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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Hybrid was shocked by the man's arrival, in front of her at least. Before she regained her somewhat awkward composure. "Whoa! Hey!" She said then heard the mans words, letting go of mason's hand and crossing her arms. "If your referring too me that is very rude you know."

"Hmm? No. I do not know who I am referring to. The one who gave me the info didn't give any names. So, just to be safe..."

He tilted his head down a bit.

" I'll just kill you ALL!"

He launched at Hyrbrid first.

@Yngwie Schutz
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Hybrid smirked, charging ahead as well before sidestepping his attack. Then reached out for his head, turning her back and forearm to steel in case he dodged.

"Sekki, would you mind making some hot chocolate for out guest?"

"That'd be nice.. Thank you."

He laughed, and dodged her attack.
Hybrid stepped back a second and transformed her arm too throwing knives and began too toss them at the intruder. Moving to a bit of a kneeling poition to be more accurate. "How about we take this outside Mr..Pardon me I don't know your name."

Sekki lifted up the trey, already prepared! He screamed out, "Free hot chocolate Doods! Prinny stamp of quality guaranteed doods!"
He dodged the throwing knives, but one or two scratched his skin.

"Outside? Very well. But know that every civilian killed is on you. Also, my named is The Corrupt Serpent. Of course that's not my real name, but why would I give you my real name?" He said while he grabbed a cup of hot chocolate.

@Yngwie Schutz
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Hybrid's eyes widened a bit at Sekki, a little surprised but grateful he accually did it. She smirked and a devilish grin. Hearing the blonde's words she nodded. "Understandable, I didn't give you my name either."She stood up and grabbed a mug from the tray, muttering a quick 'Thanks and Sorry' before she charged at the 'Corrupt Serpent'. "Alright, you can just try." She threw the hot chocolate from the mug into his face, then began to reach for his collar to pull him out the window behind him.

Cassie heard the commotion and she put down. Her pencil with a sigh. "Friday, what now?"

"I'm nor sure. I'm still recovering from a hacking attempt done on me but I'm sure it's nothing major."

Cassie stood, held out her hand, and one of her gauntlets flew to it and attached itself to her.

"Game on."

She sprinted up the stairs and out to Hybrid and Sekki and... Someone else who looked vaguely like somei e she knew, but she couldn't put her finger on it. "OI!" she yelled at him "DONT MOVE!"
At Joseph's cold hard refusal at the suggestions put forward by Morgan and Sarah, Kat couldn't help but laugh. If it were someone else she would be concerning herself over the corruption of power but this was Joseph, he didn't seem to have a single bad thought in him. Or an intelligent one either, judging by the question he asked in response to her. She looked at him for a moment to see if he was joking but as he clearly wasn't Kat answered, trying to be as least patronising as possible. "Literal footprints, yes I'm sure, but also things left behind. More than just 'stuff'. It was a large army who fought for your realm and they all needed shelter, one can't exactly take a whole barracks with them back through the bifrost." As she finished she heard the beginnings of the fight and, apparently underwhelmed, sighed and said "Does this not get tiring for everyone involved?"

@Archon @LokiofSP
TCS had dodged the chocolate, and stopped moving like Cassie said to.

"Ah.. the "Iron Girl".", he said mockingly.

"Let's test that theory."

As if he was some ninja, TCS's foot was almost immediately in the face of Cassie.

@sitanomoto @Yngwie Schutz
Hybrid heard Cassie's voice behind her in the commotion, this was bad, he was planning to kill everyone. Soon enough he was right in front of Cassie. Hybrid had jumped off the window and was now behind the serpent. "Eyes on me." before grabbing his collar and moving her leg, now made of steel, to kick him in the gut.

"Move or he's gonna kill you!" she screamed at Cassie.

@Nerdyy @sitanomoto
Connor had slid off the armrest he was sitting on when the newcomer dropped in, it wasn't exactly unheard of for someone he didn't know to show up at the tower. So at first the blonde had just watched, when the stranger had spoken of killing them and lunged that's when Connor readied himself. Though not much happened until the two decided to move it outside.

