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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

National said:
(So Richie isn't included? @Archon )
1) He isn't an Avenger yet to Joseph, right? He just came from Oscorp. Joseph doesn't even know him.

2) (arguably he's a pet. ((Jk))

3) Remember how I said I need to finish off the team thingy by knowing ALL the Avengers? Yeah, I can't give him a team without knowing all our members.
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(Sorry I couldnt respond sooner, phone locked me out of RP nation for some reason. Are pets or tiny hero's not included? If so then Sekki is with Hybrid. *supressing self from making a hybrid joke*)
[QUOTE="Yngwie Schutz]

(Sorry I couldnt respond sooner, phone locked me out of RP nation for some reason. Are pets or tiny hero's not included? If so then Sekki is with Hybrid. *supressing self from making a hybrid joke*)

(Someone like ant-man would count, but Sekki is more of a pet penguin. So he just with Hybrid, yeah ^^)
National said:
Desimus pulls out a small sleek tablet from his pocket, and he throws it in the air, expanding until it shows a hologram of a massive space ship, almost the size of Texas.

"Introducing the Möbius X, the prized possession of Wakanda. I have put an ungodly amount of money into this thing, so I think this would be a good use."

@Reaper @Raikou Kaminari
"Seems nice, is it already complete? Did you use the wreckage of Thanos's ship to make it. Is its armor full vibranium?" Raikou said. "If it is complete just where did you park this thing, it seems like it would be to massive to just park anywhere. If it is not out in space it has to be at the bottom of the ocean."

@National @sitanomoto @Reaper

Archon said:
(Someone like ant-man would count, but Sekki is more of a pet penguin. So he just with Hybrid, yeah ^^)
(Sorry my post was reaaaaally confusing. What i nean too say is beacuse he is consitered a pet, is he allowed in a group? This is not my best morning.)
Morgan nodded at the thought of the team, then snapped his fingers at a thought, "Oh wait! We could totally have team names and battle cries! It would boost team spirit! And because I'M on this team, we should call it....The Defenders! Or Morgan's Masterful Masses! Either is great! But O prefer Morgan's Masterful Masses!'

Sarah stood up and took a breath, finally fine enough to not be heaving, she snorted at a thought, "Like the idea of a team name, but we should TOTALLY be called the Web Warrior's...Don't ask why..."

@Archon @Lemoncakes (I like the way this is being done, but just so people don't flip out, you should probably make a second list for the pets)
Strout then looked around, and then said "I am stout? I am strout?" Meaning, 'Richie? Where are you buddy?' He started to move couches, and looked under stoves. "I am strout?" He asked himself. Meaning 'Richie, where are you?' He desperately looked around, but found no sign of him. Maxton walked downstairs and saw strout looking for Richie. He decides to call him on comms. "Richie. Where are ya? Strout is looking for you like a lost child." He said as strout grew nervous and worried. @National
"Möbius X?" Dimitri asked. "Does the X stand for ten? I hope this thing hasn't been destroyed nine times. I'm not looking to set up base in the Death Star." @National
Kat has been quietly looking out at the view of the city, whatever thoughts she was heaving completely unreadable from her face. It only took the word 'goddess' however for her to turn her head to look back to the room, and Joseph as he began to spill out the plan that had left him uncharacteristically quiet. Turning to look at him fully she didn't interject as he continued on as if her presence was a given but did raise her eyebrows at him. At his request of a bow however she couldn't hold back the small sarcastic laugh.

"Oh yes, the smiths of Asgard would fall over themselves to provide free weaponry to Midgardians at the request of the daughter of the disgraced Prince." Kat said with a roll of her eyes before softening slightly. "But I will agree to help you - conditionally - and so I may have an alternative offering. After all, Asgard was here for a long time and we left footprints." She finished, with a smile as cryptic as her words. "And as for team names, is alliteration a requirement? Or just a popular choice?"

@Archon @LokiofSP
Joseph laughed in fake amusement, before looking once it Morgan, then at Sarah with a friendly smile - followed by the blunt word of "No." He stated throwing his hand against his hip, and staring at them both for a quiet second. "I'm team Leader, so clearly I decide! It's a Joetatorship! I think a name like 'The Vanguards'... But yeah, Morgan's Masses and Web Warriors are just no goes, as Team Leader, my say goes!" He said jokingly, holding his hand up against them.

