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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

GoldenChari said:
Mason nodded. "Sure mister. Mind if i try to myself?" Mason asked as the two walked out.
@Emperor Of Embers
"Sure. That would be wonderous." Coulson said as they walked downstairs, and out the door, seeing people guns drawn at Brute, who was glowing at the veins, trying to nudge Helga awake, not knowing that she is actually dead. "Brute.... c'mon big guy, Helga is dead." Coulson said as he carefully walked closer, but snapped his jaws at him. "Boy.... We need Nevermore." he said as he motioned for his men to put their guns down. @sitanomoto @GoldenChari
Dimitri threw Miranda into the cell in the lower levels of oscorp. The metal door with a window on the front slammed shut loudly. Gears turned in place to lock it, as Dimitri turned the speakers on. "Your father's powers didn't work through speakers, so I figured Harry's little play room would work. There is a mic on your side too."

"You're making a mistake. When I get out of here, I'll make you eat your girlfriend."

Dimitri chuckled. "Let's make something clear. You hurt my friends. You hurt my girlfriend. I want to kill you. A lot. Unfortunately, we may need a favor from you in the future. It is that, and only that, that is keeping you alive. If the time comes and you decide you don't want to help, I'll just kill you. In a fun way though. I'm thinking maybe leaving you on Mars."

Where's your sense of irony? It would be much better to leave me on Mercury."

Dimitri turned off the speaker. "I'll handle the dad jokes around here." He then activated his earpiece to get in touch with the members he had to abandon. "Avengers! The purple girl issue has been con- tizzity- tained! Anyone out doing anything exciting??" He asked, unaware of Cassie's situation.
As brute looked at the agent, Mason took two long jumping strides over and slid his hands under Helga. His veins popped up as he growled. "Being that the weight is distributed along a bigger surface, she's hard to. pick. UP!" Mason yelled as he slowly brought her up. He then slowly walked her over to the truck, and tossed/slid her in. "EEEH!" He moaned, his veins going back down. If she... god damn she was HEAVY!" Mason declared. "Like i said. If her weight was in a smaller area, it wouldhave been..." Mason stopped talking as the members with the agent stared at him in utter shock. "uuuh... hello?" He said confused.

(Ooc:He struggled due to the area. if she was smaller but denser i guess in comparison to his size, it would have been easier but not too easy, ya know?)

@Emperor Of Embers
Perry Parker

Walking through New York brings out a lot of emotions in Perry. Well, not really. What he could hear however, or in his cause, feel via spider-sense, is something going on somewhere near Stark tower. Of course it was Stark tower, why wouldn't it be? Moving his wrist over towards his face, he began to speak. "Tell me what's going on near Stark tower. I don't really care how you get this info," Perry commanded over to his AI. Well, not his; an AI recycled and copied off of an AI of Anna Maria. The only reason Perry still keeps the AI the same, is because he has better things to do than edit the looks of a hologram.

"A creature is on the loose, multiple potential deaths. S.H.I.E.L.D. is in the process of taking care of it," The AI stated, and Perry sighed in relief. If S.H.I.E.L.D. has it covered, Perry has no need to get into his hero outfit. Which also means, more time to just walk. Perhaps he could bump into someone? Didn't matter, Perry deserved this walk, the only thing getting him pissed now is someone interrupting it.


Lydia Lemire

"Ahhh why isn't there anything to do around here!?"

Lydia stared blankly at her room, there wasn't really anything to do at the moment. No options left, just gotta do nothing, and deal with it. Just straight up; nothing. Bringing her legs onto her decently expansive desk, Lydia peered off outside, seemed like it was a sunny day. A responsible child, would go and suck it all in. However, Lydia is not one of those people. Humming a short tune, she pulled out her phone and began to check various things. Then, a call came in.

Who the hell calls these days!? Just friggin' text!

With that thought, Lydia swiftly denied to the call and went into a standing position. Stretching for a few seconds, Lydia felt like doing something. Jacket? On. Quiver? Strapped on the back. Bow? Obviously strapped on the back as well. Walking outside, she knew there was going to be crime somewhere. Maybe something more than she could handle, or maybe not. She didn't care.

