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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Kyoto Last Hospital

Raikou had beamed himself down from the Mobius sporting his usual armor and sword, he found himself in among the ruins of destroyed part of Kyoto. He used electroreception to check his surroundings, he instantly turned to the East and using electricity to enhance his speed he dashed to the one remaining hospital in Kyoto. Just from the outside he could tell it was packed, he decided that he should make his own route. He used electroreception once more he searched for a bio electric field of one with a mutant physiology which narrowed down his searches. With a little bit of running allow the outer walls of the hospital he finally found the one room he was looking for. He entered through an open window in the next room. He walked out into the hall then over to the other room.

He entered the room, and saw Shin laying in bed with what seemed to be a ninja standing guard in a nearby chair. The ninja didn't budge as Raikou entered the room, guess they had been expecting him. "At last we meet my half brother of rumor. I assume you came because I got myself beat up, kind of funny because it has been a while since the last time I ended up like this." Shin said. He pulled out the remote for his bed and pressed the button on it to make the upper half incline so he could sit up. Raikou walked closer and said "So we have much to talk about."

Smasher(17 hours later)

CasualDragon said:
Finn was loitering around the tower much like usual when the news caught his attention. The news always pretty much caught his attention because of how much of a giant nerd he was, but the sight of the Japanese government actually asking for their help? He should be recording this. It seemed like the situation was actually serious though or the Japanese would never ask for their help. He jogged from the tower towards his home to pack. Then the next question was how would he get there? He could hulk out and go? Yeah that was probably the best choice. At least they would know that it was him then and that he was there to help. Unless they saw it as a threat and tried to kill him... He would just have to hope that they wouldn't do that. Smasher could get there way faster than a plane could anyways. Once at home he pulled out a dufflebag with makeshift "Smasher Straps" to make it a sort of backpack. One of his more brilliant creations in his eyes. He packed anything that he thought he would need, wrote a quick note for if his father happened to come home from a trip, and set off.
Just before he changed though he decided to quickly change his voicemail. "This is the phone of Finn Banner. If you happen to need me I'm in Japan so you'll have to email me. If you're an Avenger come to Japan. Check the news and you'll see why." He flipped the phone shut and tossed it on his bed so that he wouldn't be tempted to use it overseas. He hulked out and began the trip to Japan. It was about seventeen hours later that he stumbled onto one of Japan's beaches and became Finn again. When he felt a little less tired than he had moments ago he pushed himself to his feet. "Okay... Did not think this through. Where do I go from here?" He decided to begin by going into the city and looking for someone who could point him in the right direction. He knew some Japanese but it was admittedly a bit rough.

@Raikou Kaminari
Citizens began taking pictures and taking pictures of Finn, while others seem to be making calls. If wasn't long before the police arrived, the block Finn's path but didn't do much except for yell at him in Japanese and make motions for him to stop. They seemed to be waiting for someone, soon after another car arrived but not a police car. A woman emerged speaking japanese to the officers who then spoke to her back. The woman then took a mega phone from a policemen and spoke in english. "Mr. Hulk Avenger - san, welcome to Japan. If you would take a ride in my vehicle we can go see our prime minister as well as dry clothing for you. There have been another attack."
Jess grabbed one and almost devoured it. She was extremely hungry for some reason, even though she had just eaten one.
Hybrid shrugged and took the one she has handed out to him and moved it tward Jess. She has had enough food to get rid of for one day. Smiling she took a bite of her poptart and watched him hit the punching bag again. More across the room there was a fairly large machine that caught her eye....

Military press, in all of its glory. Her favorite machine.

She shoved the pop tart into Jess's hand with a hasty, "Here." and started to run twards the machine, stacking on weights to balance each side.

Crono said:
Connor was crouched in the garage level of Stark Tower, currently picking at his bike from underneath. Ever since he'd gotten his bike months ago he'd took it upon himself to learn more about it's parts, how to fix it, replace parts, etc... What better way to do that than tinker? And tinker he did, this day he was trying to replace his brake pads. The goal was taking much longer than anticipated and it was almost embarrassing. His arms and shirt had grease stains and a few tools and parts littered the floor underneath the bike which was raised up by some of the shops arms so that he could get to things with more ease.
There was a gruff deep breath that he let out as he took a step back and stared at the bike, as if trying to figure just what he was doing wrong with his eyes. "It's really not that difficult Connor." The blonde stated in a deeper mocking voice that was meant to be his father when Connor had asked Steve about it earlier that morning. Sure, if he wanted it done he could ask a number of people. Alex could probably do it, his father could do it, Cassie and Finn both liked to build things so they'd likely be able to do it as well. But Connor was adamant about doing it himself, and he damn well would!