Once Cassie arrived things heated up once again, there was no way for Connor to cross the room in time. No shield to throw, he grabbed for the tray that Sekki held. Connor spun once before he sent the tray zooming, rather awkwardly at the attacker.

@Nerdyy @sitanomoto @hudhouse @Yngwie Schutz
He was then kicked by a... steel gut?

"Now... who might you be...? Thor? Bruce?

He staggered back a few feet.

"Eyes on you? You want to die... that badl-..."

Both his mask and hood were immediately knocked off by the flying tray.


"You little brat!"

@Crono @Yngwie Schutz @sitanomoto
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Crono said:
Connor had slid off the armrest he was sitting on when the newcomer dropped in, it wasn't exactly unheard of for someone he didn't know to show up at the tower. So at first the blonde had just watched, when the stranger had spoken of killing them and lunged that's when Connor readied himself. Though not much happened until the two decided to move it outside.
Once Cassie arrived things heated up once again, there was no way for Connor to cross the room in time. No shield to throw, he grabbed for the tray that Sekki held. Connor spun once before he sent the tray zooming, rather awkwardly at the attacker.

@Nerdyy @sitanomoto @hudhouse @Yngwie Schutz
((When in doubt, use a tray :3))

Cassie ducked swiftly under the foot, grabbing his leg. "Not the first time!" She said. She looked over at the guy who was trying to attack her. "You need to CALM. THE. HELL. DOWN." she yelled, eyes blazing with fury. "AND TELL ME WHO YOU ARE."
"Very well... I will tell you... I wasn't told anyone here was evil. You all have passed my test..."

"My name is Tyler. And I am perfectly calm."

He smiled, but still had a slightly evil look in his eye, which made the smile that much weirder.
Hybrid was unamused, she grabbed his collar and yanked him up on the stairs. So they could see eye too eye.

white hair, red eyes.

Reminded her too much of something unpleasant. "What test would that be Mr. I Will Kill EVERYTHING IN SIGHT?!" she spat in his face, her eyes momentarily flashed their own violent blood red. She bit her cheek, trying to calm herself down.

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Cassie lowered her arm and crossed them, following Hybrid to the stairs. "What the heck. That was a test? I am so done with today." She said. "Okay, 'Tyler'" she said, "what the hell are you doing trying to kill everyone?" She turned to Connor and pointed to the door to his room. "Go get your sheild, Kiddie Cap. You might need it."
He wiped the spit off.

"Ugh... A test of strength, of course." He smiled.

"Now please... put me down before you lose an arm.."

He looked at Connor. "You are very... hmm... let's just say you use the environment wisely."
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Connor had been moving across the room following after the tray when his movement slowed to a halt at the sight before him. The person revealed under the cloak and mask looking oddly familiar to him, the blondes eyes looked him over as if searching for some hidden clue, He looks like... Then he spoke his name and it was like Connor'd just been hit by a brick wall, "Ty..ler?" That's what he'd said...but it couldn't be.

@Nerdyy @sitanomoto @Yngwie Schutz
She smirked again. "Cut it off all you want, It'll just come back." She put her other hand out and summoned the knives towards her, holding them in her opposing hand. "You on the other hand, I'm assuming can't grow back your head. Why are you here?" She glared into his eyes, her knives only inches away. She ignored Conner to keep her intensity.

@Nerdyy @Crono @sitanomoto
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"That's m' name! Good job, you just passed preschool!"

"No reason, I just wanted to see if what they said about you Next-Gen peoples is true..."

(For reference, I like to give Audio Examples... My character sounds like Bryce Papenbrook. Specifically Valya.)


@Crono @sitanomoto @Yngwie Schutz
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"But..your not...are you? How old are you?" Connor's words came at a stuttering pace as he tried to decipher just what he was looking at. The fact that the girl had a knife to his throat and that Cassie had told him to go get his shield were pretty much beyond him at this point.


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