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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Nevermore checked her watch for any ongoing alerts, and saw a bank had been robbed about an hour ago. She tapped Brute on the nose. "We got an Alert, big guy," she said. "The bank, down on fourth." She hopped into his back, holding her hand out to Laxus. "Want to tag along?"

(@Emperor Of Embers, @Raikou Kaminari, @Malmeh))
sitanomoto said:
Cassie giggled at Connor going red in the face and his Shy mannerisms. She walked out of the lab and to her room. It was night, almost 10:00, and she was tired. She sat down on her bed and slumped against the backboard with a huff. She rubbed her eyes as a Major headache struck her. She bit her finger to keep herself from crying out, and she fell to her bed, shaking.
Hello, Human Scum.

What.... No! No, I killed you!

Not Quite, worm. I've been brought back, and I'm on a mission. To take everything from you, once and for all.

Cassie's eyes were closed, and she was breathing rapidly.....

But I need a host, and who better to torture your loved ones than you?

Something like you should have stayed in hell.





Too late, Cassandra Stark. I'm a part of you now.....

It felt to Cassie like something was crawling around under her skin.

Cassie's eyes shot open with a yell of terror. She sat straight up and gripped her blankets tightly like a lifeline. She was breathing like she had just run a four-mile marathon at top speeds. She was drenched in sweat as if she had been out in the desert for an hour or more. She was shaking like a leaf, and her eyes were darting back and forth. They were wet with tears. She looked at the clock. Her little nightmare hadn't lasted more than a minute or two.
Azazel heard the scream, and his hands combusted as he ran to her room. Without thinking, he breaks down the door, and looked around. "Where are they? Are you alright?" Was all he asked, since he was worried something was in the room with her.
sitanomoto said:
Nevermore checked her watch for any ongoing alerts, and saw a bank had been robbed about an hour ago. She tapped Brute on the nose. "We got an Alert, big guy," she said. "The bank, down on fourth." She hopped into his back, holding her hand out to Laxus. "Want to tag along?"
(@Emperor Of Embers, @Raikou Kaminari, @Malmeh))
Brute growled as he was told that they got an alert. He then went outside, and waited for Nevermore to hop on, since he was going to fly for the first time in 10 years. He prepped his wings for flight, and checked the webbing for holes.
Mason got up, dusting himself off. "That i don't believe happend." he smoothly said, walking to her side. "We shoild get back to the tower huh..?" he mentioned. "And i guess we can spar." he muttered.

@Yngwie Schutz
Fyodor Vanko

In a rather darkened room, music blasting, the only light coming from a phone and a lit cigar. Texting slowly, a smile crept on the man's face once he had pressed 'send'. A ring was heard from Cassie's phone, a message reading only:

The time for your family to pay has come, Stark.

The man raised from his seat. He turned to his computer that said, between all the russian text, "All systems online." He smiled again, the lights starting to go on, revealing a metallic suit, that looked polished and shiny. Getting inside, he uttered a few words in russian, the suit coming online. The whips powered up, the sparks from it making the area around him light up.

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sitanomoto said:
Nevermore checked her watch for any ongoing alerts, and saw a bank had been robbed about an hour ago. She tapped Brute on the nose. "We got an Alert, big guy," she said. "The bank, down on fourth." She hopped into his back, holding her hand out to Laxus. "Want to tag along?"
(@Emperor Of Embers, @Raikou Kaminari, @Malmeh))
"Sure Lady Nevemore I shall watch your back." Laxus said taking her hand.
"Oh. Well, sorry about that." Connor smiled sheepishly at Chara and Jordan. Then he watched as Cassie left, which reminded him of his own task that awaited him. The blonde turned to Alex, he was nervous and honestly afraid, "Turns out it actually is Tyler. I need to go talk to him." Connor flashed his boyfriend a smile and then left the lab.

Once in the main room he could see Tyler sitting on the couch. At this point he couldn't help but be anxious as he closed in and stopped just in front of the couch, "So it looks like your him afterall. Your my brother...but how is that possible?"

Alexander Barnes

Alex smiled also at Connor, patting him on the shoulder. "Try and be calm. It is a shock for the both of you." After that, Alex goes to the chair from before and stands down in it, closing his eyes, dosing off.