The digital radio that had been playing Breakdown by Random Hero stopped suddenly catching the blonde's attention. The radio host started speaking of an attack in Tokyo, it sounded bad. Connor's hand tightened around the ratchet in his greasy hand, he hadn't been out on a mission or anything of the sort since the abduction. Staying at the tower, helping where he could with information or communication was pretty much all he'd done. At this point Connor was a glorified cheerleader for the Avengers, though he had to admit having a lot more free time wasn't such a bad thing. He'd gotten caught up on his reading, even a few shows he'd given up on watching, not to mention more tinkering with his bike and just helping with the tower upkeep in general.
Kee, kee. A strange, bubbly tapping came from the door of the garage. The strange abomination Augustus had become stood there. He wanted to lean back against the side of the garage, but his two spikes denied him. His new voice came out, smooth and easy to listen to yet a little thick at times, "Hey, Connor. Heard the radio and decided to pop by. How've ya been?"
With Philip getting a call from HQ, he was informed of the Attack on Japan. He sighed, and made the decision that he might regret. "If finn is there, send Maul there. Call the Japanese government." He told Belle as she hung up, and called the Prime Minister. "This is Belle of SHIELD. I am calling to let you know that we are sending in some support for Finn Banner. Please expect a Hulk Symbiote to arrive shortly." She said in her voice message as Maul was loaded into a jet, which was built to be fast. @Raikou Kaminari (is finn supposed to be on his own, or can I send help?) @CasualDragon
[QUOTE="Raikou Kaminari](You can but finn is 17 hours ahead of the current time, so you can have Maul arrive ahead of Finn and be relatively current. Or arrive 17 hours later a little after Finn.)

(Can I have him arrive at military outpost ahead of finn's location? I am not understanding the whole Time Zones concept.... despite knowing it..)
[QUOTE="Emperor Of Embers](Can I have him arrive at military outpost ahead of finn's location? I am not understanding the whole Time Zones concept.... despite knowing it..)

(Yeah, It's not a time zone thing. Finn just took that long to arrive.)
[QUOTE="Emperor Of Embers](ok. So 18 hours then?)

(You can have Maul arrive whenever, just make sure to specify. The default would be the current time before the second attack)
hudhouse said:
Kee, kee. A strange, bubbly tapping came from the door of the garage. The strange abomination Augustus had become stood there. He wanted to lean back against the side of the garage, but his two spikes denied him. His new voice came out, smooth and easy to listen to yet a little thick at times, "Hey, Connor. Heard the radio and decided to pop by. How've ya been?"
Connor had ignored the tapping noise up until the voice followed, nearly banging his head on the bike above except for his instincts telling him to dodge left a little before rising upwards. If it wasn't for the fact that his name had been spoken he might not have recognized who stood before him, "...Augustus?" Cassie had mentioned something about the one whom Connor had assumed dead, he had watched him die after-all...or so he thought. To be fair Connor wasn't sure how he felt about Augustus anymore, he hadn't liked the guy, then he'd given him a shot when Gus had saved his life, which Augustus managed to let everyone down by turning against them. Then he'd attempted some new world order crap, then died. The fact was that Gus's relationship with Cassie had complicated Connor's judgement.

Connor's attention went back to the bike, "Things tend to explode when you decide to pop by." Connor shrugged as he went back to tinkering, only half knowing what he was doing at this point because he was trying to stay occupied rather than put his full attention on the conversation or Augustus. "Same old, same old. You curious to know what the Avengers plan to do with what's happening in Tokyo huh?" Eyebrow's raised curiously even though he was looking at his bike.
[QUOTE="Raikou Kaminari](You can have Maul arrive whenever, just make sure to specify. The default would be the current time before the second attack)

