prepared for what came next.

"First of course, you need to join the gang, and for that you need to do a little... initiation test, to prove your usefulness."

"But I'm your son." Reginald argued. "Can't you just give me a free pass?"

"I could, but that would breed resentment amongst others, it would be dangerous for you. I know men who have lost eyes and arms to get in. They wouldn't exactly take kindly to some kid getting in for free, even If he is my son.

"What do I have to do?"

"It's simple. There's a bank in town, I want you to rob it. It should be easy for you, especially with your powers. Take this revolver and this carving Knife . The knife I used in my test, and the revolver I was given by my mentor. I have 4 henchmen to assist you, and they will tell me how you performed. And don't worry, I told them of your abilities, they won't be surprised.

In 30 minutes they were there. Vincent had leant the car. Each person carried a gun. They parked outside the bank. They strode in and fired some shots.

"On the ground!" Yelled one of the henchmen. Two security guards aimed their guns, but Reginald held his hand out to them. Suddenly, they fell with sheer terror, flailing around as illusionary monsters attacked them.

"So here is the deal. 50 000 in cash, now, or I'll make you see things that will drive you to madness, much worse than what those unfortunate guards are experiencing right now."

Reggie raised his gun.

"I'm going to go try and deal with this Tyl-impostor thing." Connor commented, Jackie didn't seem to be a threat, more of a fanboy than anything. Walking towards the elevator he grabbed the part of the DNA kit he needed then he shuffled in, deciding how he should handle it on the way down. Preferably not how he handled it the first time, he'd felt all sense of sanity leave him then.

Once outside he could see where Tyler, Hybrid, and Sekki stood and were now talking, which was probably better than fighting. Though Mason was missing, hadn't he wanted to do tryouts or something? Maybe he'd gone home.

"You." Connor spoke to Tyler, not using his name purposely. Coming towards the group he held his eyes on Tyler, "I need some of your blood." Holding out the kit for emphasis. Though if he was going to comply was a whole other story.

@Nerdyy @hudhouse
Desimus nods, and he points his remote control at each of where their phones are.

"Boom, GPS in everyone's phone. You'll be able to put your phone in any transportation, and you'll be taken there as soon as possible. @Reaper

Jackie only looks at Cassie, staring right at her.

"I don't know Cassandra Melody Stark, who am I?"

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National said:
Desimus nods, and he points his remote control at each of where their phones are.
"Boom, GPS in everyone's phone. You'll be able to put your phone in any transportation, and you'll be taken there as soon as possible. @Reaper

Jackie only looks at Cassie, staring right at her.

"I don't know, Cassandra Melody Stark, who am I?"

Cassie paled. "Only my family knows my middle name...." She said, gripping the armrest of the couch. "Are you.... Are you family?" She raised an eyebrow. "Some extended family that I don't know about?"
Jackie only shrugs again as he stands up. He turns around, walking to the kitchen door.

"When you were little, you had a small cookie jar. You always used to climb up on the kitchen counter, searching for them."

National said:
Jackie only shrugs again as he stands up. He turns around, walking to the kitchen door.
"When you were little, you had a small cookie jar. You always used to climb up on the kitchen counter, searching for them."

"What are you talking about? How do you know all this?" Azazel asked, confused, but thought he knew what was going on, but now did not.
Bruce and Finn left the S.H.I.E L.D facility later on, feeling better with the help that Maul would be recieving. Now he would be more in control of himself, something that was quite hard at that age. Bruce excused himself to run an errand and Finn watched him run off to the next thing. He returned to the tower just in time to hear Kat's speech. Agreeing he nodded his head. "Yeah we're not a secret anymore. It's time that we all come together in peace." After seeing Maul's happy solution he was ready for everything else to come together.
National said:
Jackie only shrugs again as he stands up. He turns around, walking to the kitchen door.
"When you were little, you had a small cookie jar. You always used to climb up on the kitchen counter, searching for them."

Cassie closed her eyes and smiled. "I remember that cookie jar..." She said quietly. "Mom used to put it up high so I couldn't get to it...."
Jackie continues to walk through the kitchen, now looking at Azazel.

"You were scared, right? When you were a kid, you felt shunned. You didn't have your dad or mom really around. You weren't the best parent either."

@Steel Zinogre @sitanomoto

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