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Jean-Paul rubbed his head as he slowly stood from the trash can he'd fallen into. He'd gone into Stark Tower hoping for a night of rich people debauchery with one Anthony Stark, but after seeing a dead girl on the floor he'd bolted, and soon after found himself eating terrible Chinese food, hence why he had been in the trash can (Where he belonged) in the first place. He wiped his mouth as he walked down the street, putting on sunglasses to hide his eyes as he walked through the crowd. Until two things caught his eye...

First off, his 'rich person' senses went off after looking at a particular person in the crowd, but at the same time his'pretty girl senses' went off at the sight of a bow and arrow gal. He pondered his options for a few moments before walking up to the rich guy to 'accidentally' bump into him. He needed a night of rich debauchery, and he also needed company, so his choice was clear. It was easy to get the guys attention, all Jean-Paul had t do was pull out his phone and pretend to not look where he was going, from there it was easy, put all his weight in a shoulder that could knock a normal man to the ground. Then it was just a matter of faking apology.

"Oh my gosh sir! I'm so sorry, I just had to take care of a quick business E-mail! This is all my fault and-OH MY GOD DID I SCUFF YOUR SUIT?! THAT LOOKS EXPENSIVE!"

GoldenChari said:
As brute looked at the agent, Mason took two long jumping strides over and slid his hands under Helga. His veins popped up as he growled. "Being that the weight is distributed along a bigger surface, she's hard to. pick. UP!" Mason yelled as he slowly brought her up. He then slowly walked her over to the truck, and tossed/slid her in. "EEEH!" He moaned, his veins going back down. If she... god damn she was HEAVY!" Mason declared. "Like i said. If her weight was in a smaller area, it wouldhave been..." Mason stopped talking as the members with the agent stared at him in utter shock. "uuuh... hello?" He said confused.
(Ooc:He struggled due to the area. if she was smaller but denser i guess in comparison to his size, it would have been easier but not too easy, ya know?)

@Emperor Of Embers
"Sorry. I was staring at your awesome muscles. What were you saying?" Coulson said as he shook his head, regaining focus. "But we have Brute to worry about." Coulson said as brute frantically clawed at the truck's back, trying to free Helga's corpse. Tears ran down his face as he realized that Coulson was right, but refused to believe it. He grew frustrated and growled as he tried to bite, but it ended with just scratch marks on the paint, since the trucks were reinforced with Vibranium. "He is having a bit of a hard time as well." coulson added as Brute took a deep breath, and looked to the sky, for a roar that busted any glass around a 5 mile radius, and was heard throughout the city. @sitanomoto @GoldenChari @Pyosimros @LokiofSP
Nevermore covered her ears and then ran out to the streets. "Brute, whats-" she stopped when she saw a bit of Helga's tail poking above, immediately understanding what had happened. She bit her lip then ran to the big Wyvern and hugged him around the neck. "Shhh.... Brute, its alright." She said quietly, stroking his wing with one arm while keeping a tight hold on his neck with the other. "Helga wouldn't want this, would she? She wouldn't want you to be upset. Be happy that you knew her." She let go and walked around to look Brute in the eye, his eye that was scarred. "It's alright. Can you calm down please? It's.... It's okay...." She was nearly crying herself before she remembered something. Keeping a hand on Brute's snout she turned to Coulson. "What about the baby?"
sitanomoto said:
Nevermore covered her ears and then ran out to the streets. "Brute, whats-" she stopped when she saw a bit of Helga's tail poking above, immediately understanding what had happened. She bit her lip then ran to the big Wyvern and hugged him around the neck. "Shhh.... Brute, its alright." She said quietly, stroking his wing with one arm while keeping a tight hold on his neck with the other. "Helga wouldn't want this, would she? She wouldn't want you to be upset. Be happy that you knew her." She let go and walked around to look Brute in the eye, his eye that was scarred. "It's alright. Can you calm down please? It's.... It's okay...." She was nearly crying herself before she remembered something. Keeping a hand on Brute's snout she turned to Coulson. "What about the baby?"
"I am assuming that he followed the assailant. Would you like me to request a Search Party?" Coulson asked as Brute calms down. he looked inside the truck, claws in between the bars, and deeply exhaled. Helga was one of the few who Brute actually felt safe around, Nevermore also being one of those few. He remembered the baby and growled. "I assume they both are in the assailant's hideout, but we cannot be sure." Coulson added.

Meanwhile, the baby Brachydios had followed Fyodor to his hideout, both scared, and lonely. It had imprinted on him, despite his mother being killed by him, Brachydios babies look to the strongest of any species for guidance, and care. He walked out to Fyodor's view, and made a squealing sound as he saw a rat, and chased it.

