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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

National said:
Jackie smiles before sitting into a chair, fixing his hair. He ooled around at the technology riddled in the lab. He picks up a small remote control like box. It was probably one of Tony's inventions that he never finished. He fiddles around with the object before the gears inside whirl and click, and the box activates, playing Frank Sinatra through the whole building. Embarrassed, he throws the cube outside,ending Sinatras lullaby.
"Wasn't me..."

@Steel Zinogre
Azazel looked at Jackie, and smiled. "Thanks buddy! That helps lighten the mood!" He said jokingly as he finished brewing the tea. He then puts the tea in coffee cups and gave one to Cassie. @sitanomoto @National
(I got you.)

Connor's smile loosened as he spotted Olivier who'd asked him a question before hell had broken loose. "So you wanted to join, but don't you live with Jordan or..." Connor scratched his head, "...how does he feel about it? Not that your not your own woman or anything I just..." He was making it worse so he just let his voice slowly drown out and waited for a response.

As Azazel speaks to Jackie, the young boy stutters before responding correctly.

"Y-y..yeah, of course. That was my intention."

When he responded to Azazel, however, his tone was very different. It was as if he was... Well, sad. He clears his throat before talking again.

"How are you guys planning to confront the whole splitting up problem?"

@Steel Zinogre
Olivie didn't say anything, but from behind Connor, Alex said "Jord...an doesn't care what we do. Hell Emile goes on bad guy murdering rampages and Jordan tells him to wipe the blood off of his get before he enters the mansion." Olivier merely nodded to say that Alex's statements were true.

National said:
As Azazel speaks to Jackie, the young boy stutters before responding correctly.
"Y-y..yeah, of course. That was my intention."

When he responded to Azazel, however, his tone was very different. It was as if he was... Well, sad. He clears his throat before talking again.

"How are you guys planning to confront the whole splitting up problem?"

@Steel Zinogre
"Yeah. I am a little upset on that topic, but hey! We will figure something out. Without bloodshed I hope." He said as papyrus finished the show. "WOWIE! LET'S GET STARTED! ERM..... WHERE IS THE KITCHEN?" He asked as he looked around. @sitanomoto @hudhouse @National
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Cassie smiled and pointed. "That way, Papyrus." She sighed and looked at the ground. She turned to Jackie. "Yeeeeah.... Don't mess with dad's cubes. It's bad for the ears." She smiled. "There was one that I messed with that played Stevie Wonder through the whole building."

She looked at the ground again, then took a sip of the tea Az had brought her. "Thanks."

She looked back up at Jackie. "I don't know how we're going to do it. I don't want to have to battle it out..."
A slight chill went up his spine at the second Alex's appearance and he looked over his shoulder at the boy. "You really like doing that don't you?" There'd been others looking to join today as well, Connor gave it a thought for a moment. "Can I ask why?" Connor looked from Alex to Olivier. "What do you hope to accomplish by joining us? I get the feeling you two didn't decide on a whim."

Hybrid removed her hand and shrugged. "Wanna hang out or something? I was sup post to spar with Mason but it seem he's knocked out really good. You wanna go in and talk too Conner? Based on your last name I'm pretty sure you know each other. Totally up too you."

She awaited her reply in somewhat impatience. He had just tried too kill her and her friends, no way was she letting her guard down. She needed too make sure he wasn't going too kill or hurt anyone else tonight.

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sitanomoto said:
Cassie smiled and pointed. "That way, Papyrus." She sighed and looked at the ground. She turned to Jackie. "Yeeeeah.... Don't mess with dad's cubes. It's bad for the ears." She smiled. "There was one that I messed with that played Stevie Wonder through the whole building."
She looked at the ground again, then took a sip of the tea Az had brought her. "Thanks."

She looked back up at Jackie. "I don't know how we're going to do it. I don't want to have to battle it out..."
Going in the direction Cassie pointed, papyrus dashed to the kitchen. "LET THE FAJITA MAKING, BEGIN!!!" Papyrus shouted with glee as he gathered ingredients, and needed tools, and got started. "I BET UNDYNE WILL BE SO PLEASED WITH ME ONCE SHE SEES THIS..... IF SHE WERE STILL HERE...." he said in a sad tone. (Just imagine papyrus with Skeletor's voice.) @sitanomoto @hudhouse @National
Jackie grins, his sad tone still dancing in his eyes.

"Of course, it definitely will be hard."

Suddenly, Jackie takes the subject into a 180.

"How's the underworld doing Azazel?"

It would seem strange that Jackie would know about Azazel and the Underworld, and also strange that he already knew the demons name.

@Steel Zinogre
National said:
Desimus nods, his hands folded.
"I do believe that it a smart plan. An effective strategy, definitely. I think the younger ones are easier to pull in. We could do a whole Professor X recruit thinjg."

@Raikou Kaminari @Reaper
"Maybe we can set up a machine aboad the Mobius X and make it so that its power adaptable. So that anyone with the right kind of power or who received their power from the right source can use it like. Like say a psychic or someone who's power comes from the divine or someone with magic in them." Raikou exclaimed piggy backing off Desmius's idea. "I assume we already have a beam teleporter on it."

@Reaper @National
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"Face of what??? Oh yea... The team. Jeez it feels like I've been gone forever... I need some water." Dimitri managed.

Miranda had an idea. "Speaking of my father and recruiting, I could always use cerebro to find those who might want to join."
National said:
Jackie grins, his sad tone still dancing in his eyes.
"Of course, it definitely will be hard."

Suddenly, Jackie takes the subject into a 180.

"How's the underworld doing Azazel?"

It would seem strange that Jackie would know about Azazel and the Underworld, and also strange that he already knew the demons name.

@Steel Zinogre
Azazel seemed confused with Jackie's knowledge of his home world, and his name. "Fine. Everything is fine. But how did you know my name, and my dad's realm?" He asked, knowing Jackie is going to try to hide his information. "Who are you exactly?"
LucianGrey7971 said:
Chara walked into the kitchen and looked at Papyrus with a stoic face...and a different shirt...and no knife.
"HELLO HUMAN! HOW ARE YOU TODAY?" papyrus asked Chara as he puts the chicken in a pan. He had a weird feeling coming from Chara, but shrugged it off, being sure to keep his guard up. @hudhouse @LucianGrey7971
"As long as you both abide by the unwritten rules while Avengers I don't see an issue." Connor shrugged, "It helps that I've met you both before now. Welcome to the team, I guess. Officially I'd have to run it by Cassie but she hasn't said no to new recruits yet so I'd say your in." Though the answer Olivier gave him, he couldn't help but feel like he'd just gotten the runaround but he wouldn't ask further.

Chara only stared at Papyrus before looking at the chicken that was cooking, then back at Papyrus. "I wanna help." Which was strange because Chara was kicking Connor in the ankle for no reason, knife still in hand
Reaper said:
"Face of what??? Oh yea... The team. Jeez it feels like I've been gone forever... I need some water." Dimitri managed.
Miranda had an idea. "Speaking of my father and recruiting, I could always use cerebro to find those who might want to join."
Reaper said:
"Face of what??? Oh yea... The team. Jeez it feels like I've been gone forever... I need some water." Dimitri managed.
Miranda had an idea. "Speaking of my father and recruiting, I could always use cerebro to find those who might want to join."
"Hypnas can get Dimitri some water before he dies of dehydration. Maybe help him sort out his mind before he shorts out his mind?" Raikou asked nicely before turning to Miranda and Desimus. "Could we load Cerebro onto the ship and then modify it?"

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