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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

sitanomoto said:
Nevermore laughed. "It was an expression, but yeah." She looked at Papyrus and took him all in. "Wow. You're a skeleton." she took another bite of her fajita. It was almost gone. "A skeleton who makes excellent fajitas. Where did you even learn to cook?"
"I HAVE LEARNED FROM RACHEL RAY! I JUST SAW HER MAKE IT, AND I REMEMBERED HER EVERY MOVE AND INGREDIENT!" Papyrus exclaimed as he made another plate, and chowed down.
Hybrid felt bad but looked around, finding something too look at other then Tyler. She looked at the chocolate in Tylers hand and felt the color of her face drain away. Only downside to having human organs, controled by emotions.

Her eyes continued to serch and find they did. A dark figure lied by a tree over in the corner of the park. Relif flooded her face as her hand shot up to point too it.

"Look! Literally anything else! Let's go check it out." she suggested, trying to get away from the akward mood and walking twards it a bit faster then she should have in order to be curtious.

@Nerdyy @GoldenChari


(She's a really is a charmer ain't she.)
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(Sekki put the stuff in his hands...)

"Umm... Okay..." He grabbed 3 chocolates, threw the rest back, and started eating them as he followed Hybrid to the figure.
Nerdyy said:
(Sekki put the stuff in his hands...)
"Umm... Okay..." He grabbed 3 chocolates, threw the rest back, and started eating them as he followed Hybrid to the figure.
Sekki starred straight at him. He just whispered out, "Dood, you suck at being a good person. A gift to help settle the score Dood? Gah." Sekki tried to see if his magic still allowed him to use telepathy.



(She's a really is a charmer ain't she.)
Sekki attempted to send, "Testing, 1-2-dood..."
Hybrid heard the voice in her head and it scared the daylights out of her. Startled, she missed a step in her pace and fell face first onto the ground. Hitting it directly with a large bang!

Agh! Damn it, she thought, then remembered Sekki could hear said thoughts. Sorry, your not hurt are you?

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[QUOTE="Yngwie Schutz]Hybrid heard the voice in her head and it scared the daylights out of her. Startled, she missed a step in her pace and fell face first onto the ground. Hitting it directly with a large bang!
Agh! Damn it, she thought, then remembered Sekki could hear said thoughts. Sorry, your not hurt are you?


Sekki was in the way, used as a pillow for her face. He send the telepathy over again, I just try and help and every idiot misinterprets what I do to try and help you and the others dood!
Hybrid slowley got up. Realizing where Sekki was, she picked him up and dusted him off. 'Sorry', she thought,' I've never been good with people. Thanks for saving my head though. Is he mad at me? I really can't tell.' she thought. Looking a bit disapointed. She smiled, "I manage to screw everything up huh?" she said allowed.(can't spell, sorry).

Tyler's voice was calming but she sighed. Still smiling, she always made a point to smile when she was down. She looked at Tyler directly back too Sekki, standing up and resting her hands on her hips. Looking down and shaking her head. "I wish that were true, I really do." after witch she began she took a step forward and almost fell again. Catching herself this time. She looked at her hand.

Still shaking. It was still in her head.

She moved her hand up too her face, beginning to laugh forcefully. "Ah damn it, that bloodwork of yours really did a number on me huh?" she smiled and hid her eyes more forcefully as tears began to run down her face. Her other arm moved to hold herself more as she turned away from Tyler slightly.

Connor had ignored Tyler's claims, once inside Hybrid strolled up and asked to tag along, "Yea-" Though he was cut off when she'd opted out, regarding her curiously he shrugged. "Well, if you change your mind."

Once Connor rode the elevator back up he stepped into the doorway he'd left a while ago. Peering inside at the small group he hesitated, not only did a part of him not want to interrupt because Cassie looked well interested in something this Jackie person had to say but this was something rather personal. In the end he retraced his steps before heading to the lab by himself, "This would be great if I actually knew what I was doing..." Connor mumbled rather irritably, "I know how to draw blood but a DNA test and whatever else Cassie planned is beyond me."

Stepping into the lab he looked up at the ceiling out of habit, "Friday, can you do me a favor and possibly run specific tests on these blood samples?....To be honest I'm not entirely sure which ones Cassie planned to do." At the table he pulled out his own vial of blood as well as the one he'd obtained from Tyler. There was always a chance Friday wasn't capable of such a thing, or wouldn't know the exact tests. Which would inevitably mean he'd have to get Cassie involved once again.