@sitanomoto @AnnoDomini @GoldenChari
Behind Cassie, Jackie teleported in, flames licking off his skin as he used his demonic powers. His eyes widened, and he gently picks up his mother.

"No... No no no... Please tell me she's okay. It already happened once.... Please, no sooner. Don't die mom, please. Please please."

He looks up at his dad, his eyes scared and fearful of losing his mother. Looking at Mason, he holds his mother protectively, still not know if who he was. And Agent Coulson, he was there too. And Terry, that little bastard.

@sitanomoto @Emperor Of Embers @GoldenChari
National said:
Behind Cassie, Jackie teleported in, flames licking off his skin as he used his demonic powers. His eyes widened, and he gently picks up his mother.
"No... No no no... Please tell me she's okay. It already happened once.... Please, no sooner. Don't die mom, please. Please please."

He looks up at his dad, his eyes scared and fearful of losing his mother. Looking at Mason, he holds his mother protectively, still not know if who he was. And Agent Coulson, he was there too. And Terry, that little bastard.

@sitanomoto @Emperor Of Embers @GoldenChari
"She will not die.... I hope. She has a bit of life she is hanging on to." Azazel said as Slash came in with bubbles. "Bubbles told me you need a doctor, I can heal her up, but she needs to stay sleeping for the process to finish." He said as he walked in, and looked at Cassie. @National @sitanomoto
"Honestly...I'm gone for five minutes..." Jordan said crouching next to Cassie as though he had always been there, it seemed that once again Jordan had changed something about his presence. "How is it that you managed to get utterly DESTROYED by that reject Russian Indiana Jones?"

Jordan hid his face behind his hood and stared down at the beaten Cassie. His hidden eyes told a much different story from his nonchalant tone. Here was a chance...a chance to take vengeance on the child of Stark...vengeance for turning the world he had loved against him...vengeance for fracturing his very being into five pieces. Vengeance for the inevitable fallout as those pieces fought to be whole again. The Phoenix Force was forever, every moment played out on his head and while the Phoenix Force had long since let go of the grudge...for Jordan it was like it had happened hours ago.

He stretched his hand out ever so slowly, his left eye had once again gone black with an orange iris under his hood. Just a little more...a little more and he could cause Stark the same pain he had felt...the pain of being torn apart...it was almost too sweet to bare. Jordan touched Cassie ever so slightly and the energy leapt from his finger and consumed Cassie...in a veil of healing light

"Try not to die, I hate having to feel overwhelming grief...it makes me want to burn the planet to nothing."

Jackie at first almost attacks Jordan, scared that the divine being would kill her. He could feel his hatred, but it almost killed Jackie to feel the blistering hatred of the Phoenix force. As he watches Jordan heal her, Jackie looks up to him.

"T-thank you... You're acting differently."

@sitanomoto @LucianGrey7971 @Emperor Of Embers
Fyodor Vanko

After a meeting with some investors, Fyodor gets back in his car sighing. His shirt felt too tight, so did his tie. Maybe it was stress, maybe it was from the battle he had earlier. Something felt different. Driving back, he could not help but pass next to the battlefield to see the outcome. Stopping, he stepped out. He could not believe it himself. '...I really am a monster...' He taught to himself, as he got back in his car, and drove away. He started hyperventilating. 'When I killed in Checnya, I didn't have this feeling. They were bad guys, right? Right? I am a good guy...' Fyodor taught, as his hands tensed on the steering wheel. As soon as he arrived at his home, he heard something from the alleyway. Trashcans being turned over, or something. "Hey. Whoever's there, stop it. We d-" He stopped as he saw the baby Brachydios. Kneeling, he stood there, looking at the baby, remembering that he killed his mother. "... Hey there little guy. C-Come here." Fyodor says, extending his hand.

@Emperor Of Embers
Mason sighed. "i'm a bit scientisty sir." The kid said. "Now what dooo WE DO?" Mason yelled trying to say something over brute's roar. "Find the baby? Shouldn't be that hard!" Mason said, shaking his head to stop the ringing. "Where do we start?"

