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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Mason stood up and walked over to a guy in a onsie, still looking down, unaware Cassie knew who he was. "Got a french vinella capachino anywhere sir?" He asked the guy.

@Steel Zinogre @sitanomoto
Hybrid nodded and tried to suppress laughter. "Being Dead IS kinda fun. My real name that I took on in America was Ann-Marie...I don't know my biological mothers last name but my foster parents last name was Szabo. My first name in German was Konni Alerik. Konni Alerik Szabo. but I went by my initals, call me Kas in here. Not sure if I want them knowing my name on the outside ya know."

"Good..." Connor had mumbled, leaning against the counter on his arms and shoving his face into his hands. A headache had formed from the stress of the day, he was aware of Mason's presence. Then Cassie said a name he hadn't heard in a while and curiously he pushed off the marble top to see Ivory standing in front of Cassie.

His jaw went a little slack as they all conversed and reacted and Connor just stood as if time had stopped, staring at the teen. "You...you jerk! You gave me death letters to hand out of all things...I can't...I think...I think I need to sit down." Connor said, feeling dizzy he plopped himself onto a stool and lowered his forehead onto the cool marble surface. You can wake up anytime now, aaaaanytime.

@Steel Zinogre
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LokiofSP said:
Ivory exhaled a breath as the tugging on his hat grew, "I mean I NEVER died, wasn't even close. I was blown up, so what? I took a bullet to the head before, I can take a gas explosion. I didn't come back because...Well...I was a crapy person, I did terrible things and thought in terrible ways, I NEEDED time to learn what life was besides superheroing and being a lab rat. I found out that I wasn't ready to be a hero yet, I was a kid playing dress up, I needed to grow up...Still do.... I came by because I felt horrible for lying..."

Cassie bit her lip, then took a deep breath. "Okay, so what you're telling me is that you let everyone believe that you were dead so that you could grow up and mature and become a better person?" She thought for a moment, then smiled a little. "I can respect that."

She looked at Connor, then reached over and rubbed his back comfortingly.

She turned back to Ivory, band still on Connor's back. "I had to drag myself out of the hole that I found myself in, and when I came out, you were gone, Marko was gone, and I had barely any memories. It took a while, but I got the courage up to read your letter. It's in my trophy case now." She looked at the ground. "I'm slightly hurt that you didn't come to me sooner, but I can respect your choices."
Ivory smiled, "Thanks, that means allot to me...Now I have to tell you one more thing... I'm not coming back. I got a scholarship to Emory university, I'm heading down there soon for a degree in philosiphy, then I'm gonna aim for a music career..."

@sitanomoto @Crono
"Being a servant seems a bit harsh, but if you need to get out of a situation then i guess I don't mind as long as it isn't permanent. I don't like being treated before someone else." She answered honestly. "Besides you said yourself while I am a Prinny."

LokiofSP said:
Ivory smiled, "Thanks, that means allot to me...Now I have to tell you one more thing... I'm not coming back. I got a scholarship to Emory university, I'm heading down there soon for a degree in philosiphy, then I'm gonna aim for a music career..."

@sitanomoto @Crono
Cassie nearly teared up, but she nodded. "I understand." She gave him a hug. "My door is always open, and if you do manage to get a career in music...." She grinned playfully. "Send me an album or two, some tickets, and an autographed photo to put in my case, and I'll send you a homemade guitar of epic style proportions."
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Connor turned his head on the counter so he could see them out of the corner of his eye. Yup, he's still there. Okay, maybe I'm not dreaming then. "I'm happy for you Ivory. I just hate that you felt like you had to fake your death to do it." With a breath he raised his head up and smiled, "It's your life, and you do with it what you want."

@sitanomoto @LokiofSP
While Cassie talked with ivory, Brute wakes up from his long, recovery nap. He yawned as he walked out of the room he and Helga slept in. He then went upstairs as he made rumbling sounds in his throat, catching the attention of the others. Nevermore has gone away for a while, and he is heading to her room, waiting for her to come back to him. He then curled up on the ground, and waited. By doing this, he is showing just how loyal he is to his friend/ rider.

Bubbles slides around the hallways upstairs, cleaning the dirt off the floors. She had managed to give the floors a polished shine, and the goes into a bathroom, where she gets in a tub, and shrieked for terry to turn on the water. @sitanomoto
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Terry yawned and rubbed his eyes, walking to the bathroom. "Alright, Alright Bubbles I'm coming..." He turned on the water and sat down next to the tub, his head slouching down. Much like Cassie, Terry was very difficult to wake up unless something was serious.

