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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Mason responded and she removed her arms, with her hands up as if she was about to get arrested. Though she felt like it. Her hair stayed the same length, but turned a more burnt orange color.

"Sorry again." she said before looking at him in the eyes. "You see, my body is molecularity unstable, so I need an organic base to copy every now and then in order too keep a humanoid form. Thank you for your donation. Before you ask, no I don't take your powers, I know how too sort out what I need. Your hair is cool though." She said putting down one of her hands too pick up and admire her ponytail. Her eyes widened a bit. "Were gonna have a base on the moon?! That would be awesome!"

@GoldenChari @Everyone
"Things have been running smoothly. Came home a little early because I missed my kid." He threw one arm around Finn's shoulders and pulled him close. Finn let himself stay in that position as he knew that he wouldn't get out of it too easily. He might as well just stay that way. Bruce had indeed come home to visit Finn for a while, but also to watch over him. When he had found out about the abductions of the kids he had come home immediately to make sure that Finn was alright. He had never imagined that the Avengers would have turned into this, and silently he wanted to pull his kid out and move far away from the madness. The events of today only persuaded him all the more to take his son far away from here. He could have been permanently stuck in that form. When Philip asked if they knew why they were here Bruce nodded. "Symbiote right? Finn mentioned that he had some of my DNA in him so I'm guessing he's having some problems controlling the Hulk part of him?" Finn pulled away from his dad and gratefully took the seat. "Is Maul okay?"

@Steel Zinogre
Connor gave Mason the Are you serious? look, "Iiit's a paper clip. Unless it's made of 24 karat's or you stole it from the president I doubt it really matters." The blonde smiled and padded him on the shoulder sympathetically before moving around Mason and out of the kitchen. Once back in the main room his eyes wandered to the balcony where Dimitri had left with a sight. What happened to the good old days where things were simple?

Finn seemed to have left as well, Connor couldn't help but wonder if he'd gone to Oscorp for a moment before shaking the thought from his head. Connor wouldn't blame him even if he did, instead the blonde set his eyes on the big dope sitting in a chair. Moving closer he came to sit on the arm rest of that same chair, "Long day?" He asked Alex rather casually, staring off at the others who were still in the large room.

@GoldenChari @AnnoDomini
Reaper said:
"So it's settled, then." Said Dimitri , folding his arms.
Harry looked confused. "No. It's not settled then-"

"So it's settled then. Moon base it is." Dimitri interrupted, before looking in the way of the elevator. "Xavier's kid is on her way up. That was quick. And she isn't sad or nervous, so I'm guessing she was successful." @sitanomoto @Raikou Kaminari
"Great so Moon Base and Dimitri will get his Sentry knowledge. So while we wait about the new team, I feel there may be those on the Avengers who can be talked into joining us. Mainly Desimus a relatively new member, who's been under their influence but is not under too much influence he can't swing back. We just need to show things are better here and that he has a better fit here." Raikou replied.

@sitanomoto @National
Cassie sighed and sat down on the cold tile floor of the kitchen.

She wanted Dimitri back, she wanted Lisa back, and she wanted to listen to them, see what they needed to say, and she wanted this whole split thing to be done.

She stated her back against a cabinet and looked at the ceiling. She knew that if she didn't do something about the obviously growing rift in the team, she would lose everyone she loved to fighting.

It was time to step up and be a leader.

She stood, gritting her teeth, and went down to her lab. She opened a drawer, grabbed some paper and a pencil, and began to sketch out a new design for a next Gen base, or Base Mark II as she would call it.

It all started with the tower.

The tower would need to be upgraded. Shatter-proof windows, an enhanced security system, and reenforced walls to keep the tower from falling over like it had countless times before.

Then there was the second base. The base that they could get to anywhere, at anytime. The problem was location. Where would someone put the base? She put her face against the cold hard surface of the desk she was working at and thought hard.
CasualDragon said:
"Things have been running smoothly. Came home a little early because I missed my kid." He threw one arm around Finn's shoulders and pulled him close. Finn let himself stay in that position as he knew that he wouldn't get out of it too easily. He might as well just stay that way. Bruce had indeed come home to visit Finn for a while, but also to watch over him. When he had found out about the abductions of the kids he had come home immediately to make sure that Finn was alright. He had never imagined that the Avengers would have turned into this, and silently he wanted to pull his kid out and move far away from the madness. The events of today only persuaded him all the more to take his son far away from here. He could have been permanently stuck in that form. When Philip asked if they knew why they were here Bruce nodded. "Symbiote right? Finn mentioned that he had some of my DNA in him so I'm guessing he's having some problems controlling the Hulk part of him?" Finn pulled away from his dad and gratefully took the seat. "Is Maul okay?"
@Steel Zinogre @sitanomoto
"He is having major issues with that. I will show you." Coulson said as he pushes play on a remote, and it showed maul smashing human Finn into the ground, and sarah reilly stabbing his head to stop him. "This is one issue. But here is what went on in his head during his current coma." Coulson said as he switched the discs, and it showed a recording of Maul's dream.

The one where he saw everyone dead, but finn and jade get up and blame Maul for their death. Then started to get beat up by a very angry Smasher. Then the scene changed to the different Hulk forms that Bruce had to control before, een the Devil Hulk. "I find this disturbing...... Especially from a 5 year old mind, which is just as fragile as a child's." coulson stated before exhaling. "I called this meeting to make sure he can control his anger, and other emotions....... Mainly because he is wanted by the National Guard. He was lucky enough to be in a coma in our base." He added. @CasualDragon
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Mason sighed. "But ya take my hair color just about?" He asked, snorting in humor. "It's fine, no worry." He cracked his neck and stepped into the main room. "Yo Connor?" Mason called out. "Got anywhere I could safely show you my powers?" Mason asked. "You at least need to see them if I am to be a avenger. Plus, you may- You will want readings on them." Mason said, biting the inside of his cheek nervously, though he was determined.

@Yngwie Schutz @Crono
Turning too Mason, she jumped near him again. "Hey, How about you spar with me! I haven't used much attack power in a while now. They've gotta have computers here to measure you. So why don't I jump in? It'll be fun I promise!" She said.

She then pulled some of her hair out of her black hoodie and tied it up in a ponytail behind her. "Besides, I like your hair, It's a pretty good texture, easy to manage."

Mason gulped. "Do I have to use my powers in the spar...?" He asked. He knew he was great without his powers but if she said he had too... He would do it but not for long.

@Yngwie Schutz
She thought for a second. "You don't have too use your powers. That would give you a chance to measure them though. You won't hurt me I promise." She said reassuringly. She knew he was a mutant with a lot of power but she wanted too see what he could do.

Yngwie Schutz]"[B]Great![/B]" she said and turned towad him. "[B]Do you know where we go? I'm assuming we can't fight in the conference room. Can we ask Friday?[/B]" [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27299-goldenchari/ said:
Sekki walked in with one wing to the air, he announced happily, "You Doods going to spar?! Could this Dood tag along Doods?"
Hybrid smiled again, nodding before she looked too Mason. "I'll leave it up too you. I'm sure he can handle himself but if you don't feel comfortable I'll just spar, besides I challenged you so you can make the rules to some degree." She glanced at Sekki momentarily as if too say. 'you have puppy dog eyes right?'

@GoldenChari @hudhouse

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