@Emperor Of Embers
LucianGrey7971 said:
"Honestly...I'm gone for five minutes..." Jordan said crouching next to Cassie as though he had always been there, it seemed that once again Jordan had changed something about his presence. "How is it that you managed to get utterly DESTROYED by that reject Russian Indiana Jones?"
Jordan hid his face behind his hood and stared down at the beaten Cassie. His hidden eyes told a much different story from his nonchalant tone. Here was a chance...a chance to take vengeance on the child of Stark...vengeance for turning the world he had loved against him...vengeance for fracturing his very being into five pieces. Vengeance for the inevitable fallout as those pieces fought to be whole again. The Phoenix Force was forever, every moment played out on his head and while the Phoenix Force had long since let go of the grudge...for Jordan it was like it had happened hours ago.

He stretched his hand out ever so slowly, his left eye had once again gone black with an orange iris under his hood. Just a little more...a little more and he could cause Stark the same pain he had felt...the pain of being torn apart...it was almost too sweet to bare. Jordan touched Cassie ever so slightly and the energy leapt from his finger and consumed Cassie...in a veil of healing light

"Try not to die, I hate having to feel overwhelming grief...it makes me want to burn the planet to nothing."

Cassie gasped as if she had been underwater and her eyes opened, still battle-weary. "What...." She said groggily. She looked at Terry and Azazel, then at Jackie. It was him to whom she spoke: "Heya Champ," she said hoarsely and she cracked a small smile.

Terry watched Jackie and Cassie warily. "Mind telling me who this guy is and what the hell he's doing holding you?" He asked protectively, unaware of prior events at the tower because he had been sleeping.


@Emperor Of Embers


AnnoDomini said:
Fyodor Vanko
After a meeting with some investors, Fyodor gets back in his car sighing. His shirt felt too tight, so did his tie. Maybe it was stress, maybe it was from the battle he had earlier. Something felt different. Driving back, he could not help but pass next to the battlefield to see the outcome. Stopping, he stepped out. He could not believe it himself. '...I really am a monster...' He taught to himself, as he got back in his car, and drove away. He started hyperventilating. 'When I killed in Checnya, I didn't have this feeling. They were bad guys, right? Right? I am a good guy...' Fyodor taught, as his hands tensed on the steering wheel. As soon as he arrived at his home, he heard something from the alleyway. Trashcans being turned over, or something. "Hey. Whoever's there, stop it. We d-" He stopped as he saw the baby Brachydios. Kneeling, he stood there, looking at the baby, remembering that he killed his mother. "... Hey there little guy. C-Come here." Fyodor says, extending his hand.

@Emperor Of Embers
The Alleyway accepted one more thing that decided to walk in. Sekki stood there, starring at the target he was trailing for a good while. He said, "Hey, Dood. Is this where I grill you out and tell you how your wrong Dood, or the other way around? To be honest, I do not care which Dood. Most of those jerks can rot in hell for all I care now Dood, but you? You hesitated to kill her and left her dood?" Sekki silently starred into his own heart for a moment... and found that feeling he always felt for Cassie. What was this feeling? It hurt so much... the pain and this echo of her face throughout the millions of mirrors dominating his reflection. He knew what this was after a few seconds of letting it sink in. He was jealous of her popularity and love. Everything he ever wanted... to not feel pain, to be loved, comforted for once in his whole life, that Cassie was pampered and spoiled in. Hatred boiled just behind this, for every betrayal he felt her words sang out with joy. She demanded he be there to comfort her, even when that selfish dog never did the same for him. This feeling had finally developed into a desire for malice, he was done helping that bitch. If anything set him off against her again, he would go on the War Path.

Sekki finished his comment, "You would have done this entire world a favor dood. Those selfish murderers Dood... oh they boil my non-existent blood doood!" He marched towards Vanko, and asked, "I am not with them Dood, but I have to know. Why did you attack 'em Dood?"
Fyodor Vanko

Fyodor looked at the small figure approaching him. His hearth raced, and his hands shook, closing his eyes. "... I have had enough of killing... When I saw here... Bloodied, beaten, giving up... I just couldn't do it. My throat tensed up, my mouth dried. It was nothing that I have felt before. I couldn't bring myself to do it... N-Now, will you please not tell about my identity? If you want-" He let out a tired sigh. "-You can live in my penthouse." Fyodor sketched a small smile at Sekki, then turned his gaze towards the baby monster, still holding his hand out. "I-I promise little guy, I won't h-hurt you."