@Yngwie Schutz @sitanomoto
Crono said:
Connor had ignored Tyler's claims, once inside Hybrid strolled up and asked to tag along, "Yea-" Though he was cut off when she'd opted out, regarding her curiously he shrugged. "Well, if you change your mind."
Once Connor rode the elevator back up he stepped into the doorway he'd left a while ago. Peering inside at the small group he hesitated, not only did a part of him not want to interrupt because Cassie looked well interested in something this Jackie person had to say but this was something rather personal. In the end he retraced his steps before heading to the lab by himself, "This would be great if I actually knew what I was doing..." Connor mumbled rather irritably, "I know how to draw blood but a DNA test and whatever else Cassie planned is beyond me."

Stepping into the lab he looked up at the ceiling out of habit, "Friday, can you do me a favor and possibly run specific tests on these blood samples?....To be honest I'm not entirely sure which ones Cassie planned to do." At the table he pulled out his own vial of blood as well as the one he'd obtained from Tyler. There was always a chance Friday wasn't capable of such a thing, or wouldn't know the exact tests. Which would inevitably mean he'd have to get Cassie involved once again.

@Yngwie Schutz @sitanomoto
"Of course," Friday said.

"Hello Connor," Pepper said from the doorway. "Need a hand?"

"Mrs. Stark, I was just about to-"

"No need, Friday, I'll do it." Pepper said, grabbing the test tubes of blood from Connor's hands and putting them in a special device. "So who's the blood for?" She asked as she pushed a few buttons.
After their conversation, Azazel walked to the kitchen, on the way there, he stepped on some paper, and picked it up. He saw it was from chocola. It read that she was heading back to Wakanda, and she left because she felt lonely, and that she felt abandoned by Desimus. "Poor Chocola. Well.... How the hell am I supposed to give this to Desimus with everything going on?" He asked himself aloud as he walked up to cassie, putting the note in his pocket with loud crumpling noises. "Hey, Have you seen Chocola?" he asked. @sitanomoto
Jackie hugs Cassie, pulling her in, tests rolling down his eyes.

"You were the best damn mom ever. You would always be there for me, no matter what. You took off work to take care of me when I was sick, you taught me everything about technology and so much more. You gave me courage to try new things,and you gave me so much more. If I had to make a list, it would be about a bibles worth. But... That day..."

Connor turned in surprise to see Pepper entering the lab, "Oh I um..." No, he couldn't turn down her help, also she wouldn't likely take no as an answer as she was already taking the blood from him. "Thanks. It's mine, and uh..." The blonde rubbed at the back of his neck sheepishly and looked away. "Someone who claims to be Tyler..." There was a pause before he continued, "...Rogers."

The look he got from Piper confirmed she seemed as surprised, confused, and concerned as Connor himself was. "But we both know he died a long time ago, that his can't be. So he's a clone, robot, skrull, shapeshifter, or something." The woman likely remembered more about that time, and knew more about what all had happened. Connor was sure plenty of people felt the impact of Steve Rogers losing a son, the Avengers were a large family after all. "I need to know what I'm dealing with before I do anything."

(Any test will come back as normal/Tyler fyi.)

Crono said:
Connor turned in surprise to see Pepper entering the lab, "Oh I um..." No, he couldn't turn down her help, also she wouldn't likely take no as an answer as she was already taking the blood from him. "Thanks. It's mine, and uh..." The blonde rubbed at the back of his neck sheepishly and looked away. "Someone who claims to be Tyler..." There was a pause before he continued, "...Rogers."
The look he got from Piper confirmed she seemed as surprised, confused, and concerned as Connor himself was. "But we both know he died a long time ago, that his can't be. So he's a clone, robot, skrull, shapeshifter, or something." The woman likely remembered more about that time, and knew more about what all had happened. Connor was sure plenty of people felt the impact of Steve Rogers losing a son, the Avengers were a large family after all. "I need to know what I'm dealing with before I do anything."

(Any test will come back as normal/Tyler fyi.)

"And if he turns our to be some crazy god of mischief but still your brother, what will you do Captain Connor?" Asked a loud thunderous voice that Connor, Edkatla, and a few other Avengers would recognize. Then lightning streaked around the room concentrating into a small pillar that faded leaving Laxus son of Thor and now again Prince of Asgard. "Sorry I was absent for a while had things to take care of, so what has befallen my old comrades since Augustus's fall?" He asked.