(ok.could you do the Prime Minister of japan? I gotta have something to work off of.) about 18 hours after finn's arrival, Maul sets down in a military base in Kyoto, where a group of soldiers escorted him off his jet, and led to the Prime minister, who appeared to be a bit fearful of him. "I am sent here for a reason. I am here to support my brother.... Finn Banner." The symbiote said as he looked around.
Crono said:
Connor had ignored the tapping noise up until the voice followed, nearly banging his head on the bike above except for his instincts telling him to dodge left a little before rising upwards. If it wasn't for the fact that his name had been spoken he might not have recognized who stood before him, "...Augustus?" Cassie had mentioned something about the one whom Connor had assumed dead, he had watched him die after-all...or so he thought. To be fair Connor wasn't sure how he felt about Augustus anymore, he hadn't liked the guy, then he'd given him a shot when Gus had saved his life, which Augustus managed to let everyone down by turning against them. Then he'd attempted some new world order crap, then died. The fact was that Gus's relationship with Cassie had complicated Connor's judgement.
Connor's attention went back to the bike, "Things tend to explode when you decide to pop by." Connor shrugged as he went back to tinkering, only half knowing what he was doing at this point because he was trying to stay occupied rather than put his full attention on the conversation or Augustus. "Same old, same old. You curious to know what the Avengers plan to do with what's happening in Tokyo huh?" Eyebrow's raised curiously even though he was looking at his bike.
Augustus's eyes burned blue for a moment as he read the very psychic air around Connor. He snickered before saying, "You know, this is why I was shoving all that crap you know? It was all opintanial, if ya wanted it, you got it. If you didn't? Ignore it. It's like a new neighbor who comes over for dinner, has your attention for a bit and if you like them, invite them over again. If you dislike them, ignore them and never see them again. Bad analogy, but it's my attempt at saying... how about I tell your everything? I can clear up anything you want me to... what happened, why I did what I did, and why I am coming over here if it makes you feel more comfertable around me. Oh, and your bike? With your current engine the exhaust should be about... 12.875% faster to hit optimum status. Currently your wasting about a gallon of gas every 30 miles, and that can catch up to ya."
hudhouse said:
Augustus's eyes burned blue for a moment as he read the very psychic air around Connor. He snickered before saying, "You know, this is why I was shoving all that crap you know? It was all opintanial, if ya wanted it, you got it. If you didn't? Ignore it. It's like a new neighbor who comes over for dinner, has your attention for a bit and if you like them, invite them over again. If you dislike them, ignore them and never see them again. Bad analogy, but it's my attempt at saying... how about I tell your everything? I can clear up anything you want me to... what happened, why I did what I did, and why I am coming over here if it makes you feel more comfertable around me. Oh, and your bike? With your current engine the exhaust should be about... 12.875% faster to hit optimum status. Currently your wasting about a gallon of gas every 30 miles, and that can catch up to ya."
Connor shook his head and stopped tinkering as Augustus went on, setting the tool on the ground before turning to face him. "Just leave my bike out of this, alright?" While he was being serious there was a partial attempt at humor buried in there. "You could. I could ask questions and you could answer them and maybe gain some understanding." The blonde leaned against the raised bike slightly, "But I'm not sure I care. You had your reasons, but you went about everything the wrong way. Your decisions led you to where you are today, led us to this moment." Reaching over he grabbed a rag and started wiping his hands off on it. "If it makes you feel better you can explain whatever you'd like, I only have one question. What made you decide to intervene and save my life?"

There was a pause where he waited for an answer before cutting in once more, "No, actually make that two... Why did you break Cassie's heart?"
NEW YORK- 50 years in the future.

2 men ran through the streets of New York, fleeing from the Voracious masses of the Undead. Many avengers had fallen prey to them, but very few stuck around. Frank Castle, and Alistair Stark were heading to the long abandoned Stark Tower, where they have been living for the previous 3 months. "Pops! The tower is ahead!" Alistair said as he shot a civilian zombie in the head with a 9mm pistol. "Excellent! Now we just gotta go in, and activate the suits." Frank said as they entered the tower, and activated Lock Down protocols. The doors became reinforced, and sentry guns activate, shooting the massive horde. Then some suits were activated, and sent out against the horde. "Alistair. Get in the basement! I will follow!" Frank Commanded as Alistair did so, with frank following him, revolvers drawn. "Son. There is something I want to give you." The Punisher said as he walked to a vertical standing cover, and removed it, revealing an Iron Punisher suit. Alistair looked on in awe, and the suit spoke in a heavy scottish accent, "Voice Identification!" Alistair backed up, and swallowed. "Alistair.... Stark." He said in a skittish tone.

"IDENTITY CONFIRMED! HELLO SIR!" the suit said as it came alive, and walked up to him. "Frank.... You sure you wanna give me this suit?" he asked as alistair flipped a couple switches, and turned a few knobs.
"I am sure son." He said as a machine whirred to life, and a swirl of Blue and White came from it. Then a Zombie Captain America and Zombie Iron Man wake up, and walk slowly towards the two. "Alistair, get in the suit. NOW!" Frank said with impatience Alistair did so, and as he shot at Iron Man, who simply too the bullets as if they were paint balls. He then found a pipe and smacked his head off, blood squirting everywhere. The main doors break down, and the massive horde slowly invaded the tower. "Alistair! GET OUT OF HERE!" Frank shouted as he backed up. Alistair, out of fear, backs up, and trips into the swirling hole. "Pops! I am slipping!" he called as Frank smacked the Zombie Captain America to the ground, and grabbed out a revolver. "You were always my favorite hero...." Was all he said, before pulling the trigger. With that, he turned, and shot at both of Alistair's hands, forcing him to let go of the ground, and get sucked into it. "NOOOOOOOO!" he screamed as was spinning in different angles. seconds later, he is in Present New York. He was in front of Stark Tower, and decided to walk in. "Halt! Identify Yourself!" Howard said as two guns hung from the roof above him, He looked at the guns, and spoke. "Alistair Stark." he said, his voice filling the lab, taking Cassie's attention away from her work. @sitanomoto
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A flash of light shone from a spot in the penthouse of stark tower, as Dimitri appeared, not a second later, he began his excited tourist rant that he goes on when they get to visit a new country. This was sometimes inaccurate, and more often than not, offensive. "Ohhhhhhh.... HELL YEAH! Japan!!! Get ready for a case of mercury poisoning! Let me guess, giant Kaiju?? Whatever it is, It's going down! I will become hokage!"
Fyodor Vanko