@Emperor Of Embers @hudhouse
AnnoDomini said:
Fyodor Vanko
Fyodor looked at the small figure approaching him. His hearth raced, and his hands shook, closing his eyes. "... I have had enough of killing... When I saw here... Bloodied, beaten, giving up... I just couldn't do it. My throat tensed up, my mouth dried. It was nothing that I have felt before. I couldn't bring myself to do it... N-Now, will you please not tell about my identity? If you want-" He let out a tired sigh. "-You can live in my penthouse." Fyodor sketched a small smile at Sekki, then turned his gaze towards the baby monster, still holding his hand out. "I-I promise little guy, I won't h-hurt you."

@Emperor Of Embers @hudhouse
Sekki laughed, before saying "Interesting Dood. You decide this as soon as it would help me Dood..." Oh what cruel fate. Every time someone can even close to helping him, they just did the complete opposite. This entire world should have been his to protect and care for. The Celestial's death had already started to lower toxin levels by 13%, and volcanoes all around the world are now more oozing out then exploding. Life is beginning to flow again, but what did he have to give to do it?

Sekki turned around before begining his march towards Avenger's tower... and deciding to take what is his.

Aleena Meredith Quill

Cassie was safe, she had quite an episode, Strout had left Aleena in more tears after she calmed down only slightly and backed away from the fight, and now everyone was in the tower either mourning or at Cassie's side, and Aleena was doing neither of those things. She stayed outside of the tower on the main steps, Maxton's body still in front of her, and she kept her eyes on him. She was nothing over it, and she had sent her suit away, taken out her com device and even disregarded Amelia. She would tell her parents and Rocket and Groot soon. Perhaps Amelia had already told them and they were mourning now, even on their way to Earth again to find their daughter and comfort her, but she doubted that was the case.

Aleena still hadn't stopped crying, and every time she breathed too fast the remaining lamp posts on the street ahead would flicker. Not yet had people entered the streets again, but Aleena raised her head momentarily as a cop car sirens and all passed right at the end of the street, before she set her eyes on Maxton again. Why him.

Aleena was always going to be far from a recovery, she knew that now, and every time her heart ached she considered even more that it be a good idea for her to run away again and try a life away from being an Avenger. But it had happened too much, and she needed to stick with the team for good now.

Still, she didn't want to exist in reality anymore. Maybe she would insert herswlf into the towers system for a while. Keep the A.I's company, and only come out when she wanted, or she was needed. Be a monitor much greater than the A.I's even. It sounded like a plan to her, but alas, it could wait. She had her brothers dead cold hand in hers and her eyes were lit electric blue at her iris's. Until someone made her move, she wouldn't.

Main Mentions I Think, Anyone Else Can Just Notice...


Joseph really wished for his own sake that it was within his ability scope to could focus for long periods of time, but all this leadership was causing him great pain through boredom. Being a constructionist wasn't his strength, even if he had the intelligence, he lacked the means to use it. Luckily, Kat had spoke again - suggesting they utilize the media to their advantage, to her credit it was a good idea for everyone,
but him...

Truth be told, he'd had a head start; several selfies were already climbing the rank ladder, including one or two sneak photos of an oblivious Kat, and Finn. Then, the smile reverberated into a look of horror; Kat...
Oh Gods... If she sees that photo... Standing with a look of uncertainty, he shrugged - just shrugged, like an idiot - before making sprint to out of the meeting room to where he'd left his bag further down the corridor. Damage control time... The last thing they needed was an angry Asgardian bringing the tower down in a haze of magic because of a photo taken by aspiring Facebook star, Precision

Practically leaping to the bag, the teen frantically clapped about the multiple pockets clamoring for the device; before engulfing it in his hand, entwined with the release of a sigh. He expected Morgan to follow, Kat and Sarah seemed like the type of people who'd just shrug. Sarah with a lack of care, and Kat thinking it was
'typical Joseph behavior'... Which, it was, sort of.

With deft finger movement, and a few moments later; the rather humorous photo of Kat obliviously looking disinterested in the Super-Secret-Hero-Meeting was deleted. Of course, the photo only included the Asgardian to refrain from giving away said meeting.

It wasn't the photo that terrified him however, it was the caption he'd uploaded over it.
'Loki V.2 signing up to the Avengers!' whilst she seemed willing to help; for some strange, peculiar reason; Joseph had the feeling she'd be slightly less pleased with the whole world believing she had voluntarily, and officially joined their ranks. The more he thought about it, the more he began to believe he'd just dug an early grave.

