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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Desimus looks at Miranda, momentarily forgetting she was the child of Professor Xavier. However, he just shook his head.

"No, nothing really happened between us. You could just call it a mistake."

"I could call it a mistake, I guess," she said, her accent sounding very pronounced in the word "call". "But you wouldn't, would you? That's not how you feel. It's not just a mistake to you, or else you wouldn't be thinking so loudly, deafening, even." @National
"You got it Dimitri." Raikou said before Dimitri went under.

He was quiet as Harry and Desimus spoke as to not interrupt their creative process. He gave his opinion once its was complete. "Well we are all relatively new to each other so I don't think that matters. I like the team name though as we are "Enlightened" to the way things truly are as compared to the Avengers. I also like the idea that each leadar has a specific role. If so I want Miranda Xavier as a leader. Her job will be to Screen new additions among other things due to her mental abilities. Unless you have another lined up for the position already I would like to be the leader in charge of Battle Testing new additions as well being my ability is versatile, I also offer to train anyone of our members who seek it and to aid in technological matters."

Raikou continued. "Harry Osbourne, I feel you would do well as the Financial Leader. That leaves one leadership position that I am not sure what skill or skills we need to fill in that position with."

@National @Reaper
Dimitri shot up and flailed around, before breathing heavily to regain his bearings. "I-.... I forgot I wasn't him for a moment.... How long was I out?" He asked the room.
The doors of the Avengers open, and a black haired boy walks in. A strand of black hair falls in front of his face, and he pushes it back in place as he goes to the front of the front office. For some reason, the eye analysis at the front desk scanned and responded to Jackie, and Friday pops up.

"May I help you today?"

Jackie almost falls over in surprise, but regains himself.

"Can I see Cassie Stark?"

Connor froze as Tyler said his full name and birthday, distraught confusion ran over his face as he felt himself being pulled off. He wanted to fight it, next thing Connor knew he was on the ground and Tyler was thrown out the window with Mason, Hybrid, and Sekki following after.

Looking from Cassie to Alex he took a breath and closed his eyes for a moment to collect himself. This was happening, he needed to accept that, but he also needed to figure exactly what this was. Sitting up he threw his arms up on his knee's, "Cass I need you to run tests on him. I have to know that he's not a robot, skrull, or clone if it's possible...He claims to be my little brother, but Tyler Rogers died fourteen years ago..."

Connor wasn't sure how much Cassie new of the subject, Connor and Tyler had both been young when Tyler had disappeared and later presumed dead. Back then Cassie would have only been two so she wouldn't have any memories of it, but Connor couldn't remember if he'd ever spoken about it to any of his friends. It had been so long ago. There was also the chance that others might have told her, she was smart so she could have always found out on her own as well.

(Basically I'm letting you choose how much she knows and how she found out Sitan. :P )

@sitanomoto @AnnoDomini
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( :P It's gettin' gooooooooodddd...)


"I presume you now want me to go all out, right at the start?"

He sighed, walking up to Mason, slowly.
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Reaper said:
Dimitri shot up and flailed around, before breathing heavily to regain his bearings. "I-.... I forgot I wasn't him for a moment.... How long was I out?" He asked the room.
"A few minutes." Raikou replied. "We got as far as choosing 4 out of 5 possible leaders."
Crono said:
Connor froze as Tyler said his full name and birthday, distraught confusion ran over his face as he felt himself being pulled off. He wanted to fight it, next thing Connor knew he was on the ground and Tyler was thrown out the window with Mason, Hybrid, and Sekki following after.
Looking from Cassie to Alex he took a breath and closed his eyes for a moment to collect himself. This was happening, he needed to accept that, but he also needed to figure exactly what this was. Sitting up he threw his arms up on his knee's, "Cass I need you to run tests on him. I have to know that he's not a robot, skrull, or clone if it's possible...He claims to be my little brother, but Tyler Rogers died fourteen years ago..."

Connor wasn't sure how much Cassie new of the subject, Connor and Tyler had both been young when Tyler had disappeared and later presumed dead. Back then Cassie would have only been two so she wouldn't have any memories of it, but Connor couldn't remember if he'd ever spoken about it to any of his friends. It had been so long ago. There was also the chance that others might have told her, she was smart so she could have always found out on her own as well.