A car stops in front of the Avengers tower. The door opens, and a man dressed in a suit exists. Taking his sunglasses down, he takes out his phone. 'Hmm. On time.' He said to himself, smiling a little. The past 6 weeks were tough on him, as he tried to find some peace of mind. Now, he was trying to make some business deals. Going inside the tower, he arrived in the main hall. "Miss Stark? Cassie Stark? It's me, Fyodor. We talked on the phone?" He asked, looking around the room, crossing his hands at his chest.

Down to business

A few hours later Raikou and Shin were still finally on to the real matter at hand. "Look I fought one of them Kou, he was using tachyons the same as my ability but his was far more advanced not just the simple malleable field but full manipulation. He overcame me in seconds, then he claim to the the cursed blade muramasa. Remember our father wielded Cursed Blade Muramasa, so I think it could really be that sword." Shin said with panic evident in his voice.

Raikou replied "We won't know for sure unless we go find out, hold still this may hurt." Before Shin could ask Raikou placed his hands on Shin and began to use his electricity manipulation to stimulate and accelerate his healing. By now the ninja in the corner stood up and walked over. He make some hand seal signs and placed one hand on Shin also accelerating his healing. The two were done in minutes, Shin stood up and stripped off his bandages.

"Time to suit up, if you have silver armor Kou order it I want us to role out and look cool decked out in Silver." Shin said. The ninja next to him made some hand seal signs and in a flash he was standing there in silver ninja tech armor. "You can call me Eli Braddock, Raikou Harada." he said. Raikou pulled out a smartphone manipulated it with his electricity, sending a command for the Mobiius X to beam down one of his armors. Raikou lept out the window to meet the beam so his current armor and blade would be swapped for the new armor and blade. Shin's armor arrived in a another catapulted locker.(Pics below goes Kou, Eli, and then Shin)



Azuma Millitary Storage

"The Azuma Storage facility, Hydra used to store some of us here before when their project was partnered by the United States. Now it only stores one of our brothers meant to be, my true second in command. Or atleast they have piece of him here. My brother blade was shattered while the pieces were scattered. One of those pieces lie here. So as you lay waste to this facility I shall recieve the first piece of our brother." Muramasa said to Honor Yoshida and Shurayuki of the Cursed Regalia. Muramasa drew his blade and gave the order to charge. Tha facility didn't last 30 minutes against the onslaught, they were no match for them a sword imbued with the essence of Sunfire and another imbued with the power of the fourth strongest psychic of her generation.

Shin, Raikou, and Eli arrived at the ruins of the facility, barely anything was left except scorched Earth. "They may not be here but we need to find out why they were here." Raikou said. Shin kicked up some dirt in frustration. "But we won't be getting anywhere unless we can find one of them." Raikou pulled out his smartphone and began inputting commands into the Mobius's system. Sure enough he got a match. "I ran a multi program search on the Cursed Regalia what I got were two matches. One a set of several trails all together but well spread out as if they are covering their footprints really well somehow. But another that has deviated from the others headed for Okinawa. We should go after this one."

Police and other first responders soon arrived on the scene. Shin and Eli were ready to leave when Kou said "No wait, stay the Prime Minister called out to the Avengers hours ago and they still haven't arrived to help him. Guess that leaves him to turn to us. Shin I know you work for the Japanese government so flash your badge and lets go have a chat with the Prime Minister." Shin looked at Kou and said "You are trying to garner credit for you new group?" Kou nodded a yes. "Afterall Earth's Mightiest Heroes right now seem to be just New York's Mightiest Heroes." Raikou said. "So that means the slot for Earth's Mightiest Heroes is still open."

In the next hour news of the attacked hit the media and news networks. An attack on the US millitary storage facility, the base being burned to the ground. This attack left even more unanswered questions about who these attackers are and what they want.