Fyodor Vanko/Whiplash

People stopped all of a sudden when seeing a giant suit walking on the street. A car suddenly stopped and started to honk its horn. The lumbering beast stopped and took a long look at the car, smashing its fist on the hood of it, making it tumble in the air. People ran around scared, and a voice was heard within the suit. "Get lost! All of you!" His hand motioned them to get away from him, then he turned to see the Avenger's tower. "STARK! STARK!" His gruff voice echoed all the way up to the tower. He stood there, yelling the name every 2 minutes.

Alexander Barnes

Alex grunted, being awoken again from his sleep. He did not recognize the voice, so he went to the window to look. "Cassie, if it's a fan, I swear t-" He stopped once he saw what was there. His memory from the prison, a suit with whips. "Cassie. You got to see this..." His voice this time was serious, almost somber.

@sitanomoto @National
"I... don't know..." He said as he sighed. It turns out Tyler didn't know how he was alive either...

AnnoDomini said:
Alexander Barnes
Alex smiled also at Connor, patting him on the shoulder. "Try and be calm. It is a shock for the both of you." After that, Alex goes to the chair from before and stands down in it, closing his eyes, dosing off.

Fyodor Vanko/Whiplash

People stopped all of a sudden when seeing a giant suit walking on the street. A car suddenly stopped and started to honk its horn. The lumbering beast stopped and took a long look at the car, smashing its fist on the hood of it, making it tumble in the air. People ran around scared, and a voice was heard within the suit. "Get lost! All of you!" His hand motioned them to get away from him, then he turned to see the Avenger's tower. "STARK! STARK!" His gruff voice echoed all the way up to the tower. He stood there, yelling the name every 2 minutes.

Alexander Barnes

Alex grunted, being awoken again from his sleep. He did not recognize the voice, so he went to the window to look. "Cassie, if it's a fan, I swear t-" He stopped once he saw what was there. His memory from the prison, a suit with whips. "Cassie. You got to see this..." His voice this time was serious, almost somber.

@sitanomoto @National
Helga then wakes up, having heard the yelling from the basement. She gets up and went to where the commotion was, but found a stange man in a suit, yelling out Stark. What helga did not know was that her baby followed her up, and charged the man in the suit, punching the feet. Though it left small dents, no major damage was done. @sitanomoto @National @Crono @AnnoDomini
Fyodor Vanko/Whiplash

The giant moved to look at the child punching at his feet. He raised his head at the tower yet again. "STARK! COME AND FACE ME, COWARD!" The whips on his hand were made of metal, but now and then ignited some sparks.

@sitanomoto @Emperor Of Embers
Mason and Hybrid made their way too the tower as a car flipped up. "holy s***!" Mason exclaimed, running ahead he tackled a few civilians out of the way, making sure they landed on him, the car smashing down again. He stood up and said. "Yo guy in the suit! Mind not getting mad at the starks for your parking ticket?"

@Yngwie Schutz @AnnoDomini @sitanomoto
Connor sighed, "Well that's a real help. Where have you been for the last fourteen years? Who took you that day? Why are you only coming back now? What was that test you were going on ab--" Connor stopped, he had far too many questions and asking them all at once wasn't helping at all.

AnnoDomini said:
Fyodor Vanko/Whiplash
The giant moved to look at the child punching at his feet. He raised his head at the tower yet again. "STARK! COME AND FACE ME, COWARD!" The whips on his hand were made of metal, but now and then ignited some sparks.

@sitanomoto @Emperor Of Embers
Helga growls, and stepped about 3 steps closer to him, as if she were challenging Fyodor to a fight to the death. The Raging Brachydios licked her lips as she stared him down, the slime that was dark yellow was now bright, and primed. The baby then runs behind momma, using her as a wall.
Hybrid took the people on the side, trying to calm them down.

"It will be alright, I promise you. Don't worry everything will be fine. Run down that street as fast as you can and find a Taxi there." Hybrid said, changing her vocal cords to make the most compeling voice possible. The people nodded their heads and obeyed and started too run.

She turned back too mason.

"First someone trying to kill Me then trying to kill Cassie?! At this rate were never gonna spar. Might aswell deal with the problem huh?"

She saw Helga grew to charge at the armour, baby at her heels. Sge stepoed back. "She's taking the first swing, were backing her up."