Nevermore opened the door to her room and smiled, getting down on her stomach in front of Brute's snout. She put her head in her hands and grinned at the big Wyvern.
Augustus nodded and stated, "Of course not permanent. If not a servant, think of me more as... the orphan who you took in and wants to make ya happy. I don't know. I need to be a servant of one member of the Avengers happily for my contract to be filled, and you Kas? You've suffered, I want to help make ya and the others happy." He offered a hand and stated, "Come on, I can only do this for 6 turns before I 'DOOD' out of here."

sitanomoto said:
Terry yawned and rubbed his eyes, walking to the bathroom. "Alright, Alright Bubbles I'm coming..." He turned on the water and sat down next to the tub, his head slouching down. Much like Cassie, Terry was very difficult to wake up unless something was serious.
Nevermore opened the door to her room and smiled, getting down on her stomach in front of Brute's snout. She put her head in her hands and grinned at the big Wyvern.
Bubbles squeals with glee as warm water flowed into the tub. She then gently tugged on his ear, as if to thank him.for helping her.

Brute elevated his head, and snorted, and made a happy rumbling noise as he saw Nevermore. He gets up and rubs his face on hers, showing his happiness to a level.
Ivory smiled and wiped the tears away from his eyes, "Great, now you guys are making me cry and shiz...I promise to get you guys front row seats when I make it, and I expect that guitar to be worthy of legend status Cass..." He put down gis phone number on the table, "You ever need someone to yell at, my numbers there...Thanks for everything..." He waved and began to leave the building for the final time...

@sitanomoto @Crono
Kas laughed lightly and took his hand. "Alright but not permanent remember. To be hoest, that's the first time I've ever heard those words, 'I want to make you happy', It..." Kas began to tear up and she hastily put her arm to her face and leaned down, just in time too. Her hair turned too it's original form, stark white and 6 feet long before switching back too her black hair, but her red eye and loss of one remained the same. She smiled happily at the Prinny, tears streaming down her face.

"Thank you..."

LokiofSP said:
Ivory smiled and wiped the tears away from his eyes, "Great, now you guys are making me cry and shiz...I promise to get you guys front row seats when I make it, and I expect that guitar to be worthy of legend status Cass..." He put down gis phone number on the table, "You ever need someone to yell at, my numbers there...Thanks for everything..." He waved and began to leave the building for the final time...

@sitanomoto @Crono
I wouldnt give you anything less," Cassie said, smiling and waving back. She sat down on the cold tile floor, her face blank and expressionless, the smile dripping from it lime raindrops from a car windsheild.

Too many emotions were crashing around in her head at the moment, and she couldn't keep track of them all.








And at the heart of it all....


But why? Why was she at peace?

She didn't know, but looking at the phone number on the countertop she began to formulate an idea.

Because he (Ivory)was at peace, she (Cassie) was at peace. That must have been it.

She looked at Connor, then stood and put her hand on his back. "You alright, Star spangled tights?"
The sword on the floor quivered, before reforming into Sekki and Hybrid two feet away from each other. Sekki said, "Yo Doods! Our Stats when fused are amazing Dood! Just... just..... DOOOD!"
It was bitter-sweet watching Ivory leave, Connor quickly recorded Ivory's number in his phone under a different name. Then once Cassie had managed something similar he tore up the piece of paper and shoved it into his pocket, if Ivory wanted to stay a ghost who were they to stop him? "I'm fine."

"Kind of puts things in perspective doesn't it?" He asked Cassie in a quiet low tone, watching the doorway Ivory left through. "You said I was like the glue that kept this team together...but how is that possible if I can barely keep myself together?" Turning he looked at Cassie, "I was going to leave, you know? That note I left...it was a resignation of sorts...or a hiatus...or something. After we got grabbed two weeks ago I just, I feel like I lost my drive." Shrugging his shoulders he spun on the stool and put his elbows back on the counter. "Dimitri had a point...."

Hybrid slid when she came out of sword mode. Sliding across the conference room floor, flipping over so her upper back was on the ground, continuing to slide until she ran into the wall. The shock knocked the wind out of her as he took a deep breath for air."*gasp* Woaah!! Hahaha!!"Laughing she got up and started to walk around. A little dizzy she put her hand on the wall. "..Woah..What did we miss guys?" Noticing that people were crying and there was a new leaving the room. Hybrid shakily waved too the man leaving, as if too say good bye while hanging onto the wall for balance.


@hudhouse @everyone else
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Crono said:
It was bitter-sweet watching Ivory leave, Connor quickly recorded Ivory's number in his phone under a different name. Then once Cassie had managed something similar he tore up the piece of paper and shoved it into his pocket, if Ivory wanted to stay a ghost who were they to stop him? "I'm fine."
"Kind of puts things in perspective doesn't it?" He asked Cassie in a quiet low tone, watching the doorway Ivory left through. "You said I was like the glue that kept this team together...but how is that possible if I can barely keep myself together?" Turning he looked at Cassie, "I was going to leave, you know? That note I left...it was a resignation of sorts...or a hiatus...or something. After we got grabbed two weeks ago I just, I feel like I lost my drive." Shrugging his shoulders he spun on the stool and put his elbows back on the counter. "Dimitri had a point...."

Cassie sighed. "No, Connor." She said. "No he didn't. Dimitri may be the Sentry now, but that doesn't mean he's perfect. You are the glue, and we are falling apart. You know what glue does when things start falling apart?" She crossed her arms stubbornly. "It holds it together. And I will not have you leave this team because some high-and-mighty god-boy* says we're falling apart." She sighed and sat down on the stool next to him. "Truth be told, I probably would have torn myself apart if you had left. Connor, you're the glue that holds me together. Always have been. Always will be. And you'd better get your drive back soon or I'm calling in your Father to smack it back into you." She was deadly serious.

