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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Let's see... Um... 1... 4... 5... um... 18. And you?"

He said as he thought to himself of his age.

He looked at Hybrid. "If I make you lose an arm, I'll be free, even if you regrow your arm."

@Crono @Yngwie Schutz @sitanomoto
"Conner you know this person?" She asked, not letting off her intensity. She moved her knife too his neck and pushed deeper, not enough to kill him but enough to make him bleed. "My point still stands as well. Conner, if you know this guy you better stop him before he really gets me angry."

@Nerdyy @sitanomoto
"G-... Oooooh, don't go all Hulk on me."

He smiled, almost evil-ly.

He grabbed the knife-arm thing with his hand and pushed it out, and then attempted to kick her in the gut, to get out of her grasp.

(It's fine.)

@Yngwie Schutz @sitanomoto @Crono
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Connor looked at Hybrid, "I...I'm not..." No, it was impossible. Suddenly he'd made up his mind and lurched forwards once Tyler had started trying to escape Hybrid's grasp. The blonde lunged, going straight for Tyler's right shin with his foot. Following up he attempted to wrap his right leg around Tyler's left leg and with one hand on Tyler's shoulder he pushed in an attempt to topple him and pin Tyler to the floor. "Who sent you!? H.Y.D.R.A!?" Connor cried out angrily staring him in the face.

Tyler was getting quite angry at this point. Random people trying to pin him down in any way possible...

He had dodged all of his attempts to pin him down, but tripped in the process.

Now on the ground, he answered Connor's strange question. "Yes. A society that has been dead for years has sent me, "one of their best members", to kill you all."

"No, you idiots. I wasn't sent by anyone. I'm simply a solo."

Tyler was obviously stating that he wasn't sent by anyone, and by "simply a solo," he meant that he doesn't team up with anyone. At least not usually.

@Crono @Yngwie Schutz @sitanomoto
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Hybrid stood up and got out of the way of Conner pinning him down. She glared at him. "Shame you seem like Hydra sum, and Tha-" she stopped herself, the last thing she wanted too do was to attract their attention.

"Never mind, are you here solo to kill us?"

(Alright, let's chill and pause or something. Half the people who would be in this scenario are offline now. :3 )

Connor shook his head angrily, he didn't believe him. This had HYDRA written all over it, they always went after him in the most hidden of ways. Sending Alex to infiltrate and assassinate him, Connor was sure they played a part in Osborn creating Carter, as well as the recent kidnapping of the heroes where he'd almost killed Aedan. And here stood a boy with the same name and age as his brother, the guy even looked like how Connor had always pictured Tyler would look at this age.

He was growing increasingly angry as he spouted more lies. "Stop lying!" Connor shouted before suddenly throwing a fist at Tyler's face.
(Okay.. I'll pause after I do this.. I just want to.)

He grabbed the fist thrown at him.

"My name is Tyler Rogers. I was born August 9th, 1997, and I am done with this absolute bulls---. Y'know? I'm not here to, but I might actually kill you, so push me further. I. DARE. YOU."

It was quite obvious he was dead serious.
(Another captain America? Eghhh.)

Richie continues to wait at the Avenger tower to talk to Cassie.

Desimus shakes his head.

"I called it the Möbius X cuz it sounded cool. And its completely finished and parked in space."

"Now that we have a base and beginnings of a new team. I think its time for Dimitri to gain the Memory of the Sentry. If that'll take a while we can discuss an evaluation and screening for members of this team and a maybe even a name for the team." Raikou said.

@National @Reaper
Mason was dragged off before a fight broke out. Now Connor was enraged like Cassie. "Look." Mason hissed. "Tyler is it?" Mason scoffed as he pushed connor to the ground and he grabbed The serpent's face, smashing it into the wall sending bits flying. "You wanna kill someone? Try me kid." Mason then took him off the wall and smashed him back into it before running Tyler's face along the wall, Sending him flying out of the window with a grunt.

"Cassie. Keep Connor down and stay here." Mason ordered. "He may be after me. He mentioned someone famous am i right?" Mason gave a thumbs up before he too went out the window.

(Mind waiting next time? Also, Mason told Cassie to keep Connor there due to him knowing Connor was not in the right mindset. I say let them fight alone. He had a point mentioning "Famous" anyways. =3)

@Crono @sitanomoto
Tyler landed on the ground below with a hole in the back of his shirt. He was bleeding in more than a few places, but that didn't seem to bother him much.