@sitanomoto[/URL] @National
"I'm... I'm fine, Az..... I'm just.... Nightmare..." She said, slowing her breathing and calming herself. She stood and kissed Az on the cheek, then walked out to Alex. "What's going-" she stopped and clenched her fists. "Nobody calls my dad a coward and gets away with it." She growled, calling her suit to her, the blue one. "Dad's out on a business trip, so I'm going to kick this guy's butt myself." She looked at Az and smiled before the visor clamped down over her face and she flew out the window, which slid back just in time.

"Oi!" She called out to the man. "Up here, electropants!"

Man I really gotta work on my banter. She thought, wiring for his response.
Helga then charged Whiplash, managing to land a punch on him. Though the dent was slightly larger than her baby's no major damage was done. She growled as she grew frustrated. Then Maxton came down, fully armed with 2 smg's and a magnum. "Hey! Over here!" he shouted, thinking that he had nothing to lose, his sister gone doing her own thing, his mother back in space, and strout is with the one he trusts most. Maxton then unloaded many rounds of his smg's, but they all bounced off. @AnnoDomini @sitanomoto

He looked up at the blue suit. Then he saw the creature punching him, and the other person shooting at him. With a yell, a sort-of rage induced yell, He kicked the creature and threw his whip at Maxton, it wrapping itself around him. A bright light was shown as the whips emitted electricity, almost frying Maxton. Inside, Fyodor closed his eyes, a small smile on his face. He then turned his attention to Cassie. "Is this what you do? Send your lackeys on me?! I will dispatch them, then I will tear that armor off you!" His voice was even more angrier than before. Whiplash has taken control of Fyodor. His attention went to the beast that he kicked, powering up his other whip, crackling it around him.

Alexander Barnes

Alex could do nothing but gasp when he saw Whiplash kill Maxon. "Think Tank... Don't you dare do something stupid."

@sitanomoto @Emperor Of Embers
Jorda let go of Frisk and Chara and said "Give daddy a second..." he appeared on the streets on front of whiplash. "Hey, I'm all for beating the shit out of a Stark but could you PLEASE SHUT. THE HELL. UP"
AnnoDomini said:
He looked up at the blue suit. Then he saw the creature punching him, and the other person shooting at him. With a yell, a sort-of rage induced yell, He kicked the creature and threw his whip at Maxton, it wrapping itself around him. A bright light was shown as the whips emitted electricity, almost frying Maxton. Inside, Fyodor closed his eyes, a small smile on his face. He then turned his attention to Cassie. "Is this what you do? Send your lackeys on me?! I will dispatch them, then I will tear that armor off you!" His voice was even more angrier than before. Whiplash has taken control of Fyodor. His attention went to the beast that he kicked, powering up his other whip, crackling it around him.

Alexander Barnes

Alex could do nothing but gasp when he saw Whiplash kill Maxon. "Think Tank... Don't you dare do something stupid."

@sitanomoto @Emperor Of Embers
Maxton felt severe pain, for the first time in his life, as he was fried. The electricity was so high, his heart stopped. He was now dead, and lay limp as his life faded away. Helga saw Maxton's death, and grew as angry as Whiplash did. She gets up as her baby hid, and roared as loud as she could as she dashed towards him. @sitanomoto @AnnoDomini
"Wait...this ain't my house...I'm not an Avenger...my bad, please continue...in fact," Jordan turned towards the Tower and yelled "STARK GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE AND FACE HIM LIKE A TRUE WARRIOR."
As the man died from electrical shock infront of him, Mason looked at hybrid and mouthed "Forgive me." Suddenly, crevices formed all over his skin and then they hardened and turned Dark blue. As power emitted off of him in powerful waves, His eyes became yellow and slitted. "Hey bucket head!" Mason called out, running at him, his feet sending the ground up into the air. "TAKE! THIS!" He yelled, punching the suit in the stomach area with a flaming fist, denting it pretty bad with his heated scaled hand. He had closed his eyes as his fist hit the man so he had no clue if the man flew backwards or not. He did know he hit him though.

@AnnoDomini u could have him punch cassie by dragging her down with the whip tbf. or have him hit something else and still get ya just a tad.

@Yngwie SchutzMason's gonna lose it. Not rts But really soon.
Raikou had found Cerebro on his own and was trying to raise the others on the comms to portal him back. "Guys I found Cerebro, I cut the chamber out of the building and need you guys to beam me up or something." Raikou said. "Is everything alright up there?"

@National @Reaper

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