Of course then Kat put her own input in, which was actually really quite useful.
"Footprints? Like, left stuff behind, like Asgardian bows? Or literal footprints?" He asked foolishly, not catching on to the obvious metaphor thrown before him, and the comment about Loki going in one ear and out the other. "Also, as I am a fair ruler, team names are indeed popular vote! Unless I don't like them, of course..." He added on the end with a glance to Sarah and Morgan, paired with an 'in your face' wink aimed at the two.

@LokiofSP @Lemoncakes
Reaper said:
"Möbius X?" Dimitri asked. "Does the X stand for ten? I hope this thing hasn't been destroyed nine times. I'm not looking to set up base in the Death Star." @National
(Insert Oohohohohohohoho meme here.)

Meanwhile, criminal activity from a specific person dropped quite fast. People claim it was from some sort of Vigilante.

The moment he comes from that door, he's dead
, Tyler thought.

The criminal then walked through the door, and he was immediately hit with a knife.
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Alex looks up at Connor smiling. "Sort of. How was your day?" He says jokingly, his eyes shifting to the bag he had with him, kicking it slightly. "Any thing I can do around here? I really feel a little as a stranger. Oh, and how're the others?"

Connor listened as Mason voiced his discomfort with his powers, followed by Hybrid offering to spar. "There's some training rooms in the lower levels we can use if you guys are serious about this."

Turning back to Alex he arched a brow, "Your hardly a stranger, this is much of home as you'll make it." Connor shrugged, "You saw the best bit. I don't know what Mitri's problem is." The blonde did smile though, "Aedan's awake, sleeping in the med wing last I checked."

@GoldenChari @AnnoDomini @Yngwie Schutz @hudhouse @others
A few hours after the criminal had died (my post about the criminal dying was set a few hours ago), a creaking sound was heard in the pipe system of the area that Connor, Mason, and Alex.

@Crono @AnnoDomini @others
Hybrid nodded at Conner and smiled. "Great!" that was when she heard the noise from above. It was waaaay too loud too be a rat or an animal. She waved while looking upward into the nearest air vent, hoping the intruder could see her. The best thing too do when in danger is to smile.

She was overjoyed with excitement, this was the first in a long time she was able to hang out with people, and not just talk too them, those were two completely different things. Finally, one of the first times in her life, she wasn't looked at like an absolute freak. It was the best feeling in the world. Quickly, she grabbed Mason's wrist and began too pull him toward the elevators. "Come on!"

@Nerdyy @hudhouse @anyone else
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Before they reached the elevators, Tyler had hopped down in front of them, with a voice changer, hood and mask, so no one knew who he was at all.

"I've gained intel that there's someone here who isn't very... famous..." He said, looking at Hybrid and Connor.

His eyes went wide when he saw Connor, but he kept his thoughts to himself.

@Yngwie Schutz @Crono
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((All this hopping out of nowhere in Avengers Tower has got to stop, next post I'm having Joseph use Avenger/Stark funds to hire security, and a private army immediately!))
(He's not hopping out of nowhere. I thought I made it clear that he spent a few hours getting in, and then snuck in through the pipes.)
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((There was no indication of him spending hours getting in, just 'noise in the pipes' then 'here he is!' it doesn't say in any of your posts, he spent a few hours sneaking into Avengers Tower... Sorry if I'm coming off as rude, but it wasn't made clear...))
Archon said:
((There was no indication of him spending hours getting in, just 'noise in the pipes' then 'here he is!' it doesn't say in any of your posts, he spent a few hours sneaking into Avengers Tower... Sorry if I'm coming off as rude, but it wasn't made clear...))
Nerdyy said:
A few hours after the criminal had died (my post about the criminal dying was set a few hours ago), a creaking sound was heard in the pipe system of the area that Connor, Mason, and Alex.
@Crono @AnnoDomini @others
(I hope this makes it clear. If it isn't, I'm sorry, but that's what I was going for...)

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