@Nerdyy @Pyosimros

@Everyone who this may concern

Ebony Blade

The Ebony Blade traveled alone on a stolen motorbike or what he called a mechanical horse on his way to an airport in Okinawa, he was not aware the borders were closed so flights would be cancelled. Meanwhile he also called out to a certain someone a form of telepathy, one meant to wield him. But this call was broadcasted throughout the hemisphere. A call meant for a worthy wielder, a call meant even more for Desimus. @National @Anyone else who somehow recieves the call
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Aleena Meredith Quill

Aleena was currently within the Avengers Tower, or Stark Tower. Whatever floats your boat she guessed. After so many weeks she had settled back into life at the tower, and with the other Avengers, but there was still that empty feeling inside of her after loosing her brother, a feeling of mourning always in the back of her head. She had buried her brother with her parwnts and the rest of the Guardians, it had been done as soon as possible, and boy were there tears.....

Aleena had gone through with her plan to stay rooted at the tower. And when it is said that she was in the tower, it really did mean she was "in" in the tower. With some help from her parents and Rocket, Groot too, she had managed to shape herself so she could live within the towers A.I systems, electrical circuits, the grid, anything she could possibly connect to via the electricity.

She was speaking with Amelia, funnily enough. And she was slightly alerted when Lydia made her arrival at the tower and after a few seconds looking through the security cameras and maming sure it was the right girl with Jr, she left it and went to watching the others on and off, and yes she did know full well about the attacks in Tokyo, but she would not assist, at least not until they were desperate for helpp over there. Suddenly there was a huge surge of energy within the tower. She yelped, it being heard within the kitchen as that was where she was looking through the camera. In the startle she also heard the familiar voice of Fyodor, at least she hoped it was him, in a way. They had seen eachother in some way or another at least once a week in the 6 that had passed. She had learnt more about who he was, though never got too personal, and he had even attended Maxtons funeral with the other Avengers and a select few others. Aleena exited the system with a zap. Her figure quickly yet intricately reformed with blue lines and zaps and strikes. No flesh or bone, just a figure of blue electricity.

Right in the Main Hall of the Tower, some few floors up, it did lead into the living room.

She blinked a couple times and her short hair shook with small clicks and zaps of electricty, then she turned and laid her figured eyes on Fyodor. He'd never seen her like that. But it wasn't like she was naked in this form, the blue covered her in a skin tight suit just like what she wore beneath her armor.


@AnnoDomini @Emperor Of Embers
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Cassie opened the door to her lab with a sigh from a button on her desk. She heard the news repeat the crisis in Tokyo and she slammed her hand down. Six weeks. Six weeks with no action and here it was, staring her in the face. "Be with you I'm just a second!" She called to the door. She sprang up from her chair and all but dove into a big box with random parts and rummaged around to find what she was looking for. "Ah HA!" She said excitedly, raising her fist in triumph. Then came two voices. One of someone she knew, and another of someone she had no clue who it was. "Come on in, Fyodor."

She looked up in alarm when a voice filled her lab. "Stark....?" She whispered. "Oh god...." She put her head in her hands, still holding the device. She looked up at the Japan attack and her face paled.
Crono said:
Connor shook his head and stopped tinkering as Augustus went on, setting the tool on the ground before turning to face him. "Just leave my bike out of this, alright?" While he was being serious there was a partial attempt at humor buried in there. "You could. I could ask questions and you could answer them and maybe gain some understanding." The blonde leaned against the raised bike slightly, "But I'm not sure I care. You had your reasons, but you went about everything the wrong way. Your decisions led you to where you are today, led us to this moment." Reaching over he grabbed a rag and started wiping his hands off on it. "If it makes you feel better you can explain whatever you'd like, I only have one question. What made you decide to intervene and save my life?"
There was a pause where he waited for an answer before cutting in once more, "No, actually make that two... Why did you break Cassie's heart?"
Crono said:
Connor shook his head and stopped tinkering as Augustus went on, setting the tool on the ground before turning to face him. "Just leave my bike out of this, alright?" While he was being serious there was a partial attempt at humor buried in there. "You could. I could ask questions and you could answer them and maybe gain some understanding." The blonde leaned against the raised bike slightly, "But I'm not sure I care. You had your reasons, but you went about everything the wrong way. Your decisions led you to where you are today, led us to this moment." Reaching over he grabbed a rag and started wiping his hands off on it. "If it makes you feel better you can explain whatever you'd like, I only have one question. What made you decide to intervene and save my life?"
There was a pause where he waited for an answer before cutting in once more, "No, actually make that two... Why did you break Cassie's heart?"
Augustus suddenly drooped his head, before he snickered a few times. All the flames on his body turned a bright violet color as he raised his head to level with Connor. He snarled out, "I saved you because I am mentally ill. I love everything... I just want to see everyone feel peace and joy. Seeing you in pain? Seeing anyone in pain? My empathy is a hundred times stronger then the normal person... and so just looking at you made my own lungs burn and my heart race in panic. I want everyone as a friend, but I am a human to you know?" He sighed, before looking at his own body. He commented, "Well... humanoid in any sense now. I gave up everything I had to help people, I donated to charities, I made homes, I repaired buildings, hell I have three separate contracts with Damage Control! Before S.H.I.E.L.D. became a Hydra infused rabbit den I was helping them out to. If it wasn't for me standing in front of the Phoenix Force and tricking him, everyone in Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia would still be DEAD."