*sorry Dimitri, but you can be sometimes.
Connor's lip curled into a faint smile at her words before fading, "If he could do it I would have already called him. And that's a lot of pressure you put on me." The blonde shook his head, "I'll always be here for you Cass. Whether I'm a hero or a civilian it doesn't matter because I'm your friend either way."

"But I nearly killed Aedan, and I'm never going to forgive myself, and I'll never forgive the people that made me do it. And I...I don't want to leave the Avengers like this, leave you guys in a time of need. But I'm afraid, I'm afraid that if I don't do something that I'm going to lose my mind. The guilt and the anger have been eating at me for so long that when I look at the mirror I don't see myself anymore. I used to aspire to be like my father, to be as good of a man as him. But I don't aspire anymore, those people said they wanted to break us down and build us back up." Connor sighed, "They did their job, they broke me." There was a shrug before he placed his head in his hands. His eyes were moist but he didn't cry, he was more ashamed than anything.

With belle ushering Bruce, jade, and Jenny to Philip Coulson's office, he smiled as he looked at them. "Glad you all could make it! Where's Finn?" He asked as jade replied, "he had more pressing things to attend to." Philip pondered for a moment, and then looked at them again. "Have a seat." He said as jade and Jennifer sat down. He then looked at Bruce, and smiled. "Would you like to sit? I bet that walk was very exhausting." He said jokingly. @CasualDragon
Crono said:
Connor's lip curled into a faint smile at her words before fading, "If he could do it I would have already called him. And that's a lot of pressure you put on me." The blonde shook his head, "I'll always be here for you Cass. Whether I'm a hero or a civilian it doesn't matter because I'm your friend either way."
"But I nearly killed Aedan, and I'm never going to forgive myself, and I'll never forgive the people that made me do it. And I...I don't want to leave the Avengers like this, leave you guys in a time of need. But I'm afraid, I'm afraid that if I don't do something that I'm going to lose my mind. The guilt and the anger have been eating at me for so long that when I look at the mirror I don't see myself anymore. I used to aspire to be like my father, to be as good of a man as him. But I don't aspire anymore, those people said they wanted to break us down and build us back up." Connor sighed, "They did their job, they broke me." There was a shrug before he placed his head in his hands. His eyes were moist but he didn't cry, he was more ashamed than anything.

Cassie took his hands. "I can help rebuild you, Connor." She pulled him into a hug. "I love you, Con. 'Kay? Don't forget that. I love you for who you are." She looked him in the eyes and wiped away the tears that were beginning to form on his face. "Put all of your pain into me. I can take it. You want to be angry? Take it out on me. You want to be guilty? Take it out on me. But don't you dare for one second think that you aren't good enough, that you'll never be good enough. Thats my problem. You say you almost killed Aedan? I did kill someone. I killed Massacre. You're afraid?" She looked at him seriously. "You don't have nightmares every night that you'll turn on your friends. You don't have dreams that haunt you, make you afraid to sleep because they feel like some sort of demented prophecy of what you might become. I had a dream that I killed all of you, Finn, you, Terry, Dimitri, my parents, all of the ones that I loved. You want to know what I was doing while I drove shrapnel into your heart and skull, Connor?" She was deadly serious. "I was laughing. Laughing, Connor." She sniffed. "And the whole time... The whole time you were looking at me with these eyes that just had betrayal written all over them." She took a deep, shaky breath. "Don't you think for one second that you can walk out the door without effecting everyone on this team, without hurting several hearts." She got very quiet and sat down on the stool next to him, staring at the counter. "Look. I can't stop you. I can't make you do something that doesn't feel right to you. But I can be your safe place when you want to go somewhere, remember that. If you want to go, you can, but my door is always open, even more so for you.

She stood and looked at her hot chocolate. "Dammit, it went cold." She muttered and then put it in the microwave without saying another word.
Raikou had electroportated to the streets of NYC, as he walked his appearance changed as he transmutated his sword and armor into electricity which he made apart of his bio electricity it allow him to summon them when he needs them. Though due to his skill level he can only carry one set to avoid complications. His outfit changed to a classic black suit and a red tie. He had high expectationsmof Oscorp security so strolling there blade at his side in his armor would be asking for a security hassle.

Raikou strolled through the doors in the Oscorp building, he expected there was likely a scanner in the door frame to determine what one is carrying. He walked up to the front desk which was really a front shelf as the receptionist was in a booth like thing likely for her own protection, this booth was likely decked out with tech and has a reinforced frame of some strong material not neccessarily metal. There probably was a security guard somewhere in there too not doubt well trained and well powered or equipped. "I am here to see Osbourne just tell Raikou Harada is here to see him. If he doesn't recognize my name just say Silver Samurai he will recognize that." Raikou explained.


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