(Basically I'm letting you choose how much she knows and how she found out Sitan. :P )

@sitanomoto @AnnoDomini
Cassie's eyes went wide. "Oh my god...." She muttered. She grabbed Connor's arm. "Come here." She said, dragging him over to a table. She released him. "Stay put." She ran off to her lab and came back with some DNA equipment. "I'm going to need a blood sample from both of you." She said, looking at Connor, a serious expression on her face. "And you're going to need some water, Con. You're looking like you might pass out."

National said:
The doors of the Avengers open, and a black haired boy walks in. A strand of black hair falls in front of his face, and he pushes it back in place as he goes to the front of the front office. For some reason, the eye analysis at the front desk scanned and responded to Jackie, and Friday pops up.
"May I help you today?"

Jackie almost falls over in surprise, but regains himself.

"Can I see Cassie Stark?"

"Absolutely. State your name and business, so that I can tell her who's visiting." Friday said, scanning the boy for any weapons or dangerous equipment. Finding him clean, the Elevator doors opened and stayed open until the boy was ready to walk into them.
Jackie nods.

"Yeah, I am just here to join up. Jackie Boss."

He sees the elevators open, and he bows to the camera thingy as he walks over to the elevator. He walks in, and watches out of the glass window as it takes him up to the top. He walks over to the room where Cassie and Connor were, and knocks.

@sitanomoto @Crono
Connor waved off Cassie's concern, this was important. "I'm fine." He told her, pulling up the sleeve of his shirt. The bandages on his arm still present though loose and hanging from the days events. Snorting he pulled them loose further until they fell off and he shoved his arm outwards to give Cassie access to a vein, meanwhile he was running through the possible scenario's of who this guy was in his head. And for the moment he couldn't decide if he wanted it to be a fake or if he wanted it to be Tyler...

The elevator dinged and Connor looked up to see another unfamiliar face exit.

@sitanomoto @National @AnnoDomini
Nerdyy said:
( :P It's gettin' gooooooooodddd...)

"I presume you now want me to go all out, right at the start?"

He sighed, walking up to Mason, slowly.
Hybrid ate her popcorn but stood guard, knowing how unpredictable he could be. As he walked closer, she sat a bit more forward
"Well, too bad. I won't go all out right at the start. I don't want to kill you before you get a chance to attack." He smirked.

He ran after Mason, and before he could react, Tyler had already given him two punches and a kick, which sent him flying a few feet back.

Once Mason landed on his back, Tyler just simply dusted off his hands and walked back into the Avengers' Tower, not expecting him to get up.

(Before chu say anything, @GoldenChari gave me permission to autohit a few times.)
It was an appropriate time of day when Ricky sat up from his bed, in his flat, in his pajamas. He wasn't too classy considering he lived on his own in attempt to get away from his busy parents who tried too hard to be there for him. Confusing yes? That's just how it is when you're related to two heroes that are part of the infamous group known as the Avengers. Ricky didn't hold anything against them, yet he did wish somedays he wasn't born. Then others, he was.

By now Ricky had slipped on shorts after removing a pair of plaid clothe pants. They rested on his bed. He stripped his shirt revealing a scar or two laying adjacent with his build that looked fake, rather they may as well have been for nobody believe him when he attempted to show off. It wasn't like much of a secret what he could do, it was only a secret of what he did with 'it'. The young man looked to his right towards a clock that seemed to be blinking at a stuck time of "00:00" meaning the power must've surged or something must be disrupting it from the outside. He didn't feel like asking what it was as his feet slid into flip-flops, grabbed a button-up tee slinging that over his shoulders, not caring to actually button it. He then grabbed a key and opened, slammed, and walked away from the door. The stairs outside could be heard as he treaded down them into the center of the ally where multiple other apartments lay. It was the beginning of his long, maybe interesting day. As if dressing as a bum wasn't enough.