Augustus sighed before he had to go to the big one. He stated first, "To be honest... it was all revenge. When I said I love everything? Tony and Cassie stark plus Thanos are the only ones in this entire galaxy I hate. I was born from DNA samples from my 7 brothers... 4 sisters and 3 brothers." He welled up a little, but his voice didn't even quiver. He continued after a small pause, "Stark broke in because my father was supplying Red Skull with some weapons, and Tony and the avengers came in to stop him. Your Iron Man, attacked one of the Doom Bots, but fried only some of it's circuits. It went into defense mode and went to the other side of the building to make sure my baby sisters were fine. Only around 6 years old. Well, it's targeting software was off. It thought they were intruders and so... it murdered them." Sulfuric tears came from his face, instantly igniting blue and leaving a few bits of ash around him.

He kept his distance, but finished the story, "Doom threw me out in rage and sorrow. I was a unfinished monster, and so I found some blood and finished my formation. So somebody on the Avenger's team? I am related to somebody, I don't know who, but it wasn't Thor. Any ways, that's why I have a bad history with the Starks. With Cassie... she broke my heart four times, and so I wanted her to feel the pain she made me feel..." His armored arms suddenly grew vaster apart, heat and magma trailing between them but never dripping out. Five talons extended out of them, elongated reaper scythes that would crush people to a pulp.

He lifted a finger, "One, Cassie completely changed when I told her that I loved her. She became more giddy and didn't... act like her. You love a person for who they are, and when you see that person change due to three words? I just, wasn't sure what to do. It hurt, and I felt like I did something wrong." He lifted another burning finger, "Two, she's a selfish brat. She has only taken and taken from me, I gave her Extremis because she was still Human and as such one lucky shot and she would become paste. Don't look at me that way you know it, you have superhuman syrup in your blood, she didn't! I rebuild her entire tower, saved all her data, and tried to make her able to survive by herself. She was to attached to a team, and I wanted to teach her to be safe by herself to... but you can see how I am a complete fucking moron on that part. The flower Azazel gave her is actually the strongest iron man suit Tony ever made, the symbiote metal suit, not an actual symbiote though. If she ever says 'I love you to the bottom of my heart' to someone, it will activate. Think of it as my cruel gift."

He sighed, before lifting up a third finger, "Three, I saved her, and matter of fact the Avenger's lives at least twice. Against Cade I nearly gave my life to stop him. If it wasn't for my god damn magic, I would HAVE died. One of your Avengers, Laxus, tried to personally murder me, followed by Jordan just before that. I healed Cassie after whiplash did a fatal blow because Extremis kept her alive." He lifted up a forth finger, "Four, she cheated on me with my only other friend, Azazel. In a hour.. a fucking HOUR after I told her that I loved her, she became boyfriend and girlfriend with Azazel. I backed off, and gave Azazel gifts that I thought Cassie would like to try and help their relationship. I am still in debt to him for helping me with Black Heart."

Augustus decided to add something, "The reason I destroyed the tower the first time in a fit of rage? I came to you guys 'cause I wanted to help, I wanted to protect people... hell I was already doing it but I thought maybe I could finally have friends. I lived a lonely life... I have so many names because if people heard of a 'Von Doom' helping them they would start to call up police. I... I just wanted to find some comfort or solace. My own brother tried to kill me... my father to... I lived on the streets... and when I finally got back at my Father he cursed me by making every moment of my life filled with agonizing pain. Do you know how hard it is to want to live when everything you love... wants you to feel pain? I am socially akward from all my experiences, you can figure that bit out. I had helped you guys so much and all I wanted to hear was maybe just a 'thank you Gus' or 'Nice job!' Is that so much to ask, for someone to actually admit that I did something good? Tell me that I did something to help?!" His voice finally broke, as he realized he was going way to far.

Augustus looked down. He looked weakly up to Connor and said, "So... what bitter acid do you offer me this time?"

Actually... Augustus tapped the intercoms to the Tower. How he got access? Nanobots son! He stated, "Your listening in onto this aren't ya little one?" @sitanomoto @anyoneinthetowerdon'tblamemei'mlazy
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Fyodor Vanko/Whiplash

A smile crept on his face when he saw Aleena. He had grown accustomed with her, and she became a friend to him, although he still had some complicated feelings. He heard Cassie tell him to wait and he slightly nodded. "No rush miss Stark." His attention went back to the girl, his hands going in his pockets. "Hey Aleena. How have you been? And the new color, I like it. It brings out that spark I always see in your eyes." Fyodor said, holding a stupid grin on his face.