@sitanomoto @Lemoncakes
With a flash of light, Dimitri appeared in stark tower with the rest of them. His hands were covered in blood, and his shirt was speckled with it. "I need to speak to Azazel." He said as he twirled a lock of his hair.
Suddenly the shadows in Stark Tower started to move to one spot. The shadows converged and started to bubble like they were boiling and two figures emerged from them. These two figures hadn't been seen since the war with Thanos, one was cloaked in a dark robe and wore a black crow mask and the other was in a gold and blue diamond patterned outfit with a Harlequin mask
National said:
Jackie hugs Cassie, pulling her in, tests rolling down his eyes.
"You were the best damn mom ever. You would always be there for me, no matter what. You took off work to take care of me when I was sick, you taught me everything about technology and so much more. You gave me courage to try new things,and you gave me so much more. If I had to make a list, it would be about a bibles worth. But... That day..."

When Azazel was hearing how great of a mother Cassie was, it broke his heart. But he knew his future self was too concerned with his home realm to care. But then again, Lionel had it much better than his father did in terms of parents, his dad watched him suffer, while his mother shunned and abused him just because he was the spawn of the devil. He turned, walked away, and silently cried at the memories of the past. The still haunt him to this day. The memory of kids throwing rocks at him, the time where itsu burned him in a fireplace, he remembered it all. And the one who brought him in at his darkest hour, Mephisto himself. He was Azazel's savior, he was his dad. But Azazel felt bad that he could not be the same to Lionel. @sitanomoto @National
Cassie smiled as she hugged Lionel, then released him. "It's alright," she said. "I'm here now." Then Dimitri came in, and she didn't hesitate. She ran to Dimitri and hugged him. She couldn't have cared less that he was covered in blood. "Dimitri!" She said. "I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry.... You were right about the way we do things...." She let go, now covered in a little bit of blood herself. She didn't care. "Please.... Please come back.... Ill listen... I don't want the team to split up...." She whispered the last part. @Reaper

Nevermore crossed her arms at Laxus. "Well, well, well." She said. "Look who decided to come crawling back." She growled at him. "You have a lot of nerve showing your face around here."
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Crono said:
Connor turned in surprise to see Pepper entering the lab, "Oh I um..." No, he couldn't turn down her help, also she wouldn't likely take no as an answer as she was already taking the blood from him. "Thanks. It's mine, and uh..." The blonde rubbed at the back of his neck sheepishly and looked away. "Someone who claims to be Tyler..." There was a pause before he continued, "...Rogers."
The look he got from Piper confirmed she seemed as surprised, confused, and concerned as Connor himself was. "But we both know he died a long time ago, that his can't be. So he's a clone, robot, skrull, shapeshifter, or something." The woman likely remembered more about that time, and knew more about what all had happened. Connor was sure plenty of people felt the impact of Steve Rogers losing a son, the Avengers were a large family after all. "I need to know what I'm dealing with before I do anything."

(Any test will come back as normal/Tyler fyi.)

Pepper nodded. "I'll make sure to tell you when it comes back. It'll take about an hour."
Dimitri hugged her, patting her back and unintentionally spreading even more blood on her. "Just take a breath with me okay, Cass. We can talk politics later but I have a problem and I don't know what to do. I tried to bring my dad back to life and he disappeared. He just took a breath and disappeared." @sitanomoto
Connor nodded a thankyou to Pepper just before Laxus appeared, the blonde was so sure this couldn't be Tyler. But on the off-chance this was, and that was a big IF. Connor gave it a thought, if it was true it meant accepting certain difficult realities, but if Tyler really was someone who sought to hurt others...

With a slight shake of his head he met Laxus's gaze, "Then I'll deal with it, if that is somehow my brother nobody is going to lay a hand on him." Though before he could answer the second question however Nevermore had joined in. You really couldn't go anywhere in the tower for a private moment without people following you. Connor had honestly had enough of confrontation for the day so he decidedly kept himself from commenting in the quarrel that was beginning. For a moment Connor thought he was passing out or something, with the way he watched shadows seemingly dance before leaving the room, before suddenly stopping. Well that can't be good.

@sitanomoto @Raikou Kaminari @LucianGrey7971
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Jackie looks at Dimitri, cursing under his breath.

"This is the first thing we have to fix to change the future. Your dad coming back to life, it can't happen. He is supposed to not be alive."

@sitanomoto @Reaper

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