Why boring and long you'd guess? Because for one he wasn't in school, he graduate about a year early. One of the smartest kids to ever walk those halls, yet still not able to qualify for any college due to his 'funds' being short and his unwillingness to apply for any talent based scholarship. It was his stubbornness. Either that or he didn't want to get into college without money, because it was his pride. He believed himself to be independent, that he could do everything on his own without help from adults, parents, or the government.
Crono said:
Connor waved off Cassie's concern, this was important. "I'm fine." He told her, pulling up the sleeve of his shirt. The bandages on his arm still present though loose and hanging from the days events. Snorting he pulled them loose further until they fell off and he shoved his arm outwards to give Cassie access to a vein, meanwhile he was running through the possible scenario's of who this guy was in his head. And for the moment he couldn't decide if he wanted it to be a fake or if he wanted it to be Tyler...
The elevator dinged and Connor looked up to see another unfamiliar face exit.

@sitanomoto @National @AnnoDomini
Cassie sighed. When it came to his well-being, Connor could be as stubborn as she could, and that was saying something. She took a syringe and drew about a half ounce of blood from Connor's arm, then re-bound it gently. She looked to the doorway, put down the blood-filled syringe, and went over to it. Friday had already told her through her comm link that there was someone coming up, someone named Jackie Boss. She looked the boy up and down. Something about him seemed familiar, by she could have sworn she had never met him before. "Can I help you?" She asked the boy.

@National @Crono @AnnoDomini
To Cassie, Jackie's eyes would almost look just like hers. Actually, they were exactly identical to hers.

"Hi, yeah I kno- I mean heard about the separation thing. I was wondering if I could help your side?"

Alex let out a tired sigh, raising from his seat. "So, everybody gets a sibling. Great, more names to keep track of." He says, holding his head. "Connor, no offense, but your brother might be a little crazy. That's my shtick." Sitting back down, he unzips the duffel bag, pulling out an engraved bow and 3 arrows, then closes the bag. "... What's next? Would I find out I have a cyborg brother that hates me?"

@Crono @sitanomoto @National
National said:
To Cassie, Jackie's eyes would almost look just like hers. Actually, they were exactly identical to hers.
"Hi, yeah I kno- I mean heard about the separation thing. I was wondering if I could help your side?"

Cassie bit her lip. "There.... There aren't really 'sides' to this whole thing.... But if you want to help us out, that'd be great," she said with a smile. She looked at Jackie again closely, but she didn't find anything odd.

In all homesty, she was hoping to get Dimitri and Lisa and Raikou back, but she didn't know how she was going to do that, to be honest. She felt a big weight on her shoulders. The team had split because of a lack of leadership and bond.

Six months ago, this would have been impossible. Things only really started to fall apart when.....

When Massacre.....

Then her disappearance.......

She snapped back to the present, painfully aware that she had just been staring off into space for about thirty seconds. "Come... Come on in," she said softly, stepping aside so that the boy could walk in. She walked over to the couch and sat down, resting her elbows on her knees and her head in her hands. Her fingers rubbed her temples, as if she was trying to massage some sort of focus into her head.
(Can I make a second character, maybe one that we can say already knew everyone and lived in Avengers' Tower, just so I'm not bored when no one's responding to Tyler? xD )
Connor arched a brow at Jackie, "It's been like...a few hours. Word gets around fast..." Shaking his head he decided he would actually get some water, and started heading for the kitchen.

"My brother is dead." Connor replied to Alex referring to this stranger as his brother, and maybe that was denial on his part but he didn't care. "Yeah, and your cyborg brother would probably be better looking too." Connor's raised voice came from the kitchen as he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. Of course he was teasing, though uncomfortably as the situation was just stressing him out in general.

The blonde paused in the doorway on his way back, unscrewing the cap and taking a sip. "What's with the bow?"

@sitanomoto @National @AnnoDomini
Nerdyy said:
(Can I make a second character, maybe one that we can say already knew everyone and lived in Avengers' Tower, just so I'm not bored when no one's responding to Tyler? xD )
(I guess I can respond)

Hybrid sighed with relief and got up with her popcorn. She ran over and stood in front of Tyler, pointing her popcorn at him.

"Oi!" she yelled through a mouth full "I ain't done with you!"

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