He sighed, looking at the door Cassie opened. "If you are free after this, I would like to go out and eat something." Fyodor winked at her, then went in after Cassie. "Miss Stark. As you know, I am Fyodor Vanko, CEO of Vanko International. A couple of months ago we moved our activities from East Europe to North America. I wanted to ask you if you would consider a merger of sorts. I know, I know, my designs bare a striking resemblance to your father's technology, but I assure you, it's not plagiarism." He stopped talking to look at the screen and then at her. 'Oh god... Did I leave such a deep scar?' "Miss Stark? Cassie? Did I chose a bad time? Should we postpone this?" Fyodor says, moving slightly closer to her, looking at the screen, as his hand instinctively went to his mouth. "I saw these atrocities back in Russia. Not a very nice thing to see, the country being torn apart by a bunch of mangy mongrels." Fyodor spoke with a passion when he used the word mongrels. 'Like yourself Fyodor, you mean. Don't be such an hypocrite.' Whiplash was still not dead, and he came to torment Fyodor further.

@sitanomoto @BeamMeUpScotty
hudhouse said:
Augustus suddenly drooped his head, before he snickered a few times. All the flames on his body turned a bright violet color as he raised his head to level with Connor. He snarled out, "I saved you because I am mentally ill. I love everything... I just want to see everyone feel peace and joy. Seeing you in pain? Seeing anyone in pain? My empathy is a hundred times stronger then the normal person... and so just looking at you made my own lungs burn and my heart race in panic. I want everyone as a friend, but I am a human to you know?" He sighed, before looking at his own body. He commented, "Well... humanoid in any sense now. I gave up everything I had to help people, I donated to charities, I made homes, I repaired buildings, hell I have three separate contracts with Damage Control! Before S.H.I.E.L.D. became a Hydra infused rabbit den I was helping them out to. If it wasn't for me standing in front of the Phoenix Force and tricking him, everyone in Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia would still be DEAD."
Augustus sighed before he had to go to the big one. He stated first, "To be honest... it was all revenge. When I said I love everything? Tony and Cassie stark plus Thanos are the only ones in this entire galaxy I hate. I was born from DNA samples from my 7 brothers... 4 sisters and 3 brothers." He welled up a little, but his voice didn't even quiver. He continued after a small pause, "Stark broke in because my father was supplying Red Skull with some weapons, and Tony and the avengers came in to stop him. Your Iron Man, attacked one of the Doom Bots, but fried only some of it's circuits. It went into defense mode and went to the other side of the building to make sure my baby sisters were fine. Only around 6 years old. Well, it's targeting software was off. It thought they were intruders and so... it murdered them." Sulfuric tears came from his face, instantly igniting blue and leaving a few bits of ash around him.

He kept his distance, but finished the story, "Doom threw me out in rage and sorrow. I was a unfinished monster, and so I found some blood and finished my formation. So somebody on the Avenger's team? I am related to somebody, I don't know who, but it wasn't Thor. Any ways, that's why I have a bad history with the Starks. With Cassie... she broke my heart four times, and so I wanted her to feel the pain she made me feel..." His armored arms suddenly grew vaster apart, heat and magma trailing between them but never dripping out. Five talons extended out of them, elongated reaper scythes that would crush people to a pulp.

He lifted a finger, "One, Cassie completely changed when I told her that I loved her. She became more giddy and didn't... act like her. You love a person for who they are, and when you see that person change due to three words? I just, wasn't sure what to do. It hurt, and I felt like I did something wrong." He lifted another burning finger, "Two, she's a selfish brat. She has only taken and taken from me, I gave her Extremis because she was still Human and as such one lucky shot and she would become paste. Don't look at me that way you know it, you have superhuman syrup in your blood, she didn't! I rebuild her entire tower, saved all her data, and tried to make her able to survive by herself. She was to attached to a team, and I wanted to teach her to be safe by herself to... but you can see how I am a complete fucking moron on that part. The flower Azazel gave her is actually the strongest iron man suit Tony ever made, the symbiote metal suit, not an actual symbiote though. If she ever says 'I love you to the bottom of my heart' to someone, it will activate. Think of it as my cruel gift."

He sighed, before lifting up a third finger, "Three, I saved her, and matter of fact the Avenger's lives at least twice. Against Cade I nearly gave my life to stop him. If it wasn't for my god damn magic, I would HAVE died. One of your Avengers, Laxus, tried to personally murder me, followed by Jordan just before that. I healed Cassie after whiplash did a fatal blow because Extremis kept her alive." He lifted up a forth finger, "Four, she cheated on me with my only other friend, Azazel. In a hour.. a fucking HOUR after I told her that I loved her, she became boyfriend and girlfriend with Azazel. I backed off, and gave Azazel gifts that I thought Cassie would like to try and help their relationship. I am still in debt to him for helping me with Black Heart."