"Listen, bud. I don't want to hurt you. Did you not hear all the stuff back there about my "test"?"

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Mason landed on the ground like a cat almost. "Oh i heard ya kid." Mason grinned. "But you never tested me to be honest." He then sighed. "Unless me pummeling you up there was a test. If it was, i wasn't really trying."
Tyler grinned, in a quite evil way.

"Believe me. I knew you weren't. That's why I hadn't even lifted a finger yet."

After a decently long pause, he spoke again.

"You honestly believe I'd let you do that much damage to me so quickly? Heh. Such a comedian..."

"Very well, I feel like not testing you is a bit unfair. Shall I begin all out? Or shall I go easy and work my way up?"

(Do I have permission to do a few hits? I won't do any major damage, but I will show as much of Tyler's skill as possible, if you let me.)

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Nerdyy said:
Tyler grinned, in a quite evil way.
"Believe me. I knew you weren't. That's why I hadn't even lifted a finger yet."

After a decently long pause, he spoke again.

"You honestly believe I'd let you do that much damage to me so quickly? Heh. Such a comedian..."

"Very well, I feel like not testing you is a bit unfair. Shall I begin all out? Or shall I go easy and work my way up?"

(Do I have permission to do a few hits? I won't do any major damage, but I will show as much of Tyler's skill as possible, if you let me.)

Abruptly the floor behind Tyler exploded. Sekki with blood red eyes ripped out, lifting up two sharp machetes and attempting to impale them through his shoulder blades. He roared out, "I won't let ya even ATTEMPT to hurt my friends Dood!"
(Is Sekki a legit powerful character? That's just annoying.)

"Calm down, little... umm... beast-blob... thing that gave me hot chocolate. I won't kill them." He said, and then he started to think. At least not yet.

He laughed a bit as he slowly backed up, watching the thing try to impale him with machetes.

(Also, what happens if he looks at a girl? "Hey, DOOD!"? o-o)
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Hybrid sat in a bit of shock at Mason's actions, then turned too Sekki and almost had a heart attack. Hybrid ran over too him and tried to grab his arms. "Sekki please stop, this will not end well. He may be an ass, but more people fighting is not gonna make this better." She tried.

@Nerdyy @hudhouse @GoldenChari
Nerdyy said:
(Is Sekki a legit powerful character? That's just annoying.)
"Calm down, little... umm... beast-blob... thing that gave me hot chocolate. I won't kill them." He said, and then he started to think. At least not yet.

He laughed a bit as he slowly backed up, watching the thing try to impale him with machetes.
(Sekki is a literal penguin in strength and durability. His magic is his strongest power, and he barely knows anything there... except for a few things)

Sekki fumed, his anger clearly visible. He aimed a wing to the sky before declaring, "Name's Sekki the Prinny Dood! I won't let you hurt my master Dood! I still got 500 years of sins to work off Dood, I don't need another master!" Sekki turned his back to Tyler, throwing out everything he can find in his pouch towards him. Bombs, skulls, machetes, marsh mellows and tea leaves flooded the air!

Then Hybrid grabbed him, and stopping his onslaught. He closed his pouch and said, "Sorry Dood..." It was clearly not towards Tyler.
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(Oh my gosh.. Sekki.. please just... please just marry me...)

"Bye bye... DOOD...", he sighed, and started to walk back into the Avengers' Tower.
Nerdyy said:
(Oh my gosh.. Sekki.. please just... please just marry me...)
"Bye bye... DOOD...", he sighed, and started to walk back into the Avengers' Tower.
People start to realize that there is a large penguin sized crater about 30 feet away from where Sekki came from, and a penguin sized hole through the glass of Avenger's tower. Sekki slowly lifts up a wing, "...Bye bye Dood... uhhhh.." He falls over, planking on his stomach with his bat wings standing straight up.
Hybrid shyly smiled and hugged Sekki. "It's Okay. Just Conner seems to know that guy so it's best we don't kill him until we can get information." She glared at Tyler. "Even though the man can't get to the point and keeps beating around the damn bush." Then she stood up as Tyler began to walk away. "Don't let the door hit you on the way in!" she yelled, before turning back too Sekki.

"Your Magic wasn't half bad back there, nice work. Though save it for when we need to use it and not just cuz the DOOD is a jerk." She turned too Mason quickly as well. "What got you so worked up?! We had him PINNED!!!"

@Nerdyy @GoldenChari
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