@Lemoncakes @LokiofSP

@Pyosimros (You better not bring that Precision wannabe near Joseph!)
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AnnoDomini said:
Fyodor Vanko
Fyodor looked at the small figure approaching him. His hearth raced, and his hands shook, closing his eyes. "... I have had enough of killing... When I saw here... Bloodied, beaten, giving up... I just couldn't do it. My throat tensed up, my mouth dried. It was nothing that I have felt before. I couldn't bring myself to do it... N-Now, will you please not tell about my identity? If you want-" He let out a tired sigh. "-You can live in my penthouse." Fyodor sketched a small smile at Sekki, then turned his gaze towards the baby monster, still holding his hand out. "I-I promise little guy, I won't h-hurt you."

@Emperor Of Embers @hudhouse
The baby then slowly walked up to Fyodor, he did not seem upset or angry with him, but rather glad to see him, He ran up and and rubbed his cheek on Fyodor's left leg, and ran circles around him with glee. This was an indication that the baby has a sense of forgiveness.
BeamMeUpScotty said:

Aleena Meredith Quill

Cassie was safe, she had quite an episode, Strout had left Aleena in more tears after she calmed down only slightly and backed away from the fight, and now everyone was in the tower either mourning or at Cassie's side, and Aleena was doing neither of those things. She stayed outside of the tower on the main steps, Maxton's body still in front of her, and she kept her eyes on him. She was nothing over it, and she had sent her suit away, taken out her com device and even disregarded Amelia. She would tell her parents and Rocket and Groot soon. Perhaps Amelia had already told them and they were mourning now, even on their way to Earth again to find their daughter and comfort her, but she doubted that was the case.

Aleena still hadn't stopped crying, and every time she breathed too fast the remaining lamp posts on the street ahead would flicker. Not yet had people entered the streets again, but Aleena raised her head momentarily as a cop car sirens and all passed right at the end of the street, before she set her eyes on Maxton again. Why him.

Aleena was always going to be far from a recovery, she knew that now, and every time her heart ached she considered even more that it be a good idea for her to run away again and try a life away from being an Avenger. But it had happened too much, and she needed to stick with the team for good now.

Still, she didn't want to exist in reality anymore. Maybe she would insert herswlf into the towers system for a while. Keep the A.I's company, and only come out when she wanted, or she was needed. Be a monitor much greater than the A.I's even. It sounded like a plan to her, but alas, it could wait. She had her brothers dead cold hand in hers and her eyes were lit electric blue at her iris's. Until someone made her move, she wouldn't.

Main Mentions I Think, Anyone Else Can Just Notice...

@Emperor Of Embers

Strout then sat next to aleena, looking at maxton's corpse as it was taken away. Strout rooted himself down, and made a wooden bench for her to sit on, "I am strout." he said in a saddened tone, meaning "I am sorry for your loss..... he would have wanted more in his life... than this. Please be strong.... For him."
Raikou was back onboard the Mobius X using its systems with his electricity manipulation to simulate technopathic powers. He was looking into his list of prospects for the Illuminati, the one he was contacting had denied his call without answering which inspired him to come up with a different way of inviting others to join the Illuminati. He began categorizing and these categories would dictate when they will recieve an invite. He had children of the Avengers as lower on the list because he felt they will generally gravitate to the current Avengers so not point in taking the time to scrape the bottom of the barrel.

His top priority list consisted of well known solo vigilantes and surprisingly those who have teamed up with the Avengers but haven't been a permanent part of the team. Below that came children of heroes who were apart of other teams that don't fit into the above category as well as children of villains who are either reformed villains or undecided a good example would be Molecule Kid. Now that he has created his categories he began to do research on those who exist in the top priority category.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie gasped as if she had been underwater and her eyes opened, still battle-weary. "What...." She said groggily. She looked at Terry and Azazel, then at Jackie. It was him to whom she spoke: "Heya Champ," she said hoarsely and she cracked a small smile.
Terry watched Jackie and Cassie warily. "Mind telling me who this guy is and what the hell he's doing holding you?" He asked protectively, unaware of prior events at the tower because he had been sleeping.


@Emperor Of Embers


"this is Lionel, or jackie.... any ways, he is Our son from the future...." Azazel said with a bit of pain behind his words, knowing he was going to be distancing himself from his own flesh and blood.

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