Augustus decided to add something, "The reason I destroyed the tower the first time in a fit of rage? I came to you guys 'cause I wanted to help, I wanted to protect people... hell I was already doing it but I thought maybe I could finally have friends. I lived a lonely life... I have so many names because if people heard of a 'Von Doom' helping them they would start to call up police. I... I just wanted to find some comfort or solace. My own brother tried to kill me... my father to... I lived on the streets... and when I finally got back at my Father he cursed me by making every moment of my life filled with agonizing pain. Do you know how hard it is to want to live when everything you love... wants you to feel pain? I am socially akward from all my experiences, you can figure that bit out. I had helped you guys so much and all I wanted to hear was maybe just a 'thank you Gus' or 'Nice job!' Is that so much to ask, for someone to actually admit that I did something good? Tell me that I did something to help?!" His voice finally broke, as he realized he was going way to far.

Augustus looked down. He looked weakly up to Connor and said, "So... what bitter acid do you offer me this time?"

Actually... Augustus tapped the intercoms to the Tower. How he got access? Nanobots son! He stated, "Your listening in onto this aren't ya little one?" @sitanomoto @anyoneinthetowerdon'tblamemei'mlazy
AnnoDomini said:
Fyodor Vanko/Whiplash
A smile crept on his face when he saw Aleena. He had grown accustomed with her, and she became a friend to him, although he still had some complicated feelings. He heard Cassie tell him to wait and he slightly nodded. "No rush miss Stark." His attention went back to the girl, his hands going in his pockets. "Hey Aleena. How have you been? And the new color, I like it. It brings out that spark I always see in your eyes." Fyodor said, holding a stupid grin on his face.

He sighed, looking at the door Cassie opened. "If you are free after this, I would like to go out and eat something." Fyodor winked at her, then went in after Cassie. "Miss Stark. As you know, I am Fyodor Vanko, CEO of Vanko International. A couple of months ago we moved our activities from East Europe to North America. I wanted to ask you if you would consider a merger of sorts. I know, I know, my designs bare a striking resemblance to your father's technology, but I assure you, it's not plagiarism." He stopped talking to look at the screen and then at her. 'Oh god... Did I leave such a deep scar?' "Miss Stark? Cassie? Did I chose a bad time? Should we postpone this?" Fyodor says, moving slightly closer to her, looking at the screen, as his hand instinctively went to his mouth. "I saw these atrocities back in Russia. Not a very nice thing to see, the country being torn apart by a bunch of mangy mongrels." Fyodor spoke with a passion when he used the word mongrels. 'Like yourself Fyodor, you mean. Don't be such an hypocrite.' Whiplash was still not dead, and he came to torment Fyodor further.

@sitanomoto @BeamMeUpScotty
Cassie had tuned Agustus out around the time he had called her a brat, realizing that all that Augustus said was true. She was everything he called her. She did, not an hour after....


Couldn't handle it...

Cassie felt a tear flow down her face bt her voice was unwavering. "No, Fyodor, you came at a perfect time." She said, standing.

"Time to prove Gus wrong." She muttered, too soft to hear from anyone, anything, supernatural or not.
Connor rolled his eyes at the comment about his Inhuman blood, "A few months ago I was just as human as she was. We did perfectly fine without having such things forced on us. I know she didn't want it and I know she hates that it happened because I didn't want to be an Inhuman, I was happy with who I was. You changed who she was without her consent. And no matter what happens, even if she forgives you for it, she won't forget. Just like I haven't forgotten what that Richie damn Raccoon did to me." It was more heat of the moment that he brought up Richie's name, having long forgiven the Raccoon. "You try to fix things that aren't broken, Cassie, the world, you don't fix things that way." The blonde had since been pacing the floor throughout Augustus's speech and his own replies.

"You didn't give us the chance to say thank you, and did I not thank you when you saved my life? You gave up on us too quickly, Cassie let you in and others were starting to. Including me, but then you smashed every bit of that to pieces. You want me to say you've had a rough life?" Connor tossed the rag back over near the tools and bike, "Sure, you've had it rough. But stop letting your past define you, stop letting your father ruin your life even in death. You made an entire planet and ecosystem for crying out loud! You made something so beautiful and instead of nurturing it you left it alone to come back and try to fix this one instead."

Rubbing harshly at the back of his neck when Augustus called Cassie out, the blonde hadn't even thought that she might have been listening in.

@hudhouse @sitanomoto

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